- Section rosse Pointe ews A ------------------~--------- -- --- ---- VOL.4/-NO. 50 "ubli,hed en Second Cia.. Matte, ot the Post Offl,e ot Detroit, MI<higan GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER , I, 1980 25, Pel Copy $10 Pe, Yeal ----------- --------------- --------- - --- 50 Pages-Four Sections-Plus Insert --- - ----._-------- -- --- - -- - ---- ---- -._------ --~_. ---- -------------------------------------------- ---------- Piano meet could put GrossePointe on the map Michigan's mJst tal e n t e d courage and assist the development young pianists will be invited of outstanding pianists in Illiehigall," The inspiration for the competi. mer Music Festival, John Lake, exec. to the War Memorial next sum- according to Suczek. tion came out of the festival's first mer to eompete before a panel utive director of the War Memorial presentation of a young artist. Eliza. Mrs. Thomas V. LoCicero and ~Jr,: of prominent judges for more "WE'VE RECEIVED such terrific State-wide (~()nlpetition beth Lesesne, last summer, according than $1,000 in prizes in the support from the Grosse Pointe Sym- to Suczek. Robert Hartwick, Festival patrons, Detroit pianist and conductor Julius Grosse Pointe Summer Music phony, the Detroit Symphony Or- chestra and Antal Dorati that we Chajes and Mrs. Theodore Leltvin, will be held in Mareb "Elizabeth's debut was such a suc. Festival's first state-wide piano now have a competition of major pro. director of the non.profit Great Lakes comp€'tition. cess. for her and the festival. that portiull.s, II t:VL;Jt.i oecome one of the Performing ArtL~k, A;>:)vc.:ii:tliuf1. we became acutely conscious of what most important competitions in the an exciting and rewarding thing a The event, made possible by a grant state and put Grosse Pointe on the Suczek, who is also president of Pro gan State University artist in resi- young artist debut could be. "And of $1,000 from the Michigan Founda. map as a key cultural center," Sue- 1981 Grosse Pointe Summer Music Musica of Detroit, Inc., founded the dence Ralph Votapek, Grosse Pointe competition is just the way to do it," tion for the Arts, was announced last zek said. Grosse Pointe festival in 1957. Since Symphony Musical Direct6r Felix Res. Festival. First prize also will include Suelek said. week by Music Festival Foundet Ale): then the program has presented a 'nik, DSO Art.istic Administrator An. $1,000 in stipends-$750 for the festi. Suczek, who will serve as general The jury for the competition will val recital and $250 for a concerto wide range of outstanding artists in- drew Raeburn and Madame lIse von Management of the competition and chairman. The competition will be be led by Detroit's pianist laureate performance with the Grosse Pointe cluding the Detroit Symphony, the Alpenheim (Mrs. Antal Dorati}. preliminary screening of applicants open to the public at the Memorial Mischa Kottler. The complete panel, Symphony during its 1981.82 season. New York Dance Quartet and many on March 21 and 22. will be conducted by the Grosse The winner also will audition for a internationally famous soloists. which will be announced later, al. As part of the prize in the new Pointe War Memorial and a compe. ready includes world.renowned De., concerto performance with the DSO.. The goal of the event is to "en. competition, the winner will play a tition committee under Suczek. Wo'rk. troit.born pianist James Tocco, l\1ichi. A second prize of $250 will be award- The new piano competition is open recital as the final program of the ed to the runner.up. ing with him are Mrs. Sterling San. ford, general chairman of the Sum- (Continued on Page 4A} New life in Grosse Pointe Former boat people Farms offers comfortable in Park interest free By Gregory Jakub Last year the family prepared Viet. namese food for a sit.down dinner at- rehah loans While relentless inflation and tended by 150 members of the congre- unemployment darken the holi. gation and last week presented the days for too many Detroiters. church with two oriental lanterns. By Tom Greenwood retains Possession of the home for at the future Jooks brighter than least three years after the rehabilita. Grosse Pointe Memorial is the first Interest-free housing rehabili- tion work is completed, is more reo ever for at least one Grosse tation loans or grants to Farms Pointe Park family. church the family has belonged to. strictive than that for a loan. The family is of Chinese descent and residents with low or moderate This will be the third Christ- their religion was based on Buddhism incomes are now 'available to Loans, however, are without inter. and other beliefs not founded in any mas in Grosse Pointe for a 14- qualified home owners, accord- est and need not be repaid until your religion, according to Rem Purdy, ing to Farms City Clerk and house is sold. "In essence, the loans member family which arrived chairman of Project Good Harbor. need. never be repaid as long as the in Detroit on Dec. 15, 1978 dur- Rehabili ta tion Co-o r din a tor Richard Solak. home owner retains possession of the ing the' exodus of the '"boat Christianity apparently is suited to home," said Solak, the family, eSPE'cial1y the Christmas people" from communist Viet- The funds are federal monies, set nam. custom which is also celebrated in (Continued on Page 4Al the east, according to Phan, the 12 aside oy the U.S. Congress, through year.old family member who is most the Department of Housing and Fearing for their lives, the father Urban Development, (HUD), under Huu Lam closed the family restaurant f1uent.in English. AlthQugh -Chrish- .. mas is observed, it is the new year the Community Development Block in suburban Saigon and started his -Grant Program. Wayne County is family on their flight to the U.S. which is the major holiday in eastern Gunmen rob culture, Phan said. acting as a liaison for 'procuring and HUll and his brother arrived in this distributing -the funds. country six months after their family. Since their basic needs have been According to Solak, the Farms reo met, the only barrier facing the fam. For most of the family, their first ceived $50,000 from the program. Woods duo i1y is language which the young ones Under federal guidelines. approxi. Christmas in the west came 10 days have easily overcome but stilJ- poses after arriving in Grosse Pointe hav- mately $45,000 is available to citizens, By Gregory Jakub problems to the four adults in their after $5,000 goes to administrative ing just completed an eight.month 50's, Ph an said. journey from the east during which costs. Grosse Pointe Woods' recent crime wave continued last week- they endured hunger, separation, and Nevertheless, Huu Lam, the father, Of this $45,000, at least 80 percent piracy. said that language is not a problem is earmarked for two designated low end when two gunmen robbed in his job as a maintenance man with Activities at Grosse roin!e l'~e. to moderate incomes areas "targeted" a man and woman in a h:Jme ~ They were taken in by members Farmer Jack supermarkets nor does morial Church have become an im. by county officials and program guide- on Littlestone Road and bur- of the Grosse Pointe Memorial Church aunt Trinh find language problems at portant part of life in this country lines as most worthy of the funding. glars cleared a house on Renaud Project Good Harbor who immedi- her job with the housekeeping de. for Huu Lam (at table head} and The remaining $9,000 is available to of more than $10,000 worth of ately provided clothes, shelter and partment in the Detroit Plaza Hotel. his family in the two years since other areas in the Fanns. jewelry. food for what was the area's first they fled communist Vietnam. Pic. refugee family. The mother, Chu Muoi: is kept busy tured above is the family at the "THE AREAS include the Bourne. No one was injured in either inci. at home with four children including church's Advent dinner on Sunday, mouth.Chlllfonte-Barclay and Mack dent and Woods police say they are Two years and several newspaper one she discovered she was carrying Dec. 7. At the left forefront is the Avenue area to the city limits," sa,id investigating two suspects arrested by and television stories later, the family during their trecherous trek from the family's newest member. Martha Solak, "while the other area runs ap. today is self. sufficient and with the east. East Detroit Police for a possible Joy, who was born shortly after the proximately along Mapleton-Muir connection with the Woods robbery. help of Memorial Church volunteers family arrived in Grosse Pointe in Roads between Kercheval and Grosse has rented a home in the Park, found TilE BABY is now two years old 1978. Across from her are Jim and Pointe Boulevard" Included are Me. Woods Officer Arthur Gekiere an- jobs for the adults, and placed the and was named Martha Joy by the Louise Hoyt. Lighting the Advent Kinley and Fisher Roads between swered a call about 7:45 p.m, Friday, children in local schools. church .congregation in honor of the candle is' Jessie Davis and to her -Ridge and Kercheval, and Meadow Dec. 5 from the woman on Littlestone Pastor's wife. Lane." THEY HAVE -settled into a pattern right is ..Martha.Joy's aunt Que. who said. she had been robbed at According to Chu !\Iuoi, He in this Above the table is an oriental Ian.
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