Subject Index Achalasia Aspergillosis 190 -- tumorectomy 90, 91 - classification 391 Aspiration, pericardial 54 - cyst, preoperative localization 79 - dilatation 398 Atelectasis, postoperative 180 - diagnostic procedures, indications -- balloon systems with endoscopic Atkinson tube 287, 288 77 guidance 399, 400 Atrium, left, partial removal 180 - gynecomastia 87 -- balloon systems without endo­ Axillary approach 24 - inflammatory disease 86, 87 scopic guidance 400, 401 - mastectomy -- compared with esophagomyo­ Babcok vein stripper, in esopha­ -- extended radical (Urban's modi- tomy 391, 392 gectomy 328, 329 fication) 98, 99 -- Kaphingst dilator 399 Balloon catheter systems 270 -- modified radical 94-96 techniques 400, 401 Bilobectomy -- Patey's operation 96 -- Witzel dilator system 398, 399 lower 150, 151 -- radical (Rotter-Halsted modifica- - esophagomyotomy - upper 149 tion) 97, 98 -- lower sphincter Bochdalek hernia 217 -- skin incisions 94 --- dilatation compared with Bougienage -- subcutaneous 84, 85 391, 392 - blind dilatation 272 - periareolar incision 80, 81 --- indications 391 - Buess system 270, 271 - radiation ulcers 102 --- preoperative preparation 392 - guidewire systems -- latissimus dorsi flap 102 --- transabdominal approach -- balloon catheter systems 270 -- myocutaneous rectus flap 392-394 -- Celestin and Savary systems 103, 104 --- transthoracic approach 392, 269 -- omentoplasty 102, 103 394 -- Eder-Puestow system 266-269 -- thoracoepigastric flap 102 -- upper sphincter 388, 389 - Hendren and Hale electromagnetic - segmental resection (quadrantec- - stage 3 technique 450 tomy) -- mucosal plication 396, 397 - postdilatation monitoring 267 -- carcinoma 91 -- myoplication 395, 396 - Rehbein thread and olive tech- -- diagnostic 83 -- strip myectomy 396, 397 nique 444-447 Bronchial circulation 110, 111 Anal atresia, esophageal atresia and - sedation and anesthesia 266 Bronchial system, anatomy 109, 110 453 - timing steps and gauging extent Bronchiectasis 188 Anastomosis of 266, 267 Bronchogenic carcinoma 183 - colo gastric 380, 381 - using rigid endoscope 272 - lymph node involvement 114 - continent 358 Breast Bronchopleural fistula, post- - esophageal 228 - abnormal nipple discharge 81, 82 operative 181 -- in atresia 442, 443 - abscess 86, 87 Bronchus -- end-to-endjend-to-side 243 - biopsy 80, 81 - closure of 118, 119 -- technique 230-232 -- incision 80 -- coverage of stump 119, 120 - esophagocolic 381 -- tumor excision 81 -- staple 118 - Haight telescopic 443 - carcinoma -- suture 119 - inkwell 358, 370 biopsy excision 81, 90 - left main, exposure and closure - invagination 242, 243 -- classifications 89, 90 131-133 - jejunal patch 277 -- incidence 88 - resection - jejunoduodenal 369 -- local in operability 100 -- intubation 171 - jejunogastric 369 -- local recurrence 101,102 -- sleeve 170, 171 - see also individual operations -- male 101 --- of left main 173 Aneurysms, arteriovenous 182 preoperative localization 77-79 --- lower lobectomy with 174 Anterolateral approach, semilateral -- prognosis 88 --- of right main 172, 173 position 9, 10 - -- risk factors 88 -- wedge, of main 171 Antibiotic, perioperative therapy -- skin closure, difficult 100, 101 - right main, exposure and closure 39-41 -- see below Conservation tech- of 126, 127 Antral patch, for esophageal stricture niques; Mastectomy - stump leak 181 280 - conservation techniques 90-93 Broviac catheter 259, 260 Asepsis 8 axillary dissection 92, 93 Buess system of esophageal dilata­ ASIF one-third tubular plate 50, 51 -- segmental resection 91 tion 270, 271 456 Subject Index Buess tube 287, 288 Dead-space tubing 45 Esophagogastrostomy Bullectomy 4, 5 Diaphragm - continent 358 - congenital anomalies ~ end-to-side 357 Cardia -- accessory 218, 219 - manual 231, 357 ~ adenocarcinoma -- defect repaired with muscle flap - mechanical (EEA instrument) -- endoesophageal intubation 286 217,218 234-238, 357 -- resection 40, 295 ~ - eventration of 212 - reinforcement and reflux preven- Cardiac herniation 55 --- plication techniques 212-216 tion 357-360 Catheter-related complications -- hernias 216-218 Esophagojejunostomy 32,33 --- anterior parasternal 216 - manual 370 Celestin dilator system 269 --- posterolateral (Bochdalek) - mechanical (EEA instrument) 370 Celestin intubation system 291, 292 217 - reinforcement 370-372 Celestin tube 288 - incisions 211, 212 Esophagomyotomy Cerclage wires 51, 52 - indications for surgery 212 ~ extended 389~391 Chest cavity - innervation of 211 - indications 388 ~ drainage 120, 121 ~ pacing 221, 222 - lower sphincter 391~394 -- after pneumonectomy 121 -- cervical approach 222 -- dilatation compared with - exploration ~ ~ thoracic approach 222 391, 392 -- assessment of disease and resec- - pericardiophrenic hernia 219 -- indications 391 tability 116 - plication -- preoperative preparation 392 -- mobilization of lung 115 -- open 215, 216 -- transabdominal approach Chest wall -- transperitoneal 212, 213 392~394 - congenital deformities 67-71 -- transthoracic 213~215 -- transthoracic approach 392, - diseases 59~76 - pulmonary resection, removal 394 - hernias 57, 58 during 180 - upper sphincter 388, 389 - pulmonary resection, removal ~ reconstruction of esophagus and Esophagoplasty 447, 448 during 180 tracheobronchial tree 220, 221 Esophagopleural fistula, post- - resection - replacement 220 operative 182 -- indications 60 - rupture 56, 57 Esophagostomy -- procedure 60 -- traumatic 218, 219 - end cervical 256~258 - stabilization 48-50 - tumors, primary 219, 220 - lateral cervical 252-256 -- after sternectomy 61, 62 Dilatation therapy, see Bougienage ~ - closure 256 Chylothorax 209 Dilators -- double-barreled 254-256 Coccidioidomycosis 190 - with mercury-filled tips 272 -- percutaneous tube 253, 254 Collis gastroplasty 422, 423 - plastic and rubber 272 - ~ simple 252, 253 Colon Duodenum - thoracic 258 - anastomosis - atresia, esophageal atresia and Esophagotomy ~ ~ to esophagus 381, 382 453 - cervical 245-249 - ~ to stomach 380 - esophageal reconstruction - thoracic 249-251 - esophageal substitute 336, 337 354, 355 Esophagotracheal fistula, esophageal -- blood supply 372, 373 - Kocher's maneuver 354, 355 atresia and 437 ~ - bowel continuity restored 379 Esophagus -- intraabdominal transfer of mobi­ Echinoccosis (hydatid disease) - achalasia, see Achalasia lized segment 379, 380 186, 187 - adhesives 240 ~ - left antiperistaltic transplant Eder-Puestow dilator system - agenesis 436 373-376 266-269 - anastomosis 228 -- left isoperistaltic transplant Emphysema -- end-to-end/end-to-side 243 373-376 - bullous 186 -- esophagocolic 381, 382 -- right antiperistaltic transplant - lobar 185 -- Haight telescopic 443 378 - mediastinal 47,48, 200, 201 -- invagination 242, 243 -- right isoperistaltic transplant -- collar mediastinotomy 48 - ~ technique 230-232 377, 378 - subcutaneous, management -- see also individual operations -- transverse isoperistaltic trans- 47 - anatomy plant 378, 379 Empyema, pleural 63-66 ~ - blood supply 226, 227 - esophagoplasty 447, 448 Endoesophageal tubes 286-294 ~ - lymphatic drainage 227, 228 Cricopharyngeal myotomy 388, 389 ~ indications 286, 287 -- wall structure 225, 226 Cryptococcosis 190 - intubation 289~293 - atresia Cystic adenomatoid malformations - nutrition 293, 294 -- anal atresia and 453 185 - tube designs 287-289 -- bougienage Cystosarcoma phylloides, mastec- Equipment --- Hendren and Hale electromag- tomy 85,86 - instrument sets 7, 8, 27-29 netic technique 450 Cysts - materials --- Rehbein thread and olive - bronchogenic 185 - ~ asepsis 8 technique 444-447 ~ congenital 185, 186 -- suture 25~27 -- choice of treatment 437, 438 ~ paratracheal 207 Esophagofundophrenicopexy 419 -- classification 436, 437 - pulmonary 185 Subject Index 457 -- diagnosis 436, 437 - dilatation therapy, see above - scleroderma, esophagectomy with- -- duodenal atresia and 453 Bougienage out thoracotomy 328 -- esophagotracheal fistula and - foreign body extraction 245 - strictures 437 - injuries 431~35 -- cervical -- gastrostomy 438, 439 - intubation, see Endoesophageal --- free jejunal patch 274--277 -- preoperative care 437 tubes --- longitudinal incision and -- repair of major gap 447,448 - perforations transverse closure 273, 274 --- using colon 447,448 -- abdominal 431 -- dilatation, see Bougienage --- using jejunum 448 -- thoracic 431~34 -- esophagectomy without thoraco- --- using stomach 448 --- exclusion techniques 433, tomy 328 -- staged repair 451~53 434 -- plastic repair procedures -- tracheoesophageal fistula, --- primary repair and drainage 272-284 closure 450, 451 432 -- severe inflammatory 258 -- Type II 448~50 - pharyngostomy 449 -- thoracoabdominal 277-283 --- elongation of segments - pulmonary resection, removal --- antral patch 280 449,450 during 180 --- fundic patch 280-283 -- Type lIla 450, 451 - reconstruction 333-383 --- jejunal patch 277-280 -- Type IIIb -- with colon, see under Colon - sutures 228-230 --- anastomosis of segments -- with diaphragmatic grafts -- manual 229, 230 442,443 220,221 -- mechanical 233-240 ---- postoperative care 444 -- with duodenum 354, 355 --- compared to manual --- extrapleural approach 439, -- intraabdominal placement of 228,229 440,441 substitute 337 - truncal vagotomy, drainage --- repair of major gap 44~46 -- with jejunum 335-337 355, 356 --- thoracotomy closure 443 -- nonvisceral 334 - varices, treatment 328 --- transpleural approach 439, -- pull-through of substitute Extracorporeal bypass tube, Nabeya 441,442 340, 341 258,264 -- Type IIIc 450, 451 -- with skin grafts 297
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