Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science received 7/30/14 (2015) Volume 108, pp. 1-3 accepted 1/26/15 Bot Fly (Cuterebrid) Prevalence and Intensity in Southern Illinois Peromyscus Species and a Comparison to the Literature Stephanie J Hayes, Eric J Holzmueller1, and Clayton K Nielsen Department of Forestry, Southern Illinois University, 1205 Lincoln Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901 1corresponding author (email: [email protected]) ABSTRACT Cuterebrid are parasitic organisms on small mammals in North America. While infections are believed to be common, little has been published regarding the population dynamics of these insects. This study was conducted on the impact of a cuterbrid species on Peromy- scus spp. in upland hardwood forests in southern Illinois. Data were recorded and compiled to determine the species of cuterebrid pres- ent, the prevalence and intensity of infection, and possible causes for such a high infection rate. Infected individuals were trapped during late summer for three weeks. The species of cuterebrid was determined to be Cuterebra fontinella due to the seasonality of infection (late summer), location of infection (inguinal or genital region) within the host, and the species of host (Peromyscus spp.). Intensity was within the range of historical averages; however, prevalence was greater in this study than in previous similar studies. Though the exact cause is unknown, it is possible that an abnormally wet summer caused an increase in egg survivability before the peak infection season, leading to an increase in infection rates later in the year. Key words: central hardwood region, Cuterebra fontinella, Peromyscus, parasitic organism INTRODUCTION of Nature Environmental Center (UTM: for the presence of cuterebrid larvae and Bot flies are a group of parasitic insects 16S 308552, 4167338) in Jackson County the intensity of infection within the host. found in wild mammals. These parasitic in southern Illinois. Study site elevation Toe-clipping was used to identify individ- flies are included in the Cuterebridae (Sa- ranged from 150-180 m and the soils were uals over the trapping period. Once all ob- brosky 1986) or the Cuterebrinae subfamily primarily well-drained, silty, alfisols. Aver- servations had been recorded and the spec- of the Oestridae (Wood 1987; Pape 2001). age winter temperatures in the study area imen had been marked for recapture, the º There are over 30 Cuterebra species that range from -6.7 to -1.1 C and summer tem- specimen was released in the same location º have evolved to be host-specific obligate peratures from 15 to 27 C. Average annual that they were captured. precipitation is 122 cm per year. Each of the parasites (Sabrosky 1986; Wood 1987). RESULTS Each of these species typically parasitizes forested sites consisted of a 0.5 ha area with- only one or just a few species of two sepa- in which a trapping web was established A total of 91 Peromyscus spp. individuals rate groups: (1) New World rodents, which were caught throughout the three weeks of The results of this study are part of a larger trapping. Among all six sites, average preva- include mice, rats, chipmunks, tree squir- two-year project. Data is only presented for rels, and voles; and (2) lagomorphs which lence was 71.55% and average intensity was the trapping period from between July 23 1.49 bot flies per individual host. Bot flies are comprised of rabbits and hares (Slansky and August 9, 2013. This is the only peri- 2007). Once infected, some studies have can be identified to species by determining od when cuterebrid larvae where observed their preferred host, infection area on the reported that the host individuals are well and during this time each of the six sites adapted and have no negative side effects, host’s body, and the seasonal occurrence of was trapped once. Each site had fifty Sher- the myiasis. During this study, cuterebrid while other studies cite a need for further man live traps (H. B. Sherman Traps, Tal- research on the impacts of these parasitic larvae were only found in hosts during the lahassee, FL; 7.5 x 9.0 x 23.0 cm) that were July 23-August 9 trapping period. Unfor- insects (Jaffe et al. 2005, Cramer and Cam- arranged in a trapping-web design. Trap- eron 2006) tunately, previous trapping in the area had ping webs consisted of 12 transects that concluded on June 14 and therefore we are Previous studies have indicated that prev- were 40 m in length, all extending from a unable to pinpoint the specific time when º alence (percentage of individuals infected) central point in 30 increments. Traps were the bot fly infections began. A high per- varies depending on the species of bot fly set along each transect at 10, 20, 30, and centage of individuals were still infected at (Margolis et al. 1982). However, intensity 40 m. Two additional traps were placed in the end of the trapping season but no more (number of parasites per individual host) the center of the web, resulting in 50 traps trapping was conducted making the range is not as commonly reported. The objective per web. For bait, birdseed was placed in- of seasonal infection hard to determine. of this study was to document the preva- side each trap. All trapping efforts met the The preferred hosts of the suspected species lence and intensity of bot fly infection on Southern Illinois University Institutional of Cuterebra are Peromyscus maniculatus Peromyscus spp. in southern Illinois upland Animal Care and Use Committee protocol and Peromyscus leucopus. All the infected hardwood forests. standards. Trapping was conducted daily individuals caught had one or more bot METHODS each morning, from Tuesday until Friday. flies in the inguinal area, near the genitals. Six forested sites were established at Touch All trapped individuals were examined No other locations on the host’s body were Bot Fly (Cuterebrid) Prevalence and Intensity in Southern Illinois Peromyscus Species and a Comparison to the Literature 2 Stephanie J Hayes, Eric J Holzmueller, and Clayton K Nielsen witnessed. With this information we deter- Table 1. Comparisons of studies reporting prevalence (percent of infected individuals) mined that the species of Cuterebra being for botfly infections in Peromyscus leucopus and Peromyscus maniculatus. Results of this encountered was most likely Cuterebra fon- study are shown in italics. tinella. Peromyscus leucopus and P. manicu- Location Dates of Study Sample Size Prevalence (%) Author latus are hosts of C. fontinella (Catts 1982; Southern Illinois July 2013 ‡ 91 71.55 Hayes et al. Cogley 1991). Typically the larval stage of Powdermill Biologi- 1979 - 1998‡ 1511*; 858* 6.95*; 9.09* Jaffe et al., 2005 cal Station, PA this parasitic species develops near the in- Ozarks, MO Feb. 1961 - July 1962‡ 661 0.3 Brown, 1965 guinal area, as well as the rump (Catts 1982; Oak Ridge, TN 1958-1964 511 † 24.7 † Dunaway et al., 1967 Cogley 1991). It also has a seasonal occur- Ontario Aug. - July 1958‡ 66 † 31.8 † Sealander, 1961 rence of myiasis during the months of Au- Ames, Iowa 1940 68 † 38.0 † Dalmat, 1943 gust through October which coincides with Massachusetts 1959‡ 214 † 27.6 † Abbott and Parsons, 1961 Michigan May – Oct. 1958‡ 72† 14.1-65.9 † Wecker, 1962 the dates that our infected individuals were Minnesota Sept. 1956- Sept. 1958‡ 1050 † 9.2 † Timm and Cook, 1979 caught (Hensley 1976; Catts 1982). Central Illinois July – Nov. 1997‡ 551 † 8.9-24.3 † Wolf and Batzli, 2000 * P. maniculatus and P. leucopus numbers listed separately; † Only P. leucopus data included; ‡ Includes data DISCUSSION only when bot flies present. Multiple studies have examined at bot fly infection rates in P. leucopus and P. mani c - ulatus throughout North America (Table Table 2. Comparisons of studies reporting intensity (number of bots per host) for botfly 1). The reported prevalence from this study infections in Peromyscus leucopus and Peromyscus maniculatus. Results of this study are is considerably higher than almost all oth- shown in italics. er bot fly field studies (Table 1). Wecker Location Dates of Study Sample Size Intensity Author (1962), who conducted a small mammal Southern Illinois July 2013 91 1.49 Hayes et al. Michigan May-Oct. 1958 72 1.46† Wecker, 1962 trapping study in an oak-hickory forest Minnesota Sept. 1956-Sept. 1958 97 1.4† Timm and Cook, 1979 in Michigan, had the closest prevalence Central Illinois July-Nov. 1997 75 1.0-1.24† Wolf and Batzil, 2000 values, ranging from 14.1-65.9%. Our val- † Only P. leucopus data included. ues ranged from 50-82% which is consid- erably higher. Jaffe et al. (2005) reported prevalence over a 20 year trapping study for May and April of 2012 were 2-3º higher precipitation may increase populations of in Pennsylvania. Overall, mean prevalence than historical averages and precipitation C. fontinella and the prevalence individu- was 6.95% in P. maniculatus, 9.09% in P. for June-August was 5-9 cm lower com- als on Peromyscus hosts. Further research leucopus. Prevalence peaked during the late pared to historical levels. In comparison, is needed throughout the species range summer and early fall season but was less 2013 saw spring temperatures very close to and among the different cuterebrid species than 50% for P. maniculatus and 60% for P. historical ranges and higher precipitation to expand upon the effects of weather and leucopus. levels. In June 2013 alone, southern Illinois host populations on cuterebrid population It is difficult to explain the higher preva- received 17 cm of rainfall compared to the dynamics. lence rates observed in our study. Very little 11 cm historical averages. It is possible that ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS is known about the habitat preferences and moisture levels during the summer months associations of cuterebrid species, although may have increased C.
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