NewTecumseth Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Monday: Sun/Cloud Sun/Cloud Sun/Cloud Snow Weekly Circulation: 2,418 l 905-729-2287 l 1-888-559-2287 l www.newtectimes.com $1.50 per copy ($1.43 + 7¢ G.S.T.) Volume 40, Issue 49 Local 5-day Forecast TheTimesThursday, December 5, 2013 PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO.0040036642 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO 34 MAIN ST. W. BEETON ON L0G1A0 We acknowledge the fi nancial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. Local 5-day Forecast Local 5-day ForecastLocal 5-day Forecast today Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday today Thursdaytoday Friday Thursdaytoday Saturday Friday Thursday Sunday Saturday Friday Sunday Saturday Sunday NewTecumseth 20º C 17º C 20º C 17º C 20º C 17º C 20º C 17º C Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday $1.00 per copy (95¢ + 5¢ G.S.T.) Combined Weekly Circulation: 49,000 l 905-729-2287 l 1-888-559-2287 l www.newtectimes.com Volume 00, Issue 00 TheTimesWednesday, January 5, 2011 TROUBLE HEARING • Can you hear but not understand?? • Do you have ringing in your ears? • Is TV turned up loud? • Do you work in noise? PHOTO SUBMITTED If you answered yes to any of these questions, WE’RE BEHIND THE GROWTH – A group of staff, volunteers, physicians and Board Directors from Stevenson Memorial Hospital gathered at a new a HEARING TEST is recommended. billboard on hospital property recently, to show their support for a plan to expand the emergency department, operating rooms, laboratories and diagnos- Complimentary Hearing Tests (55+) tic imaging department. The proposal submitted by the hospital last January received an endorsement from the Central Local Health Integration Network Board of Directors on Tuesday, a step that hospital President and CEO Annette Jones calls “a signifi cant step forward” in the process. Orangeville Bolton Alliston 54 First St. 316 Queen St.S 24-180 Parsons Rd Expansion plan at SMH moves ahead with 519-942-9428 905-857-5183 705-435-4356 Shop Ken & Bonnie’s Shop endorsement from Central LHIN Early BEETON Late Stevenson Memorial Hospital’s support will now be communicat- now that the LHIN is offi cially within the next few weeks, seek- expansion plan has cleared a hur- ed to the Ministry of Health and behind the expansion project, I be- ing approval from the Ministry. dle in the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC). lieve we have taken a signifi cant The current facility, located on Long Term Care’s capital planning “This is a tremendous accom- step forward in the process.” Fletcher Crescent, was built in Fresh Food • Friendly Neighbours process, receiving an endorsement plishment and I believe it refl ects Stevenson submitted its Pre- 1964 with a 4,000 square-foot from the Central Local Health In- the hard work that has been done Capital Submission – Part A in re- Emergency Department designed tegration Network (LHIN) Board over the past two years,” said An- spect to the redevelopment project to accommodate 7,000 visits per of Directors. nette Jones, President and CEO to the LHIN for review last Janu- year. In 2012, the number of emer- OPEN - Mon-Sat 7am-Midnight The LHIN Board endorsed the at Stevenson. “The endorsement ary and endorsement received gency department visits reached Sun 9am-8pm Pre Capital Submission (Sched- of the fi rst stage of our project by this week from the LHIN Board 29,888. That number is expected The complete shopping experience... ule A) project that includes the the Central LHIN is very good of Directors was required in or- to top 30,000 visits this year. Fast & Friendly expansion of the Emergency De- news for the hospital and the com- der to move the project forward. Proudly Beeton, Proudly Local, partment, Operating Rooms, Lab- munity. Further approvals will be The hospital will now complete Continued on PAGE 9 Proudly Canadian oratory and Diagnostic Imaging needed from the Ministry and the the Pre-Capital Submission – Part Jackson Plaza 905-729-2513 departments at Stevenson. That LHIN at future stages, however, B (Physical and Costs Elements) The Animal Hospital of Beeton A FULL-SERVICE VETERINARY MEDICAL FACILITY Dr. Caitlin Murray • Dr. Stefani Warmington www.beetonvet.ca Please visit our website for more information. CATERING 60 Main St. W., Beeton AVAILABLE Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria LLBO 905.729.2929 905-729-0029 Page 2 – December 5, 2013 – The TIMES GARY LAAKSO FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. NEW TECUMSETH TIMES EARLUG119 Victoria St. W. EARLUG Alliston ON L9R 1T7 Bus: 705-435-6294 Sandra Phekoo, CIP Fax: 705-435-9050 Associate Agent III Toll Free: 1-877-870-1888 HOME • AUTO • LIFE • RRSPs • FARM • BUSINESS Pharmacist accused of stealing drugs Weekend wrap up Nottawasaga OPP were busy over the weekend with 135 The Nottawasaga OPP RoadOfficers arrived and began WatchThe male contract phar- of Mississauga, plays he will ap- calls for service.role were called to a pharmacy an internal theft investiga- macist was arrested by Not- pear at the Ontario Court of On November 30, at 1:17 a.m., an OPP officer observed on Victoria Street East in Al- tion into multiple types of tawasaga OPP Officers at the Justice on January 16, 2014 a motor vehicle heading east along Albert Street in Al- liston on November 30, at pharmaceutical drugs stolen end of his shift, charged is to answer to this charge of liston and the vehicle driver had a difficult time keeping 5:11 p.m. fromin within thekeeping pharmacy. 51 year old Mustafa Salem Theftroads Under $5000. the vehiclesafe straight. The officer stopped the vehicle im- mediately suspecting an impaired driver. Throughout the investigation, the driver was not found to be impaired but TRAFFIC in futurum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, B&E in BarrieTHEFT Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis elei- Busy with R.I.D.E. and collisions was a suspended driver. Charged is 41 year old Ryan Eric LoremBetween ipsum November dolor sit amet,27 consectetuerHere are a few consectetuer winter driv- adipiscingOPP kicked elit, offsed thediam Festive non- leavesFiant sollemnes many in futurum. Lorem ip- fend option congue nihil imperdiet doming adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh ummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet sum dolor sit amet, consectetuerLee adipiscing of the Town id quodof New mazim Tecumseth, placerat with facer Driving possim. while – 29th, Nottawasaga OPP ing tips to keep in mind for RIDE season this week and under Suspension contrary to the Highway Traffic Act. He euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. elit,without sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tinc- responded to several mo- your safety: 13 RIDE programs were will appear in Provincial Offences court on the January 8, aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad idunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat DOMESTIC DISPUTES tor vehicle collisions. They • Always drive according conducted. Officers checked Internet 2014 to deal with this matter. alsominim were veniam, ensuring quis the nostrudsafety exercito highway tation and weather conALCOHOL- just over & 1000DRIVING vehicles, issu- volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, Qui facit eorum claritatem. Investiga- ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hen- quisCrime nostrud Stoppers exerci tationof Sim ullamcorper- Nottawasaga sus- tiones OPP continued demonstraverunt with RIDE lectores programs legere over me of roadways by conducting ditions, ing a 3-day suspension, sev- the weekend. During one of the 14 RIDE programs con- regularex ea commodo RIDE programs. consequat. Duis •autem Maintain vel a safedrerit following in vulputate eral velitprovincial esse molestie offences con no-- cipitcoe-Dufferin-Muskoka lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate sequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla consequat.along with Duis the autemBarrie velPo eum- ductediriure dolor this weekend,etiam processusofficers stopped dynamicus, a male qui driving sequitur on With our recent snowfall, distance between you and tices, as well as, charging a Webster Road, he was found to have consumed alcohol policevelit esse have molestie investigated consequa. 17 the vehicle in frontfacilisis of you at tovero 31 eros year et oldaccumsan Adjala-Tosoron et iusto- inlice hendrerit Service inare vulputate requesting velit esse moles- mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mi- odio dignissim qui blandit praesent lup- tiethe assistance of the public and was issuedrum a 3 dayest suspensionnotare quam of litterahis licence. gothica, quam motor vehicle collisions in avoid situations where you tio resident for possession of On November 30, at 1:22 a.m., during a routine check ROAD WATCH tatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te in solving this crime. On nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit a 48 hour period, there were may have to brake suddenly. marijuana over 30 grams. of an arena and its parking lot, Nottawasaga OPP Officers noMirum life threatening est notare injuriesquam littera• Never gothica, let anyfeugait distraction nulla facilisi.We will continue our NovemberCRIMINAL 4th, at 6:26 CHARGES a.m. quam nunc putamus parum claram, an- Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis elei- policeConsequat, were calledvel illum to 520dolore spokeeu feugiat to a male sitting in a vehicle in the Baxter arena, Po- but some minor injuries that take your focus from your RIDE programs, keeping lice located drugs in the vehicle. Charged is an 18 year old requiredteposuerit a triplitterarum to the hospi formas- driving. humanita- fend option congueroads nihil safe imperdiet for you and doming fam- nullaBryne facilisisDrive toat veroinvestigate eros et accumsan et OPP REPORT tis per seacula quarta decima et quinta id quod mazim placerat facer possim as- iustoan attempted odio dignissim break and qui enter blandit male praesent from Essa Township, he is charged with one count tal.
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