8208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE June 14 moneys to the credit of the tribe 1n the and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. MACK of Illinois: United States Treasury; to the Committee Agriculture. H. Con. Res. 160. Concurrent resolution re­ on Interior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. RHODES of Pennsylvania: lating 'to the transfer of members of the By Mr. CELLER: H. R. 6816. A bill to amend the act of July Armed Forces from one military department H. R. 6805. A bill to prohibit 1n any law­ 31, 1946, in order retroactively to advance in to another; to the Committee on Armed suit or action for damages the use and ad­ grade, time in grade, and compensation cer­ Services. mission as evidence of investigations by the tain employees in the postal field service By Mr. RABAUT: military departments of aircraft accidents who are veterans of World War II; to the H. Con. Res. 161. Concurrent resolution conducted in· the interest of air safety; to committee on Post Office .and Civil Service. providing for the printing of the song Pledge the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: of Allegiance to the Flag as a House doc­ By Mr. CRUMPACKER: H. R. 6817. A bill to provide for the pro­ ument; to the Committee ,on House Admin­ H. R. 6806. A bill to provide an exemption motion of certain persons who participated istration. from participation in the Federal old-age in the defense of the Philippines and who did By Mr. BARRETT: and survivors insurance program for indi­ not receive promotions after having been H. Res. 269. Resolution authorizing pay. viduals who are opposed to participation in held as prisoners of war; to the Committee men'; of salary due to James M. Hazlett, de­ such program on grounds of conscience or on Armed Services. ceased; to the Committee on House Admin­ religious belief; to the Committee on Ways By Mr. SAYLOR: istration. and Means. H. R. 6818. A bill to provide for the conser­ By Mr. DENTON: By Mrs. FARRINGTON: vation of anthracite coal resources through H . Res. 272. Resolution to provide funds H. R. 6807. A bill to authorize the amend­ measures of flood control and anthracite for the expenses of the investigation and ment of certain patents of Government lands mine drainage, and for other purposes; to the study authorized by House Resolution 244; containing restrictions as to use of such Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. to the Committee on House Administration. lands in the Territory of Hawaii; to the Com­ By Mr. THORNBERRY (by request): mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. H. R. 6819. A bill to provide for interpreters H. R. 6808. A bill to amend section 73 ( 1) in proceedings before Federal courts and PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS of the Hawaiian Organic Act; to the Com­ agencies, and ·congressional committees to assist persons in need of their services be­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. bills and resolutions were introduced and By Mr. GRANAHAN: cause of lack of understanding of English or H. R. 6809. A bill to provide for payment of deafness; to the Committee on the Judiciary. severally referred as follows: increased compensation to parents whose By Mr. VINSON: By Mr. CRETELLA: sons are killed in combat; to the Committee H. R. 6820. A bill to amend section 801, H. R. 6822. A bill for the relief of Giovanni on Veterans' Affairs. Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 to Savino; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. HARRIS (by request): further limit the jurisdiction of boards of re­ By Mr. DIGGS: H. R. 6810. A blll to amend the Communi­ view established under that section; to the H. R. 6823. A bill for the relief of Karimeh cations Act of 1934 with respect to facilities Committee on Armed Services. Ajluni; to the Committee on the Judiciary. for candidates for public office; to the Com­ By Mr. WIDNALL: By Mrs. FARRINGTON: . mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. H. R. 6821. A bill to increase the national H . R. 6824. A bill to authorize the amend­ minimum wage, to $1 an hour; to the Com­ ment of the restrictive covenant on land By Mr. JOHNSON of Wisconsin: mittee on Education and Labor. H. R. 6811. A bill to extend coverage under patent No. 10,410, issued to Keoshi Matsu­ By Mr. BROYHILL: naga, his heirs and assigns, on July 20, 1936, the Federal old-age and survivors insurance H. J. Res. 341. Joint resolution to adopt a system to self-employed physicians, lawyers, and covering lot 48 of Ponahawai house lots, specific version of the Star-Spangled Banner situated in the County of Hawaii, T. H.; to dentists, and veterinarians; to the Commit­ as the national anthem of the United States tee on Ways and Means. the Committee on Interior and Insular Af• of America; to the Committee on the Judi­ fairs. H. R. 6812. A bill to amend title II of the ciary. Social Security Act to reduce retirement age By Mr. MILLER of California: By Mr. LOVRE: H. R. 6825. A bill for the relief of Edgardo from 65 to 62 in the case of women, and to H. J. Res. 342. Joint resolution authorizing provide that any fully insured individual Villanueva Del Rosario; to the Committee on the erection of a statue of Leif Ericsson in the Judiciary. who becomes permanently and totally dis­ the District of Columbia; to the Committee abled shall be deemed to have reached re­ By Mr. VANIK: on House Administration. H. R. 6826. A bill for the relief of John t irement age; to the Committee on Ways By Mr. PROUTY: and Means. Grabski; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. J. Res. 343. Joint resolution to author­ By Mr. VORYS: By Mr. MILLER of Maryland: ize and request the President of the United H. R. 6827. A bill for the relief of Brunhilde H. R. 6813. A bill to provide medical care States to take such action ·as may be ap­ Kruschewski; to the Committee on the Judi­ for certain persons engaged on board a ves­ propriate to have the International Joint ciary. sel in the care, preservation, or navigation of Commission, United States and Canada, By Mr. WINSTEAD: such vessel; to the Committee on Interstate make a survey to determine the economic H. R. 6828. A bill to confer jurisdiction and Foreign Commerce. feasibiUty and the cost of constructing a upon the Court of Claims to hear, determine, By Mr. MILLER of New York: waterway which would connect the Hudson and render judgment upon the claim of Wil­ H. R. 6814. A bill to provide for the burial River with the St. Lawrence River via Lake liam E. Stone for disability retirement as a near the Marine Corps War Memorial at the Champlain, and for other purposes; to the Reserve officer or AUS officer under the pro­ northern end of Arlington National Cemetery Committee on Foreign Affairs. visions of the act of April 3, 1939, as amended; of the participants in the famous flag raising By Mr. KIRWAN: to the Committee on the Judiciary. at Iwa Jima; to the Committee on Interior H. Con. Res.159. Concurrent resolution ex­ By Mr. BURDICK: and Insular Affairs. pressing the sense of the Congress that ef­ H . Res. 273. Resolution providing that the By Mr. POAGE: forts should be made to invite Spain to bill, H. R. 2458, and all accompanying papers H. R. 6815. A bill to provide for the orderly membership in the North Atlantic Treaty shall be referred to the United States Court disposition of property acquired under title Organization; to the Committee on Foreign of Claims; to the Committee on the Judi• _III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, Affairs. ciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS The Olympic Games service clubs of Anne Arundel County, service clubs of Anne Arundel County-and Md. These comments relate to certain I am honored by your invitation. This eve­ aspects of the 1956 Olympic games ning, I should like to discuss with you an EXTENSION OF REMARKS aspect of our contemporary life which o:r which would seem to warrant the at­ reaches all of us in some way or another. tention of all Americans. I speak of sports-.-and more particularly­ HON. JOHN MARSHALL BUTLER There being no objection, the address the Olympic Games. OF :MARYLAND was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, If God grant the world peace, the 1956 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES as follows: Olympic Games will be held in Melbourne, Australia. We are delighted that this great Tuesday, June 14, 1955 ADDRESS BY HON. JOHN MARSHALL BUTLER international classic is to be held in the BEFORE THE INTERCOUNTY MEETING OF .ANNE Mr. BUTLER. Mr. President, I ask home of our great friends in the South .ARUNDEL CoUNTY CIVIC CLUBS, FRIENDSHIP Pacific. We have met the Australians often unanimous consent to have printed in INTERNATIONAL AmPoRT, M.ABYLAND, JUNE 9, on the fields of sport. Their great spirit of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD a speech 1955 sportsmanship makes them very desirable which I delivered on June 10, 1955, be­ It is, indeed, a pleasure to be with you­ hosts for the 60 or more nations expected fore a combined meeting of all civic and the members ot all of the fine civic and to take part in these international games. 1955 CONGRESSIONAL RE.CORD - HOUSE 8209 The United States tried without success posed rules and· regulations governing the misunderstood, so I repeated it to the in• to have these historic games take place here conduct of participants in the Olympic terpreter, saying that I meant track-and­ in 1956.
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