Avion Newspapers 5-30-1969 Avion 1969-05-30 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.erau.edu/avion Scholarly Commons Citation Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, "Avion 1969-05-30" (1969). Avion. 10. https://commons.erau.edu/avion/10 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Avion by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Sponsored Institute VOLUHE I Hay 30, 1969 NUl·IBER MINER RESIGNS II Terry !'-'liner I resigned officially Hay 20, last COLLINS ELECTED PRO-TEM PRES. Tuesday week, at the regu­ lar SGA meeting. The re&sons for his resigna­ tion stemmed from the fact that he was being over­ \... l1e Imed by 5 cheol vlork and had an ::ver increasing work-load to contend with. Upon interviewing Jan Collin~, 1st Vice-Presi­ dent of the council, he concurred that Terry Miner was carrying 5. heavy load. This reporter prodded Jan Collins further by asking if any other actions were being initi­ ated prior to Terry Hi­ ner's resignation. I had learned through a rumor that maybe some formal proceedings were being initiated. Jan Collins reply was ., "At this time, I'd rather not say anything." - It is known by this re­ porter that indeed there were some forms of pro­ ceedings underway to try and get Terry Miner to re­ sign. -, That there has been the representatives wer~ how its new administration some sort of unrest among able to exert their pres­ headed by Pres. Collins the SGA representatives sure. will fare. Meanwhile, it throughout Terry Hiner's "It seems quite clear to is apparent that the gol­ presidency, is a' known date, that new effective den opportunity to organ­ fact. Whether it be from leadE::rship is needed to ize the SGA into an effec­ lack of leadership or just give more meaningful di­ tive legislation and re­ overburdened by a work­ rection to our SGA. Has presentative body is here. load beyond his capability it come and if it has will Will the new President it proved to be the it be effective? Time and take the initiative and eventual nvenue in which some patience will tell catch the opportunity? J Jan Collins was elected President Pro-Tern for the summer term with Roger SGA Briefs Harwood as First Vice­ President, Terry Miner as During the third regu­ Second Vice-President and lar meeting of the Student Bill Ferguson as Third Government Association, Vice-President. President Terry Miner **** handed his gavel to Vice­ Roger Harwood brought President Jan Collins f0rth his research and shortly after calling the plans for a future Rath­ meeting to order. This skeller. He had obtained was Terry's official res­ information and pointers ignation of his position. from· the University of **** Florida's Rathskeller. PAGE 2 • • •••4£••• .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\~I"'~~ IBRISFS Cont.)'" ~ - r Reportedly, the S.G.A. ' ,,', will have to go through F hE·' D various channels in order NEWS & VIEWS rom t editor s, esk to provide Embry-Riddlels Congratulations are in ble sources indicate that students with a Rathskel- order for Dean Mansfield he has no academic teach- ler. Roger is continuing and Harry Ness in their ing experience. How about to work on the plans. recent proMotions. This ~aising our discontent to * * * * is trul:' ',3. sad-happy e- SGA rep I s and the adminis- Jan Collins set forth vellt. but fair warning t.o traticn. They are going his goals for the "new" Bob Cessna. We agreed for to have a professional SGA. These items will be better communication by college; hire professional found in his President's sending out press releases teachers in academics: Corner for this week's congerning matter at AVION issue. school. So how come I .CJ-) * ** don't h~ve a press re- During the Pxesident's lecse? Why did I have to ELECTioN RETURNS Council meeting which was learn about this through The following names are held this week, it was the News-Journal? listed for the new repre­ stated that the convoca- * * * * tion for graduating stu- Well, I guess we've fi- sentatives for the SGA. An initiating banquet is man­ dents will be held before nally made the big time final exams. ------ no~ that one of our stu- datory for these people. *** dents has been arrested There will be an awards for growing pot:! Fair Dean Dragoo banquet and swearing cere- warning, we need pot and Dale Schaeffer mony which all new repre- arrests at the school like Richard Gale sentatives must attend, on a hole in the head. When Bob wil..lllx June 1st, 7:30 PM, at the students act in such a Lee Henry Ridgewood Hotel. man:1er, it is disconcert- Richard Acee ** ** ing because there are many Jack Davis Soda machines will be more of us who work hard Gary Callendar installed in the new aca- to give the college a 'good Dave McCall name~: Dan Sturm demic complex as soon as Dan Martin the contractor allows for * • * • I see the administra­ Bob Nawrocki space and electrical con­ Don Nichols nections. tion finally has taken • • some positive action by Jerry Berndt • accepting (?) resignations Bonnie Brant The road to the new of 2 Board of Trustees Brenda Bridgeman academic complex will be members. If they cannot Jerry Hood built within the next two contribute adequately or Ed potter weeks. This entails a if they are using the Merritt Welch completely new route to school to further their Phil \-/oodruff the campus. own gains, then get rid of Bob McCutcheon •• • them. This type of manag­ John Davis The social functions ement is not needed here. committee of the SGA is * * ** running a dance this Sat­ With the resignation of urday, May 31st at the Terry Miner, and the elec­ With all the dollars Riviera Beach Motel. It tion of a pro-tern presi­ spent and being spent on is casual dress, and will dent, maybe we can finally engineering, designing, be held from ~ PM to 1 AM. begin moving in a positive planning and constructing **** direction. But we need the new buildings -- WHO In the near future the you, the student to help GOOFED? SGA will have it's own us accomplish some initial speaker patented after the 1st steps. How about giv­ Someone did not foresee Speaker of the House in ing the student government the "Big Trip". Why place our political system. support by contributing an electrical outlet which * * ** your ideas? sticks up 3 inches in the Dean Spears stated that **** middle of the floor, and if students have minor Well, the administra­ put the instructor's desk charges against their ac­ tion is doing it again! 3 feet away from it? counts for payments of ADout a week or so ago, a bills, because of destruc­ going-to-be retired U.S. If someone splits their tion of dormitory rooms, Air Force officer gave a head and sues, then they etc., they should make an class following our hiring may put flush fixtures on appointment to see tim. procedure. Welcome to the the floor. Why must we Otherwise, they will be haven of retired officers: wait on an incident or an restrained from attending He is supposed to teach accident? Why not change classes, until such pay­ business co~rses. Relia- them NOW? P.S. Room 214 ments are made. is an example. • • ta~ght (CO" , t ' There will also Ge a in this typo split session. They ei~h­ SPEAKING OUT treasurerls report. pub­ lished in the AVION to let er require too much read­ all of you know exactly ing or the material cov­ pre~ident's where your SGA fee is ,go-, ered needs to be absorbed thp 1I ing. If you have any. com­ at a sl"Ower pace. corner plaints or questions to From the student's com­ ask the council, we will ments about the split ses­ Having been elected by hold, possibly eve:y ~two sion, it has been accepted the Student Council as weeks, an open mee~~ng on generally by the student president pro tern, fo~low­ a Tuesday night with all body. Yet, there are ing Terry Miner's res~gna­ students invited. still many areas where tiOII, I would like to out­ more study is needed in line briefly my goals and Remember, the SGA is seeing if the courses of­ plans for the SGA: you. Every student at fered can adequately ful­ ERAI is a member, so help fill their purposes. Our 1. Change the structure your organization to, grow first attempt at the split. of the SGA into a system by showing interest ~n SGA session is looked upon as of checks and balances. A elections, social func­ a success from the stand­ system which closely re­ tions, movies and any oth­ point of enrollment, and sembles that of the United er activity that may come from class sizes. The few States Government. along. Bring your prob'­ obstacles encountered may lems to the council and be completely eliminated .. Increase the position see for yourself how ef­ by the time the next set of council rnembeLS to one fective an organized SGA of summer split sessions of status and respect: are run. a. by eliminating man­ can be:-;~ ~~. ual labor tasks for '8J council members. b. by having an annual Jan Collins Statement awards banquet. By Terry Miner c. by giving all coun­ ~ cil members proper While everyone is still recognition through: Student"s OpiniOnS wondering why I resigned, I feel I shoulj clear the l.
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