\ Wrecked Frejght'e'r's Crew Snatc ed From Death,; -- . !.,.'i· .. ·•.• . ." ,- . .'.';,,. , V' 9.15 a.m.-·NoL ulloby for o \ Lise. C 1 10.30 a.m.-Adopted Son. MI 7.00 p.m.-The Barrelman. THEDAILY :NEWS M~t::N 8.15 p.m.-Hockey. P Charles 'Hutton & Sons (Price 5 cents) ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, MONDAY, NOV. 28, 1955 Vol. 62. No. 267 Police • .' . • e Ivery o ypt Station us rms Bombed Helicopter ---Graduate' Nurses---- U.S. Considering R:L~:\=:SIr. Plucks Men 'a el' s Ap pe alll:~d po~~~t:::gea~ 2~Y::~:.- Isr , amas foiled a dawn attack. by armed raiders Saturday' WASHINGTON-AP-The Communist bloc is re- I l'l1 r" From Sea ported moving rapidly to deliver $80,000,000 worth of on ..a one y VI age po ICI H;\LIFAX-eP- Twcnty­ . promised weapons to Egypt so as to complete deliveries I station here•. one Grc:!k ~camcn, snatch­ within the next 30 days. i The raiders, believed to be mern· ed (rom dcath on their These Red arms shipments are' . I bel's o[ the outlawed Irish Rcpub- wrecked ship, rcsted in a increasing pressure on the United to have bcpn delIvered along with! lican Army, blasted the station States to meet Israel's urgent re- tanks, arU!lel'Y .aml ~mall arm~: I' wall with a hon,temade bomb a~ ;ailor'~ hll:ilcl in Sydney quest for American arms. At least SCI en sll1pl~ads arc undel fought a machme·gun duel With Sundar. But no decision has bee made stoo~ to ha.ve arrIVed, often un I police before fleeing across the T-c I'~l'''' mcmbers of the Liber· yet by state and defence ndepart. loadmg at n1gh~. , border,. three miles away, into the iln 'frci~htC~ i\i;mc\ 11 were IiUed ment authorities who are consider. The Communists arc un~ersto()d IRepublic of Ireland, tJ ;3fc:) Sal~lrllay by two nal')' ing Israel's ap cal, Most officials to be charging cut·rate. prices [01' • • - . ~;Im. T~c)' tcok turns .Iluldlns are reported :xtremely relucta~t t!le weapons, all of which are be· The statlOl! duty officer, 25·ycar· their hd:c,'pler down beslile Ihe to sell any American weapons to heyed to be sec~nd hand, but ap~; old Gordon Kn01;les, wa~ dug froln : ii-oed rnrk, of ;l t,UOO·foot cliff Israel [or fear of getting involved parently th~ 'pr1CC~ are not ab i the ru~ble. Illth sel en bullet ;u'~c northern lip (If Cape Dreton in n ms race with the Commu. c.h~ap as ,!~lgma!ly supposed, or· I \I ounds ,m h.. ~ bod~'. ~I~ was re- , ~ ar [lClals fanllllar 11'lth the arms deal ported III crilleal cundltlon. ' bland. With thc II hirlil1~ rotors nnl)' illS . said the !lriccs are 10ll'er than the! The raiders moved Into the viI· !:ant fcd awn)' Ir.lIn thc rliff. the Officials who are closely check· United States 1I'0uid eharge lor Ilage through daWn mist and cut· ~tli~,1pler in~hcrl d~l1'n to Ihe after Ing Communist arms deliveries re· similar weapons, however. the pulice station's telephone wire:;. d!ck of thc i\i;m~t four limes ~nel port there is no sign the Soviets Small coastal submarincs noll' I The bomb explosion, heard 10 plucked the men nIl' n y. The have included late· model MiG·17s arc belicv~~ definitel~ to be part\ miles away, tore a holdn the wall. !:ti~ht~r. II'hh'h pOllnrtcd intn tne in cargoes unloaded thus far, Rum· of the mlhtnry eqUipment COil· As the men cntered, they sprayed !ll~k)' 1\'311 of Calle St. Lnwrence ors that some of these new jet signed to the E~YJ1lian5. ,Half a: the barracks with machIne-gun Frida\' mornin~. was bound from fightcrs would he turned over to dozen of these cbsolete uncJer~pa I fire and' called on the police to Philadelphia to-Sul11mcr:<ide. p, B. the Egyptians have been noted in craft are included as part of the surrender. I. Wb!n tllc crCll' lI'a, !ln1Uy res· Middle East publications. deal, it W?S said, b!lt the.re h~s Shaken from sleep, Sgt. W. R.· CCffl 29 1I0u~s later the 2,848·tl)ll SUBJlIr\RINES, ~OO been ~o sign of their arrival m ;'.!Url·ow, 26, answered the surren· !hip 11'3; only 25 feet Irom the Obsolescent ~hG·15s arc known E~ypllan lI'::ters ~'ct: ___ . ____ del' call with a fusillade of ma·· , . r~:k 1··all. chine·gun bullets. Still in pajamas, White nan pilot, LI. Cnhlr. BOARD OF TRADE hc rallied Ihe men. J~~n Beeman of ~hlOtreal ami FIII·t VILI,.\GERS ST,\Y INDOORS . \rilli.m, anrll.!.,Cmdr. Hnger Fink of PJ~oka ...\Ita.. ed~ed dilringl\' d,wn In Ihc pum'lUrer! ,hill. an SHOWN ABOVE is Class 55-D. Graduate Nurses of the St. John's General Hospital, at a class dinner at the Nfld. ~t i PI~;i~~~e~~~p~II'~;J~~r: b~h:l~e ~~; Prote ...., On chattcr u[ machine·gun fire cchocd !to.,dr.otP h,':nrl at na1'\'the' I:,p/:round of the parll'cliff P_.0 t e I 011 F'rJ 'd ay mg.. hl Th e f 0 11'owmg passedR' eglstere( 1 N urses exams;-Sh'Ir I ey Bursey. All'Ison Barre, tt Ph y 11'IS Strong among cottages and richocheting tJ allcmpl a ropc.nnel.pulley evac· Bratt, Olive Clarke, Connie 'Crisby, Jean Carter, Bctty Cook, Genevieve Crowell, Grace Dumarque, Linda Dan­ Ullbn if the 'copter failed, And a I ic1s KnOw Hunter Mary Lundrigan June Moyst Louise Organ .Judy Penny Ivy Powell June Parsons Bernice ·ce I b~~;tt:r1\':~n:~i::t:~ ,:fe :~s:e:;ate Cc~' hundred )'ard, of[ shnre the I . ' •. ' . ' , , , , . , I fighting. the raiders raced for their 1:l~lor INcl Bcrcharmian prc., ::inow, ShIrley Tulk, Rosalie West, Irene Young. Wm. Carson Servl The Newfoundland Board o[ : while ~he is uperating tcmporarily I c~rs and r?ared oCf towards the pncd 10 at\ell1~t a S~a rc~cue. I Trarle have sent a strongly worded between Nurth Sydney and /\1"1 bordler· Police reCclolvelredd ad SuUtb- )I.\n~: ..OUIt TRIPS ' I L J B h I . mac line-gun, a u y. oa e a 0- Tht. helicoptcr madc four car,c',: 01'( eaver roo { protest to Transport ~~mlster lIIar· gcnlIa. '. 1 matic II·c,tpon. threc 'eivilian gas fcl tnps I~ lhc .hnsc o[ tbt.. cll!f, ,. ". Tourist Conference 0Hens ler, .agalnst the rcjectlOn by CN~ I These rccommcndatllJns. "~re Imask., and a loaded tcar gas p!s. mh pitot handling Ihe machlnr. I t Ri . I . Chairman, Donald Gordon, of their, made to the CoN,R. CI.laI 1'111,\11 , 101. Rai:ler~ gut no arms from Ute t'l'o lamlln;s, They hO"crl'd D N I fo~ I ona es tW n { recommendation that . i a [ro.m thiS Buar.d police ,talion. Ol'tr Ihe deek on Ihe first attemjlt, pas~cngers a:t~r dclega~ion I be carried to Argenha 10 the: VISited Argentla and mspeetcd thiS 'Th . t I . iI t !i:nalin~ the ~camen 10. remove asl To Frederlo 'Iton In Atmosphere Of Confidence i . I lit e "as pIS a was slm ar 0 milch 01 thc dcck eqUlpmcnt and! I \. Ferry "William Carson," i very fmc slup t Jroug I t IC cour esy : one [OI~nJ on an IRA raider cap· Intin;; IW.isib!c. keeping! Fn8I>ERIC'fON eCP) - Lord 000,000. ism booster. The tcxt of their leltcr to ~Ir,: of 1111'. E. J. Cool;e. ~I~nager of: tured during a barraclls attack at 3: !hc~ OTTAWA-CP - A fed­ Ih~ m~chln~, ,teady I~ 2J.mlle;an·i Beal'crbrouk Satllrdal' officially The conference, to be attended 'I'lIa agenda calls for discus· Marler Is as follows: . the New[ounrlland Sel'1'lccs. I Omagh, Northern Ireland, in Oc· bJllrll'l,nd,.t.lcy ~a,cd II down. ,~he I opcn~d Ihe $100,000 Lady Beal'er· eral· provincial conference by delegations from. cvery provo sion of special problems encount· . We were advised by ~Ir. Gordun . tuber last year. The IRA is pledgcd rJmplc~c cpcratlOn Ilcnl olf Illth·, brook rink he has given to· Fred· opens Monday for wide­ ince, will get the latest picture on ered in the 1955 tourist season and Honourable G. C. :\Iarler, : in repl)' that certain technicalitics I to work for union oC norUlern and out mClltenl. n1thml~h the 11l'lIcoP'! crieton and furned it over 10' the what occurred In the tourist Indus· how they can be overcoma in Lu· I ranging discussions on Can· Minister o[ Transport, would make it 'climeult to institute' southern Ireland, usin:;: force if ne· t try this year. Then delegates will ture. Under this heading, the dele· ):r btrr r~lI. lllit of IlIcl on ,Its cit\', . Dcpartment o[ Transport, i passenger and 1'chiclc serviccs all ccs,~r)'. M:tlC\' ada's $600,000,000 • a - year launch into dIscussions of plans {or gatcs will talk about co·ordination 3rt! Ih;ht til llartn'othh'i Hi" I'ps qllivere I with emotion ottawa, Canada. ! the North S),dne),·ArgcnUa run Police com bin" thc eounlry X. S.. \ nlllt.II'cndc 1I'~~ fOl'l11cd 10. whe > ~n~re Ihan ( 1 000 ehildrnn tourist industry and ways 19j6.
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