11606 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 13, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS WHY I AM PROUD TO BE AN Americans really do love liberty, and so WHAT THE AMERICAN FLAG MEANS TO ME AMERICAN America has been established around many <By Julie A. Yonts> different freedoms. Some of these freedoms After I wake up in the morning, I wonder, are: the freedom to vote, freedom of the "What am I going to do today?" I always HON. WILLIAM D. FORD press, freedom of speech, and freedom of re­ plan out my day very carefully. OF MICHIGAN ligion. Then I wonder about the people in the Even though I love all the freedoms, free­ Soviet Union and in Nigeria. They are told IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dom of religion is the most important one to what to say, what to do, and where to live. Tuesday, June 13, 198 9 me. I feel this way because the church I They are told everything, even what job to belong to, The Church of Jesus Christ of take! Mr. FORD of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I rise Latter Day Saints, is more than just a I wonder how they can, well, "put up today to share with my colleagues five award church I go to on Sunday-it's a way of life. with" the way they are forced to live. "How winning essays by Christopher P. Chandler, It teaches me where I came from. what's many people live there because they want Gretchen Spencer, Julie A. Yonts, Scott the meaning of life, and where I will go to? How many people live there because they have to?" I walk into school and greet Lange, and Stephen Michon, sixth grade stu­ after this life on Earth. I wouldn't be able to choose my religion and practice it if people with a " Hi or Hello." Then one of my dents at the Hale Creek Elementary School in American didn't have this freedom. fellow students leads me and my class1.1ates Romulus, Ml. Their teacher, Mrs. Gaye McGin­ Many nations in the world began from in the Pledge of Allegiance. nis, has sponsored this essay contest over wanting power, 2 but our nation began when "With Liberty and Justice for all," is a the years and brings her class to Washington some of the people in England wanted more phrase from the Pledge. All Americans have each year; and it is always an honor to freedom than they had. The main freedom the right to choose their actions, they also they wanted was the freedom to worship as have to pay the consequences for their present the winners with flags that have been choices and actions. flown over the Capitol in their name. they believed. I am very thankful that the Pilgrims loved If a person committed murder. they might WHY I AM PROUD To BE AN AMERICAN have to go to jail. If a person finds a lost freedom enough to go through all the hard­ puppy or wallet and returned it, they might <By Christopher P. Chandler> ships to come to America. I know that many be rewarded for it. I am proud to be an American because we children and adults suffered and died on the In America you must obey the laws. Y:.m have so many freedoms. My favorite is the long journey. are also innocent until proven guilty. After I freedom of speech. I think it is important to This wasn't the end of America's fight for say the Pledge I ask myself, "How many say what you feel. People should say what freedom. They still had many more battles people are saying these important words they mean and not lie. to fight and much blood to shed. The war with feelings and understanding?" Then I In the U.S.S.R. there is no freedom of with England was long and hard. but did ask myself, " How many people are saying speech. The government controls the press. they give up? No! They had great courage these important words just because they and a love of freedom, but they had more If a citizen speaks out against the govern­ have to?" ment, they will go to prison. than this. I believe they had the power of When I say the Pledge I get a special feel­ Gc.d within them. I agree with Benjamin Freedom means being able to buy what ing, like when you step outside on the first you want when you can afford it. America is Franklin when he said, "I have lived a long sign of spring, or when you're opening your time, and the longer I live, the more con­ very wealthy. People are starving in Ethio­ presents on Christmas. That feeling is the vincing proofs I see of this truth: that God way I feel when I say the Pledge of Alle­ pia, while here in our country food is plenti­ governs in the affairs of men. And if a spar­ giance. ful. row cannot fall to the ground without his "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the In America we have the right to choose notice, is it probable that en empire can rise United States of America and to the Repub­ the church in which we worship. Religious without his aid?" :i With the help of God lic, for which it stands, one nation, under freedom is very personal, and the govern­ and their own courage and love of freedom, God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ment has no place there. the early Americans made freedom of reli­ all." In America we can get as much education gion possible for me in two ways. First, be­ These words are very special and impor­ as we wish and advance our knowledge as cause they established this country around tant to me, and should be to the rest of the far as we choose. We work, live, and worship freedom of religion, I can worship how I be­ nation. where we please. lieve now. Second, the church I belong to The Constitution guarantees us these was organized in 1830. It wouldn't have been WHY I'M PROUD To LIVE IN AMERICA . rights and freedoms. It can only be changed able to begin here if this country didn't <By Scott Lange) when the people approve an amendment to have religous liberty. I am proud to live in America because for the Constitution. Many countries, such as China, the Soviet one, I have freedom that many other coun­ Our freedoms are being threatened by ille­ Union, and other communist countries, tries do not. gal drugs. We must get drugs out of Amer­ don't have this freedom, and my church These freedoms are freedom of religion, ica. Tough laws must be enforced to bring could never have started in them. freedom of the press, and freedom of this problem under control. I am thankful that I live in this wonderful speech. I owe my country my loyalty and support. country. It is a great country that was made The freedom of religion is the right to be­ If I must, I will fight to protect our free­ by courageous people. I know that if I want lieve in and practice whatever faith a person dom. I am proud to be an American. this country to keep its freedom and inde­ chooses. This also includes the right of an pendence, I will have to be patriotic, be in­ individual to have no religious beliefs. THANKFUL FOR MY FREEDOM To WORSHIP volved in what goes on in my community Religion has been discouraged or even for­ bidden in countries ruled by dictators. For <By Gretchen Spencer> and nationwide, and teach my children the same things. example, the governments of China, Russia, When Abraham Lincoln was asked what I want to keep America the great country and other communist nations have persecut­ ed religion on a large scale. makes up our liberty and independence, he it is. I owe it to the people who started it, to said, " It is not our frowning battlements, or Freedom of the press is the right to pub­ myself, and to my children. I am truly lish facts, ideas, and opinions without inter­ bristling sea coasts, our army and navy ..., thankful for America. Land of the Free! our reliance is in the love of liberty which ference from the government or from pri­ God has planted in us." 1 vate groups. This right applies to the print­ 2 "Stand Fast by Our Constitution," J. Reuben ed media, including radio and television. Clark. Jr. " If we in the United States didn't have 1 "The Light of Liberty," by Paul H. Dunn. ""The Light of Liberty," by Paul H . Dunn. freedom of the press I could not write this. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. June 13, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 11607 Freedom of the press exists largely in the Lieutenant Colonel Jackson entered the the leaders in Beijing as we do to the leaders Western European countries, the English military in 1951 and established an exception­ in Panama or any where else where power speaking nations, and Japan. It is present to ally outstanding record in his 31-year career in hungry rules are determined to hang on, even a limited extent in some Latin American countries." the U.S.
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