C:\Users\Public\Documents\GP JOBS\Gazette No. 73 of Friday, 16Th

C:\Users\Public\Documents\GP JOBS\Gazette No. 73 of Friday, 16Th

REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA Price: K5 net Annual Subscription: Within Lusaka—K200.00 Published by Authority Outside Lusaka—K230.00 No. 6430] Lusaka, Friday, 16th October, 2015 [Vol. LI, No. 73 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 643 OF 2015 [5929855/13 Zambia Information and Communications Technologies Authority The Information and Communications Technologies Act, 2009 (Act No. 15 of 2009) Notice of Determination of Unserved and Underserved Areas Section 70 (2) of the Information and Communication TechnologiesAct No. 15 of 2009 (ICTAct) empowers the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) to determine a system to promote the widespread availability and usage of electronic communications networks and services throughout Zambia by encouraging the installation of electronic communications networks and the provision for electronic communications services in unserved and underserved areas and communities. Further, Regulation 5 (2) of Statutory Instrument No. 38 of 2012 the Information and Communications Technologies (Universal Access) Regulations 2012 mandates the Authority to designate areas as universal service areas by notice in the gazette. In accordance with the said regulations, the Authority hereby notifies members of the public that areas contained in the Schedule Hereto are hereby designated as universal service areas. M. K. C. MUDENDA (MRS.) Director General SN Site Name Longtitude Latitude Elevation Province 1 Nalusanga_Chunga Headquarter Offices 27.22415 -15.22135 1162 Central 2 Mpusu_KankamoHill 27.03507 -14.45675 1206 Central 3 Shichanzu_LwiliHill 27.22412 -15.22142 1234 Central 4 NalundaPrimarySchool 27.07591 -15.40868 1011 Central 5 Ngabwe8_Kapiri 27.2726 -14.08298 1155 Central 6 DanielEbukaPrimarySchool 27.48963 -14.03421 1153 Central 7 Mpelembe 31.02451 -12.35135 1179 Central 8 Lupuka Primary School 28.28643 -13.6705 1176 Central 9 Kafinda Clinic 29.02752 -14.13174 1173 Central 10 Ntasa 28.74187 -14.39676 1137 Central 11 ShamputaBasicSchool 27.87374 -14.04825 1132 Central 12 Imansa 28.19462 -14.39672 1135 Central 13 ChilumbaPrimarySchool 28.15504 -14.30747 1233 Central 14 Kamena 30.39325 -13.4487 1335 Central 15 Sancha 30.22095 -13.53046 1573 Central 16 Mukopa 30.16411 -13.74273 1212 Central 17 LupiyaPrimarySchool 30.11768 -13.02325 1346 Central 18 Musangashi 29.94528 -12.88252 1241 Central 19 Muchinda 29.88759 -13.12846 1271 Central 20 Nganswa 30.07214 -13.6221 1211 Central 21 Nganswa 30.2362 -12.98815 1388 Central 22 Ibolela 30.2672 -13.37695 1283 Central 23 NshinsoPrimarySchool 29.82182 -13.77506 1308 Central 593 594 Zambia Gazette 9th October, 2015 SN SiteName Longtitude Latitude Elevation Province 24 Musofu 29.11144 -13.44315 1337 Central 25 KaliloClinic_Chingola 27.7673 -12.49141 1276 Copperbelt 26 Nampamba 28.14262 -13.78813 1183 Copperbelt 27 Chati 27.78454 -12.75084 1359 Copperbelt 28 Murundu 28.38765 -12.51894 1313 Copperbelt 29 Ishintwe 28.85969 -13.48899 1400 Copperbelt 30 VizimumbaSecondarySchool 31.01453 -14.47242 919 Eastern 31 ZNSCamp 30.87971 -14.46845 782 Eastern 32 ChamilalaHill 30.37889 -14.90869 585 Eastern 33 Hofmyer 30.34631 -14.66607 816 Eastern 34 Lwezi(Betele) 30.90351 -14.59732 868 Eastern 35 ChinambiPrimarySchool 30.6889 -14.47525 640 Eastern 36 MisoloPrimarySchool 31.17912 -14.09711 932 Eastern 37 Mawanda 31.46846 -14.01657 839 Eastern 38 Sopa 31.67047 -13.86308 830 Eastern 39 Chibale 31.57404 -13.64204 613 Eastern 40 MakondeVapya 31.31142 -13.99796 890 Eastern 41 Zumaili 31.31142 -14.62261 1056 Eastern 42 Chiundu(Ndinda) 31.73922 -14.39395 1072 Eastern 43 Kondwelani 31.92736 -14.3831 1071 Eastern 44 Mng’omba(Katepelavillage) 31.57515 -14.1097 1019 Eastern 45 Chitawe 31.6328 -14.04848 1003 Eastern 46 Mtsanya 31.85442 -13.88093 798 Eastern 47 Kasamanda 31.95442 -13.78778 791 Eastern 48 Zinaka 31.98301 -13.87618 855 Eastern 49 Gaven 32.10687 -13.83873 1007 Eastern 50 Kafumbwe 32.22963 -14.21376 988 Eastern 51 Nsadzu 32.340552 -14.0602 987 Eastern 52 Manje 32.52288 -13.9513 1074 Eastern 53 Msokosela 32.55495 -14.03561 935 Eastern 54 Komani Hill (Can take care of Kabvumo/Zingalume) 32.46697 -14.16346 1216 Eastern 55 Mwangazi 32.63883 -14.15644 757 Eastern 56 Miti Hill RP (Can cover Mwangazi) 32.66603 -14.08188 842 Eastern 57 NyamandevuRP(proposed) 33.064 -14.028 1200+ Eastern 58 Chikoka 33.06099 -14.0265 1162 Eastern 59 Magwero 32.7789 -13.66603 791 Eastern 60 Chikowa 32.0833 -13.41838 627 Eastern 61 Madzimoyo 32.49729 -13.70391 1010 Eastern 62 Malama 31.56542 -13.44114 513 Eastern 63 Katunula 32.90232 -12.89614 1158 Eastern 64 Chamkoma 32.85744 -12.54526 1022 Eastern 65 KazembeRoadRP 32.67141 -12.4135 991 Eastern 66 Mbuzi 32.53922 -12.36618 707 Eastern 67 Lumimba 32.36026 -12.43826 647 Eastern 68 Zokwe 32.32159 -12.30835 605 Eastern 69 Chibeza 32.48954 -12.12845 620 Eastern 70 MutimaSonjo 32.62166 -12.16692 679 Eastern 9th October, 2015 Zambia Gazette 595 SN SiteName Longtitude Latitude Elevation Province 71 Yakobe 32.12682 -12.7025 547 Eastern 72 Mkasanga 32.02689 -12.83725 541 Eastern 73 Chasera 32.16704 -12.84941 574 Eastern 74 Lukusuzi 32.19889 -12.68858 561 Eastern 75 Munyukwa 32.98061 -12.03467 1066 Eastern 76 Kulikuli 33.0133 -11.92192 1075 Eastern 77 Malandula 33.16423 -11.84142 1119 Eastern 78 Mumbotuta 29.27974 -12.36311 1158 Luapula 79 Milambo 29.0482 -11.87167 1081 Luapula 80 Chiswishi 29.07947 -11.51146 1216 Luapula 81 Lwingishi 29.27299 -11.46379 1134 Luapula 82 Lukola 28.64062 -11.91269 1063 Luapula 83 Lukola 28.50227 -11.84457 1055 Luapula 84 Chibeleka 28.66058 -11.33383 1258 Luapula 85 Chibeleka 28.39967 -11.51106 1055 Luapula 86 Musonda 28.70197 -10.63591 1038 Luapula 87 SepePrimarySchool 28.7352 -10.92871 1200 Luapula 88 Muma 28.76615 -10.50952 1105 Luapula 89 Mulumbi 29.24951 -11.54223 1180 Luapula 90 Mushipashi 28.5139 -11.2275 1058 Luapula 91 Mushipashi 28.59289 -11.17359 1104 Luapula 92 Nkonge 28.97701 -10.59887 1192 Luapula 93 NsengaMubende 28.91555 -10.29945 1303 Luapula 94 Nsenga 29.16601 -10.38486 1225 Luapula 95 NsengaMukoshi 29.1632 -10.13947 1204 Luapula 96 Mumbwe 29.42739 -10.3423 1359 Luapula 97 Iyanga 29.1709 -10.0034 1207 Luapula 98 Iyanga 29.22487 -9.95529 1208 Luapula 99 Luena 29.336 -9.68218 1228 Luapula 100 ChimpempeSecondaySchool 29.43043 -9.54895 1224 Luapula 101 ParaffinPrimarySchool 29.17179 -9.81571 1301 Luapula 102 Senga 29.0155 -9.60642 1344 Luapula 103 MambwePrimarySchool 29.62407 -9.67473 1221 Luapula 104 NtumboPrimarySchool 29.56629 -10.01871 1431 Luapula 105 Masonde 29.48351 -10.93085 1206 Luapula 106 Kasansa 29.60983 -10.87252 1188 Luapula 107 Ncheta 30.06947 -11.67026 1173 Luapula 108 Katanshya 29.75758 -11.49289 1180 Luapula 109 Kapilibila 29.79017 -12.05625 1170 Luapula 110 Kaliva 30.2635 -15.61494 337 Lusaka 111 Kaboo 30.30098 -15.42262 352 Lusaka 112 Kaona 30.16228 -15.10119 386 Lusaka 113 Manyika 28.8965 -15.46177 1117 Lusaka 114 Makanda 29.90324 -15.18713 621 Lusaka 115 Shikabeta 29.80803 -14.96746 952 Lusaka 116 Mungu 28.11081 -15.68714 1056 Lusaka 117 Kambale 28.79221 -15.94802 415 Lusaka 118 MpundoHills(Milongo) 32.72328 -10.2615 1109 Muchinga 119 Londomaka 32.521589 -9.982004 1222 Muchinga 596 Zambia Gazette 9th October, 2015 SN SiteName Longtitude Latitude Elevation Province 120 Katyetye 32.8593 -10.08557 1024 Muchinga 121 Kazembe 32.9685 -9.5481 1454 Muchinga 122 Nangungulu 32.93966 -9.43403 1642 Muchinga 123 Mwendankusu 32.58192 -9.70145 1254 Muchinga 124 Mukalizi 32.1904 -9.13424 1400 Muchinga 125 Kapunda 31.56119 -9.11128 1170 Muchinga 126 Mapoma 30.60381 -11.62272 1196 Muchinga 127 KatongoKapala 31.45203 -11.61028 1452 Muchinga 128 Mano 32.01548 -11.60878 1194 Muchinga 129 Chishala 32.00333 -11.52542 1323 Muchinga 130 Changalilo 32.02347 -11.32936 1289 Muchinga 131 Kazembe 31.72168 -12.31625 652 Muchinga 132 Kapangula 32.03023 -12.42759 574 Muchinga 133 Mapamba 32.39167 -12.1052 601 Muchinga 134 Kasela 32.70383 -12.00633 737 Muchinga 135 Chifunda(existing) 32.571333 -11.874402 Muchinga 136 Kamilala 32.8573 -11.82213 782 Muchinga 137 Mangwere 32.77088 -11.67791 654 Muchinga 138 Katangalika 32.94217 -11.16911 622 Muchinga 139 Mabinga(Bazim) 32.97211 -11.28524 699 Muchinga 140 TembweRHC 32.8892 -11.36039 620 Muchinga 141 Sitwe(Pina) 33.18465 -10.85067 764 Muchinga 142 Kamfutu 33.36515 -11.24958 1165 Muchinga 143 Nthonkho 33.04377 -11.05725 703 Muchinga 144 Katanga 33.46841 -10.70862 1259 Muchinga 145 Kampumbu-2 33.00642 -10.25686 806 Muchinga 146 Muyeleka 33.049 -10.15482 821 Muchinga 147 Chipokoso 32.60895 -9.84655 1267 Muchinga 148 Nzoche(Sch) 33.13603 -9.69361 1283 Muchinga 149 Nalutete 33.21357 -9.77552 1249 Muchinga 150 Mwalala 31.89044 -10.77394 1292 Muchinga 151 Sula 32.14096 -10.27557 1223 Muchinga 152 Nkweto 32.29682 -10.26089 1251 Muchinga 153 Kalela 32.26074 -9.90432 1230 Muchinga 154 Mwika(existing) 31.71894 -10.52525 1236 Muchinga 155 Mapampa 31.67891 -10.71984 1240 Muchinga 156 Malekani 31.56138 -10.93749 1356 Muchinga 157 Chinkalalanga 31.7345 -10.96542 1495 Muchinga 158 Konja 31.85794 -10.90806 1425 Muchinga 159 Mayuke(existing) 32.14494 -10.85037 Muchinga 160 Chindoshi 32.29787 -11.08407 1342 Muchinga 161 Katoma 32.05679 -11.13745 1334 Muchinga 162 Chilombo 31.40841 -11.2261 1462 Muchinga 163 Luchenene 31.34055 -12.13698 1515 Muchinga 164 Lubunga 31.01847 -12.80041 1502 Muchinga 165 Kapijimpanga 26.53082 -12.3534 1232 NorthWestern 166 KamabendePrimarySchool Solwezi(Kipushi) 26.78246 -11.98109 1409 NorthWestern 167 KamapandaPrmarySchool 24.16947 -12.03657 1455 NorthWestern 9th October, 2015 Zambia Gazette 597 SN SiteName Longtitude Latitude Elevation Province 168 Matonchi 24.37317 -11.92715 1420 NorthWestern

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