KARSTENIA 42 (2002) HARMAJA, H.: ALCIPHILA VULGARIS 33 Karstenia 42: 33-38, 2002 Alciphila vulgaris, a new genus and species of Deuteromycetes HARRI HARMAJA HARMAJA, H. 2002: Alciphila vulgaris, a new genus and species of Deuteromycetes. - Karstenia 42: 33-38. Helsinki. ISSN 0453-3402. The new form genus Alciphila Harmaja (Hyphomycetes) is described. It is character­ ized by (i) a superficial mycelium composed of voluminous hyaline hyphae, (ii) conid­ ium development terminally in unspecialized hypha! ends, and (iii) large elongated brown aleurioconidia which possess a thick, complex wall with longitudinal ridges and a hyaline perisporium. The type and only species of the new genus is Alciphila vul­ garis Harmaja which is described as a new species at the same time. Judged from qualitative studies in the field and the herbarium, A. vulgaris occurs in a special ecolog­ ical niche: on forest litter and mosses which have been impregnated by the urine of European elk (Alces alces L.), accompanied by some species of the Pezizales (Asco­ mycetes). The species is reported from several localities in Finland and one in Norway. The interesting ecological niche concerned, a spot which has received elk urine, is discussed briefly. Key words: ammonia fungi, Byssonectria, conidia, elk urine, Finland, Hyphomycetes, metapopulation, Peziza , Pezizales, Pseudombrophila Harri Harmaja, Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, P 0. Box 47, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland www.helsinki.fi/people/harri.harmaja/ Introduction Old fruit bodies of fleshy fungi, animal dung, and in the soil or not), (iii) underground nests of dead bodies of animals are known as the princi­ mice, voles and other mammalia (with a latrine or pal ecological niches of many specialized species not), (iv) places close to dead bodies ofmarnmalia belonging especially to fungi of different groups, (either buried or not), and even (v) an old wasp insects, in some cases even mosses and algae. nest. Sagara (1975) also supposed that places The habitats mentioned provide the organism where animals had directly urinated could be a especially with a rich supply of nitrogen. These habitat for these fungi but he was not familiar, niches are sharply delimited in space and rather either personally or through literature, with any sharply in time; the populations living in the large animal species with urine enough to pro­ niches can be described as subpopulations duce the effect. However, in NW Europe, for in­ which constitute a metapopulation. stance, such an animal exists and it has locally Sagara (e.g. 1975; Sagara & al. 1993) created large populations: the spots in nature where an the term ammonia fungi for fungal species that, elk (Alces alces L.) has urinated, have been exclusively or preferably, grow in habitats with a known interesting mycologically for some time rich supply of ammonia (occurrences directly in (e.g., Eckblad 1968, Harmaja 1979, 1986). The net­ dung or dead bodies excluded). He has treated work formed by these curious niches can be com­ forest with urea but also discovered and studied pared to the metapopulations formed by organ­ spontaneous niches: (i) places on the ground ism populations in fungal fruit bodies, dung close to dung of animals, (ii) places contaminat­ heaps, and dead bodies of animals mentioned ed with human urine/and or feces (either buried above, but the species composition and espe- 34 HARMAJA, H. : ALCIPHILA VULGARIS KARSTENIA 42 (2002) cially the ecology and population dynamics of the Microfungi, too, seem to use these urinated urine spots have been studied very fragmentarily. habitats for nutrition: the present paper is the re­ The elks of, e.g., southern Finland are known sult of my repeated observations of conspicuous to spend the wintertime ·ery often in somewhat large, coloured chlamydospore-like conidia elevated places of the terrain, especially if cov­ (aleuriospores) in the microscopic mounts made ered with young pine forest. Apparently, the an­ of dried specimens to study the Pseudombrophi­ imals urinate during the winter a good amount on la and Byssonectria species of this niche. The the more or less frozen earth surface through the conidia were found to be born in mycelium grow­ snow cover. The considerable amount of urine ing on plant litter and mosses together with the released by these big animals at a time falls into a mycelia and apothecia of the cup-fungi men­ small area and subsequently often gets frozen. tioned above; the fungus was found to be a mem­ Due to the cold period of the year, the urine (and ber of Hyphomycetes (Deuteromycetes). Below, the compounds that are converted from it) remain a species which is fairly constantly met with in for a fairly long time in the same place for the this niche is described as Alciphila vulgaris advantage of the microbes! Sagara (1975) found Harmaja, the genus Alciphila Harmaja also being that the supply of aqueous ammonia is the main new. The microscopic mounts have been made of factor to explain the characteristic fungal compo­ dried specimens collected in nature; the charac­ sition in his experimental plots. In NW Europe, ters have been examined and measured m towards the spring, the elk urine on the soil sur­ Melzer's reagent unless otherwise indicated. face is hydrated with water from melting snow resulting in aqueous ammonia ("ammonium hy­ Alciphila Harmaja, n. gen. droxide, NHPH"); the pH of the substrate rises at the same time. Deuteromycetes: Hyphomycetes. Mycelium su­ In macroscopical appearance, these urinated perficiale. Hyphae crassae, hyalineae, septatae; spots reach from a few square centimetres to some septa sine fibulis; tunica crassa, inamyloidea, square decimetres, have thin or thick mycelium laevis. Conidia in cellula terminali hypharum (called 'subiculum' in some cases), and usually nascentia, magna, ellipsoidea; basi truncato, contain apothecia of cup-fungi. The spots are cum poro centrali; tunica crassa, brunnea, cyan­ mostly found very close to the dung heaps, or at ophiloidea, rimoso-ornamentata; perisporio hy­ least where signs of the staying of elks are obvi­ alineo. Vernalis; habitat in silvis in locis urino ous. Some observations would suggest that this alcis (Alces alces) saturatis, in societate Disco­ kind of fertilization is generally somewhat harmful mycetum; mycelium ad muscos non nee quisquili­ for vascular plants, mosses and lichens. as emortuiis plantarum crescens. - Typus: Alci­ Field observations in NW Europe suggest phila vulgaris Harmaja, n. sp. that members of at least two fungus genera occur Deuteromycetes: Hyphomycetes. Mycelium in woods and forested rock outcrops predomi­ superficial, macroscopically discernible when nantly if not exclusively in such spots impreg­ dense, very pale brown, partly arranged into a nated with elk urine: Byssonectria P.Karst. (syn. net-like or rhizoid-like pattern (Fig. 1). Hyphae Inermisia Rifai; Eckbh1d 1968, Harmaja 1979 and flexuous, cylindric, hyaline, septate, without 1986, Pfister 1994, Kullman 1998) and Pseudom­ clamps; wall thick, inamyloid, very weakly cyan­ brophila Boud. (syn. Nannfeldtiella Eckblad; ophilic, smooth. Conidiophores absent; conidia Eckblad 1968, Harmaja 1979, Brummelen 1995). developing terminally at hypha! ends within the These genera belong to the order Pezizales (As­ ultimate cell; the penultimate cell in conidiog­ comycetes) and they develop their macroscopic enous hyphae being conspicuously short. Co­ apothecia in the spring. Peziza Fr. may also in­ nidia chlamydospore-like, ca. 40-50 [.till long, el­ clude such species (see Harmaja 1986). In addi­ lipsoid, with a truncate base; wall proper thick, tion, a new species of green algae has been de­ brown in water and Melzer's, cyanophilic, orna­ scribed from this habitat (Skuja 1943). Pfister mented with coarse longitudinal ridges, the trun­ (1995) mentioned the casual occurrence of cy­ cate basal wall having a central pore; the hypha! anobacteria in connection with Byssonectria; wall of the conidiogenous hypha (basal septum however, it is not clear whether the urinated hab­ included) persisting in the ripe conidium as a itats are concerned. tightly appressed perisporium. Colonies occur KARSTENIA 42 (2002) HARMAJA, H.: ALCIPHILA VULGARIS 35 Fig. I. Alciphila vulgaris, mycelium in dried collection x 2.7 (type). - Photo Mauri Korhonen. in spring on forest ground where an elk (Alces ophily; septa of variable thickness, at times with alces) has urinated; the mycelium grows on and a complex structure, a proportion of them pos­ among mosses, leaves, needles and other plant sessing an outer, weakly to moderately cyano­ litter, being usually (always?) associated with the philic external 'collar' (Fig. 2). subicula (= mycelia) of Byssonectria spp. and Conidia (25- )40-50(-60) x (17-)25-38 ~m, el­ Pseudombrophila spp. lipsoid with a broadly truncate (and very slightly eccentric) base. Contents of mature conidia, es­ pecially in Melzer's, with one very large central, Alciphila vulgaris Harmaja, n. sp. · spherical or elongated, oil drop, a few smaller Conidia (25-)40-50(-60) x (17-)25- 38 J.lm, ones, and additional granular matter. Wall proper ellipsoidea, brunnea, rimosa. - Holotypus: Fin­ thick (roughly 2.5 ~min the long sides), appear­ land, EteHi.-Savo, Taipalsaari, Saikkola, S ofVeteli. ing uniform without stratification, pale brown in Stand of Pinus sylvestris saplings, accompanied water, melleous when young and pale to medium by Byssonectria terrestris and Pseudombrophi­ fulvous when mature in Melzer's, moderately to
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