MCI Worldcom MCI Worldcom MCI Worldcom HelenArthur VenettaBridges ColleenClark Two Northwinds Pkwy Two Northwinds Pkwy 2400 N. Glenville Dr 5th floor 5th floor RichardsonTX7508::! AlpharettaGA30004 AlpharettaGA30004 MCI Worldcom MCI Worldcom MCI Worldcom JamesDeMerlis GaryForence DanielFry 1650 Tysons Blvd 7000 Weston Pkwy Two Northwinds Pkwy McLeanVAnI 02 CaryNC275 II 5th floor AlpharettaGA30004 MCI Worldcom MCI Worldcom MCI Worldcom BryanGreen JimGulino MarcelHenry Two Northwinds Pkwy 4890 W. Kennedy Two Northwinds Pkwy 5th floor Suite 440 5th floor AlpharettaGA30004 TampaFL33609 AlpharettaGA30004 MCI Worldcom MCI Worldcom MCI Worldcom HarrietMcNee JamesNelson ChuckRoberts 8200 Greensboro Dr 2727 Paces Ferry Rd 2400 N. Glenville Dr McLeanVAnI0 I Suite 1500 RichardsonTX75082 AtlantaGA30339 MCI Worldcom MCI Worldcom MCI Worldcom JoannRussell RobbieRutstein MikeSerbousek 2250 Lakeside Blvd. 707 17th Street 8200 Greensboro Dr Dept. 6019 Suite 4100 McLeanVA22 101 RichardsonTX7508::! DenverC080202 MCI Worldcom MCI Worldcom MCI Worldcom MarcShaub MarkTurner StephenVonRump Three Ravinia Dr Two Northwinds Pkwy 90I International Pkwy AtlantaGA30346 5th floor RichardsonTX75081 AlpharettaGA30004 MCI Worldcom RickWells 2250 Lakeside Blvd. Suite 400 RichardsonTX75082 John Hamson Kurt Bagwell Lamont Eanes Sprint PCS Sprint PCS Sprint PCS 11880 College Blvd. 11880 College Blvd. 11880 College Blvd. Overland Park. KS 66210 Overland Park. KS 66210 Overland Park. KS 66210 Jack Weyforth Matt Anderson Brad Walker Sprint PCS Sprint PCS Sprint PCS 11880 College Blvd. 15405 College Blvd. 15405 College Blvd. Overland Park. KS 66210 Lenexa. KS 66219 Lenexa. KS 66219 Greg Wilmont Randal Larsen Fred Broughton Sprint PCS Sprint PCS Sprint PCS 15405 College Blvd. 11300 Corporate Ave. 11300 C0I1'0rate Ave. Lenexa. KS 66219 Lenexa, KS 66219 Lenexa. KS 66219 Kathy Loshbaugh Chuck Adams JeffFlom Sprint PCS Sprint PCS Sprint PCS 11300 C0I1'0rate Ave. 11300 Corporate Ave. 11390 Old Roswell Road Lenexa. KS 66219 Lenexa, KS 66219 Alpharetta. GA 30004 Jim Greene Bill Lightfoot Dan Strickland Sprint PCS SPRINT Southern Ops Strickland Radio Svc 11390 Old Roswell Road 425 N. Third Street Mlsp FLLSBB0203 209 Brunswick Avenue Alpharetta. GA 30004 Leesburg. FL 34748 New Bern. NC 28562 Terry Kimes Phillipe Mathis Brian Silvestri Te1eCorp PCS. Inc. TeleCorp PCS, Inc. TeleCorp PCS, Inc. 160 James Dr. East 1010 N. Glebe Rd. Ste.800 1010 N. Glebe Rd. Ste.800 S1. Rose. LA 70087 Arlington, VA 2220 I Arlington. VA 22201 Keith Edwards Andy Hearn David Knutson TeleCorp PCS. Inc. TeleCorp PCS. Inc. TeleCorp PCS, Inc. 4400 Mendenhall Rd. South Suite 8 1555 Poydras S1. Ste. 2200 1010 N. Glebe Rd. Ste.800 Memphis. TN 38141 New Orleans, LA 70112-3701 Arlington, VA 22201 Dickey Sullivan Jenny Kimbrell Jack Tullock TeleCorp PCS. Inc. Telemed Tennessee Two-Way 4400 Mendenhall Rd. Ste. 800 18 Beck Street P.O. Box 9239 Memphis. TN 38141-6717 Atlanta. GA 39318 Knoxville. TN 37920 Chuck Thomas Malcolm Chapman Tim Burnette Tomfone Comms. Traci Communications Tritel Communications, Inc. P.O. Box 1698 438 W Hillsboro III E. Capitol 51. Ste.500 Grenada.MS 38902 Deerfield Bch, FL 33441 Jackson, MS 39201 Roland Patterson Bryan Butler David Walsh Tritel Communications. Inc. Tritel Communications, Inc. Tritel Communications, Inc. III E. Capitol Street Suite 500 III E. Capitol S1. Suite 500 III E. Capitol Street Suite 500 Jackson,MS 39201 Jackson,MS 39201 Jackson,MS 39201 Texanna Herron E. \Varren Denton. Jr. David B. !\..am)\ III Hicks & Ragland Engineenng Co Inc. Hi-Tech Paging Co. Kanoy Comms 4747 S. Loop 289 P.O. Box 632 6X95 Beach Dri\e S\\ Lubbock. TX 79464 Harrisonburg. VA 2280 I Ocean Isle Bea. NC 2S409 Larry Manning David Larsen Robert Foley L&MComms. Larsen Cellular Comms. Inc. Larsen Cellular Comms.. Inc. 101 Masion Street P.O. Box 664 2180 State Rd 434 West Suite 2130 15631 Vinola Drive Mtn-Homne. NC 28758 Longwood. FL 32279 Montverde. FL 34756 Jorge Rosales Christopher Redmond Charles J. Lee Leap Wireless Lee Comms. Lee Comms.. Inc. 10307 Pacific Center Ct 1142 Shipyard Blvd P.O. Box 15048 San Diego. CA 92121 Wilmington. NC 28412 Wilmington, NC 28408 Harold O'Dell Ken Hunt Mark Lowrance Leflore Comms. Lesh Radio Systems Inc Lowrance Sound & Comm P.O. Box 1578 5055 Covington Way Suite 4 2132 Nailling Drive Greenwood. MS 38930 Memphis. TN 38134 Union City. TN 38261 Jim McLain Al Loverde Joseph Pardue McLain Electronics Metro PCS Mercury Comms. P.O. Box 604 8144 Walnut Hill Lane Siute 600 1410 Livingston Lane Philadelphia. PA 39350 Dallas. TX 75231 Jackson. MS 392 I3 Ralph Spooner T. D. Miller. III Jo Rushing Mobile Comm-Cellular One Mobile Comms. Mobile Marine Radio. Inc. 814 S. Scott Street 3015 Berwick Road 7700 Rinla Ave Bainbridge. GA 31717 Burlington. NC 27215 Mobile. AL 36619 Karyn Doucet Donna Martin Ed Morton MobileTel Mobiletel Morris Comm.iUNICOM P.O. Box 1090 P.O. Box 1090 4201 Stuart Andrew Blvd La Rose. LA 70373 La Rose. LA 70373 Charlotte NC 28209, NC 282 I7 Tom Smoke Peggy Warner Stacy B. Shealy MPX MPX MPX Systems 440 Knox Abbott Drive Suite 240 440 Knox Abbott Drive Suite 240 440 Knox Abbott Drive Suite 240 Cayce. SC 29033 Cayce, SC 29033 Cayce. SC 29033 Ed Steed Gut T. Cayton Jim Lambeth MTel Air Ground NC Comms. Inc Network USAlMetrocall 200 South Lamar South Bldg 4620 Murchison Road One Pensacola Plaza Suite 400 Jackson, MS 39201 Fayetteville, NC 283 JJ Pensacola. FL 32501 Jim Hicks Kristine Alexander JeffAlexander New Wave Cellular Nextel Nextel 1047 Mineral Wells Suite 12 8585 N Stemmons Freeway South Tower 8585 N. Stemmons Freeway South Tower Paris. TN 38242 Dallas, TX 75247 Dallas, TX 75247 Jim Thomas Keith Youngblood Robert Lightse: Southern Company Southern Company Cellfone Inc 600 North 18th St 600 North 18th St P.O Box 1894 Binningham. AL 35203 Binningham. AL 35203 Laurel. MS 39441 L.A. Polk Gary Moore David/Geor Health Cellfone ofColumbia Cellfone of Houston Cellfone of Winona P.O. Box 449 685 N. Jackson Street 113 Front Street Columbia. MS 39429 Houston. MS 38851 Winona. MS 38967 Greg Logan Ed Dunning Mike McKeever Cellular Holdings Cellular One of Huntsville Cellular Page Inc. 125 S. Congress Suite 1000 1350 Evangel Dr. NW 6237 Vance Road Ste 1 Jackson. MS 39201 Huntsville. AL 35816 Chattanooga. TN 37421 Jim Peacear Joey Diars Beverly Forbes Cellular Page Inc. Cellular Plus Cellular Plus 6215 Lee Highway Ste D 503 Industrial Blvd 503 Industrial Blvd Chattanooga. TN 37421 Dublin. GA 31021 Dublin. GA 31021 Harry King Rick Jorgensen Jim Mullery Cellular Plus Cellular XL CellularOne 104 Thompson Street 6184 US Hwy 98 West 595 Shallowford Rd Suite 109 McComb. MS 39648 Hattisburg. MS 39402 Chattanooga. TN 37421 Harry Hudson Randy Worcester Billy Curtis CellularOne Celutel Inc Centennial Cellular 595 Shallowford Rd Suite 109 5380 I-55 N Jackson 2006 MacArthur Dr. Chattanooga. TN 37421 Jackson. MS 39211 Alexandria. LA 71301 Ray Truillo Debra D. Glass Eddie Crook Centennial Cellular Centennial Wireless Centenniel Wireless 6302 Constitution Dr. 2006 MacArthur Dr. 2006 MacArthur Dr. Ft Wayne. IN 46804 Alexandria, LA 71301 Alexandria, LA 71301 Ansil Fowler Jim McCalister Wayne Fowler Century Cellunet Century Mobile Comms. Century Mobile Comms. P.O. Box 4065 P.O. Box 4065 P.O. Box 4065 Monroe. LA 71211 Monroe. LA 71211 Monroe. LA 71211 Harry Hudson Mark Work Frank Brady Chase Telecom Chase Telecom Chattanooga Comms 6219 LeeHwy Suite 1&2 6219 LeeHwy Suite 1&2 2519 8th Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37422 Chattanooga. TN 37422 Chattanooga, TN 37407 Mark Middlecamp Richard Myers Mark Endicott Cincinnati Bell.Metropage Communications Engineering Communications Group Inc. 201 E. Fourth Street P.O. Box 2301 P.O. Box 8146 P.O. Box 148242 Cincinnati,OH 45201 McMinnville, TN 37110 Nashville, TN 37214 Ron White Jim Brege Ron Cates BellSouth BellSouth Mobility BellSouth Mobillt: 2300 Northdale Centre Dr Suite 405 1100 Peachtree Street. NE 3900 N. Causeway Bhd Suitt? II 5() Tucker. GA 30084 Atlanta. GA 30309 Metairie. LA 70002 Terry Davis Eddy Sayed Terry Durand BellSouth Mobility BellSouth Mobility BellSouth Mobility 5600 Glenridge Drive Suite 300 5600 Glenridge Drive Suite 300 5600 Glenridge Drive Suite 300 Atlanta. GA 30342 Atlanta. GA 30342 Atlanta. GA 30342 Richard Guinar Terry Hays Elizabeth Hobson BellSouth Mobility BellSouth Mobility BellSouth Mobility 1650 Lyndon Farms Ct 100 Concourse Pkwy 110 I Greenwood Blvd Louisville. KY 40222 Birmingham. AL 35244 Lake Mary. FL 32746 Dell Oliver Myles O'Reilly Donna Post BellSouth Mobility BellSouth Mobility BellSouth Mobility 3900 N. Causeway Blvd Suite 1150 5201 Congress Avenue 1100 Peachtree Street. NE Metairie. LA 70002 Boca Raton. FL 33487 Atlanta. AL 30309 Don Riedel Gil Salizar Mark Sturrup BellSouth Mobility BellSouth Mobility BellSouth Mobility 520I Congress Avenue 5310 Maryland Way 520I Congress Avenue Boca Raton. FL 33487 Brentwood. TN 37027 Boca Raton. FL 33487 Tim Tatem Doug Vincent Tom Brogan BellSouth Mobility BellSouth Mobility BellSouth Mobility 1100 Peachtree Street. NE 5310 Maryland Way 5600 Glenridge Drive Suite 300 Atlanta. GA 30309 Brentwood. TN 37027 Atlanta. GA 30342 Dave Cundiff Bill Beckham Karen Bennett BellSouth Mobility BellSouth Mobility DCS BellSouth Mobility DCS 520 I Congress Avenue I Marcus Drive Suite 307 1130 Situs Court. Suite 100 Boca Raton. FL 33487 Greenville, SC 29615 Raleigh, NC 27606 Scott Besseliezre Steve Chandler Scott Daniel BellSouth Mobility DCS BellSouth Mobility DCS BellSouth Mobility DCS 2550 West Tyvola Road Suite 300 I Marcus Drive Suite 307 1100 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 800 Charlotte. NC 28217 Greenville, SC 29615 Atlanta. GA 30309 Doug Doolittle Hap Hall Wendell Hardin BellSouth Mobility DCS BellSouth Mobility DCS BellSouth Mobility DCS 7212 Kingston Pike 50 International Drive Suite 100 2550 West Tyvola Road Suite 300 Knoxville. TN 37919 Greenville. SC 29615 Charlotte, NC 28217 David Herndon Bill Mayberry Bruce Myers BellSouth Mobility DCS BellSouth Mobility DCS BellSouth Mobility DCS 1100 Peachtree Street N.E. 1100 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 800 317 Zimalcrest Drive Atlanta, GA 30309 Atlanta, GA 30309 Columbia, SC 29210 LOUIS Guillama Fred Wingo Jack Brandenburg AT&T Wireless AT&T Wireless AT&T Wireless 1420 NW 23rd Ave.
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