Descendants of William Titchmarsh The Titchmarsh Family Report Wi l l i am Elizabeth Titchmarsh b: 1791 b: 1789 Bourne, Hemingford Cambridgeshire Abbotts, d: Abt. 1860 Huntingdonshire Bet. 1841 - 1851 d: Abt. 1860 Agricultural Labourer James Sarah William Thomas Titchmarsh Page Titchmar sh Titchmar sh b: 1821 b: Bet. 1821 - b: 1 821 b: 1 827 The Titchmarsh Family ReportHemingford Grey , 1822 1841 Agricultural Hemingford Huntingdonshire Hemingford Labourer Abbotts, d: Bet. 1862 - Grey, Huntingdonshire 1871 Huntingdonshire Bet. 1841 - 1851 Bet. 1841 - 1851 m: 1841 St Ives, Agricultural Agricultural Huntingdonshire Labourer Labourer d: Abt. 1901 St Ives, Huntingdonshire 1891 Living on own means Samuel Elizabeth Rachael Alfred Titchmarsh b: 1851 Titchmarsh Favel b: Bet. 1846 - Connington, b: Bet. 1849 - b: 1 849 1849 Hemingford Cambridgeshire 1850 Hemingford Grey , Grey, Hemingford Huntingdonshire Huntingdonshire Grey , m: 1867 St Ives, d: 1928 St Ives, Huntingdonshire Huntingdonshire Huntingdonshire 1: 1881 Carter 1: Bet. 1861 - 2: 1871 Carter 1871 Agricultural 3: 1891 Gardner Labourer 4: 1901 Jobbing 2: 1881 Mill Gardner Porter 3: Bet. 1891 - 1901 Agricultural Labourer Josiah Charles E m ily G eorge Mynott Ellen Ju l i a Frederick Harold David Nellie Alice Arthur Herbert Gertrude Elizabeth L Johnson Titchmarsh Darlow Titchmar sh Titchmarsh Favel Favel Favel Favel Favel Favel Favel Favel Favel Fawcett Titchmarsh m: 1912 Keighley, b: 1873 b: 1874 b: 1875 b: 1 880 b: 1870 b: 1873 b: Bet. 1874 - b: 1878 Bingley, b: 1879 Bingley , b: 1885 Bingley, b: 1888 Bingley , b: 1890 Horton, b: 1892 Bradford, m: 1920 b: 1880 Yorkshire Hemingford Grey, Hemingford Hemingford Grey , Hemingford Grey , Hemingford Hemingford 1875 Bradford, Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Yorkshire Bradford, Hemingford Huntingdonshire Grey , Huntingdonshire Huntingdonshire Grey, Grey, Yorkshire 1: 1891 Worsted 1: 1891 Worsted 1901 Cotton 1901 Cotton Yorkshire Grey , 1: 1891 Huntingdonshire d: 1942 St Ives, d: 1885 St Ives, Huntingdonshire Huntingdonshire 1891 Gardner Spinner Spinne r Spinner Spinner Huntingdonshire Agricultural m: 1898 St Ives, Huntingdonshire Huntingdonshire 1891 Worsted 2: 1901 Carter, 2: 1901 Dom estic Labourer Huntingdonshire 1891 Agricultural Weaver Removals Gardener 2: 1901 Gr oom Labourer Contractor (Domestic) Researched and Prepared By Paul McNeil Reginald Charles [email protected] Titchmarsh b: 05 May 1899 Hemingford Grey , www.timedetectives.co.uk Huntingdonshire d: 1971 August 2009 Wellingborough © Timedetectives 2009 © Timedetectives 2009 The Titchmarsh Family Report Direct Descendants of William Titchmarsh William Elizabeth Titchmarsh b: 1791 Hemingford b: 1789 Bourne, Abbotts, Huntingdonshire Cambridgeshire d: Abt. 1860 d: Abt. 1860 Bet. 1841 - 1851 Agricultural Labourer James Sarah Titchmarsh Page b: 1821 Hemingford Grey, b: Bet. 1821 - 1822 Huntingdonshire Hemingford Grey, d: Bet. 1862 - 1871 Huntingdonshire Bet. 1841 - 1851 Agricultural m: 1841 St Ives, Labourer Huntingdonshire d: Abt. 1901 St Ives, Huntingdonshire 1891 Living on own means Frederick Mary Titchmarsh Aberdien b: Bet. 1863 - 1864 b: 1862 Scotland Hemingford Grey , m: 1886 St Ives, Huntingdonshire Huntingdonshire d: 1927 Wharfedale, Ilkley, d: 1907 Wharfedale, Ilkley, Yorkshire Yorkshire Bet. 1881 - 1891 General Labourer Fred Alfred Florence Alice Titchmarsh Padgett b: 1887 Hemingford Grey , b: 07 Feb 1887 Beverley , Huntingdonshire Yorkshire d: 1944 Wharfedale, Ilkley, m: 1909 Wharfedale, Ilkley, Yorkshire Yorkshire 1911 Night Watchman d: 1977 Staincliffe, Yorkshire Alan Bessie Titchmarsh Hardisty b: 15 Mar 1924 Wharfedale, b: 12 Jan 1924 Ilkley , Yorkshire m: 1947 Wharfedale, Ilkley, d: 1986 Keighley, Yorkshire Yorkshire d: 2002 Keighley, Yorkshire Alan F Titchmarsh b: 02 May 1949 Wharfedale, Ilkley, Yorkshire © Timedetectives 2009 The Titchmarsh Family Report The Titchmarsh Family Origins of the name The Titchmarsh Family name originates in Northamptonshire, near Peterborough, and is a name applied to people who came from the Parish of Titchmarsh. Alan’s ancestors came from Bourne in Cambridgeshire, in the 18 th Century, and moved to Hemingford Grey in Huntingdonshire by the early 19 th Century. They were Agricultural Labourers working on the land; a fitting start for the ancestors of Alan the Gardner. © Timedetectives 2009 The Titchmarsh Family Report Descendants of William Titchmarsh Generation No. 1 Descendants of William Titchmarsh William Elizabeth Titchmarsh b: 1791 Hemingford b: 1789 Bourne, Abbotts, Huntingdonshire Cambridgeshire d: Abt. 1860 d: Abt. 1860 Bet. 1841 - 1851 Agricultural Labourer James Sarah William Thomas Titchmarsh Page Titchmarsh Titchmarsh b: 1821 Hemingford Grey , b: Bet. 1821 - 1822 b: 1821 b: 1827 Hemingford Abbotts, Huntingdonshire Hemingford Grey, 1841 Agricultural Labourer Huntingdonshire d: Bet. 1862 - 1871 Huntingdonshire Bet. 1841 - 1851 Agricultural Bet. 1841 - 1851 Agricultural m: 1841 St Ives, Labourer Labourer Huntingdonshire d: Abt. 1901 St Ives, Huntingdonshire 1891 Living on own means 1. W ILLIAM 1 T ITCHMARSH was born 1789 in Bourne, Cambridgeshire. He married ELIZABETH . She was born 1791 in Hemingford Abbotts, Huntingdonshire. More About W ILLIAM T ITCHMARSH : Occupation: Bet. 1841 - 1851, Agricultural Labourer Residence: Bet. 1841 - 1851, Thorpe, Hemmingford Grey, Huntingdonshire More About E LIZABETH : Residence: 1841, Thorpe, Hemmingford Grey, Huntingdonshire Children of W ILLIAM T ITCHMARSH and E LIZABETH are: 2. i. JAMES 2 T ITCHMARSH , b. 1821, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire; d. Bet. 1862 - 1871. ii. WILLIAM T ITCHMARSH , b. 1821. More About W ILLIAM T ITCHMARSH : Occupation: 1841, Agricultural Labourer Residence: 1841, Thorpe, Hemmingford Grey, Huntingdonshire iii. THOMAS T ITCHMARSH , b. 1827, Hemingford Abbotts, Huntingdonshire. More About T HOMAS T ITCHMARSH : Occupation: Bet. 1841 - 1851, Agricultural Labourer Residence: Bet. 1841 - 1851, Thorpe, Hemmingford Grey, Huntingdonshire © Timedetectives 2009 The Titchmarsh Family Report Generation No. 2 Direct Descendants of James Titchmarsh James Sarah Titchmarsh Page b: 1821 Hemingford Grey, b: Bet. 1821 - 1822 Huntingdonshire Hemingford Grey, d: Bet. 1862 - 1871 Huntingdonshire Bet. 1841 - 1851 Agricultural m: 1841 St Ives, Labourer Huntingdonshire d: Abt. 1901 St Ives, Huntingdonshire 1891 Living on own means James Susan Samuel Rachael Thomas Annie Frederick Titchmarsh Titchmarsh Titchmarsh Titchmarsh Titchmarsh Titchmarsh Titchmarsh b: Bet. 1842 - 1843 b: 1845 Hemingford Grey, b: Bet. 1846 - 1849 b: Bet. 1849 - 1850 b: 1853 Hemingford Grey, b: 1855 Hemingford Grey, b: Bet. 1863 - 1864 Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire Hemingford Grey, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire Huntingdonshire Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire 1861 Servant Huntingdonshire Huntingdonshire d: 1944 St Ives, Huntingdonshire 1: Bet. 1861 - 1871 d: 1928 St Ives, Huntingdonshire d: 1927 Wharfedale, Ilkley, Agricultural Labourer Huntingdonshire Bet. 1871 - 1917 Agricultural Yorkshire 2: 1881 Horsekeeper 1: Bet. 1861 - 1871 Labourer Bet. 1881 - 1891 General 3: 1891 Agricultural Labourer Agricultural Labourer Labourer 4: 1901 Farm Foreman 2: 1881 Mill Porter 3: Bet. 1891 - 1901 Agricultural Labourer © Timedetectives 2009 The Titchmarsh Family Report Generation No. 2 2. J AMES 2 T ITCHMARSH (W ILLIAM 1) was born 1821 in Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire, and died Bet. 1862 - 1871. He married S ARAH P AGE 1841 in St Ives, Huntingdonshire. She was born Bet. 1821 - 1822 in Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire, and died Abt. 1901 in St Ives, Huntingdonshire. More About J AMES T ITCHMARSH : Occupation: Bet. 1841 - 1851, Agricultural Labourer Residence: 1851, Church Street, Alfred Place, Hemmingford Grey, Huntingdonshire More About S ARAH P AGE : Occupation: 1891, Living on own means Residence: Bet. 1881 - 1891, Church Street, Alfred Place, Hemmingford Grey, Huntingdonshire Children of J AMES T ITCHMARSH and S ARAH P AGE are: 3. i. JAMES 3 T ITCHMARSH , b. Bet. 1842 - 1843, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire. ii. SUSAN T ITCHMARSH , b. 1845, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire. More About S USAN T ITCHMARSH : Occupation: 1861, Servant Residence: 1861, Low Street, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire 4. iii. SAMUEL T ITCHMARSH , b. Bet. 1846 - 1849, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire; d. 1928, St Ives, Huntingdonshire. 5. iv. RACHAEL T ITCHMARSH , b. Bet. 1849 - 1850, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire. 6. v. THOMAS T ITCHMARSH , b. 1853, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire; d. 1944, St Ives, Huntingdonshire. vi. ANNIE T ITCHMARSH , b. 1855, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire; m. J OHN R ODHAM S IMPSON , 1876, Keighley, Yorkshire; b. 1855, Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire. 7. vii. FREDERICK T ITCHMARSH , b. Bet. 1863 - 1864, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire; d. 1927, Wharfedale, Ilkley, Yorkshire. © Timedetectives 2009 The Titchmarsh Family Report Direct Descendants of James Titchmarsh James Emma Titchmarsh Fuller b: Bet. 1842 - 1843 b: Bet. 1841 - 1842 St Ives, Hemingford Grey , Huntingdonshire Huntingdonshire m: 1862 St Ives, 1: Bet. 1861 - 1871 Huntingdonshire Agricultural Labourer 2: 1881 Horsekeeper 3: 1891 Agricultural Labourer 4: 1901 Farm Foreman George James Martha Anne Elizabeth Emily Sarah Maud Mary Titchmarsh Titchmarsh Titchmarsh Titchmarsh Titchmarsh b: 1862 Hemingford Grey, b: Bet. 1868 - 1869 b: 1873 Hemingford Grey , b: 1875 Hemingford Grey, b: 1884 Hemingford Grey , Huntingdonshire Hemingford Grey, Huntingdonshire Huntingdonshire Huntingdonshire d: 1944 Bradford, Yorkshire Huntingdonshire
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