Issued^ Tuesday THursmy Saturday he ourier azette T Entered aa Second ClueC Mall Matte, -G THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Uaiette, 465 Main Ht. (Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, August 22, 1939 Volum e 9 4 ................. .Number 100. The Courier-Gazette [EDITORIAL] THREL'-TIMES-A-WEEK IS WAR COMING? “The Black Cat” Editor The situation in Europe, relative to poor, harried Poland, WM. O. FILLER Rockland Honors New Red Jacket Associate Editor grows more ominous with each passing hour. Hitler's determi­ PRANK A WINSLOW nation to take ever that country is apparent to all who read, and there remains to consider only the method by which he “Red Jacket Day” has come and Hutwcrlptloni S3 00 mr T’ *r payable ; Fifteen Thousand See the Parade, and Five In advance; single copies three criMa will go about It. The restive spirit which exists in Germany gone, leaving bi its trail no con­ Advertising rates based upon clrcula found expression in the Associated Press despatches which flicting emotions. The committee lng north on Union street to Talbot1 Uon and very reasonable. avenue, down Talbot avenue to I Thousand Visit the Ships— Notable Address NEWSPAPER HISTORY appeared In the dally newspapers on both sides of the water. in charge may rest with the as­ The Rockland Uaeette was estab-, The phrase "der tag" (day cf reckoning) was being spoken surance that its work was well done; Main and down Main to the Public I llshcd In 1B4C In 1114 the Courier was the public is of the unanimous opin­ Landing where the reviewing stand ] By State Librarian 0. L. Hall— Maritime Sslabltshed and consolidated wltb the with Increasing frequency. Oanctte In 1882 The Free Preas was ion that it was the best Sunday cele­ was located. ee'abllshed In 1855 and In 1891 changed ‘ In Danzig the Nazi leader, Albert Forster, told a Na2i bration ever seen in Rockland; U. Commissioner E. C. Moran, Jr., An Active Its name to the Tr'bune. These papers meeting "the hour approaches." Marching at the head of the long' consolidated Marco 17. 1897 S. Maritime Commissioner Edward J pageant was Llewellyn Portier of In Berlin the press was Insisting that "Polish insolence" C Moran. Jr., can return to Wash-1 Ellsworth. S tate Commander of the Participant was fast exhausting "German patience." Ington with the knowledge that ] American Legion, who acted the Tire Influential Hamburg Premdenblatt headlined that . Associate reverently, and aa •* there was co-operation all along grand marshal—and looked the part, By The Roving Reporter much aa you can. with your ♦ Poland "still has five minutes for reflection." I the line, and that his fellow towns-,His aids were Col. Ralph W. Brown, loltleat thoughts Thoreau — A commentator, broadcasting from London Sunday night men were 100 percent strong in!Austin Brewer, Donald L. Kelsey declared that the people of Germany as a whole do not want war their appreciation of what he has]and Commander Earl J. Alden I am indebted to Mrs Jennie C and do not seek aggression, but In their minds is being Incul­ THE HERO OF THE HOUR done In naming the Red Jacket | (commanding the second division). Tibbetts of 104 Talbot avenue for a cated a decidedly hostile and erroneous Idea as to the attitude Augusta Air Meet for a Rockland built ship, having Mike Ristaino acted as bugler and | hand-bill advertising “Princess of the Democracies toward the Fatherland . They have not it doccumented at this port—‘In the Legion Police did escort duty Bonnie which was presented In been Informed as to the desperate and almost cringing steps short for putting Rockland on the with the Rockland City Band. Farwell Opera House May 25 and Greatest Aviation Event which have been taken by England. Prance and the United map with even greater emphasis The First Division as usual, was 26. 1896 by Wight Philharmonic States to avert war The position of Prance and England Is Outside Of the National than did the clipper ship's momen­ of a military nature, Including the Society, which for so many years Air Races ostensibly where It has been for several months: You lay a tous voyage back in the early Fifties Rockland and Thomaston batteries was a power in local music circles Anger on Poland and we Aght. It is Inconceivable that the As to the size of the crowd. That of the 240th C.AC., the Camden The opera was under the musical Hundreds of planes from all sec­ Democracies could now desert Poland as they did Ethiopia and is the only feature of the day con­ Hills C.CC. camp, under the com­ direction of James Wight, and tions of the country will arrive at Czecho-81ovakia, but European politics is a strange, un­ cerning which there is any differ­ mand of Lieut. J. A. Curry; and under the stage management of the Augusta Slate Airport Aug 2S. fathomable game. Perhaps the leaders are playing the game ence of opinion. So widely scattered the “trainees" from the training W O Puller, Jr., with Mrs. James 26 and 27 for what will probably properly. were the spectators—all along Main ships Joseph Conrad and American Wight and Mrs. Carrie Burpee be the greatest aviation, event In O----------- O---------- 0 and Union streets, on the side Seaman. The maritime students Shaw as pianists. There were to be the country this year outside of streets and at the Public Landing 75 prrsons on the stage. ADDING OUR BLESSING were given a generous reception the National Air Races. Indications that any attempt at a rough count all along the line. I are that from 60,000 to 70,000 people The story of "Red Jacket Day" Is so completely told in was manifestly impossible, but the The Second Division was headed , Free picnic grounds have been will witness one of the most color- ' other columns of this issue that there remains lit-tle to add writer, who has mingled in all of by 12 members of Hillcrest Riding provided for visitors to the New ful and spectacular events ever at­ except our blessing on the new steamship Red Jacket. May the large Rockland crowds for Academy, and In it, behind tlie York World's Pair and family tempted In the history of aviation her career on the seas live up to the tradition of the old clipper many years, is going to offer his massed colors marched Legionnaires groups daily lunch in the open air The New England Music Camp 55 guess that there were more than from various towns In Knox County. on benches and tables especially set ship. out for them piece band will open the program I o 0-----------0 10.000 persons watching the vari­ Music for the Second Division was each day with a concert from 1 ous phases of the celebration. And furnished by the Winslow-Holbrook until 2 o'clock which will be broad­ COST OF WAR GAMES it is the comforting belief that all Post Junior Drum Corps, reinforced When there is a disparity of ages went to their widely scattered in wedding couples It is usually re­ cast over the Maine network. Tlie press despatches say that the war gamse are costing by several members of the old Drum homes highly satisfied with what ferred to as December and May Beautiful girls representing their , Uncle Sam $31)00.030, but that is money well spent if the games Corps But what months fit the cases of the respective cities and towns as Mias furnish an army with a practical knowledge which may be they had seen. Next in order came the Sea i The maritime feature of Red Mexico City couple, just married, Aviation will all compete for the called upon—all too soon, we fear. The current belief that the Scouts, Boy Scouts, firemen, Are title of Mias Maine Rendezvous. ' Jacket Day was a matter which will where the bridegroom is 116 and the United Slates will be drawn Into It if there Is an European apparatus and the fioats, the Cam­ A vote Is being given with each tick- ’ be talked about for a long time. bride 65? war was vividly stressed in the Institute of Public Opinion's den safety car bringing up the et and the girl receiving the great­ and everybody is still commenting | rear latest "feeler." est number of votes will win the upon the wonderful picture which) Floau are always an interMting Tin three-year-old Dennys River O-----------0---------- 0 title and a trip to the Maine exhibit Rockland harbor presented with ] part of a parade, but the immense Salmon Club now boasts 750 mem- at the World’s Pair by air. OPEN HOUSE AT WISCASSET the spectacular freight steamship I amount of labor involved makes It bers. reports the Lewiston Journal. A great exhibit of trick and safety Red Jacket, and the training ships impossible to obtain many of them. No all live in Dennysville. It u (Kennebec Journal) Haimed that the first Maine salmon planes, new model planes, new type One of the excellent Ideas that have developed success­ Joseph Conrad and American Sea­ Several of the floats which took par*. landing gears, new wing types, new fully in Maine is the "Open House Day" at Wiscasset. Last man as the central figures; All day In the American Legion parade at to be caught on a fly wag taken motors and planes of every conceiv­ Wednesday this annual event attracted from 23 States hun­ long there was a steady procession I Thomaston last week were entered 'ere.
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