BUSINESS to BUSINESS www.bayareahouston.com BAHEP extends its sincere appreciation for the continued support of THE DAILY NEWS through this monthly supplement. December 2017 BAHEP to honor Mayor Sylvester Turner with Silver Anniversary Quasar Award The Bay Area Houston stated, “Quite significantly, One of the sentative for District 2002 Harris County Economic Partnership will Mayor Turner has stepped mayor’s signa- 139. He worked on the Commissioner Jim honor Houston Mayor forth to champion the ture initiatives House Appropriations Fonteno Sylvester Turner with its coastal spine system to pro- is Complete Committee for 21 years and 2003 House Majority esteemed Quasar Award to tect the region from hurri- Communities, served as Speaker Pro Tem Leader Tom DeLay be presented on the Silver cane storm surge. Addition- which aims to for three terms. He was 2004 Harris County Anniversary of this pres- ally, his work to ensure a improve the appointed to several Budget Commissioner tigious event, which will be fiscally sound City of Hous- quality of life Conference committees to Sylvia R. Garcia held on Jan. 26, 2018, at ton will be a lasting testa- for residents in help balance the state’s 2005 President of UTMB- the South Shore Harbour ment to his outstanding all neighbor- budget and served on the Galveston Dr. John Resort and Conference leadership for decades to hoods. The Legislative Budget Board. Stobo Center in League City, come. Mayor Turner’s mayor’s other Mayor Turner is a life- 2006 City of Houston Texas. foresight has contributed priorities in- long resident of Houston Mayor Bill White The Quasar Award rec- immeasurably to the eco- clude filling and lives in the Acres 2007 NASA Administrator ognizes an outstanding nomic strength of Bay Area more than Homes community where Dr. Michael Griffin elected official or business Houston.” 90,000 pot- he grew up with eight sib- 2008 UHCL President Dr. leader who, through his or City of Houston Council holes on city lings. He is a graduate of William A. Staples her actions and leadership, Member Dave Martin, streets, imple- the University of Houston 2009 Michael L. Coats, has demonstrated a strong whose district includes Bay menting a six- and earned a law degree Director, NASA JSC and continual effort to Area Houston, said, “Mayor point holistic from Harvard University. 2010 Texas State support the business foun- Sylvester Turner has been plan for ad- He began his law practice at Representative dations of the greater Bay and continues to be a The Honorable dressing home- Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. Craig Eiland Area Houston communi- strong proponent for Bay Sylvester Turner lessness, reducing and later founded the Bar- 2011 U. S. Senator Kay ties. Area Houston. Mayor flooding, and nes & Turner Law Firm. Bailey Hutchison The recipient’s actions “Spearheading the city’s City of Houston improving drain- 2012 U. S. Senator must have gone above and efforts to implement pen- age. Previous Quasar John Cornyn beyond to promote the sion reform, addressing our Mayor Award honorees 2013 Fred Griffin, Founder economic development of mobility and infrastructure nated a $160 million budget Turner’s civic leadership Previous recipients of the and Chairman, the region and the fulfill- initiatives, and fostering a shortfall in record time, led has been nationally recog- Quasar Award are: Griffin Partners, Inc. ment of the Bay Area strong economic develop- the city’s remarkable re- nized through his service as 1994 Texas Governor Ann 2014 Dr. Renu Khator, Houston Economic Part- ment agenda for the Bay bound from Hurricane Har- a member of the U.S. Con- Richards Chancellor, nership’s objectives to Area region, are the corner- vey, expanded municipal ference of Mayors Trans- 1995 U. S. Representative University of recruit, retain and expand stones of Mayor Turner’s investments in renewable portation and Communica- Tom DeLay Houston System, primary jobs in the region. first two years in office. energy, and led the winning tions Standing Committee, 1996 U. S. Senator Kay President, University The award is presented “With the mayor’s strong bid to host the World Pe- vice chair of the National Bailey Hutchison of Houston during the organization’s endorsement of the coastal troleum Congress in 2020. Climate Action Agenda, 1997 U. S. Representative 2015 Dr. Bill Merrell, formal Quasar Award ban- spine system, our Bay Area As the head of the energy member of the C40 and Nick Lampson George P. Mitchell quet, which annually homes and business will be capital of the world and the Global Covenant for May- 1998 NASA/JSC Director ‘40 Chair in Marine brings together nearly 700 protected from future hurri- most diverse city in the ors for Climate and Energy, George W. S. Abbey Sciences, Texas A&M individuals who celebrate cane surge.” nation, Mayor Turner has and an advisory board 1999 Harris County Judge University at and congratulate the hon- brought a performance- member of the African Robert Eckels & Galveston oree. Decades of service driven approach to the job, American Mayors Associa- Galveston County 2016 Dr. Greg Smith, Elected in December 2015, creating more responsive, tion. Judge Jim Yarbrough Superintendent, Clear Turner lauded Mayor Turner is serving his streamlined and efficient Prior to his election as 2000 Mr. Robert L. Moody, Creek Independent Bob Mitchell, president of first four-year term as delivery of city services mayor, Mayor Turner Sr. School District the Bay Area Houston Houston’s 62nd mayor. while shoring up Houston’s served for 27 years in the 2001 City of Houston 2017 Texas State Senator Economic Partnership, Since taking office, he elimi- financial future. Texas House as the repre- Mayor Lee P. Brown Larry Taylor Craig Technologies and Galveston Bay Foundation add their expertise to membership base of Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership Galveston Bay Army and Navy and other To learn more, email wil- Foundation major Federal agencies. The [email protected] Galveston Bay Foundation company’s Houston re- om or call 713.734.0524. (GBF) is a non-profit or- gional office is located at Additional information ganization whose mission 16850 Saturn Lane, Suite about Craig can be found is to preserve and enhance 100, Houston, Texas 77058. at www.craigtechinc.com. Galveston Bay as a healthy and productive place for President Bob Mitchell. Suite 200, Houston, Texas include end to end product generations to come. GBF President Bob 77058. For additional infor- design, information tech- “Galveston Bay has a Stokes said, “The impor- mation, call 281.332.3381 or nology/cyber security, Seven of BAHEP’s lead huge economic impact on tance of Galveston Bay is visit www.galvbay.org. training, engineering and the region, and it’s crucial clear, as is our need to stew- manufacturing capabilities members have entered to maintain the health of ard it well. From an eco- Craig Technologies with a strong emphasis on this vital resource. Galves- nomic development stand- Founded in 1999 by CEO manned and unmanned retirement mode ton Bay Foundation does a point, BAHEP and Galves- Carol Craig, Craig Tech- space flight support. Its wonderful job of preserva- ton Bay Foundation both nologies (Craig) is a U.S.- success is well grounded in In the Bay Area Houston bers who have retired are: tion and education, and we work to address issues and Owned, Hispanic Minority- its expertise, and we gladly Economic Partnership 2017 ▪ Dr. William A. “Bill” look forward to working concerns related to the re- Owned, Service-Disabled welcome Craig as a member Annual Report that will be Staples, University of together,” stated BAHEP gion, and in turn, the Bay. Veteran-Owned (SDVO), of BAHEP.” available in January 2018, Houston-Clear Lake Our shared interests make and Economically- Bill Corley, director, Bob Mitchell, BAHEP ▪ Dr. Wm. Theodore for a great partnership.” Disadvantaged Woman- Houston Operations, repre- president, wrote, “It is often “Ted” Cummings, Univer- BUSINESS to Approximately 4.75 mil- Owned Small Business sents the company within said that the whole is sity of Houston-Clear Lake BUSINESS is a monthly lion people reside in the (EDWOSB) that is ISO BAHEP. Corley said, greater than the sum of its ▪ Dr. Zbigniew J. Cza- Bay Area Houston five counties surrounding 9001/AS9100 Certified and “Carol Craig considers all parts, and this especially jkiewicz, University of Economic Partnership Galveston Bay, 20 percent ITAR compliant. customers as family. She applies to membership in a Houston-Clear Lake publication in partnership of those within two miles of Growing Craig Tech- believes that treating each non-profit organization like ▪ John Cook, CenterPoint with THE DAILY the Bay or its tributaries. nologies from one person other as one would a close BAHEP. Our members ▪ Trish Hanks, Friends- NEWS. BAHEP is a These are the communities in 1999, Craig leads nation- relative is what guides our may not fully realize just wood Independent School member-driven organiza- the foundation serves as it wide operations with over company and distinguishes how vital each one of them District tion that provides the works to improve the health 350 associates in 20 states, us from our competition. is to the work that we do. ▪ Bernie Roan, NASA Le- leadership to stimulate of the Bay through pro- “Every day we leverage gal regional economic devel- grams in land conservation, the strength of our mem- ▪ Richard “Rich” Jackson, opment and employment habitat restoration, water bers in order to meet the Lockheed Martin/Leidos in southeastern Texas. Its quality and quantity, envi- goals that we established for These individuals have members include more ronmental education, advo- ourselves in our newest five volunteered innumerable than 265 business part- cacy, and research. -year strategic plan. hours of their time and ners encompassing 13 Additionally, GBF regu- “It takes all of our mem- considerable talent to BA- cities, Galveston and larly works with those rep- bers, not just one or two, to HEP’s working commit- Harris counties, the resenting industry, shipping, make BAHEP the re- tees, served on the BAHEP Houston Airport System, sport and commercial fish- spected, dynamic organiza- board, or contributed their and Port Houston.
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