YEREVAN WATER & WASTEWATER PROJECT/ CREDIT 4038-AM/ as of 16/12/2010 YWWP Procurement Identification Bidding Document Bidding Process Bid Evaluation Contract Implementation Investme Description Prior / Draft Document Review/Approval Invitation Bid opening Bid Evaluation Review/Approval Contract signing Contract Completion Proc. Supplier/ Initial Contract Initial Contract Price in nt Plan Type Contract No Post Planned Planned Actual- Actual- Contract name Method Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Planned Actual Contractor Price (USD) original currency Planned Actual Expendit original Revised WB PMB A - Energy saving Sensus Metering A1 Purchase of 29 borehole meters and ancillaries G YWWP/BHMeters/07 Shopping Post 07/12/06 22/12/06 12/12/06 N/A 12/12/06 29/01/07 23/01/07 01/03/07 29/01/07 27/04/07 06/02/07 27/04/07 N/A 28/02/07 18/05/07 20,163.96 € 15,263 30/06/07 13/08/07 System(Slovakia) A1 Purchase of 4 sets borehole pumps and ancillaries G YWWP/BoreholePumps/005 Shopping Prior 24/11/06 07/12/06 27/11/06 20/12/06 27/11/06 26/12/06 08/01/07 07/02/07 18/01/07 23/02/07 29/01/07 04/05/07 N/A 13/02/07 05/11/07 GRUNDFOS(Austria) 62,466.25 € 48,217.54 15/06/07 25/09/07 A2 Purchase of 5 new pumps at GarniPS G YWWP/GarniPumps/12 ICB Prior 26/11/07 14/11/07 12/12/07 05/12/07 20/12/07 14/12/07 12/02/08 05/02/08 20/03/08 28/03/08 09/04/08 16/04/08 N/A 29/04/08 30/05/08 Farmex(France) 141,153.18 € 95,188.00 27/08/08 09/11/09 A2 Purchase of 10 new valves at GarniPS G YWWP/GarniValves/14 Shopping Post 15/12/07 30/01/08 25/12/08 N/A 15/01/08 08/02/08 14/02/08 11/03/08 10/03/08 17/06/08 29/02/08 N/A N/A 10/03/08 08/07/08 Magga(Armenia) 38,273.94 AMD 11,822,820 08/06/08 20/11/09 A4 Purchase of 913 valves for distribution system G YWWP/Valves/01 ICB Prior 12/10/06 31/10/06 27/10/06 20/12/06 31/10/06 25/12/06 18/12/06 09/03/07 15/01/07 16/05/07 26/01/07 25/05/07 06/06/08 20/02/07 02/07/07 Ronberg Gruppe (USA) 184,834.92 USD 184,834.92 22/06/07 29/12/07 A4 Purchase of 4,200 m pipes for distribution system - LOT 2 G YWWP/Pipes/03 ICB Prior 12/10/06 31/10/06 27/10/06 20/12/06 31/10/06 25/12/06 18/12/06 02/03/07 15/01/07 30/03/07 26/01/07 23/05/07 06/06/08 20/02/07 02/07/07 Fuchs Rohr (Germany) 335,233.68 € 253,487.49 22/06/07 08/04/08 Salsgitter A4 Purchase of 16.8 km steel pipes for distribution system G YWWP/SteelPipes/15 ICB Prior 15/12/07 15/07/08 17/07/08 04/08/08 13/08/08 14/08/08 18/08/08 25/09/08 07/09/08 25/10/08 16/10/08 14/11/08 01/12/08 09/12/08 04/12/08 21/01/09 774,722.18 € 571,329.04 02/06/09 15/07/2009 Mannesman(Germany) Public Disclosure Authorized 29-08-08 A4 Purchase of PE pipes and fittings G YWWP/PEPipes/16 Shopping Prior 20/07/08 31/07/08 27/07/08 N/A 29/07/08 31/07/08 19/08/08 28/09/08 03/10/08 08/10/08 26/10/08 N/A 17/11/08 14/11/08 Farmex(France) 46,757.40 € 32,851.00 15/02/09 4/07/2009 19-09-08 €41218.56 and A4 Purchase of 461 valves for distribution system G YWWP/Valves/08 ICB Prior 11/04/07 22/01/07 27/04/07 07/02/07 30/04/07 13/02/07 18/06/07 10/04/07 10/07/07 16/07/07 06/08/07 29/09/07 N/A 31/08/07 01/11/07 Ronberg Gruppe (USA) 153,552.00 31/12/07 06/03/08 USD98443.38 SPTCO&SGAIC JV A4 Purchase of flowmeters for distribution system G YWWP/FlowMeters/10 ICB Prior 10/12/06 02/02/07 26/12/06 09/03/07 29/12/06 23.03.2007 15/02/07 04/05/07 05/03/07 10/07/07 30/03/07 30/07/07 N/A 02/05/07 31/08/07 159,681.00 USD 159,681.00 31/08/07 12/03/08 (China) A1 Installation of 29 borehole meters W YWWP/BHMetersWks/13 Shopping Post 31/10/07 05/11/07 02/11/07 N/A 05/11/07 05/11/07 27/11/07 28/12/07 10/12/07 04/12/07 15/12/07 N/A N/A 25/12/07 24/12/07 GOARSHIN (Armenia) 15,167.68 AMD 4,618,560 25/02/08 05/07/08 A1 Supply of 4 units transformers G YWWP/BoreholePumpsWks/11 Shopping Post 15/11/07 24/09/07 20/11/07 20/11/07 24/11/07 20/11/07 21/12/07 05/12/07 21/01/08 15/01/08 25/01/08 N/A N/A 15/02/08 01/02/08 Shaks Gruppe(Armenia) 14,272.81 AMD 4,373,760 25/06/08 22/02/08 Gyumush Pumping Station rehabilitation with "Parex Gas"Ltd/ A1 W YWWP/GyumoushWorks/24 NCB Post 30/10/08 07/11/08 N/A 17/11/08 02/04/10 19/12/08 30/04/10 15/01/09 01/06/10 02/02/09 N/A N/A 10/02/09 20/07/10 298,575.88 AMD 114,906,927 10/07/09 installation of pumps and springbox 31/03/10 (Armenia) A1 Rehabilitation of Arzni-Yerevan water supply system W YWWP/Arzni4SourceWks/27 ICB Prior 30/01/10 20/05/10 19/05/10 01/03/10 05/07/10 08/03/10 07/07/10 19/04/10 23/08/10 03/06/10 re-bid 23/06/10 13/07/10 28/02/11 Capturing of approximately 50 l/s gravity water of "GOAR SHIN" Ltd A1 W YWWP/ArzakanWks/25 Shopping Post 30/01/10 15/03/10 06/02/10 N/A 09/02/10 16/03/10 09/03/10 12/04/10 19/03/10 23/04/10 26/03/10 N/A N/A 02/04/10 11/05/10 53,550.03 AMD 21,248,650 30/08/10 26/11/10 Arzakan water source (Armenia) "Parex Rehabilitation of Garni sources Goght captages and the A1 W YWWP/GarniGoxtSourceWks/21 NCB Post 30/01/10 23/03/10 06/02/10 N/A 11/02/10 23/03/10 23/03/10 20/04/10 12/04/10 10/05/10 27/04/10 N/A N/A 07/05/10 07/06/10 Gas"Ltd/"Emoshin" Ltd 158,205 AMD 62,370,700 03/12/10 01/12/10 sanitary zone JV (Armenia) Garni Pumping Station rehabilitation with installation of A2 W YWWP/GarniWks/21 Shopping Post 03/01/08 02/01/09 20/01/09 09/01/09 N/A 14/01/09 20/01/09 11/02/09 18/02/09 26/02/09 26/02/09 06/03/09 N/A N/A 20/03/09 12/03/09 Univerasl Ltd (Armenia) 94,998 AMD 28,999,160 18/06/09 01/12/09 pumps and valves Qanaqer 2nd street pipeline - reconstruction of from Shinashkhar LTD A3 W YWWP/QanaqerTS/07 Shopping Post 08/12/07 08/06/07 26/06/2007 N/A 03/07/07 08/06/07 31/07/07 29/06/07 14/08/07 10/07/07 28/08/07 N/A N/A 04/09/07 19/07/07 96,273.85 AMD 32,824,569 10/01/08 30/08/08 Tsaravaghbjur street to Sarkavag street (Armenia) Qanaqer-Tsaravaghbjur street - Reconstruction of Ecolakt/Astgik JV A3 W YWWWP/Qanaqer2ndS/08 Shopping Post 06/12/07 08/06/07 26/06/07 N/A 03/07/07 08/06/07 31/07/07 29/06/07 14/08/07 10/07/07 28/08/07 N/A N/A 04/09/07 23/07/07 92,976.19 AMD 31,700,232 10/01/08 31/05/08 pipelines from the 2nd street to Sarkavag street (Armenia) A4 Improvement of Sari Tagh water supply system W YWWP/SariTagh/04 Shopping Post 12/03/07 20/04/07 15/03/07 N/A 15/03/07 10/05/07 05/04/07 31/05/07 16/04/08 12/06/07 26/04/08 N/A N/A 02/05/07 28/06/07 Erknaqer Ltd (Armenia) 96,082.87 AMD 33,424,349 31/10/08 07/11/08 Blesk Aremenian Branch A4 Norq Marash water distribution system rehabilitation W YWWP/Marash/02 NCB Prior 21/06/07 17/07/07 05/07/07 30/07/07 07/07/07 02/08/07 03/08/07 14/09/07 17/08/07 09/11/07 27/08/07 26/11/07 26/11/07 05/09/07 10/12/07 276,636.46 AMD 94,371,761 10/02/08 30/11/08 (Armenia) Public Disclosure Authorized Reconstruction of pipelines at Fanarjyan, 16th and 17th Shinashkhar Ltd A4 W YWWP/Fanarjyan/09 Shopping Post 14/06/07 08/06/07 N/A N/A 14/06/07 08/06/07 05/07/07 29/06/07 19/07/07 10/07/07 N/A N/A N/A 26/07/07 19/07/07 99,197.88 AMD 33,821,517 27/11/07 30/09/08 streets (Armenia) Zeytun –reconstruction of pipeline at Vahe Vahyan, A4 Qanaqer 14th and 1st streets and rehabilitation of W YWWP/Zeytun/01 NCB Prior 12/06/07 15/06/07 26/06/07 09/07/07 03/07/07 18/07/07 31/07/07 16/08/07 14/08/07 10/09/07 28/08/07 19/09/07 N/A 04/09/07 27/09/07 Jilyo P/Co (Armenia) 95,599.51 AMD 32,185,488 10/01/08 30/07/08 pipeline and sewer at Meliqyan street Bypassing of Dinamo DRR pipeline and installation of A4 W YWWP/DinamoArzni/14 Shopping Post 23/11/07 23/11/07 N/A N/A 23/11/07 23/11/07 10/01/08 21/12/07 08/01/08 15/01/08 N/A N/A N/A 25/01/08 25/01/08 Jilyo P/Co (Armenia) 39,164.70 AMD 13,325,005 03/03/08 10/10/08 the PRVs on Arzni main” Nor Jrvezh bypass -construction of gravity pipeline from A4 Dzoraghbyur DRWR and connection to the booster W YWWP/NorJrvezhWks/10 NCB Post 15/05/08 01/12/08 02/02/09 11/12/08 N/A 16/12/08 03/02/09 25/01/09 04/03/09 14/02/09 24/03/09 01/03/09 N/A 28/04/09 11/03/09 30/04/09 Transgazshin (Armenia) 370,929.08 AMD 138,338,000 07/09/09 30/06/10 pumping station for Mayak upper areas Civil works for sectorisation I phase- lot 1 YWWP/SectorWorksNorthern/12- Emoshin/Horizon JV A4 Sectorisation of Northern district -Nor Nork 9th and W NCB 15/04/09 16/04/09 29/04/09 07/05/09 06/05/09 08/05/09 03/06/09 05/06/09 17/06/09 15/06/09 01/07/09 01/07/09 N/A 11/07/09 30/07/09 72,415.66 AMD 26,779,312 18/11/2009 30/06/10 lot 1 (Armenia) Avan Arinj Civil works for sectorisation I phase- lot 2 Sectorisation of Northern district -Nork Marash district YWWP/SectorWorksNorthern/12-lot Prior “Baghramyanshin” A4 W NCB 15/04/09 16/04/09 29/04/09 07/05/09 06/05/09 08/05/09 03/06/09 05/06/09 17/06/09 15/06/09 01/07/09 01/07/09 N/A 11/07/09 08/07/09 171,481.61 AMD 63,413,900 18/11/09 01/10/10 and Sari Tagh 9th 2 OJSC (Armenia) Civil works for sectorisation I phase-lot 3 YWWP/SectorWorksNorthern/12 - "Yerjrmughkoyughshin" A4 W NCB 15/04/09 16/04/09 29/04/09 07/05/09 06/05/09 08/05/09 03/06/09 05/06/09 17/06/09 15/06/09 01/07/09 01/07/09 N/A 11/07/09 14/07/09 73,712.48 AMD 27,258,875 18/11/09 12/10/10 Sectorisation of Northern district -Mayak Banavan lot 3 LTD (Armenia) Civil works for sectorisation I phase- YWWP/SectorWorksErebuni/13 -lot “HAEK-i shinararutyun” A4 W NCB 30/04/09 12/05/09 14/05/09 N/A 21/05/09 19/05/09 18/06/09 16/06/09 02/07/09 19/06/09 16/07/09 N/A N/A 26/07/09 25/06/09 159,674 AMD 58,710,400 03/12/09 22/01/10 Sectorisation of Erebuni district -Lot 1-Kharberd 1 CJSC (Armenia) Post Civil works for sectorisation I phase- “HAEK-i shinararutyun” A4 Sectorisation of Erebuni district - Lot 2-Mushakan W YWWP/SectorWorksErebuni/13 NCB 30/04/09 12/05/09 14/05/09 N/A 21/05/09 19/05/09 18/06/09 16/06/09 02/07/09 19/06/09
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