BOOK REVIEWS Christian Reconstruction: Intellectually, Rushdoony was impressed by the R. J. Rushdoony and work of a Calvinist theorist, Cornelius Van Til, American Religious who argued for the significance of the intellectual Conservatism presuppositions from which people worked and of Michael Joseph McVicar the need for Christians to operate on the basis of University of North their own intellectual presuppositions, which in his Carolina Press, 2015 view were the only ones adequate for understanding $34.95, 326 pages the world. Rushdoony also came across, and was ISBN 9781469622743 sympathetic to, the free-market approach of Reviewed by Spiritual Mobilization. He developed his own Jeremy Shearmur political interpretation of Van Til, on the basis of which Christians should have nothing to do with f one considers libertarianism and classical the state—which, he thought, had usurped the liberalism in the mid-twentieth century, one sovereignty which belonged only to God. Instead, typically thinks of figures such as Mises, Hayek, they should build networks based on families and IAyn Rand, and Murray Rothbard. All of these played churches. In this context, Rushdoony was an important important roles. But if one pays attention only to and influential proponent of home schooling. them, one is liable to lose sight of an important point: Rushdoony was an omnivorous reader. He is best that religious ideas also played a significant role. understood as a fundamentalist Calvinist, who These ranged in their character from the differed radically in his view from the kind of Presbyterianism of J. Howard Pew and Jasper Crane ‘pre-millenial’ rapture theology to be found in (important as business people with strong intellectual the annotations in the Scofield Reference Bible and interests, and as financial supporters of classical as popularized in the best-selling Left Behind novels. liberal causes) to the unorthodox spiritual ideas (In Rushdoony’s view, Christians should work of Leonard Read of FEE and of the organization independently of the state, and Christ will return Spiritual Mobilization (on which, see Brian Doherty’s only after the conversion of the world—or at least Radicals for Capitalism). Perhaps the key funding most of it.) Rushdoony also held other distinctive source was the Volker Fund, run by Harold Luhnow views; in particular, on the relationship between (who also had strong religious concerns). Luhnow the Old and New Testaments. (There was always an provided important start-up funds for FEE; paid issue as to the extent to which the Old Testament the wages of Hayek at Chicago and Mises at New was to be seen as superseded by the New, and just York University; employed Rothbard, and provided how much of Old Testament legal teaching was to funding for Spiritual Mobilization. remain in the light of the recruitment of non-Jews One of the stranger figures in this network was into the Christian Church, and St. Paul’s arguments Rousas Rushdoony, the subject of the book under about the implications of this.) Rushdoony’s view review. (Those with an interest in classical liberalism was that much of the Old Testament teaching still might find McVicar’s earlier “The Libertarian held good, including gruesome punishments for Theocrats,” available at the online archives ofThe homosexuals and for rebellious children. Quite Public Eye magazine, useful in explaining some of who is to inflict this on whom, given Rushdoony’s the background.) Rushdoony—who has incorrectly repudiation of the state, seems to me not too clear: been claimed to have been an influence on George any body that can do this to the non-consenting W. Bush—was a Calvinist, of Armenian extraction. looks to me all too much like a state. He was brought up in the United States, where as a Rushdoony was also an extremely prolific young man he undertook missionary work among writer. Many of his works can be downloaded for Native Americans in Nevada and was struck by free from the Chalcedon Foundation, which the devastating consequences upon their lives of Rushdoony set up and which is still promulgating government control. his views (see In addition, POLICY • Vol. 31 No. 2 • Winter 2015 59 BOOK REVIEWS his son-in-law Gary North, who followed Rushdoony’s somewhat unstable, and to have come to the ‘reconstructionism,’ has written equally prolifically conclusion—egged on, it seems, by Bierly—that on economic issues. (He was initially influenced ‘atheists’ were trying to take over the Volker Fund. by Mises, but developed his own methodological At that point, Luhnow announced that he had approach; his more recent writing seems to me largely promised, to Volker, that the Fund would be wound a matter of drawing lessons for economic conduct up at a specific period, which he proceeded to do (so from Biblical material, rather than economic analysis that Volker Fund employees were given notice, and in the more usual sense.) IHS, which was expecting to receive money from the McVicar’s most interesting book discusses Volker Fund, was cut adrift with only seed funding). Rushdoony’s career, views, and ‘reconstructionism’ In one memorandum, however, Luhnow announced as a movement. While McVicar in no sense shares that it would be Bierly’s organization (which had Rushdoony’s views, a resident scholar at the Chalcedon explicit religious concerns) which would continue Foundation gave the book a most respectful treatment the Volker Fund’s work. Bierly had recruited and thought that there were only minor errors Rushdoony to work for him, but it seems that (see Martin G. Selbrede, “First Major Book about Rushdoony and some associates of his tried to push R. J. Rushdoony,” available at; a strong line in intellectual Calvinism onto all the see also the review in First Things, April 2015, for a staff—with the result that Rushdoony was sacked, treatment by a mainstream but conservative Calvinist). albeit with funding to continue some writing. Bierly From the point of view of the classical liberal, had also recruited a ‘revisionist’ historian (this had the most interesting feature of McVicar’s book is been a Volker Fund interest). But the man turned his account of the involvement of Rushdoony with out to be uncomfortably sympathetic to Nazi the final years of the Volker Fund. (McVicar also Germany. Bierly and Luhnow had hoped that they has a separate and most interesting piece on the would be able to get some association with the Volker Fund, “Aggressive Philanthropy: Progressivism, Hoover Institute at Stanford, but with autonomy. Conservatism, and the William Volker Charities This Hoover were not willing to grant, and Luhnow Fund,” published in the Missouri Historical Review seems to have given up and to have donated the and available at McVicar’s Florida State University bulk of the Volker money to hospitals. A certain faculty page.) Putting McVicar’s account together amount remained, and after Luhnow’s death, some with other sources, the story seems to be this: Ivan scholars previously associated with the Fund were Bierly, who had been colleague of Baldy Harper’s approached by James Doenges (who had been on at Cornell and who had moved with him to FEE, IHS’s original board) to see if they had projects ended up working for the Volker Fund. Bierly which might be suitable for funding. But Doenges was a Calvinist, and he became enamoured with died before the post-Luhnow Volker Fund board Rushdoony’s work. meeting took place, and the The Volker Fund had been committed to a policy chair was not interested: the of anonymity in its giving but found that this started residue of the money seems to to clash with the attention that its activities were have been given to the Hoover attracting. It sought to resolve this by setting up Institution. subsidiary organizations either within or at arm’s length from the Fund. (This is how the Institute Jeremy Shearmur is for Humane Studies got started.) One of these emeritus fellow, School organizations was a Centre for American Studies, of Philosophy, Australian run by Bierly. Luhnow seems to have become National University. 60 POLICY • Vol. 31 No. 2 • Winter 2015.
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