;'.', .t, DBanEnucaron: r\ Dhuk".p""re! The very name of "The Bard of Avon" conjuresup imagesof per- haps the greatest dramatic literature ever created, in English or in any other language. In the Miramax Films Academy Award-Winning motion picture "shakespearein Love,"young William Shakespeareand the colorful world of Elizabethan theater leap vividly to life...ready to help your studentsdiscover "The Bard," his work, and his times. \T 1\ ow Miramax Films, in cooperationwith the U. S. Department of Fducation, is proud to present Shakespearein the Classroom, a free educationalvideo and study guide designedfor English literature and languagearts classesin gradesB-12, made possible through the generoussupport of Polo Jeans and Max Factor. A At the heart of this program is a speciafu produced video which introducesstu, dents to Shakespeareand his world. This exciting presentationfeatures archival material on Shakespeare'slife and art, film clips, behind-the-scenesfootage from "shakespearein Inve," and specialappearances'by some of the peoplewho madethe film - starsGv5metJr Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes,Geoffrey Rush, Ben Affleck, Judi Dench, writers Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard,and designersMartin Childs and Sand;zPowell. rn lhis study guide complementsthe video with four reproduciblesfudent activity sheetsthat review important facts about Shakespeare,highlight the elementof stagecraftin his dramatic poetry, help familiarize students with his language, and guide them toward a , performance-orientedappreciation of his art. YY7 W"'r" huppy to provide you with this innovative program free of charge, and hope you will enjoy using it with your students. Aithough cop;nighted, the program materials, including the specialvideo, may be reproducedfor educationalpurposes and we encourage you to sharethem with your colleagues. Vf *o hope thatyou will return the enclosedresponse card in order to remain eligible to receivefree LearningWorks educational programs in the future. We valueyour support and dependonyour commentsas we strive to createclassroom materials that serveyour needsand those ofyour students. Dr. DominicKinsley !* &litor in Chief I.earningWorks LrnRNrNeWoR<s 35 Mdrvel Rood,New Hoven,CT 06s I s . (203) 389--7283 U This Teacher'sGuide, which coordinates England,locusing -w.hereon thecolgrful world of the the progi'amcomponents and provides: Loidon t heaters Shakespeare*orked SHNrcSPEAREO a slatementof ob;echves; . in the 1590s.The video then explores some o backeround information; aspectsof Shakespearesart thJt have kept ,*INTHE o a surimary of the video; hii worL a livine^part of world culture fbr O presentati"onsuggestions for the more than four" 6enturies: the emotional LI-ASSROOM v'rdeo and achvl{les; imoact of his ston.telline,the unforeeflable o follow-uo activities and resources peisona I i ries olt hi.'. hu.a""t e rs, th e ric li beau ty for furrherexploration. bf his laneuaee,and mostoi all, the dramatic viraliwthir madehis plays popular entertain- 0 Four reproducible student activity masters InmrooucTrcN ,n"n,ln histime hu."siuett-downthem a univer- designedto complementthe video. appeal for audiences".rd to the present esignedto givevour studentsan 1ai (1ay. excitins new look at William B A Teacher ResponseCard fbr your com- - "shakesDearein the Classroom"fea- Shakes"peare and his world, ments. Please ieturn this card-to remain aopearancesbv the followine Shakespeare in the Classroom eligible^lor free l,earningWorksprograms rures soecial ln the tuture. ."-b"'.. ol rhecast and creitiuestafi of rhi Academv Award-Winning"Shakespeare in Loue",e*v'neth Paltrow,-whoplavi the fic- UsrrucrHE PRoGRAM rional Violi de l,essepsin the fLl-",a noble- ConnpoxENrS woman with a passionfor the theater; Joseph Fiennes,who plavs the vouns Witliam Th" .o*ponents of Shakespeare in the Shakesoeare;Du,nJ Judi D""nch,-whopluvs Cla-ssroomhave been desisned to affbrd Oueen'ElizabethI oi Eneland;Ben Afileck, maximumflexibili5,, so thaieduca(orscan 'lnatinee Jho ol".r. Elizabethan idol" Ned and stars present a unique view of Shake- easilvadapt the programtbr dillerentgrade -through Alcvn; Ceollrev Rush, who plavs london speare's lif'e and art archival l"uefsand'use it in a.-variervof .'urri.ula] th"Jt". owner" Philip Hensfo*:e; Martin images,excerpts and hchind-the-scenes Beein bv revier.iinethe video to ''shaLesperre Childs, the film's production designer, and footige fr.,m in [.ove," and lamiliarizey"our."ll'*ith the rJpics it presents. Sandv Powell, the' film's costume-designer, th" ri."'hlanguage of Shakespearehimsclf. Frlucatorswho rnav be aware thar'the film ulonpi*ithMarc Normanand Tom Stoppa.d' "shakesoeare Love" was rated R will in rhe filmlsscreenwriters. TnncEr notice that this specialvideo has been pro- ducedfor all audiences. AunrrucE lntroduce the video bv askine stu- AcnvrvONe Thi. oron.u.nis desienedlbr usewiLh stu- dents what thev know about the" film SHnr$,spEARE:Fncrs d"nt. in giud"r B-12in" the Englishliterature "shakespearein I-ove,"which tellsa semi-fic- AND TICIION and languagearts curricula. tional itorv. about the young Williarn Sh"k"srrear6and how h" c.ti" toinrite Rrnrco his activitv desienedas a fbllow-up oil Jtiliet. IJxplain that the creators of to viewiis- the" video, reinforc"s FnocnnnnOn;r,cnvls "shakespearein Love" haveproduced a spe- some kev lacts about Shakespeare's life and"times.Have studenti com- Th" prog."rrr is designedto accomplishthe cial video to sharc rheir enthusiasmlor Shakespeare those just beginning to plete the activity independently, following objectives: ,with , enlov nrsworKs. then rcuicw their ansr,r'ersusing a game S To introduce studentsto William Shake- The video mav be presented in a show" fbrmal, in which you play thc game speare, his works, and his times bv sinele class period. Use Activitv One, showhost anJ studcntsoi*tud"ni teams"take b"ildi"e on the interest sparked bv thi "Sh"ak".pea.e:Facts and Fiction,"io r"in- the role of contestants.To continue the game Academi,Award-Wnning {ilin, "shakespeare force kev points of the video and to spark after the activitv sheet has been revi&ed, in lnve." classdis-cr.rs.ion. The program'sother ictiv- have srudentsrn"ke up thcir own multiple- ities complementthe video bv fbcusins on choiccquestions about'shokespeare to .hd- ? To counteractthe perceptionthat Shake- ttr stagecraft, language, tu- lenge one anotner. spearesplavs arc'inaccessiblc and dilfi- Shakespeare's maticarristrv. You mavwish to replav"nd-dthose .ul,t by provid,ingnew study tools for "t Answers parts of the id"o thuf theseihemes todavsgeneratron ol students. before oresentins these""piore activities in class. Stratford-upon-Avon,a small town on S to off"..'t ,d"nt. a brief overview o{rculture The activities hrt7. b...t designed,however, the River Avon itt Warwickshire, Eng- and sociegzin the Elizabethan England of to stand alone,so thatyou ca-nchoose those land. For extra credit, ask students to Shakespeare'stime. mostappropriate to students,andpre- your define"bard" (orieinallva sinsingpoet sentthem rn the orderbest surted to.your S To instill appreciationfor Shakespeare's who celebrat.d tE. leg"ndutt pitt in curriculum. dramatic g"nirr. ^ a stor1,'teller,play,vngh; Celtic times). anclpoet. Vmr,oSunnnnnnv 2-a: Shakespearewrote fbr a popular audicncc B To reinfbrce the value of"'Shakespearein that oaid admission.".liaft".ttoon to see Love"as a co*plementto classroomsrudy Th" .rid"o "shakespearein the Classroom" somenew excitingpiece of enterlainment. of Shakesoeare'sdramatic arr. blends archival imagesand excerptsfrom the As plalu,right, und partowner of the film "shakesp"are i.t Love" wit} on-screen thearncalJornpunv ".t-oi,his livelihooddepend- narration by-members of the film's cast and ed on pleasindthi. audiettce.He did not, Pnocnann producdonsaff to createa compellingporrrait Iike someplari,r,riehts before him, write to "*osl ConnpoxENrs of the litb and ar-tof William ShaLesoeiie. impresst[.'" educatedmembers of After reviewine the few documented English nor did he,like someplay- Thi. p.og."^ includes: so^ciery, facts we have about ShJkespeare's-"Shai<espearelife * and wnghts after lum, wrrte to pleasea noble H A speciallvproduced video, "shakespeare reminding students that in part:on.Yet evenin hiso*n-time, his plavs in tl'e Classioom,"for in-classviewine. Love" builds on those facts with imasination were praisedby universigzscholars and - the video Eivesan overview of Elizibethan upplur,d"dby.oy"lq,. 3-b: ElizabethI ("theMrein Oueen"),daueh- 8-b: Christopher Marlowe, author of ter of Kins Henrv VIIIlruled'Enel;nd I)tmlurfaine.and Dn Fauhu, was a pio- Acrvrv Two I 558-I 6ffi:"There"was considera ble" reli- neer of Elizabethandrama and much bet- SHATspEARESns gious controversvduring her reien, ter-known than Shakespearewhen, in THESTAGE i"hi"h *". challe.Ledbv C"arhoiiclorles 1593,he was murderedat age29, some who rallied behiid Marv, Oueen of savfor hisinvolvement in rhe-darkerside his two-oart acivirv invitessrudents Scots, and later sought lupp-orr lrom of Elizabethan oolitics. Students should to unulvr" o"rruJ", lrom Shake- Spain,as well as,byPuritan groups who alsorecosnize the other authors mentioned speare's"plavsto s"eefor themselves "The would eventuallvserze power under in thisqieirion: GeoflreyChaucer, creator how Bard" useddescriprive lan- Oliver Cromwell." ol Tlx CanterbunlTalu, and Tom Stoppard, guggg to comp_ensatefor $e absence one ol the screenwritersFor "shakesoeare of sceneryliehdne, and specialelfects on the 4-b: The groundlings.paidone to stand pe,nny in l,ove" and author of such olavs as ElizabethanElizabethan.-tur".-U." Jtaee.-UsethiJrhii activiwactivitv to helphelo stu- ln theopen area tn lront ot the stage. "I)ea?, Roterrrantz an) GttiDettttern a're dents visualize ierformance^playsperformance in an Elizabethan 5-c The "Earl of Wessex" is a fictional char- I|aputia, and Jumperu. thpatea where were p.erformed in the acterwho appearsonlv in "Shakespeare aflernoon with spectatorson lll sides,as shown 'the "shaLespeare 9-c Shakespearewas a member of the acting in [,ove,"so real cou]d on the Activitv-Sheet in the well-known De that eventuallv came to b6 never have met him. Henslowe and Allerm, "as Witt drawing of the Swan Theater (c.
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