8."'* TAIG.HOMECARDS Uo|tr -J[dg.r/fr.F Udt ul - h.ifflr! {l- P€odc h coon.do! t2. t9. /3. Cld..o 20. zt.vscel€bdc ofEuclntc tr. hlrh 22.HotErjcllrid t6. hd cdebdbr llo! ruclrnE t7. 2L T!€udpl€3 Pn?cle FdrI 9. All Srhls'D|y *25. 25. J6urn€d rtrd Ro!€,rgdtr tr27. lt 8o.dto loluut Uolt u - Pcoolc Udl Iv - ltc Ch!.rh h th. PrrF" Soot *10. J€s!€ za.Tb tuh of contwt Pn or ll. Inmnud 29.Ttp6ud'5 Peod€Pry,tI 712. Jo!4 rnd the^i8d Ttlood rh. Dty *tl. 30. I11lllShrllro EsDl 8dr8r Rerour.€rul 32.rirexilter 33.Pn}tf' andl|||nkdvlnr ' 15. ldasloB!€n l{- SaF6 ot the Ctunh Yd tU. ldtr8rI'dShlor 35.It crl€i&r ol6t S.lttts 36 n€ Ourh cddd.5 lE. Ydcornb8Al Popl€ m- ffili.v i^n no longd svailabl€forpublication. JOSHUA . After Moses' death, God chose to Joshua DEBORAH leadthe peopleoflsnel into the . Deborah was known for her faith in promisedland. God. !/hen p€ople had problems, they went to . With God's help, fought and won Joshua her for help. Shewas calleda judge. the famous batde ofJericho. Deborah was also a prophet-she knew . sawthat the people were tuming Joshua ahead of time *lat the army of Canaan away from the God of their ancestors. was going to destroy the Ismelites. Joshua ca ed the people together at . Deborah asked a man named Ba|ak to Shechemand challenged them to choose lead the army. He accepted only 'whom they would serve." when go . The peoplerenewed promise she agreed to with him and help. their to . serveGod. With the help of God, Deborah and Barak . As a reminder of this covenant, won the battle. Joshua . wrote down their decision and set up a To celebrate this victory she wrote "The Song of Deborah." cb, 5.) Slear srone. Oudge' judge, prob- Under leadershipthe people As a Deborah listened to the Joshua's people. promised to serveGod and not worship lems of mafly who listens to our problems strangegods. Why is it important to keep and helps us? ou! pfomises? conitht a tcat vn1nh 7r.eqia cwtqh' a t@J vnnqa Tturbpo SAMUEL GIDEON . Hannahprayed for a son.She promised . The Midiaritesbegan to |aid the land and that her son would serve the Iord all the stealthe crops of the Israelites. daysof his life. In time, Samuelwas bom. Young Gideon was hiding from the . When he was a young boy, Hannah took Midiadtes, beating grain. An angel of th€ Samuelto the temple of the l-ord to live Iord came to him and corrmanded him to and wor* with the old pdest Ai. lead in batde against this enemy. One nighr when Samuelwas sleepingin . Gideon was rursureof himself. He was the the temple,he hearda voice callinghis youngest child in a weak clan. name.He fim to Eli, bur Eli had not called . He asked God for severalsigns to prove him. This happenedtwo morc times. he truly was called to do this task. Finalry,Ai knew the Lord must be calling . Gideon defeated the powerful Midianite Samuel.God gaveSamuel a message army with only JoOmen aJlda surprise about Eli's family. attack at night with tmmpets and totches. Samuelgrew up to be a prophet for the peopleof Israel. Gideon won the battle with God's helD. 'When do we tum to God for helD? Samuelwas a young child when the I,ord first spoke to him. How does God speak to us? cwitu 6 re$ vneh tuobn@ c.wiqh'ala3wsiaTM%fulsqnq.n7Nq.|wcPbndBe RUIII . When their husbandsdied in a far-away DAVID l4nd, Ruth refr$ed to be paned from . The Ark of the Covenant held the Ten Naomi, her mother-inlaw. Commandments. The two women returned to Bethlehem . For a long time, the people had moved to live with Naomls fimily. th€ ark around, hiding it to keep it safe. Ruth wanted to help and offered to glean . When King David united Israel and in the fields to p.ovide grain for rheir brought peace, he wanted to bring the meals. ark to the city ofJerusalem. Boaz, the owner of the fields, was . The pcople celebratcd the return of the impressedwith Ruth's lolalty and hard aik in a gfeat ceremony-singing and wofk. dancing in the streers. Boaz instructed his s€ri'ants to leavc somc . David provided a tent of meeting, and the good grain for Ruth. a.rkwas reverently placed inside. Boaz was helpful to Ruth and Naomi in The Ark of the Covenantheld a copy of their time of need. How can we can help the Ten Commandments.Vhy arc the Com- people today who aae hungry or have other rnandmentsstill imDortant for us? needs? cn'/i3''a]9]vn$i'1*o|.nd coo'i'kalcoJv!'d.||.!l4i..l SOLOMON . Solomoowas tie son of King David. JOSIAH . When Daviddied, Solomon became king. Josiah h(came kj.ng at the age of cighr. Solomon knew about his father's dream to Josiab'sfaith in God was strongcr as he build a permanenrhouse for the worship grew older. He did not want his people to of God. worship srrange gods. It took Solomon seven years to build a The rcmpl( Solomon built needcd repairs. beautifuIremple. One day a priest found a long-ncglected . when the templewas dedicated, book in the temple. Sotomon offered prayers, and ther€ was a This book was filled with the laws of God. greatcelebration. Josiahwas sad and felt guilty becausehe . Solomonreminded the peoplerbat the knew tbese laws were not being kept. greatnessof cod could never fully be Josiah ordered the law ofcod to be read contaided within the walls of any to the people. He called everyone back to building. worship and serve the Iord. He restorcd the Passover-the Hebrew Solomonbuilt a great temple, yet he said celebiation of fr€edom from slavery. that God er'asgrcater than any templ€. How do we tell people about the greatnessof Josiah had great fairh in God. How does God? our faith help us to be better leaders? ci.l,4 |.* -P,'*, cwiska 109t vi,Eili'r'l L Lttu1 corfipt E t@r u,ntuM.n ts..ir"a,rutuk,e tuhdde AIL SAINTS'DAY On the feast ofAll Saints,we honor all the hith.fr.rland holy people of the Church. On AI Saints' DaX churches all over the world gather to rcmember the faith-ltl people of God v/ho have llved before us-the "gleat cloud ofwitnesses"*rat we cau satnB (Hebfews I 2: 1), Every baptized Christian is a member of the "communion of saints."Wc are all saintsof God. On All Saints' Day,we r€member and celebmte both the living saints and the saintswho have died. All Salnts' Day (or the Sunday nearest Novernbcr 1) is a rnajor fcast day of the Church. How do you celebrate this great d^y? and let thy saints reioice in thy goodness." -II Cbronlcles 6:41d cqtl|ho tet vtqt h71kot ttut s.6i$1.nr Md.holf h/btk i"r JESSE God promised to send a Messiah. God kept this promise in the birth of Jesus. Jesushad manyancestors. One ofhis aocestorswas Jesse,the grandsonof Ruth and father of Drvid. TheJesseTree standsfor the family tree of Jesus. During Advent, as we prepare for the coming of Christ,we rememberall the Hebrewpeople and the storiesofJesus' ancestots. Family stories help us unde$tand who we ar€. What are some of the stories you like best about your family? cryi3tua te3 vi'bbrtu t4tuts6bed Netwz PlnL,tks IMMANUEL God's people waited a long time and enduled many hardships waiting for the ',."sht&t{, promised Messiah. Messiahmeans Savior-one who saves people. a{.1&tis Irng ago, the prophet Isaiah said that the Messiah would be called knmanuel, vr'hich means "God with us." The people thought that lrnmanuel would be like David and the other gleat kings. nwe{.' Toda)awe understand that linmanuel was to be a different kind of King and Savior. In Scripture, in our prayers,and in our h].mns, we call JesusChrist the king. How is he king for us? can.ish a tq v4htu rhQtonq CHRISTMASTO EPIP}IAI'.IY JOSEPHAND THE ANGEL . rJ/ecelebrate birth-the Nativity- . Joseph,a car?enter,was engagedto be Jesus' maffied to Mary on ChristmasDay, Decembe! 25. An angelofthe Lord cameto Mary and Matthew's Gospel begins the Nativity told her shehad beenchosen to be the story months before Jesuswas bom. The mother ofJesus,the long-expected wise men had se€n a specia.lstar and Messiah. believed it meant a king was to be born. The wise men tfayeled v/ith gifts for the . Josephwas troubledby this newsand unsureabout what to do. child. Th€y were led by the star to the . An angelcame toJoseph in a dreamto stable in Be* ehem wh€re Jesuslay. calm his fearsand tell him abourthe child Th€y v/ere wamed in a dream not to retum to Herod, who wished to harm the Jesuswho would be born to Mary . did his pan. He caredfor Mary newborn king. Joseph and . the childJesus. We celebnte the arri\.al of the wise men twelve da'"s aft€r Christmason Epiphany, 6. Josephwas faithtul to cod, and he cared Janu4ry for Mary and the boy Jesus.How do we serve God in our families? Epiphany means "a showing forth" or "bringing to light." How do Epiphanycelebra- tions in the Churcl briog light into our lives? cry.h|E]43vn|ifuTfufu|fu cwtht 6 teer wgtu tu4iat sditu, drl iq.tve tuMbs FUGHT INTO EGYPT King Herod told the wise men that he wanted to worship Jesus, the newborn Savior.
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