THE CADET PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CORPS OF CADETS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Vol. XXIV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, MAY 11, 1931 No. 29 Cadet Raseballers Take Big Four Championship Professor Rodman Speaks Summer School Begins On Cavaliers and Tech Fall Before Cadets For Second Time This To Members of First July 16th Season. WILLIAM & MARY TAKES & Second Classes SESSION TO CONTINUE Col. Moseley Delivers First SECOND VICTORY THROUGH AUG. 27 DISCUSSES SCIENTIFIC LIFE of Sculpture Series William sand Mapp Hurl Mas- OF THOMAS JEFFERSON The twenty-fourth session of the V. M. I. Summer School will begin terful Ball In Title Tilt. Speaker Is Regional President Thursday, July 16th and end Thurs- DISCUSSES GREAT SPHINIX AT GIZA In the last home game of the sea- Of A. I. E. E. day, August 27, 1931. son, the Virginia Military Institute The purpose of the School is two- The first of Colonel Moseley's lec- nine clinched the Big Four Title by Last Thursday at 2 P. M. the First f0id; tures on sculpture, delivered in the defeating V. P. I. in a second r*ame and Second Class engineering sec- i. To prepare cadets for examina- academic building last Tuesday night, by the score of three to two. The tions were addressed by Professor W. tions on topics on which they stand covered the early work of the Egyp- visitors showed a distinct reversal of S. Rodman of the University of Vir- deficient. tians, the Assyrians, and the Greeks. form over their playing of the same ginia on the subject, "Some Aspects 2. To prepare prospective cadets The course will continue tomorrow afternoon earlier when W. & L. de- of the Scientific Work of Thomas who have not the requisite entrance night with the Greek sculpture of feated them handily, and the game Jefferson." In a wealth of detail units for entrance examinations on later periods, embracing many fa- on Alumni Field was closc and ex- Professor Rodman told of the many subjects not covered by acceptable mous specimens which are familiar citing throughout, anybody's game and varied accomplishments of this certificates of credit, to almost every layman. until the fly that ended the game. great Virginian. There are no military features con- The great Sphinx at Giza exerted The feature of the game was the To give a brief resume of the talk, nected with the Summer School. a strong influence on all Egyptian iast duel of Lefty Williams, cadet Mr. Jefferson was first of all an art- The Summer School, which is un- architecture, and, besides discussing star, and Reggie Mapp, Tech ace. ist. Monticello stands out today as der the direct management of the the Sphinx itself, Colonel Moseley These two, rivals of old, have faced an example of architecture designed Institute authorities, utilizes the bar- also took up a number of similar each other on the mound a total of by him, and the original group of racks, mess hall, academic and oth- monuments. In the smaller early ' eight times, two varsity games each buildings of the University of Vir- er buildings, equipment and facilities Egyptian statues, wood was often j year and two rat games in twenty- ginia is his work almost entirely in of the Institute. There are ample j the material used; rock crystal eyes eight. Out of these eight, Williams the design as well as in the actual facilities for recreation. The instruc- were inserted for brilliancy. Gran- has won four and Mapp four. In supervision of the construction. He tors are members of the faculty of ite was not infrequently utilized, and Friday's game, Lefty held the upper was something of a musician, and the Institute and their number is suf- relief work was popular among hand. He struck out ten Techmen to was a talented performer on the ficient to give each student individual Egyptian artists, since it was one of Mapp's five, walked only two while harpischord. He had a wide knowl- instruction. the nearest approaches to actual pic- his rival donated four bases. Wil- edge of classical music, but preferred Instruction will be furnished in I PERRY DRING turization which they had. liams allowed three hits, while Reg- to listen to folk songs and ballads topics of the third and fourth classes, Assyrians Lacked Stone. gie was touched for four. and the like. namely: Mathematics, English, His- As the Assyrians lacked stone, they Like every V. M. I. and Tech ball As an engineer he had a theoretical tory, French, Spanish, German, Latin, used a sort of brick work in their Final First Class Hop game of the last few years, the con- as well as practical knowledge. He Physics, Surveying, and Chemistry. relief. They were especially fond of test was close and the score small. designed a theodilite which he used Instruction in topics of the second winged bulls and other imaginary Last year a sixteen innings game himself in surveying his estate. He and first classes will be provided if To Be Held Sat. figures which bore the heads of their closed with Tech winning one to was considered an authority in pure the number of students in these sub- rulers. Their statues were highly nothing. They won the second game mathematics and physics, having pub- jects justifies it. Cadets may, how- PERRY DRING'S ORCHES- conventional, and they took many of lished papers on those subjects which ever, provide, by special arrangement two to one. This year the Institute TRA OF ATLANTIC CITY their characteristics from, the Egyp- defeate(] Tech f.ye to three and threfi were read and accepted all over the with individual members of the Sum- tian. TO PLAY to two. world. He was a prominent member mer School staff, for instruction in Greeks Were Versatile. In this last game, four of the five of all the scientific societies in Amer- advanced topics if there are no The early Greek sculpture, belong- The last First Class Hop of the tallies were results of wild pitches. ica and most of those in Europe. He classes in these subjects. .„ , , ,, „ , , • v. • ing to what is called the Archaic Pe- founded the American Philosophical A cadet will not be allowed to take year wrfl be held Saturday mght a, was broken into three The fifth was earned by Nicholas' single which turned to a triple driv- Society. more than three subjects. Thus, a the Gym with Perry Dnng and his arate and very distinct schools, the ing in Palmer when Noble fell in the He had a working knowledge of prospective matriculate may earn one orchestra providing the music. As Ionic, the Doric, and the Attic. The wet field and passed the ball by. many scientific subjects such as as- {and one-half entrance units, but no the custom was at the last dance, the Ionic artists specialized in seated tronomy, hydrauliics, thermo-dy- more, during the six weeks of inten- whole Corps will be permitted to at- women; the Doric artists specialized For six innings the teams were namics, surveying, medicine and med- sive work. tend this dance. The dance will last in nude men; the Attic, which be- deadlocked. Each team secured one ical surgery, the slightly known The tuition fee of $40 for one sub- as usual from 9 till midnight. longed to a later period, was a hap- hit in the first five frames and in science of electricity, mining, chemis- ject, $75 for two subjects, and $100 This will be the first time that py blending of the other two. Among the sixth, both teams scored one run try, etc. for three subjects covers the expense Dring's orchestra has played at a the great names in the Archaic Pe- ^n wild pitches. Then in the seventh, Along cultural lines he was just as of six hours' instruction per week on dance at V. M. I., but he and his 11 riod are Myron, creator of the Discus V. M. I. got the lead with two runs, apt. He could converse fluently on each subject. Board will be furnish- artists come highly recommended, Thrower, Polyclitus, and Phidias, when Map weakened, walking Block- the subjects of theology, philosophy, | ed by the V. M. I. Commissary De- Those who were fortunate to hear who did most of the sculptural work er, and hitting Outten, and made a ethics, sociology, archeology, paleori- partment and the charge for board his music at the dance at Washing- on the Parthenon at Athens wild pitch on which both men on tology, ethnology, biology, zoology, and quarters is $60 for the session ton and Lee Saturday night, know bases came in to score the winning geography, psychology, and many j s'x weeks, that the musical end of the dance runs. In the eighth Tech threw a other branches of learning not even will be on a par with that of the oth- Gen. Lejeune Speaks To scare into the Institute cohorts when known to many in name. Two Prominent V. M .1 er dances of the year. m« i f . 111 NicholasiNicnoias ' nuKfluke tnpitriple scored one ran He made a special study of paleon- The past engagements of this or- iVI embers OI rirst LI ass and left a runner on third with their tology, having a great collection of Richmonders Die chestra include engagements at the side only one run behind. Williams fossil bones and remains. While he Elks Club in Brooklyn, the Atlantic DISCUSSES PHYSICAL, MEN- then struck out the next batter, clos- was quick to accept the then modern DR. O. A. GLAZEBROOK AND City Auditorium from where he has TAL AND CHARACTER ing the inning, and allowed no more theories of evolution, he had the W.
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