\ « :n ■ \ PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT , \ FR^AY, OCTOBER 8, 1969 iUanrbrBtpr Etirning IfrroUi f n n g o Daily Net Press Ron. ■be Ite Week IW M PACE will present a Lamaze David Tarbot of Danbury will Women’s Amtlllary of the Mrs. Albert Hanieon, Mrs. De- 27, 1666 The Weather About Town childbirth film Monday at 8 speak about "The Life To Manchester Midget and Pony Bentley PTA Fair Mars, Mrs. John Hickey, Mrs. Clear and cooler tonight with p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Come" tonight at 7:80 at a serv- Football Association will meet Kerin, Mrs. John Wennergren. low* in 40e. 'Tbmorrow fair, The adult discussion group Chui'ch, 86 Prospect S^., Rock­ Ice at the C3iurch of Christ, Monday at 8:80 p.m. at the Planned Oct. 11, Also, Mrs. Sigfred Slblskl,' 15,775 mlM with hlgha 66 to 70. Shower will mefet Sunday at 9 a.m. at ville. Lydall and Vernon Sts. The home o f Mrs. John Roberts, 13 Mrs. W aiter Johnson, Mrs. Ger­ probability near sero throuafa' Mooday. Susannah Wealey House on the service- is open to the public, Richmond Dr. Rain or Shine ald BeMerfleld, Mrs. Robert Mmnehmater— ’4 City of Village Charm South United Methodist Church The Ladles Guild of the As- Gaffney, Mrs. Wayne Alex­ VOL. LXXXEC, NO. 4 The Bentley School P T A an­ campus. The first chapter of stunptlon will sponsor a sale of The Atqerican Legion will Green Mountain Club, Con­ ander, Mrs. Ekiward Neubelt O ne D ay (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1969 ) (Claaitfiad AdvertiBlag oa^ogb IS) the book "Dimensions of pe- baked goods Sunday in the ga­ have Its regular "F re e Snack necticut Section, will hold a nual fair will be held at the Mrs. Raymond Blanco, Mrs. 7/ PRICE Tibi CBim rage of the Chtmch of the As­ cisimi" w ill be discussed. Mrs. Night" and record dance to­ five-mile hike and hot dog roost school, rain or shine, on Satur­ Gregory Kelly, Mrs. Clifton Cof­ sumption after all Masses at the night at 8 In the fireplace room O nly Philip M. Susag will be the Sunday on the Shenipslt Thrall. day Oct. 11, from 10 a.m. to fin, Mrs. John Seavey, Mrs. Da­ leader. The discussion is open church. Donations may be left at the Post Home. Hikers will meet at 9:80 a.m. at 2 p.m. It is being coordinated vid Fairbanks, Mrs. Ekiwin M c­ to the public. with members before each the foot of Soapstone Mountain Cabe, Mrs. Jolm Ekank, Mrs. Saf,, Ocf. by Mrs. Arthur Warrington, Mass. Members of the Ladies of St. by the Shenipslt Trail sign on EYed Levitt, Mrs. Gerald Bart­ O.K. $21 Billion Hip Friar: ‘Don’t Knock Frock’ James will meet tonight at 7:46 Gulf Rd., Somers.'For more Mrs. Harold TopHff Jr., and lett, Mrs. Joel Grot, Mrs. at the John F. Tierney Funeral information contact Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sombrlc. Ralph Barber, and Mrs. John­ BOSTON (AP) — Hie flnA hippie, according to Rev. Bede Home, 219 W. Centor St., to re­ Mrs. John Blm lc of 26 Glenn Ferrara of the Franciscan Fathers, was St. Francis of Assial. Stewart Jones, silhouette art- son. Heavier Battling Seen AUTUMN TIME AT PERU’S cite the Rosary for the late Mrs. Oak Dr., Thompsonville. For U.S. Defense Taking a cue from political campaigns, the balding frtar Joseph CSiaves. The group will let, w ill be in-esent. Game WASHINGTON (AP) _ The rotunied to his native Boston Friday seeking recrutts for vooa- also meet tomorrow at 8:46 a.m. Staff Sgt. Robert L. Lelacheur booths will feature ring toes, shouting matcbea, charges of tlona in the religious order. Pumpkins — Fresh Cider — Gourds — Indian Com — Macs House has passed a $21.36 bil­ at St. James’ Church to attend Jr., son o f Mrs. L.C. Lelacheur Building Values open vote maneuvering and Oortlands — Wealthy Apples — Peaches — Bartlett Pears fish pond, sponge clown, and lion military spending package He affixed bumper Ackers to autos with wOIing owners, her funeral. of 62 Pleasant St., graduated bean bag. Cider, doughnuts, ckdms by spending critics they including Prealdent Nixon’s all combining the appeal of a religious vocation with the hlpnle FRJBSiH: Spinach, Beet Greens, Swiss Chard, Green Beans, with honors from a U.S. Air candled apples, hamburgers, Almost Equal were muzzled. Idetd of.love. Hot and Red Peppers, Egg Plant, Leeks, Boston Safeguard ABM system, after It gives Nixon the go-ahead to Members of the Ladies Aux­ Force technical school at Shep­ and hot do^ wUl be available "Don’t kick the habit—be a frisir,’' and Salad Lettuce, Cauliflower, AoOm and But­ one of the bitterest puUic fights deploy his version of the anti- ays one. Another says, Erupting in Viet War iliary of the Eighth District BTre pard AFB, Texas, where he was at the refreshment stand. September 1968 ternut Squash, Carrots, Peas, Belgian Endive, of the year. "Don’t knock the frock." Department wdll serve as host­ trained as a medical techni­ Committee chairmen are: ballistic missile system, leaves White Sweet Potatoes, Imported Red Onions, The estimated value of Man­ “nie bill—slightly more expen- "Franclscanlsm is Peoplelsm,’ esses tomorrow at 1 p.m. at an cian. He was asrigned to the Bentley faculty, candy; Mrs. intact $481 mUllon for 23 more says jmodier. "Live and Shell and Lim a Beans, Com, Shallots, Chinese chester construction last month rtve than when passed by the Love the Franciscan Way.” open house at fire he^quarters. Air Force Logistics Command Irvin(( Mann, flowers; Mrs. of the controversial C5A super­ SAIGON (AP) — Gen. and Savoy Cabbage. Just missed duplicating the fig- Senate—received 811 to 44 ap­ Main and Hilliard Sts. at Wright Patterson AFB. Ohio. Granville Llngard, white ele­ cargo planes and contains $1 bil­ "St. Francis was the first hippie. He was a man, he had a Elarle G. Wheeler, chfiir- FRESH; Cantaloupes, Red White and Blue Grapes, Bart­ tmes for September of last year, proval in the House Prl<kiy lett Pears, Grapefruit, Pineapples, Limes, Con­ phant and hardware; Mrs. lion more for ships than the ad- message,’’ aaid Father Ferraro, who is stationed at Mt. Vei^ man of the Joint Chiefs of according to a report by night after a debate marked by cord Grapes, Honeydews, Strawberries, Red, De­ Boy Scout Troop 167 of St. Servlcea during the oonclu^ng Peter Sadlowsld, new toys; ministrafion asked. non, N .Y. "H e didn’t fight the establishment, be tore down its ’Thomas C. Monahan, chief Staff, arrived in Saigon to­ licious. Bridget Church will sponsor a days of the JeiwMi Holiday Mrs. Andrew Vlnceiu, baked Efforts by critics of military ovUs. He didn’t juu^ complain, he did something about it." building Inspector. day and predicted a new paper drive tomorrow starting season will be held at Temple goods; Mrs. Dennla Kerin, sew­ spending to cut those and other S t Francis founded the order In the 18th century at the Visit Our S^ection of Fancy Inqiorted Baskets The totals are $336,036 for this round of fighting will at 9 a.m. in the Church parking Beth Shtdom this' evening- at ing; Mrs. George Fenby, rum­ projects totaling $2.2 billion ^ e of 27, after renouncing a life of wealth In favor of helptnc year, compared to $337,100 for break the current lull in the lot. Those wishing papers pick­ 8:16; tomorrow at 10 a.m. mage; Mrs. Kenneth Machin, were defeated during the week- the poor. last. ed up may contact Gene Cleary (Yizkor-Memortol); and 7 p-m., long House consideration of the war. jew elry; Mr. and Mrs. G. The report on bidlding fees W in Makes • WEEKEND SPECIALS • of 6 Cushman Dr. or Harold (Hakofos); and Sunday at 10 measure. tVheeler, making his saoond Leonard Johnson, M r. and M ie. deposited shows $12,664 for Sep­ Glgllo, 19 Tanner St. a.m. The bill iKFW goes to a House- visit to the war sons In 2H PEACHES .................... .. .16 qt. bskt. S IJ M I Topllff, Mr. and Mrs. Warring­ tember 1969, compared to $16,- ton. refreshments; Irving Mann, Brandt Party Senate conference committee in months, said he was particular­ TOMATOES....................................... lb, 107 for September 1968. Fees which differences between ver­ ly Interested In seeing what pro­ clown emd balloons. do not coincide with building Mrs. David DeMars and Mrs. sions passed by each chamber gress has been made In turning PLUMS ................................................. permits because the fees are will be worked out. Ni:xon Committed more combat action over to Ansaldl arranged a tea Tues­ deposited when received, before ^Respectable’ Occasirmal angry exchanges South Vietnamese forces. We Carry The Manchester Evening Herald day for room mothers. Mrs. a building permit is issued. PLAZA DEPT. STORE between supporters and critics Commenting on reports by the Thomas Woods, principiU, and Permits were issued last BONN, Germany (AP) — wil­ COMPLETE UNE OF SUNDAY PAPERS of military spending Wednesday U.S. Command that ths leval of Mrs. Sadtowskl, P T A president, month for four, single-family ly Brandt’s capture of the West OPEN • AM . to » P.M. DAILY (We Have A Notion To Please) and Thursday became the domi­ On Haynsworth action Is at Its lowest point this poured. German chancellorship is the dwelling, at on average value nant feature of heated debate E. MIDDLE ’TPKE. (Next to Popniar Mkt.) Room mothers for this year result of a 10-year struggle to y«ar, Wheeler said, " I look for of $26,260; compared to 10, Friday.
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