MARCHE REGION: be enchanted A holiday amongst the villages and castles of an ancient region COUNTRY CULTURE AND RURAL TRADITIONS The hinterland of the Marche Region, with an intimate atmosphere with a human dimen- its rolling, cultivated hills, is a perfect fit be- sion: from the Montefeltro region to the Sibillini tween man and nature, culture and traditions. mountains, from the coast of Gabicce to San The landscape is characterized by hills, which Benedetto del Tronto, the Marche Region of- cover 69% of the whole region. The hillsides fers a wide range of opportunities to discover have been shaped and formed by sharecrop- perfectly preserved towns and villages to your ping and polyculture, which has been partly hearts content, where you can still enjoy a replaced by intensive, specialised cultiva- Medieval and Renaissance atmosphere. Im- tion. The major crops include wheat, olives mersed in beautiful mountain landscapes or and vine. The Marche Region boasts 15 DOC situated on vine-carpeted hills, each town re- wines, 5 DOCG wines and 1 IGT wine. Certi- veals itself to the eye with a beauty and indi- fied products are increasingly growing, includ- viduality that will take your breath away. ing six PDO and five PGI products. Old villas or If you steer away from the common tourist manor houses, intact examples of sharecrop- routes and visit the less famous and busy ping architecture, have often been converted towns - by car, by motorbike or using any into farm holidays (agriturismo): this type of ac- means of transport – you will discover real commodation is a very special way of sampling Italian life as it is actually lived. the excellent culinary traditions and of visiting The deep roots of peasant life are, indeed, the many small villages scattered throughout to be found in these places, where there is the territory. a veneration for the land and for a quiet and These villages are enchanting oases of history simple lifestyle. The Marche Region boasts and culture, where time seems to have come to nineteen communes which belong to the a standstill, surrendering to a pleasantly slow “I Borghi più belli d’Italia” - the club of the and human pace, where the only perceivable most beautiful villages of Italy – including small rhythm is the inexorable change in the daytime Italian towns of significant historical and artistic hours or seasons. You can go on an infinite interest. In addition, the Orange flag is a pres- number of tours and itineraries to discover the tigious banner awarded by the Italian Touring most hidden and the most picturesque villages Club to nineteen communes of the hinterland in the Marche Region, and where you can still that can meet certain requirements, notably experience a truly authentic atmosphere. protection of cultural heritage and the envi- Small villages, like pearls set amidst timeless ronment, the hospitality culture, the food and landscapes, still preserve their original fea- wine offering and quality hospitality services. tures, where work done centuries ago is still The historical pageants that take place in the carried on and where local people extend a town centres are spectacular, and many events warm greeting and welcome to visitors. Ar- are connected with religious occasions or local tisan traditions and local tastes and flavours artisan or gastronomic produce. are waiting to be discovered without haste, in Amandola (FM) 3 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL “orange flags” VILLAGES OF ITALY “I Borghi più belli d’Ita- The “Orange Flag” is a qual- The project “Gusta lia” (the club of the most ity brand for the tourism and l’Arancione” (enjoy beautiful villages of Italy) environment sectors assigned the orange) enhances is a club including Italian by the Italian Touring Club. It is and promotes the local quality wine and food in important art and historical towns. The club awarded to small towns of the the “Orange Flag” towns of the Marche Region, was created in 2001 by the National Associa- hinterland which stand out for by organizing food and wine itineraries for one tion of Italian Communes and operates with the excellent services and high-quality hospital- or more days. San Ginesio is the leading town aim of protecting, preserving and revitalizing ity. To get this award the towns have to meet of the project which aims at: small urban centres, either towns or villages, some requirements: protection of both the • creating a “Sistema del Tipico” (System of which are recognized of great importance al- cultural and environmental heritage, hospital- the Typical) which is a resource made of though they are not included in the main tourist ity culture, quality of accommodation, catering, knowledge and local production that could circuit. To join the club, a town must meet the wine and food as well as availability and use of meet the global market demand; following requirements: integrity of the urban information. • developing the sustainability of these typi- area, architectural harmony, high standards of The “Orange Flag” favours the social and eco- cal products, by making the local systems quality of life, artistic and historical quality of nomic growth through sustainable development adopt specific strategies of enhancement as both private and public building heritage, good and tourism. Some of the aims are as follows: well as efficient actions of coordination and public services. The club organizes several the enhancement of local resources, the devel- orientation at a regional level. events in the villages such as festivals, exhibi- opment of accommodation, the strengthening • focusing on actions aimed at developing Genga (AN) tions, fairs, meetings and concerts to enhance of local identity and the promotion of typical the local farm and food products, also in the and promote the artistic, cultural and histori- local food and handicrafts. 19 “Orange Flags” tourism sector, enhancing their characteris- cal heritage as well as the best local wine and fly in the Marche Region. The towns which were tics and highlighting the territorial culture and food. The inhabitants of villages, associations, assigned the outstanding award are: Acquaviva origins; schools and local artists are directly involved Picena, Camerino, Corinaldo, Genga, Gradara, • “exporting” the local products of the Marche in the events. Mercatello sul Metauro, Mondavio, Montecas- Region also abroad and through a cultural 19 towns of the Marche Region are members siano, Montelupone, Monterubbiano, Offagna, exchange between “Orange Flag” towns in- of the Association “I Borghi più belli d’Italia” Ostra, Pievebovigliana, Ripatransone, San Gi- volved in the project and foreign towns; (the club of the most beautiful villages of Italy): nesio, Sarnano, Staffolo, Urbisaglia, Visso. • qualifying and diversifying the offer for the Cingoli, Corinaldo, Gradara, Grottammare, enhancement of “MARCHE BRAND”. Matelica, Mondavio, Mondolfo, Montecas- siano, Montecosaro, Montefabbri, Montefiore dell’Aso, Montelupone, Moresco, Offagna, Offida, San Ginesio, Sarnano, Treia e Visso. Visso (MC) www.borghitalia.it www.bandierearancioni.it www.gustalarancione.com 4 5 ACQUAVIVA PICENA CAMERINO Acquaviva Picena, a small 22 m high. The interior, with the Church of San Francesco town situated in the hinterland two vaulted rooms which are with the adjoining convent is of San Benedetto del Tronto, linked by a masonry staircase, the oldest Franciscan founda- is located on a hill where you now houses a very interesting tion of the whole region, es- can enjoy a breathtaking view exhibition of ancient weapons. tablished by “S. Francesco d’ over the Apennine Mounts, At the foot of the fortress is Assisi” upon invitation of Ac- like Vettore, Gran Sasso and the “Piazza del Forte”, with quaviva family. The traditional Maiella. The village features its theatrical parterre and low activity of the village is the the fortress, a real master- semicircle buildings. The “Pi- production of straw baskets, piece of Renaissance mili- azza San Nicolò” is the hub of made according to a method tary architecture, whose first the old town, stretching be- handed down from generation construction dates back to tween two opposite hills; upon to generation. the fourteenth century com- it the sixteenth century church Camerino boasts a well pre- century works), the Archaeo- About 3 km away from the missioned by Acquaviva no- of the same name, “Casa served historic centre - its Me- logical Museum with findings town centre, in Renacavata ble family. It was then rebuilt Rossi Panelli” (Rossi Panelli dieval plant underwent a little from the Neolithic to the Mid- area, rises up the Capuchin in 1474 by architect Baccio House) and the Civic Tower change over the last few cen- dle Ages, as well as the Mu- Convent, mother house of the Pontelli. The plan is an irregu- rise. Outside the old town, turies – as well as a brilliant ar- seum of Natural Science. order, dating back to 1528. lar quadrangle, enclosing a chitecture of the ancient capi- The Cathedral, rebuilt by An- The church preserves a mag- large central courtyard with tal ruled of Da Varano family. drea Vici in the nineteenth nificent decorated majolica in a well and the tops strength- The Ducal Palace, important century, retains the fifteenth a showcase attributed to Mat- and lively cultural centre, is century wooden sculpture tia della Robbia. ened by pinnacle towers. The the seat of the University of “Madonna della Misericordia”, The most typical Camerino’s highest tower, the keep, has a Camerino; it is worth visiting the so-called “la Madonna specialties are: the “ciauscolo”, cylindrical shape and is about its fifteenth century portico bella” and, in the crypt, the a kind of spreadable salami, the and courtyard, the “Sala de- fourteenth century Gothic Sar- nougat and the walnut bread. gli Sposi” (Bride and Groom cophagus of “Sant’Ansovino”, INFO hall) with its fifteenth-century ancient Bishop of the town. INFO Commune of Acquaviva Picena frescoes, as well as the “Val- From the impressive Strong- Commune of Camerino www.comuneacquavivapicena.it entiniana” Library, boasting a hold of Cesarew Borgia, which www.comune.camerino.mc.it Tourist association prestigious book heritage.
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