Hampton Chronicle Grundy Register TheGraphic-Advocate Grundy Eagle Eagle Grove Dows Advocate Times CWL Conservative Chronicle Clarksville Star Register Journal Tribune County Butler Buffalo Tribune Center UPC CODES MID-AMERICA Thursday, October 18, 2018 Serving Grundy County since 1928 Grundy Center, Iowa Volume Paper What Cheer 94 - Number Vine Village 42The Leader Sigourney News-Review www.TheGrundyRegister.comSheffield Press Enterprise Pioneer Sun New Sharon Liberal Opinion Week $1Keota Eagle Newsstand Price Supervisors ponder new courthouse security system By ROBERT MAHARRY Above, the new Mid-Iowa Mill Junction elevator in rural Grundy County between The Grundy Register Grundy Center and the intersection of Highways 14 and 20, which opened last GRUNDY CENTER- The month, has a grain capacity of approximately 5,000,000 bushels. At left, Mill Junc- Grundy County Board of Su- tion employees Josie McMartin, Neal Hurlbutt, Steve Duit and company CEO Mike pervisors discussed a proposal Kinley show off the unloading area on Monday morning. Office manager Nanci for an updated card access sys- Henningsen also works at the new site. (Robert Maharry/The Grundy Register pho- tem at the two main entrances tos) to the courthouse but ultimately tabled action to further assess the cost and necessity of the po- tential improvement. County Treasurer Brenda Noteboom and Jesse Huisman Up and running of the IT/GIS department ex- plained how the system would tive’s brand new, multimillion All told, the total capacity at ers. One of them, Kyle Dudden idends for our members this work, the cost (the current esti- A look inside dollar Mill Junction facility Mill Junction is projected at of the Reinbeck area, had two fall because the crop’s wet… mate is $8,318) and how access north of Grundy Center. around 5,000,000 bushels, and trucks in and out within 10 It all means that the produc- could be controlled. Supervisors the first harvest The four full-time employ- it’s already taken in at least a minutes on Monday morning. er can get the crop out of the Barb Smith and Jim Ross re- ees at the elevator— site man- million since September. “One of the blessings of field quicker and isn’t waiting cently visited the Grundy Cen- at Mill Junction ager Steve Duit, Neal Hurlbutt, “We’ve got speed that no- 30-plus years in the business in line.” ter schools and received a tour By ROBERT MAHARRY Josie McMartin and office body else has,” Duit said. is (that) your gut instincts ac- Perhaps the most striking from technology director Bob The Grundy Register manager Nanci Henningsen— Currently, the company is tually start to pay dividends,” aspect of the facility is how fu- Munson. HOLLAND- In the time have been hard at work over working with around 50 pro- Kinley said. “Having a facility turistic it feels. The unloading Fellow supervisor Harlyn it takes a person to order fast the last month, and a construc- ducers from as far north as that was out in the country, area is operated through touch Riekena, however, was skeptical food from a drive thru window tion crew from Mid-States Clarksville and as far south as that was very fast in receiving screen computers that sense of the proposal. and pick it up, a farmer can Millwright still has cranes on Beaman and Conrad, and ac- grain—could receive 55,000 the available space in each bin, “Why is this all of a sudden now empty an entire truckload the premises while finishing cording to CEO Mike Kinley, bushels an hour here—(and the calibration, the such an important thing? Why of grain at Mid-Iowa Coopera- up a flat ground storage area about 70 percent of them are has) a large dryer capacity, See CO-OP page 3 wasn’t it brought up at budget behind the five primary bins. first time Mid-Iowa custom- which is going to pay big div- time (last year)? Why wasn’t it brought up 126 years ago when they built the courthouse?” Riekena asked. “It seems like it’s rush rush to pass this, and we’re trying to fix a problem we don’t h av e .” Noteboom responded that a decision does not need to be made immediately, and Riekena eventually motioned to instruct the safety committee to conduct a study and report back at bud See SUPERVISORS page 3 GC Council looks to redevelop BIG Shown above is a group of community members on the Spirits of Downtown Past Historic Walking Tour. At left, the group is shown at the Center Theatre, where they heard all about the theatre's history from Sam Blackburn - son of the original owner - portrayed by Ben Paper. At right, Freda Boldt (played by Corrie Brazzle) tells about the Grant criteria history of the bank from her perspective as the first and only woman manager at the bank. (Michaela Kendall/The Grundy Register photos) By MICHAELA KENDALL The Grundy Register GRUNDY CENTER - After months of discussion over BIG Grant criteria, the Grundy Cen- Bringing the past to life ter city council has decided to table any further BIG grant ap- plications until the council and First ever Spirits of Downtown Past Walking Tour a success BIG Grant committee can hold By MICHAELA KENDALL walking tour, hosted by Main the story of their business’s his- Mr. Blackburn reminisced for its day, but we were able to a work session to redevelop the The Grundy Register Street Grundy Center. tory with the group. about the good old days at the screen huge movies,” Blackburn criteria for the grant. GRUNDY CENTER - De- The tour took participants The first stop on the tour theatre, when a seat cost five said. “We even showed Queen The BIG Grant (Business spite chillier weather, commu- around the downtown area to was the Center Theatre, where to ten cents, and movies were Elizabeth’s Coronation Ceremo- Innovations Grant) is funded nity members crowded into the former locations of five well- participants were met by Sam screened in black and white - ny in 1953.” through the city as a means to downtown Grundy Center last known businesses during the Blackburn (played by Ben Pa- before technicolor came to the After that, participants were support economic and business Thursday for the first ever Spir- 1950s, where actors portraying per); Sam’s father was the origi- theatre. See DOWNTOWN page 3 development in the communi- its of Downtown Past historic the past business owners shared nal owner of the Center Theatre. “Our theatre was small, even ty by providing public funding to private entities for improve- ments to local businesses and their facilities. The program King visits Ritchie Industries ahead of November election provides a maximum 50 percent By ROBERT MAHARRY and appropriations bill. that the massive fourth Con- agricultural commodities than more dollars coming into agri- match for the total project cost The Grundy Register “It gives the employees a gressional district—covering 39 any other in the country. culture down there than we do, of improvements. CONRAD- Eight-term in- similar incentive as it does the counties in northwest and north “There are some people in and I say ‘You don’t get to count At Monday night’s meeting, cumbent U.S. Congressman owners because of employee central Iowa— produces more California who say they have See KING page 4 the council agreed to award Steve King (R-Iowa) kept his fo- ownership,” King said after- a BIG Grant to Robin Moats, cus on trade, agricultural issues ward. “If (employees) know owner of The Funky Zebras, for and Employee Stock Option that they’ve got a guaranteed an awning and signage in front Plans (ESOPs) during a stop at share of that profit, they’re there of her new boutique, which Ritchie Industries in Conrad standing on the production line is located at 607 G Avenue. last Thursday as the midterm thinking ‘How do I make this Though they approved the grant election nears. better? How do I make a bet- application, the agenda item King touted the bipartisan ter product? How do I make it sparked a discussion amongst Main Street Employee Owner- more efficiently? How do I help the council on what the criteria ship Act, which makes it easier the people next to me? Because and guidelines for the grant are, for companies to transition to if we do that, we’re all going to or should be. employee-owned businesses benefit in the end.’ It really helps “When the BIG grant was (Ritchie has been under such a the culture, especially in manu- first set up, signage was one of plan for several years), as one of facturing.” main focuses,” said Mayor Al his major successes during the Because Ritchie manufac- Kiewiet. “One thing we’ve run 2018 legislative session. Presi- tures automatic watering units into now that we have the facade dent Trump signed the provi- for livestock, a discussion of the U.S. Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), standing in the front row fourth from right, stopped at Ritchie program in place is that we ex- sion into law in late August as farm economy seemed inevita- Industries in Conrad on Thursday morning to discuss Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs), inter- pect these businesses on part of a larger defense spending ble, and King promoted the fact national trade and the agricultural economy. (Robert Maharry/The Grundy Register photo) See COUNCIL page 3 The Grundy Register, P.O. Box 245, Grundy Center, IA 50638 Phone: (319) 824-6958 • Fax: (319) 824-6288 • E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2 Thursday, October 18, 2018 Grundy NEWS Register www.thegrundyregister.com Sweeney stops in Grundy Center By MICHAELA KENDALL will once again face off against morning and had some good, The Grundy Register Democratic Senate opponent candid conversations with folks GRUNDY CENTER - Last Tracey Freese.
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