THE ECHO VOL. XXVI TAYLOR UNIVERSITY, UPLAND, INDIANA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1938 NO. 7 Dr. Huffman Purdue Men's Troians Hosts Messiah Climaxes H. M. S. Pinafore Gives Lecture Glee Club Is To Tarkio Owls Christmas Season Chosen By Philos On Holy Land Here Thursday From Missouri! Monday Evening For Presentation Students, faculty and friends The Purdue University Men's Two presentations of the The Philos have begun plans were inspired and enlightened by Glee Club appeared on Thursday, ; greatest Christian oratorio ever for the presentation of "H. M. S. the pictures and accompanying December 14, as the second Ly­ written — this is the week-end lecture presented by Dr. J. A. ceum number of the year under accomplishment of the Taylor Pinafore," a well known work of Huffman, Friday, December 2. At the capable directing of Profes- | University Choral Society. On Gilbert and Sullivan, to be given the close of the program everyone sor Stewart and with the skilful Sunday night the chorus will sing on February 17. felt that there had been a real ad accompanying of Mr. Thornton the Messiah at the Grace M. E. Last year the successful pro­ dition to their knowledge of the | of Elkhart. /Church of Hartford City, where duction, "The Count and the Co­ Holy Land. Their program was divided Rev. Fox is the pastor. On Mon­ ed," was an innovation in musi­ In the year 1930, Dr. Huffman | into five parts. The first part day evening the chorus will give cal comedy by the Philos and was a member of the Archeologi- was composed of the following: its annual presentation of the proved the quality of Philo tal­ eal Expedition conducted jointly "The Bell Man" by Forsythe, Messiah in Shreiner auditorium. ent. This year's choice of "H. M. by Pittsburg-Xenia Theological "As I Come to Watch Over Thee" Life of Handel S. Pinafore" will give added op­ Seminary with the American by Pauley, "Star" by Rogers, "To The MESSIAH was written by portunity for the display of the School for Oriental Research in the Sea I Must Fare," and | George Frederic Handle. Handel musically gifted in the Phi la­ Jerusalem. There were eight men "Thanks Be to God" by Dixon. was born in 1685 at Halle, thean Literary Society. on this stall', six of whom were Soloists Delight Northern Germany. His parents 1he cast and the production Americans and two Europeans. were very much opposed to his The tenor soloist, Paul Woos- staff will have been selected be­ Dr. Melvin Grove Kyle was the musical career, but in spite of ter, sang several numbers as the fore Christmas vacation and president while Dr. Win. F. these wishes, he became an Albright, head of the department second part of the concert. practices are planned to be begun ardent follower of this muse. He immediately following the recess. of Semetics in Johns Hopkins "Shortnin' Bread," "Homing," "I was known as a boy-wonder in University. Love Life," and "My Little I music. He composed and par- The operetta selected by the so­ Although there are a few pic­ Banjo" alt well-known l'avor- | ticipated in musical functions, ciety was an immediate success ites-were received with appre­ H. LEWIS on Broadway, and its popularity tures which are not his own, most (Story on Page 4) first in Germany, later in Italy; of them were taken by Dr. Huff­ ciation by the audience. : but achieved his greatest success has never diminished through the years it has been played. It man himself. He traveled both During the informal third part j in England. During his last years ways on the "Europa" which had of the entertainment, the famil­ I he was stricken with blindness, is exceptionally well adapted for Faculty Dine amateur production, and it was just broken the Trans-Atlantic iar "Winter Song" and "Gianina j He directed a performance of the record making her "Mistress of Mia" from Freml's "The Firefly." And Children ; MESSIAH on April 6, 1759, just chosen with this thought in the Seas." A few travel pictures A Russian Gypsy dance with a i a week before he died. He was a mind. The Philos began the year successfully upon the sea, and were shown. member of the chorus perform­ Give Proqram 'Plolitic wr'ter> an(i his 74 years ing the gymnastics, and Victor ** i were extremely busy and uneven. feel that a continuance of the The excavation was conducted theme will further swell the wave at Kirjath-Sepher, which is fifty Herbert's "Romany Life" with The annual Christmas dinner1 Several times his enei»'es suc- solo by Charlotte Stewart, con­ of blue and white popularity. miles southeast of Jerusalem. for the faculty and their families ceeded in driving him into com­ cluded this section of the con­ Before entering into this, how­ was held in Recreation Hall Mon­ plete ruin, yet with an indomit­ cert. ever, Dr. Huffman spent 3 weeks day evening, December 12. The able spirit he came back each touring Syria and 2 weeks touring Alma Mater Concludes table decorations of holly were time to achieve a success far out­ Complete Program Palestine. He toured all of Pales­ For an intermission the pianist simple and beautifully in keep­ shining his previous accomplish­ ments. tine from east to west, and from for the group played "Romance" ing with the Christmas season. For "Messiah" north to south. A few of the by Sibellius, and the "6th Hun­ The favors were tiny sleds—the His Great Work Prophecies and Fulfillment choice pictures of Syria were garian Rhapsody" by Liszt. His sled being the theme for the oc­ Handel began the MESSIAH on shown, and also pictures of the encore number was Durant's casion. The dinner menu was August 22 and finished it Septem­ Overture pyramids in Egypt. The picture Recitative—(tenor)—Comfort Ye My "Waltz." delicious. ber 14, 1741. The greatest oratorio People. of the greatest pyramids, Cheops, The last part of the program of all times completed in less Air—(tenor)—Every Valley Shall Be was shown with Dr. Huffman Tomato Juice Cocktail included the following: "The than 24 days! He spent seven Exalted. standing on the top. City Chicken Mashed Potatoes Chorus—And the Glory of the Lord. Animals Come In," "Mighty Lak days on Part I; nine days on Part Gravy Peas II; six days on Part III; and Recitative—(bass)—Thus Saith the a Rose," "The Blind Plough­ Lord. Cranberry Salad finished the orchestration in two man," "How Can I Leave Thee?", Air—(bass)—But Who May Abide the Celery, Olives and Pickles days. The MESSIAH contains 19 Dr. Pittinger "In the Still of the Night," "Star­ Day of His Coming? Date Roll with Whipped Cream | choruses, 15 recitatives, 17 airs, Recitative—(alto)—Behold, A Virgin dust," Air from "Naughty Mari­ Coffee 1 duet, an overture, and a Pas­ Shall Conceive. Stresses Need etta," and the Purdue Alma Air—(alto)—and Chorus—0 Thou toral Symphony. At Taylor we Mater song. The children furnished the That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion. Of Education program in the parlors. They, present only a part of the entire Recitative—(bass)—For, Behold, presented the plav, "Santa Went oratorl°- Complete, its presenla- Darkness Shall Cover the Earth. tion woul<1 Air—(bass)—The People That Dr. Pittenger, district superin­ On a Strike." Bobby Fenster- require three to four Walked in Darkness. tendent of the Kokomo district, Toyland Theme macher, as Santa, with all of his hours. Chorus—For Unto Us A Child Is had the chapel address, Friday, helpers, brought in a sled full of All the words of the MESSIAH Born. In Dining Hall which were distributed, are taken from Scripture. The Pastoral Symphony. December 16. His talk centered gifts Recitative—(soprano)—There Were around the relation of Christian Special music was played bv Paul j libretto has been accredited to Surprise! Toyland greeted Tro­ Shepherds Abiding in the Field. education to a vital Christian ex­ Sobel and Robert Jackson. Charles Jennens, a very conceited Recitative—(soprano)—And Lo! the jans who, unsuspecting a new perience. He first brought out The guest of honor was Bishop ! versifier, but recent I scholars Angel of the Lord Came upon Them. trick by Santa, trooped into the re en s ron | Recitative—(soprano) — And the strongly the point that Christian Wade, who spoke briefly. Mrs j P ? g evidence that the dining hall December ninth for Angel Said unto Them. experience begins in religious real selector of the eat oraton the annual Christmas dinner. Witmer was chairman of the §[ ° | Recitative—(soprano)—And Sudden­ education. A person must know committee who planned the £as, a P°°r named ly There Was with the Angel. Twelve campus children were 1 something about Christ before he ,. Pooley, from whom Jennens stole Chorus—Glory to God. gathered about a fireplace laden Recitative—(alto)—Then Shall the can give his heart to Him. One ' all the credit and acclaim. with stockings full of potentiali­ Eyes of the Blind Be Opened. excellent way to begin this edu­ The MESSIAH is presented by ties. Gay lights, an ornamented Air—(alto)—He Shall Feed His cation is in the home. A normal many choirs and choral societies, Flock Like A Shepherd. tree, and toys everywhere kin­ Evangelist Talks respect for the divinity of God both ecclesiastical and secular Air—(soprano)—Come unto Him. dled the spirit of St. Nicholas in On Revival Needs in the parents encourages a re­ each Christmas time. It was first i The Passion and Triumph every heart.
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