Boys and Girls Welcome to SUNDAY SCHOOL ONLINE Today we begin a brand new series: GREETINGS IN THE NAME OF THE LORD ! Parents are welcome and very much encouraged to teach this lesson to your kids! “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. YOU shall TEACH them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by What an awesome privilege and the way and when you lie down responsibility you have as parents! and when you rise up.” THANK YOU for taking the time Deuteronomy 6:6,7 to spend it teaching your kids! "A Busy Believer's Little Feet" These little feet are quick to stray And need loving parents to help them stay On a path for life they can walk along For you, parents: And be taught all of God's Ways That will help them be strong. Their feet for now are small and clean But life will be hard and the world will be mean It will push and pull at your little one Are you guiding and teaching them To stay close to God's Son. Are you teaching them things that will help them hang on When life gets hard and mom and dad are gone? Are you their example when there's too much to do Do they see mom and dad trust God to see them through? As their feet grow large and are stained with sin Will they have the knowledge that God forgives them? It's then that they'll need to have "ALREADY" learned That God will always love them and to Him they can turn. Take advantage of the time God has given to you To teach these little feet the right things to do For all to soon these feet will be grown They'll do their own thing and have minds of their own. It's only once that they are little, sweet, and sincere Use the time wisely parents, the end is all too near! Written by Dorey Whittaker 1985 Let’s begin today’s lesson by talking to God in prayer! “. My house shall be called a house of Pray and thank prayer for all the God For: nations . .” Jesus Mark 11:17 Calvary Chapel Downey Wisdom, Blessing and Protection for Pastors, Staff and Congregation Your Family All who are in authority (President, Leaders, Teachers, Police, PARENTS, etc.) END THE CORONA VIRUS Pray for people who are sick! Pray that the unsaved will seek after God! PEACE AND UNITY IN OUR COUNTRY RAIN (Don’t for get to thank Him for the rain!) Don’t forget to Strong in faith Grounded in God’s Word and prayer Provide for them and their family Healing Love their persecutors “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15 Pray for our missionaries that God would bless, protect, provide, encourage, give strength and bold- nes, and lead many lost people to Christ. Pray for whatever is on your heart. Make your own list. Family members who do not know Jesus! Kids, every Sunday morning in ”Big Church,” Pastor Jeff has all the people in the service read a Psalm together with him before preaching. So let’s do that as well before we get into the lesson. If you have your Bible, you and your parents can read Psalm 1 and see how it applies to today’s lesson. If you don’t have a Bible, you can read the following: Psalm 1 1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. 4 Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. 5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. 6 For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction. This Weeks Memory Verses: Daniel 1:8 “Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself . .” Ephesians 6:10 “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.” This Weeks Memory Verses: Daniel 1:8 “Daniel purposed in his heart” Made a deliberate and determined decision to stand fast on the Word of God! This Weeks Memory Verses: Daniel 1:8 “that he would not defile himself” Eat foods that God said were forbidden for His people, the Jews to eat! Leviticus 11 This Weeks Memory Verses: Ephesians 6:10 “Be strong in the Lord . .” Pray and read your Bible and let Him fill You with His Spirit! This Weeks Memory Verses: Ephesians 6:10 “and in the power of His might.” Be strong in HIS mighty power! Daniel 1:8 “Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself . .” Ephesians 6:10 “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.” This Week’s Lesson: Daniel In a Strange Land Lesson Scriptures: Daniel 1:1-21 AS YOU GO THROUGH THE LESSON, YOU WILL SEE A SERIES OF PICTURES WITH A SCRIPTURE VERSE AND A QUESTION. FIRST, READ THE VERSE, STUDY THE PICTURE THEN ANSWER Why was Daniel refusing to Daniel 1:8 eat the king’s choice food? THE QUESTION. BEFORE YOU START, PRAY THANK YOU PARENTS AND ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR GOING THROUGH TO OPEN YOUR EYES AND THIS WITH YOUR CHILD HELP YOU UNDERSTAND IN CASE THEY HAVE THE MEANING! QUESTIONS. Boys and girls, if you’ve had your prayer time and asked the Holy Spirit to help you understand this amazing Book of Daniel, let’s begin by introducing you to Daniel, who is one of the Major Prophets in the Bible. The first part of todays lesson will give some background to Daniel’s life and the events taking place in his world! If you’re ready, open your Bible to Daniel, Chapter 1 and . let’s go! Daniel Key Word Learning System – Walk Thru The Bible !Dreams ! This book is about a young man named Daniel. God gave Daniel Dreams so he could tell people what God was going to do. See Daniel dreaming in the lions' den? God protected Daniel in that lions' den ... as well as Daniel's three friends in a fiery furnace! ! Daniel was just a young boy when Jerusalem was torn down. He was one of the many people taken away to Babylonia in the exile. But he was no ordinary man! God used Daniel as a prophet to talk to the people of Judah in Babylon. That means he could tell them what God was going to do, even far into the future. He even told them when the Messiah (Jesus) would come . more than 400 years before it happened! ! God also wanted His people to know that He still loved them, even though they were far away from home. He was still taking care of them! ! So God gave Daniel many dreams. The dreams were about God's power and control —both in Daniel's day and in the future. Daniel told the people about his dreams, and they knew God was still with them and loved them! DANIEL Key Word: Dreams Menu Who as the King of Judah when Daniel 1:1 the invading army approached? Read Jeremiah 16:10-12 – Why Daniel 1:2 did God allow this to happen? The Israelites must have really been disobedient to God, as God allowed the Babylonians to ransack and Daniel 1:2 destroy the temple Solomon built! Many were taken and Daniel 1:2 some were left behind. Who were some of the Israelites brought Daniel 1:3 before the king? Describe the young men who Daniel 1:4 were brought before the king? What were these young Daniel 1:4 men to be taught, and why? Looks like these young Israelite Daniel 1:5 captives were treated pretty well! Who were the four young men who were about to be Daniel 1:6 used by God in a big way? Daniel 1:7 The plan was to have the boys identify with the Babylonian gods! They’re names may have been changed, but that did not change ”WHO and WHOSE” they were! We will see from their actions in Chapter 3 that they wanted nothing to do with the gods of Babylon! Boys and girls, always remember that God knows. Your name, and you are His children! Why did Daniel and his friends Daniel 1:8 not want to eat the king’s food? Daniel made up his mind he wanted to obey GOD. He wanted to be a witness for his GOD! “ABOVE ALL ELSE, GUARD YOUR HEART, FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO FLOWS FROM IT!” PROVERBS 4:23 Even though Daniel and his friends were captive servants, , what did God do to Daniel 1:9,10 show them that He was still with them? What was the challenge Daniel gave his overseer? Daniel 1:11-13 How did Daniel and his friends look at the end of ten days Daniel 1:14-16 compared to the other boys? Boys and girls, if you live a life glorifying, honoring and obeying God, look what God can do! And don’t be afraid to ask Him for knowledge and under- standing! DARE TO BE A DANIEL! At the end of the training period, who was Daniel and his Daniel 1:18 friends presented to? God’s plan for Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah is well underway in influencing Daniel 1:19 their new government and leaders! And God’s favor just continued with Daniel and his friends! Daniel 1:20 Nebuchadnezzar Belshazzar Daruis Cyrus Daniel 1:21.
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