NOTICE OF INTENT NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM GENERAL PERMIT PRR040000IPRR04000F MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS 2016 -•'~ "1 ; l l - I· ~ t?:\ \::/' MUNICIPALITY OF RIO GRANDE PO Box 847 RIo GRANDE, PR 00745 Submitted to: U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY - REGION II CARIBBEAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION City View Plaza, Suite 7000 #48165 Rd Km 1.2 Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 00968 November 2018 MUNICIPALITY OF RIO GRANDE r Table of Content 1.0 NPDES (NOTICE OF INTENT) PERMIT APPLICATION 1 1.1 BACKGROUND 1 1.2 2016 MS4 GENERAL PERMIT 1 1.3 NOTICE OF INTENT FORM FOR MS41N PUERTO RICO (ApPENDIX F) 2 1.3.1 Part A. General Information 2 1.3.2 Part B. Primary MS4 Program Manager Contact Information 2 1.3.3 Part C. Eligibility Determination 3 1.3.4 Part D. Map/Boundaries 3 1.3.5 Part E. MS4 Infrastructure .4 1.3.6 Part F. Bylaw/Ordinance Development.. .4 1.3.7 Part G. Receiving Waters 4 1.3.8 Part H. Summary of Storm water Management Program (SWMP) under the 2006 Small MS4 General Permit 6 1.3.9 Part I. 2016 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Summary 11 Public Education and Outreach 11 Public Involvement 12 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 13 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 14 Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment. 16 Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention in Municipal Operations 16 1.3.10 Part J. Application Certification and Signature 19 APPENDICES ApPENDIX A - FIGURES -LOCATION/BoUNDARIES MAP -SURFACE WATERBODIES -RECEIVING WATERBODIES MAP -"URBANIZED AREAS" -POTABLE WATER SOURCES ApPENDIX B - ESA AND NHPA ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION -U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION -NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION CRITERIA ApPENDIX C - REQUEST FOR INFORMATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 308 OF THE CLEAN WATER ACT SUBMITIAL OF A NOTICE OF INTENT UNDER THE 2016 SMALL MS4 GENERAL PERMIT MUNICIPALITY OF RIO GRANDE NOI NPDES MS4 GP-2016 November 2018 MUNICIPALITY OF RIO GRANDE ( 1.0 NPDES (NOTICE OF INTENT) PERMIT APPLICATION 1.1 BACKGROUND In 1972, Congress amended the Clean Water Act (CWA) to prohibit the discharge of any pollutant to waters of the United States from point sources unless the discharge is authorized by a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Initial efforts under the NPDES program focused on reducing pollutants in discharges of industrial process wastewater and municipal sewage. As pollution control measures have been implemented, it has become evident that diffuse sources or non point sources are also contributors of water quality degradation. In 1990, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated rules establishing Phase I of the NPDES storm water program. The Phase I program for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) requires operators of "medium" and "large" MS4s, that is, those that generally serve populations of 100,000 or greater, to implement a Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) as a means to control polluted discharges from these MS4s. EPA published the Storm Water Phase II Rule on December 9, 1999 which covers all small MS4s located in "urbanized areas" as defined by the Bureau of the Census. As outlined in these regulations the Autonomous Municipality of Rio Grande is required to submit an application for permit coverage as well as a Storm Water Management Program (SWMP). On August 14, 2009 the Municipality submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) for coverage under the 2006 NPDES MS4 General Permit and on November 9, 2009 they were issued coverage with Permit Number PRR040050. The Municipality developed and submitted a SWMP on February 2010 and is currently on Year 8 of its implementation. 1.2 2016 MS4 GENERAL PERMIT The General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Permit Number PRRR040000 effective July 1, 2016 requires permitees to submit NOI within 90 days of the effective date of the permit. "Operators of Small MS4s seeking authorization to discharge under the terms and conditions of this permit shall submit a complete and accurate NOI that contains the information identified in Appendix F. This includes operators of small MS4s that were previously authorized under the November 6, 2006 Small MS4 General Permit." The Municipality of Rio Grande did not submit an NOI for the 2016 NPDES MS4 GP within the stipulated time as required by the Permit. However, in response to the Request for Information received from EPA additional time was requested to develop and submit an NOI (See Appendix C). MUNICIPALITY OF RIO GRANDE NOI NPDES MS4 GP-2016 November 2018 MUNICIPALITY OF RIO GRANDE 1.3 NOTICEOF INTENTFORMFORMS4 IN PUERTORICO(APPENDIXF) 1.3.1 PART A. GENERALINFORMATION 1. Name of Municipality or Organization: Municipality of Rio Grande 2. Type: 0 Federal 0 State .jMunicipality 0 Other: 3. Existing Permittee: .j Yes 0 No If yes, provide EPA NPDES Permit Number: PRR040050 4. Location Address: a. Street: Casa Alcaldia, Calle San Jose b. City: Rio Grande State: PR Zip Code: 00745 5. Mailing Address: a. Street: P.O. Box 847 b. City: Rio Grande State: PR Zip Code: 00745 6. Telephone Number: (787) 887-2370 Fax: (787) 888-1515 7. E-mail: [email protected] 8. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code: 9199 9. Latitude: 18°22'04"N Longitude: 65°49'47"W Approximate center of the regulated portion of the MS4. 1.3.2 PART B. PRIMARYMS4 PROGRAMMANAGERCONTACTINFORMATION 1. Name: Aurielee Dfaz Conde 2. Position Title: Director of Land Use Office 3. Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Location (web address or physical location): Casa Alcaldia. Calle San Jose, Rio Grande, PR 4. Mailing Address: a. Street: PO Box 847 b. City: Rio Grande State: PR Zip Code: 00745 5. Telephone Number: (787) 887-2370 6. E-mail: [email protected] MUNICIPALITY OF RIO GRANDE NOI NPDES MS4 GP-2016 2 November 2018 MUNICIPALITY OF RIO GRANDE 1.3.3 PARTC. ELIGIBILITYDETERMINATION 1. Endangered Species Act (ESA) determination complete? .j Yes 0 No a. Eligibility Criteria (check all that apply): 0 A 0 B 0 COD .j E 2. National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) determination complete? .j Yes 0 No a. Eligibility Criteria (check all that apply): .j A 0 B 0 COD 1.3.4 PARTD. MAP/BOUNDARIES 1. MS4/0rganization Description of regulated boundaries (narrative): The Municipality of Rio Grande is located in the Northern Coastal Valley of Puerto Rico and is known as the City of EI Yunque. The Municipality of Rio Grande has a territorial extension of 89.6 square miles and a population of 54,253 inhabitants, according to the 2010 Census. The Municipality is bound from the north by the Atlantic Ocean; from the south by the Municipalities of Las Piedras, Naguabo and Ceiba; from the west by the Municipalities of Lofza and Cancvanas: and from the east by the Municipalities of Luquillo and Fajardo. The municipality is spread over 9 barrioslwards: Rio Grande Pueblo, Herrera, Zarzal, Cienaga Baja, Cienaga Alta, Guzman Abajo, Guzman Arriba, Jimenez and Mameyes II, all of which partially or completely fall under the "urbanized areas". The main rivers located within the Municipality are Rio Herrera, Rio Grande, Rio Espiritu Santo and Rio Mameyes. The Municipality of Rio Grande's Storm Water Sewer System (MS4) in the urban areas, in general, consists of a series of catch basins, typically located within the right-of-way of municipal and state Commonwealth roads, interconnected by underground concrete which normally discharge to its main rivers and their tributaries, which eventually discharge to the Atlantic Ocean. In the rural areas, the MS4 typically consists of a series of interconnected open channel culverts, which run parallel to municipal and state Commonwealth roads, and usually discharge to a surface water body. Interconnected to the MS4 are the storm water sewer systems owned and operated by the Puerto Rico Department of Transportation and Public Works and adjoining municipalities. Also interconnected to the MS4, are the discharges from NPDES (Stormwater) permitted facilities. An estimate of the capacity and square millage of the MS4 can be determined once the MS4 Map is developed. 2. Location Map/Boundaries. A location map must be attached showing the pertinent city, town, wards, or boundaries, the boundaries of the Small MS4, including surface water body(s), and the "urbanized area" (UA) when applicable. Is map attachedv ,/ Yes 0 No MUNICIPALITY OF RIO GRANDE NOI NPDES MS4 GP-2016 3 November 2018 MUNICIPALITY OF RIO GRANDE 1.3.5 PART E. MS41NFRASTRUCTURE 1. Estimated Percent of Outfall Map Complete? (Part 4.2.3 of 2006 general permi~: 0% outfall map complete a. If 100% of 2006 requirements are not met, enter an estimated date of completion: November 2019 b. Web address where MS4 map is published: NlA 1.3.6 PART F. BYLAW/ORDINANCE DEVELOPMENT 1. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) authority adopted? o Yes.j No a. Effective Date or Estimated Date of Adoption: November 2019 2. Construction/Erosion and Sediment Control authority adopted? OYes .jNo a. Effective Date or Estimated Date of Adoption: November 2019 3. Post-Construction Stormwater Management adopted? o Yes.j No a. Effective Date or Estimated Date of Adoption: November 2019 1.3.7 PART G. RECEIVING WATERS Waterbody Number of Have any monitoring List of Pollutant(s) List of TMDL Segment that Outfalls into been performed to causing Pollutant (s) receives
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