$4.95 USA $5.95 CAN W 7 20000 54800 4 ITLA is the Official Organizer of Atlanta Black Gay Pride. Always look for the ITLA logo for official events and activities CORPORATE PARTNERS nn ATlANTA ~*~ PRIDE mrjsmith.com ,£OMMlnEE P.~U.S.E. MAGAZINE rmt+web dssi ner ~I For AAd About Bbck SGL Men Human Rights Campaign, 1f""'f;'~N"l'Joj-.J·"ff1·plnrfUl~ At The Beach Las Angeles Nathan Scatt"s Flawless .June 30-.July 4 Engagement In the summer of 19BB, Duane Bremond .July 7 and a group of friends decided to come The 2007 Flawless Engagement is a FRESH new con- together to organize and enjoy a day "At cept in New York City partying. This special night will be the Beach" on the 4th of July. Every year hosted by Randall Isaac at the Johnny Gentry Loft on since, At the Beach [ATB] has grown in 5th Avenue. Patrons can expect a classy, fun and fes- participants and in scope. It has become the nation's largest recog- tive summer party. Come and join Nathan Seven Scott nized Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride celebration. & Jared Shuler for a party with a purpose. ~ Hatter Than .July Jl~wly 21 -29 ..••••.•..•.•....••••.•.••.••.•..•.•.••.• Detroit's Hotter T an July is a grass-roots social project fourrd- ed in the core pri ciples of Kwanza. It serves as a year-rou d effort promoting collective works to nurture a healthy comm - nity through economics, spirituality, networking, education a d culture. This year's theme "Color Me Black" celebrates our con- tributions to black culture in America wile embracing the full truth of our lives as same-gender-Ioving men, women, yout , families, allies, friends and supportive family. MialT'liBeach Bruthaz .July 19-22 For four days, attendees from across the country gather to socialize, network, empower each other, and learn about issues facing the gay community. Miami Beach Bruthaz pres- ents a Corjor International summer fashion show. This spec- tacular event will showcase both men's and women's swimwear and casual lines. Visit www.miamibeach bruthaz.com for more info. ntsTaLaak Pride June 28-Ju lack Pride July 2 ride July 19-22 K Souther. Xposure Tour (Co K Splish S lash Pool Party Se VOL 8/ISSUE 6 • CLi( -11 .; www.clikmagazine.com II I MAG A Z N E EDiTOR-IN-CHIEF Dwight S. Powell [email protected] MANAGING EDITOR Luis A. Medrano GRAPHIC DESIGNER Lorenzo Turner Atlanta,GA OFFICEMANAGER Cordell McClary Atlanta,GA COPY EDITOR Shontel Babb Atlanta,GA STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Photographer Aeric Meredith-Goujon NewYork,NY Photographer Ricc Rollins Tampa,FL STAFFWRITERS Senior Staff Writer Scott Bogan Atlanta,GA Senior Staff Writer Darryl Moch Phoenix,AZ Senior Staff Writer Craig Washington Atlanta,GA Staff Writer Michael Rochelle Baltimore,MD Staff Writer Cary Snow Virginia Staff Writer Herndon Davis LosAngeles,CA Staff Writer Juwan Watson Portage,MI Staff Writer Kevin McNeir Chicago,IL Staff Writer Lloyd Dinwiddie Atlanta.GA Staff Writer Darian Aaron Atlanta,GA Book Editor Derrick Briggs NewYork,NY Entertainment Editor Jarvis Handy Memphis,TN Staff Writer Steven Emmanuel Martinez NewYork,NY FASHION DIRECTOR Curtis Davis NewYork,NY ILLUSTRATORI CARTOONISTIII Harry Pinkney PhiladelphiaPA, FEATUREDCONTRIBUTINGWRITERS LT Dinwiddie WashingtonDC IIII Taylor Siluwe Atlanta,GA Reginald T. Naji-Allah Atlanta,GA CONTRIBUTINGPHOTOGRAPHERS Zaire WashingtonD, C IIII David Brandon Atlanta,GA Lloyd Crawford Atlanta,GA IIII Taj Washington Atlanta,GA Jerry Boles Atlanta,GA ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT I Ad Sales: 404-885-6067 DISTRIBUTOR I Ingram Periodicals Inc - 615-793-5522 / ACCOUNT10 54800 SUBSCRIPTIONS / CONTACT [email protected] 1170 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1200, Atlanta, GA 30309 Visit Us Online At - www.clikmagazine.com Myspace www.myspace/clik_magazine CLlKTM Magazine is published monthly by ONYX MEDIA QUEST, LLC, a Georgia corporation. The articles and opinions expressed herein are solely those of their authors and are not necessarily endorsed by CLlK,"1 Magazine. Names and pictures of persons appearing in CUI(TMMagazine are no indication of sexual orientation. All per- sons appearing in CLlKTM Magazine are at least 18 years of age. CLlKTM Magazine, unless specified, does not endorse and is not responsible for claims and practices of advertisers. Reproduction in whole or part without permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Onyx Media Quest. LlLC. ©2007 All Rights Reserved. Volume 8, ISSUE 6 - 2007. DOMESTICSUBSCRIPTIONRATES:one year (12 issues), $19.95. Two years (24 issues). $35. I INTERNATIONALSUBSCRIP- TIONRATES:one year (12 issues). $75. Two years (24 issues), $160. I Single issues of Clik Magazine are available for purchase via mail at a cost of $4.95 per copy plus $5.00 for shipping and handling for the first copy and $2.50 (S/H) for each additional copy VOL 8 I ISSUE6 • CI.i( - 13 - www.clikmagazine.oom inrO=tm How did this all start? you ask. Well, In [About 65 percent of all male babies in the some types of gay sex. A man's risk from per- three recent clinical trials in Africa, circumci- United States are circumcised, according to forming penetrative anal sex is about the the National Center for Health Statistics, sion was shown to lower a man's risk of con- same as his risk from vaginal sex, Dr. Frieden compared with about 30 percent of men tracting the virus from heterosexual sex by said, so circumcision would presumably con- worldwide, by WHO. estimates.) Among about 60 percent. On March 28, the World fer the same protection as it did in the African men seeking treatment at the city's clinics for \ Health Organization officially recommended trials. Also, cutting down infections among sexually transmitted diseases - another risk ! that countries adopt the procedure as part of bisexual men - some of whom do not admit group for AIDS infection because of genital \ their AIDS prevention plans. While the to female partners that they participate in gay sores - a large proportion are uncircurn- ~ sex - would protect women, he said. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cised, Dr. Frieden said. ! in Atlanta is just beginning to convene meet- ........................................... : . ings and design studies to help it formulate a national policy, New York City is moving ahead A MAN~ RISk. FROMPERFORMINC?PENE,RA,IVE DD on its own. New York City's Department of aa Health and Mental Hygiene is planning a cam- ANAL-SEX IS A130U, ,HE SAME AS HIS RISk. paign to encourage men at high risk of AIDS to get circumcised in light of the World Health FROM VAC?INAL-SEX. .• Organization's endorsement of the procedure - DR. FRIEDEN as an effective way to prevent the disease. In the United States, "New York City remains The studies, done in "~~~·~~~·,""~~~·~~""~~~"r·~·;"·~;i·~~~·~"·~·~;~"~~"~~ought the epicenter of the AIDS epidemic," Dr. South Africa, enrolled men who said they had ! health insurance Thomas R. Frieden, the city's health commis- sex with women, while New York's highest- \ companies might sioner, said in an interview. Referring to H.l.V., risk groups are men who have sex with men, \ agree to pay he said, "In some subpopulations, you have 10 men who inject drugs, and people who have ! to 20 percent prevalence rates, just as they sex with those men. Nonetheless, Dr. Frieden ! do in parts of Africa." His department has said, it is logical to assume : started asking some community groups and that circumcision would ! gay rights organizations to discuss circumci- offer protection in! sion with their members, and has asked the Health and Hospitals Corporation, which runs city hospitals and clinics, to perform the pro- cedure at no charge for men without health insurance. Dr. Frieden said black, Hispanic, and foreign- born men were less likely to be circumcised than white Americans, and the percentage is smaller among men with lower incomes. VOL 8 tiSSUE 6 • CLi< 14 www.clikmagazine.com for preventive circumcisions since they already covered them for infections and urinary block- aa age. City hospitals also offer the operation in M£N tIR.t\.JMtIS£t> AS At>\.JL--rStAN those cases, Ms. Marengo said. £XP£f<.I.£Nt£ -rH£ t>IFF'£f<.£Nt£ A FOf<.£- Peter Staley, a longtime AIDS activist and co- SkIN MAk£S....t>IMINISH£t> P£NI.L-£ founder of ACT-UP New York, the Treatment Action Group and AIDSmeds.com, said he was S£NSI-rIVI-ry, USS P£NI.U C1f<.A-rI- "intrigued" by the idea of offering circumcisions but worried because those in the studies sup- FItA-rION. porting it bore little relation to New York's risk groups. ''I'm white, Frieden's white," he said. "It's going to sound like white guys telling black and Hispanicguys to do something that would affect their manhood." But isn't that exactly what they wouldbe doing? Worried yet? ...HI V INF£t-rION MAY~£ f<.£t>\.Jt£t> ~y GO% AMONq S-rf<.AIqH-r M£N Tokes Dsubu, executive director of Gay Men of African Descent, a 21-year-old gay rights organi- wHO Af<.£ tIR.tl.JMtI.S£t>. DD zation,agreed. He also said he thought circumci- sion was "not the answer to our problems" and doubtedthat it would lower infection rates. Many black men who have sex with men, he said, numbers? Is it just alreadyface discrimination, stigma, and an inability to talk about their sexliveswith family members and sometimes even with doctors. "No good public policy and public health to reduce HIV by 60% in the amount of circumcision is going to change that," he said. Bric Bernas, epicenter of the disease? Before I answer that, I want to add one manager of information and counseling for the Asian and Pacific other bit of information into the mix, so you can get a full picture of IslanderCoalition on H.l.V.j AIDS, said his organization wanted to see what we are talking about.
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