Northeastern University Serving the African Diaspora ... A Oriol in Today's Times November 1993 Freeing Black history of itsKee~ mystery on Worldly historian tells it like it is Mov1n' By Demole Jegede Hislorian Van Sertima covery amazed botanists; Former Panther Onyx Staff revealed inconsistencies in they could not figure out the telling of African and how it got to America, calls students to African-Ameri-can history according to Van Sertima. the struggle to a crowd of about 50 at a One theory was that the banquet held by the seed floated to America by By Natasha S. Bramble Association of Black itself. When scientists tried OnyxStaff Cultural Centers on Novem­ to put a cotton seed in salt The Black Panther Party Dave Hilliard, former leader ber 6. water, the seed lost via­ of Black Panthers talks about "What is past is still with bility after three weeks. - known to many, under­ the good ol' days. File Photo us. We are born with the Scientist the theorized that stood by few. To the black examines racial divisions in dead. We become stupid perhaps a bird brought over community they were icons, America. when we forget," says Van the African cotton seed. It leaders, revolutionists. The Hilliard is the second Sertima, underlining the was eventually decided that government, however, per­ Black Panther Party mem­ importance of historical the way in which the seed ceived them as menaces to ber to speak at Northeastern knowledge. came to America was a society, trigger-crazed Dr. Ivan Van Sertima speaks this year. Elaine Brown, at conference for Black cul• "A great schizophrenia mystery, says Van Sertima. youths starving for atten­ once leader of the Panthers tural centers. has occurred in the Euro­ "All of our vision, all of tion. One-time Federal Bu­ Pholo by Euitac:loHumphrty spoke at Northeastern in pean mind. They had to our historical references reau of Investigations direc­ March, touting her book, A "When we study Europe, build a world that made about Africa has to be push­ tor J. Edgar Hoover labeled Taste of Power: The Auto­ we see the best. In Africa, them seem right; that al­ ed aside," says Van Sertima. them the most dangerous biography of a Black we study the worst ," says lowed them to sleep at "We all thought Pharaohs organization in the country. Woman. Dr Ivan Van Sertima, re­ night," says Van Sertima. were born in Egypt. It is not David Hilliard, former When founder Huey nowned historian and author As an example, Van true," Van Sertima explains. leader of this organization, of several books, including Sertima discussed the fact "It has been found that they spoke to Northeastern stu­ Newton breathed life into They Came Before Colum­ that American cotton is were born in the part of dents on November 4th the Black Panther Party in bus: The African Presence intermarried with an Afri­ Africa that is indisputably about the history of the 1966, the political landscape Party. Hilliard is the author was dotted with revolution­ in Ancient America. can cotton. Such a dis- Continutd on Pagt 8. of This Side of Glory, which ary groups bellowing Marx­ ism or black nationalism. Notable supporters of the Ujamaa Mart in Dudley Panthers included Yale University president King­ man Brewster, conductor Vendors unify for economic profit Leonard Bernstein and By Roger Davy 1992. Madrey, formerly a actors Marlon Brando, Jane Special to The Onyx street vendor, surveyed the Fonda and Jean Seberg. Boston area to find the best The Black Panther Party, The Ujamaa Mart is more location for African-Ameri­ founded in Oakland, CA than consciousness. It is can stores. was "born out of the stress African economic tradition Dudley Square proved of the civil rights move­ that everyone can benefit ideal for the Mart. Madrey ment," Hilliard said. The from , especially during brought in his business, Black Panther Party stretch­ today 's tough economic Missing Link , which sells ed nation wide with as many times. Ujamaa is Swahili for Afro-centric T-shirts, hats as 30 chapters. It was a Cooperative Economics and and portraits. home grown, grass roots is the fourth principle of the The Ujamaa Mart has organization. African-American holiday, been open for almost a year. "We were not about black Kwanzaa. Mart is a market The mart was opened on empowerment," Hilliard place or trading center. pocket money that rented Ujamaa Mart vendors take a break rrom a busy day. said. "We had a vision and Located at 62 Warren the entire place. In turn, the Photo b7 Roatr Duy we knew black folks were Sueet, in Roxbury's Dudley Ujamaa Mart rents to with ten operating busi­ ing, Ayeni says. She started powerless." Square, Ujamaa Mart has smaller businesses. nesses. out making Dashiki tradi­ That vision was to reform been on local television "There is a heavy accent Deyo Ayeni opened Deyo tional shirts with matching Continuedon Page 6. news shows and was also on African-American com­ African Fabrics and Acces­ hats and now both Aycni visited by Massachusetts modities, but we also have a sories in January of 1993. and her mother make INSIDETHE ONYX INFORMER Governor WilliamWeld . one dollar shop and a print Originally from Nigeria, African dresses. Ayeni is • BOSTONJOURNALISTS Several plaques were award­ shop. We like that Afro­ Ayeni attended Hunter Col­ capable of making up to Talkabout Somalla .............. P. 4 ed to the marl, including one centric flavor," says Mad­ lege in New York. While in fifty outfits a week. Eighty from the director of the rey. school, Ayeni would request percent of Ayeni 's prints are • HIP HOPREVIEW •...•••.•.... P. 7 Black Community Informa­ Fifteen businesses filled traditional wear from her from Nigeria, and other • ONYXHISTORY I.ESSON tion Center, Sadiki Kambon. out applications, but on mother in Nigeria for dif­ fabrics sold include Kente ·········································p·3 Dr. Janita Johnson and opening day only four busi­ ferent school events. Cloth as well as Mud Cloth. • NEXTISSUE cousin Donald Madrey be­ nesses were operating. A When Ayeni came to Kike, (pronounced Kec­ AIDS On gan planning the opening of second opening was sched­ Boston, she saw the need kay) is an African term College Campuses the Ujamaa Mart in June of uled for November 21,1992 for African traditional cloth- Cont1n1udon Pagt 6. Page2 The Onyx Informer November 1993 Edi te>rials Colorless construction at NU Pulling out the issues A lot of constructionhas feeling that this is not a mi- well as vendors and busi- By Lori Nelson ment and programming been taking place on norityowned business. nesses throughoutBoston OnyxStaff designed to increase knowl­ campus. I walk through NortheasternUniversity pays who saw an opportunityto edge about the good and bad campusquite regularly. relatively linle in taxes due make some money.Since To be or not to be, that is hype of Financial Aid, have Therefore,I have had a to a non-profitorganization the renovationis in opera- the question. Northeastern brought progress to the chance to observe the status, yet utilizes govern- tion, it is only fitting that University Black Student campus community. people doing this meatservices in this area those who do profit are rep- Associationhas struggled Who really benefited constructionduring the day that people of all colors pay resentedin a moreequal through tight situations, but from the progress aside and in the evenings.The in- for in full with their taxes. fashion • I am sure that re- it is here to stay. from those who made an teresting thing that I noticed Not to mention the fact that search will show that there When formulatinga new impression of genuine com­ is that there are no people of there are a number of stu- are very few, if any business type of Black student asso- mitment to the organization. color, or to be moredirect , dents of color who attend people of color gaining any ciation, what will the stu- Did this progress increase oo African-Americans, La- this universityand a size- profit from the renovation dents expect to see? Ao black on black relations on tinos, Asians, Arabs.. .. peo- able number of minority of Northeastern. association that will focus campus. In other words, ca_n pie with a lot of melaninin faculty and staff at North- The color of who makes primarily on education and we walk by each other and and out of the sunlight, do- eastern University. any real many out of the re- the system versus socializ- speak? Better yet if we do ing the construction. Thedecison to renovate novationprocess is repre- ing and using the organiza- speak, when we walk by Such a lack of minority Northeasternand the fol- sentativeof whereminori- lion as stepping stone for each other can we do employmenti s striking to lowing'voting process' was , ties really are on NU's personal benefits. An or- something else besides read me. NortheasternUniversit y in my opinion, a farce. The priority scale · and with the ganizationthat will be for each others' cards? sits in the middle of Rox- votingprocess was far from recent plans to dismantle the all people of color on cam- And about the budget. bury, Dorchester and Matta- objective, and there was African-AmericanMasters pus, one that will cater to Will there be an increase in pan, and there is a plethora obviouspre ssure on those in ResidencyProgram after everyone'sneeds. funds, one that would allow of minority businessesin- who decidedto vote to vote practicallycrippling its' di- The history of NBSA is NBSA to bring in educa­ valved in constructionand yes. This is evidentfrom the rector by with phenomenal for the most part well-noted.
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