"TV s ; o , „ ~® “ l 8 e . , I d a h o ■ ' TIMES-NEWS PHONES Call 7JJ -W I or---------------- ’----------^------------- Weather U t« our tolMrt* numbWw Buhl'Castleft>rd' ys i U t BurleyftupertPaul Oakiey-Noriand ^ 47»jisj FdiVBijt Chilly Pller-Rogm on- Hollister :>J4SV5 W*ndeliJero»Tie ^ Magic Valley's Home Newspaper Ojwdlng.Haoerman Si* 3S3S Viet Cong War Commanders In Battle For To>vn San Clemente Today - SAir-CLEM ENTE-,— Calif— Washington^hureau of the Des for the Register-and-Tribiune SAIGON (UPI)-Viel, Cong (UPI)—President Nixon sum* Moines Register and Tribune. before he took a job as a forces swept through the resort mnnpH hU t n n ^ m ^ r V mm - UiTl^u ^fuiJ seized control of a downtown a meeting Sunday to , area and battled hundreds of S w th V ie tn a m e se tro o p s ru sK ed iifrdTK°e" r ormer Areerttlne In to save it^ It was the worst attack on a South Vietnamese T r a i Ararnburu, a 67-y.ear-old re- , .• . ........ h v PVftrv Ured lioinenant genpral w as a Incommg chaipien of the Joint security agency, in ArgenUna key plotter of the 1955 revolt Qiiefs of Kaff, were scheduled faUed Saturday to produce any tjiat ousted former dictator to fly In from W a^uipon. significant clue to the whereab- Juan Domingo Peron, who ruled' Gen. Creighton w .A ttram s, outs of kidnaped former Pres-Argentina frob 1948 to 1955. commander of U.S. troops m i^ent Pedro Eugenio Aram- Vietnam. wasto come in.from 1-S t: t c Saigon; ^ong with. Adm. John' p/^i i,.k Prpmoli. theJ^geri- V i y c n s i s ____________ S. M cUln. Jr., conmanaer ol. military regime’s informa- ■IJie session the fir« .such have any major clues and lh» V ./U llllg high-level raUltary hrle Ing the teen in * . o resident has received sbce hi? aulhorlU es.i^A t-SPPingS ------------ f^ght'ingx S outh V ie tn a m e s e SMASHED W RECKAGEofa twin-eoglQed Mart(n~4M airliner the highway buTliit a carrQ lU ng'p flve’occupantirOne died- tn-amL-LLj^ ------ Thg tflek of a ransom demantLz— _____ K ------ cakalties were placed at eight sits crumpled on an interstate highway near Atlanta,.Ga. After among the plane passragers.'(U PI telephoto) 1 H V r 24 hours after tha ^ a band of about M hippy-type kUled and 24 wounded U.S. failure of one engine, the pilot, with 36 aboard, tried to land oi^ sdieduled for 2 p.m. PDT. ^ Wdnaping raised fears among cyclists began gathering near troops were involved in actions " infoiroation from the government officials that Thousand Springs Saturday for - outside the city but -didr not combat field wmmanders was Aramburu might be tried by a what was reported to .be their move into Dalat itself and no . expected to figure heavily m drumhead court-martial and “spring get-together." how deeply tnyolyed the United summarily executed bv the ■ The bunch is reported to be The attack on Dalat, a city of States wUl remain m the jddnapers. “ part of the Brothers SpeM 74.000 residents which is' conflict in Cambodia. President a . Peronist guerrilla' motorcycle group and wme considered one of South Viet­ Nixon has prom is^ that _aU organization-Saturday .night have come from California. Salt nam’s safest places, was seen Takeoff, Kills Five In Auto U.S. troops wiU be out of claimed ir^ a d kidnaped Uke City, Pocatello, Boise, 9s a move by the Communists Cambodia by the end of J^ e Aramburu'"Slth the aim of Twin- — Balls....................................... and other points. to take headlines away from By RABUN MATTHEWS A heavy overcast blanketed circling when the crashsmoking came. a cigarette when it but has left cloudy whethw submitting him to revolutionary More than those who were U.S. and South Vietnamese ATLANTA (UPI) A crlvatc the area at the time. "He (the pilot* didn’thappened," say Pittman said. A m e ric a n su p p o rt wUl ' b e »»stice ’’ gathered Saturday evening at fiimished to SouthCnirfK VietnameseViA»nnmsea * successes in Cambodia. It also plane carrying 36 persons on an One of the passengers nothing. He didn’t warn Theus weplane pancaked .down on the Idaho Power Park on the demonstrated Communist abili­ all expenses paid, land buying aboard^ 19-year-old Eddie Pit- were going to crashtheTar^careS^tothrieK^ or Cambodlaiv troops after north side of the Snake River ty; to strike at will despite excursion to Florida cra^- tman of nearby Austell, G a.,' nothing,” Pittman declared, the wet grass, shot up a 40-foot that tim e, t v t 1 have been reported heading M o ... ; m a n p o w e r a n d su p p ly lo s s e s . landed atop a car on an said the pilot pul the plane into “There was no 'panice.bahtane„t,hlt, on the guard, rail N u clear Idaho, but by aboUt 6 p .m . an Interstate highway Saturday, a bank and appeared to be plane at all. We wero Just and snapped In half, esUmated 3S to (Q. cyctaa were killing at least sbc persons. that OarVt R . MoUenhoif, the ^ l i &U tKat w ere at the park: Many controversial former newsman O l d S t Five of the victims, a man >:<y C ^ 1%/f of the cycles, especially those who served as a special and woman and three children. d i „ . , . from the Boise area, carrfM .j^estival 5011. lVlanSll0lU IS investigator for thft Nixon -r-i were in the white 1963 model members of the Brothers ^ e d -fldminlstraHortrhad resigned-to—0 -y ~ _ c a r -J l a tt c n c d - b y ^ th e - e r i p p le d -------N E W -Y O R K T U H j - A l T e j r ^rHriendsr- Itttfaets- plane, a Martin 404 which was ' plosion which apparently oc- attempting an emergency-land- curred.ln oxygen tanks in a Not Too Overjoyed ing In the rain on a grassy tractor^railer rocked a Brook- 3 0 , 0 0 0 .H e l e n a , Mont, (U PIi-Sen- •‘W h at iS' Im p o rta n t is to do median strip dividing the lyn host)ita! today, killing two ,9Biuiuaj' ouw»« »n» t dviiit. a^e Majority fjeader Mike something for the nation as a interstate. persons'and injuring 15 others, Majority Leader MiM somfmng tor ine nmon aa & testing grounds at Fangataufa ■ HEYWORTH; 111. (U P D -A n '1110 plane was en route to nie explosion at the rear of Mansrltld, D-Mont., said Satur- whole," he said. can't Icish Ugo£n:a communUJe an. Lf=Ta'd"'dev& ' 3 it M»mqr.iaH~ • he Isaw no hotx back to some form of sta- Oocked to a muddy fairo Keld Acres Inc., a sales firm, is off a tW aiarm fire in a shed that economic prooiems| couia Diiizauon,■ TFIITWmis sho!i*l^tiLM °wi^fa °°'Si™exploslon; code-named I',*'.I."'-' ~V,",— '~T,— Saturday for the court-bunnod developing a large tract of „nd shattered windows in the ^Icssenedthroughcongresslon- everyone, regardless of party." LS%SnC^M lV[Sne"*^ Klckapoo Creek Rock Music surrounding area. Firemen . 15 members of the militant Irish tiew series of nuclear tests JatnbuStk pS eX P e ^ tlv a l. offered a free Memorial holiday controlled the flames quickly. Mansfield, tntervlewed w*lle B o y S c o u t ■ Republican movementmovement SinnSinn beingbeing carried carried out out by uy the me French French T n S iv K There. were................. no.................... problems- or trip to the Gulf Coast site to police said the oxygen was "visitingfriends here.saidthe Fein endrf to^y with a cha« .1 the testing ground o it Tahiti. §,feycllst. arrests on the "scene,” police exumlnc land they might buy. being dfllivered to the hospital “P^urn in the stock mar- said, but authorities in nearby Federal Aviation Admlnlstra- and the’ tractor-trallcr was indicative of a 1*'™“,*^rm lnal building. ' ! . Shed Is complying with-jhe state’s*'™ Bloomington, 01., arrested the, tlon offlclul Jack Barker «ald parked In a rear yard of the healthier economy. Survives •The.group went aboard the o\yier of the farm and a’ the plane lost one of Us engines building problems facing Con- (Imet law, M d no aiVests had empty Trident during a refuell- promoter of the festival when he about 0)21 a.m. ROT, five ------- tievei ul uf the liiJm uO m 'lf 111 for violation of the ‘ ■----------- • — ^------- ij . h i . _____ _ sa d. "are the hlah unemDlov- 1 U I I I U lc . in g s t 6p e n law. and was the hospital »t the time o( the “ Id. " " f " I'jSh unomploy.. They vowed they woufd occupy the proceoeds. Stale and county o/fJcera attemptlnfian InstrumfTit land- blast, police sukl. menl rate - (,0 per cent no- HOLLADAY, Utah (UPIl - .‘."YhrViah the weekend tJ r i n • , from both Twin Falls and - --------- --------------------- - a l r p w t ^ was carrying a pistol under his south of the city GgQdlngJ?ounties_were_k^epln8 1w lt.w h c n .h e lp.ft n. htmK w h irh crash TT ........... ' 1----------------------------------------------------------------------- - j --------, u,.. alrllfleH off Mt, fllvT * ?J|fn^"nn^ur^ f 'S ir ‘ M tad opened on Mcmi ilDoyto- Tlie plane tonk off from Kffvntia n Monmnu Democrat, loc- p „ „„d nown to St, M arki Hos- —j^ f v e Ix!v/lB-def - :-_^::;.-DekaJb-Ppflchtrco,_a_satcUlto: P611C6 _________ mild nflt fo re se e 'a n y charged wlUi unlawful usToF^und"^caihc’‘'(loftii on the relief in V smol Iro o p sIn but did feiir a recession, weapons and carrying.a loaded Koutheasl side of town at the M ? and i S r d P.
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