CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 ~ SERIES-10 U'IAR PRADESH DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Part - A &-8 PRATAPGARH VOLUME-II VI LLAGE & TOWN DI RECTORY VILLAGE AND TOWNVVlSE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT c-'tl C'h I fi)-~ '<!.Sf j'E(lPLE (JRJr:NTEf) Directorate of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow. Contents Volumc-l foreword XI Preface xm Acknowledgement XIV District l-lIghllghlS - 200 1 CcnslI~ X\ I Important Statistics in the Distnct X\ll Ranking ofTahstls mthe Distnct XI'<. Statemenl-I Name of the headquartel-s of district/tahsIl, their rural-urban status and xx distance from district headquarters, 200 1 Statement-2 Name of the headquarters of district/C 0 block their rural-Ul-ban status xx and distance from district headquarters, 200 1 Statement-3 Population of the dIstrict at each census from 1901 to 200 1 X,Xl Statement-4 Arca, nUlnber ofvtllages/towns and population in distnct and tahsiL 200 1 xxu Statement-5 C 0 Blockwlse number ofvillages and rUjl-al population, 200 1 xxm Statement-6 Population of Urban Agglomerations/towns, 2001 X,Xlll Statement-7 Villages with popUlation of 5,000 and above at C 0 Hlock level as per XIV 200 1 census and alnenities available Statement-8 Statutory towns with P9pulation less than 5000 as per 200 1 census and xxv amenities available Statelnent-9 Houseless and Institutional population oftahsils, rural and urban, 2001 xx\' Analytical Note (i) History and scope of the District Census Handbook 2 (ii) Bnefhistory of the district 2 (iii) Administrative set-up 3 (iv) Physical features 4 (l) Location and size 4 (2) Physiogl-aphy 5 (3) Drainage 5 (4) Climate 6 (5) Natural Economic Resources 6 (v) Census Concepts 8 <"ri) Non-Census Concepts 13 (vii) 2001 Census findings-Population. its distribution etc. [6 (viii) Brief analysis of peA data based on inset tables 17 (ix) Brief analysIs of the Village Directory and Town Directory data based on 40 inset tables (X) Briefanalysls of the data on houses and household amelllties, Househsting 50 Operations, Census of India 200 I based on inset tables (xi) Major social and cultural events, natural '3.nd administratJ',:e developments 54 and significant aClivitlcs dunng the decade .. (xii) Briefdescription ofplaces of religious, historical or archaeological importance 54. in villages and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district (xiii) Major characteristics and contribution ofthe district 54 (xiv) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory 54 Part A - Village and Town Directory (Section' and II) Section I - Village Directory Note explaining the abbrevIatIons used in the Village Directory 58 Statement-List of villages lTIcrgcd ln towns and outgrowths at 2001 CenslIs 61 C.D. Block wise presentation of Village Directory Data (i) Map ofSangipur CD Block (Facing Page) 63 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages ofSangipur CD Block ()4 (iii) Village Dil"ectory ofSanglpur CD Block ()7 (i) Map""of LalganJ AJhara CD Block (Facmg Page) 93 (ii) Alphabetical list ofvdlagcs ofLalganj Ajhara CD Block 94 (iii) Village Directoz'Y of LaJganJ Ajhara CD Olock 96 (i) Map of Rampur Sangramgarh CD Block (Faclllg Page) 116 (ii) Alphabetical list ofviIJages of Ram pur Sangram.garh CD Block 117 (iii) Village Directory of Ralupur Sangramgarh CD Block 120 (i) Map of Babaganj CD Block (Facing Page) 146 (ii) Alphabetical list ofvJllages of13abaganj CD Block 147 (iii) Village Directory of Babaganj CD Block 150 (i) Map of Lakshamanpur CD Block (Facing Page) 178 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages of Laksham.anpur CD Block 179 (iil) Village Directory of Lakshamanpur CD Block 182 (i) Map of Kalakankar CD Block (Facing Page) 208 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages ofKalakankarCD Block 209 .(~) YJll_age Directory of Ka lakankar CD Block 211 (i) -: Map of Kunda CD Block (Facing Page) 233 _(i!) Alphabetical list of villages of Kunda CD Block 234 (iii) Village Directory of Kunda CD Block 237 (i) _ Map ofVihar CD Block (Facing Page) 263 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages ofVihar CD Block 26-1 (m) Village Directory ofVihar CD Block 267 (i) . ,Map. of Sandwa Chandrika CD Block (Facing Page) 291 (ii) AlphabetIcal list of villages ofSandwa Chandrika CD Block 292 (iii) Village Directory of Sandwa Chandrika CD Block 295 (i) Map of Pratapgarh Sadar CD Block (Facing Page) 323 (li) Alphabetical list of villages of Pralapgarb Sadar CD Block 324 (Iii) Village Directory of Pratapgarh Sadar CD E Iock 327 (i) Mat:? of Mandhata CD Block (Facing Page) 355 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages of Mandhata CD Block 356 (ill) Village Directory ofMandhata CD Block 360 (i) 1\1ap of Magraura CD Block (Facing Page) 396 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages off\.ingl-aura CD Block 397 (m) Village DIrectory of Magraura C;:) Block 401 (i) Map of Patti CD Block (Facing Page) 445 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages of PaUl CD Block 446 (iii) Village Directory of Patti CD B~oek 449 (i) l\1ap of Aspur Deosara CD Block"\ (Facing Page) 481 (ii) Alphabeticallist ofviJlages of ASPUI' Ceo~ara CD Block • 482 (iii) Village Directory of Aspur Deosara CD ~lock 485 (i) Map ofShivgarh CD Block . (Facing Page) 515 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages ofShivgarh ,-:;D Block 516 (iii).. ,Y~Ilage Directory ofShivgarh CD Bloc ... 520 (i) Map of Gaura CD Block (Facing Page) 55X (ii) Alphabcticallist of villages of Gaura CD Block 55') (iii) VIllagc Directory of Gaura CD Block 5(,2 (d) Appendices to Village Directory APPENDIX I Abstract of Educational, Mcdlcal and othel- Amenities 1Il vdlagc~ 5~') CD Block lcvcl APPENDIX IA Villages by llumber of Primary School 597 APPENDIX I B Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 59X APPENDIX Ie Villagcs with di ffcrent sources or drinklllg water raeil ities- aV.lIlablc 5<J9 APPENDIX II Villagcs with 5000 and abovc population which do not havc one (1r ()()() more amenities available APPENDIX IIA Census towns which do not have one or mOI-e amenittes, (lO! APPENDIX II I Land utilization data in respcct of Census Towns/noll-lllulllCirwltowlls 602 APPENDIX IV CD Blockwise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other 603 them drinking water lacility is avaiJable APPENDIX V Summary showing number of villages having or not having Scheduled (l07 Castes population APPENDIX VI Summary showing number ofvillagcs having or not having Schcduled (1()X Tribes population APPENDIX VIlA List of villages according to the proportion of the Schedulcd ()09 Castcs to the total population by ranges APPENDIX VIlB List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 64<) Tribes to the total population by I-anges APPENDIX VIII Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (C D block wise) 650 APPENDIX IX Statement showing l1mnber of girls schools in the villages 651 Volume-IT Section II - Town Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Town Directory Town Directory Statelnellts (I to VIn : (b) STATEMENT I Status and Gl-owth History 659 (c) STATEMENT II Physical aspects and location of towns 661 (d) STATEMENT III Municipal Finance 663 Ce) STATEMENT IV Civic and othcr amenities 665 (f) STATEMENTV Medical. Educational. Recreational and Cultural Facilitlcs 667 (g) STATEMENT VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking (l7t (h) STATEMENT VII Civic and other amenit ies in slums (i) Appendix to Town DIrectory Part B - PriIuary Census Abstract (a) Brief note all Primary Census Abstract (l75 (b) District Pt'imary Census Abstract (Geneml) (l71..) (c) Appcndix to District Primm-y Census Abstract i.c. (l::-;(l Ul-ban block wise figUI-CS orTolal, SC and ST Population Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes Prin"lary Census Absll-acl fOI- Scheduled Tnbcs CD Block wise Village PI'inHII'Y Censlis -Abs(nlcl Primary Census Abstract Sangipul- CD Block 70(, Primary Ccnsus Abstract Lalganj Ajhara CD BI()ck 724 Primary Censlis Abstract Rampur Sangralllgarh CD Block TJ(, Primary Census Abstract Babaganj CD Block 754 Primary Census Abstmct Laksluunanpur CD 13tock 772 Primary Census Abstract Kalakankar CD Block 790 Primary Census Abstract Kunda CD Block S02 Primm-y Census Abstract Vihar CD Block H20 Primary Census Abstract Sandwa Chandrika CD Block H32 Primary Census Abstract Prataf1garh Sadar CD Block R50 Primal-y Census Abstract Mandhata CD Block H6H Primary Census Abstract Magraura CD Block SlJ2 Primary Census Abstract Patti CD Block 916 Primary Census Abstract Aspur Deosara CD Block 934 Primary Census Abstract Shivgarh CD Block 952 Primary Census Abstract Gaura CD Block f.J76 Urban PriIllary Census Abstract 994 Annexures - I To VIII Annexure I Number of villages undcr cach Gram Panchayat 1008 Annexure II Fertility and Mortality, 1991 Census 1108 Annexure III Various l11.eaSUres of (ertility and mcan age at malTiage, 1991 CenslIs 1009 Annexure IV Percentage distribution of Migrants by place ofbirth/place oflasl residence, 1010 1991 Census Annexure V Briefaccounfofmain religions in the district/tahsil as per 199 I Census lOll Annexure VI Marital status of population as pel- 1991 Census 1012 Annexure VII Age, Sex and Education in the distl"ict, 1991 Census 1014 Annexure VIII Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 1991 Census 1016 FOREWORD he District Ccnsus llandbook (DCI-IB) published by Census OrganIsation SIJ)(.;C 1951 ccnsus. i~ onc T of the important publications in the context of planning and development at gross-root Icvcl. The publication, which is brought out for each district, containS scvcral dcmographi(.; and sO(';lo-e(.;onomic characteristics village-wise and town-wise onhc district alongwith the status oravailability of civic all1el\ilJe~. intj-astruetural facilities, etc. 2. The scope of the DCBB was mitially confined to a few Ccnsus Tables and Pnmary Ccnslls Abstract (PCA) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive cenSlLses, its scopc and coverage has been enlarged.
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