The original documents are located in Box 12, folder “Transition (1974) - Possible Candidates for Appointment to Positions (1)” of the Richard B. Cheney Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 12 of the Richard B. Cheney Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE T WASHINGTON A • B A ww w DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Gaylord Freeman Chairman of the Board First National Bank of Chicago John Robson Sheldon Lubar Resigned as Assistant Secretary, HUD for Housing Production and Mortgage Credit (old FHA job) . Policy differences with Lynn over regional offices. Former Chairman Mortgage Association, Inc. Milwaukee, Wisconsin (mortgage banking company). Rocco Siciliano President, Title Insurance in Los Angeles (lent money to buy San Clemente) . Former Commerce Undersecretary. Thomas Moody Mayor, Columbus, Ohio {Rep.) Moon Landrieu Mayor, New Orleans (Dem.) Louis Welch Houston. Retired as Mayor. Dem. conservative. Helped Nixon Administration push revenue sharing, etc., with Mayors. Per Lynn. John West Retired Governor of South Carolina. Conservative Democrat. Developed Business in State. Able and savvy guy. Per Lynn. Winfield Dunn Retired Governor of Tennessee. Per Lynn. Martha Griffiths SPECIAL TRADE REPRESENTATIVE - COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY You can make separate appointments to each or name one individual to fill both positions. Bill Seidman John Robson Gayland Freeman Chairman of the Board First National Bank of Chicago Roderick Hills California lawyer and Chairman of Republic Corporation. Recommended by Areeda, Dunlop, Silberman, Seidman, Hodgson, and Ingersoll. Husband of Carla Hills, Assistant Attorney General. Resume attached. Thomas G. Wyman New York. President Ornni Group. Kargo export operation. Supported by Morton. Seidman believes he should be considered, though he would prefer Hills. Roy Ash DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION John Robson Bill Coleman Ben Biagini President, South Pacific . Railroad . Norbert Tiemann Former Governor of Nebraska; Presently Federal Highway Administrator. ' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE Robert McNamara John Dunlop Governor Reagan Al Quie .. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Gabriel Hauge (Rep.) Manufacturers, Hanover. Worked on White House staff in Eisenhower Administration. Later member of CEA. Gaylord Freeman Chairman of the Board First National Bank of Chicago Aldwin Clausen President, Bank of America. DEPARTMENT OF CO~~RCE William Coleman John Robson Gaylord Freeman Chairman of the Board First National Bank of Chicago David Lewis (Dem.) Chairman, Executive Officer, General Dynamics, Missouri • .. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Tyrus Timm Chairman, Department of Agriculture. Economics at A & M. Respected agricultural economist. (Rep.) Robert Spitzer Wisconsin. Known to Laird, Byrnes, Steiger. President, Murphy Products. Ag. Coop. food production and nutrition. Former President, American Food Manufacturers Association. MA and Ph. D. in animal science and nutrition agribusiness. Politically active. Clayton Yeutter Nebraska~ Cattle operator. Now Assistant Secretary, USDA. Former Regional Director for CREEP. William Kuhfuss President, American Farm Bureau Federation, Ill. All farm associated work. Norbert Tiemann Former Governor of Nebraska; Presently Federal Highway Administrator DEPARTMENT OF LABOR John Dunlop Bill Usery Robin Flemming President, University of Michigan. ASSISTANT TO PRESIDENT FOR ECONOHIC AFFAIRS John Robson Gaylord Freeman Chairman of the Board First National Bank of Chicago. Roy Ash (He would like it.) DOMESTIC COUNCIL Phil Areeda James 0. Wilson Harvard University - You met with him. John Robson T A B B MEMORANDUM In this memorandum are listed a number of individuals who would seem to merit serious consideration for positions in the Ford Administration . 1. Robert Al~n Charpie Mr. Charpie was formerly cons1d~red for Cha1:man.of the Atomic Energy Commission. At that t1me Mr. Charp1e d1d not feel able to move into the gover~ent. H~wever, .he might be worth another try now. As noted ln the b1ograph1cal statement, Mr. Charpie served as the President of Bell and Howell, and later as President of Cabot Corporati~n. He is a possible nominee for Secretary of Conu:te:ce or a h1gh level technologically oriented management pos1.t1on. Charpie, Robert Alan, physicist; b. Clev.,.Sept. 9, 1925; s. Leonard Asbury and Dorothy {McLean) C.; B.S. with honors, Carnegie Inst. Tech., 1948, M.S., 1949, D.Sc. in Theoretical Physics, 1950; D.H.L., Denison u., 1965; D.Sc., Alderson­ Broaddus Coll., 1967; m. Elizabeth Downs, July 12, 1947; children - Richard Alan, Carol Elizabeth, David Wayne, John Robert. With Westinghouse Electric Corp., 1947-50; with Oak Ridge Nat. Lab., 1950-51, tech. asst. to research dir., 1952- 54, asst. research dir., 1954-58, dir. reactor div., 1958-61; rogr. adv. devel. Union Carbide Corp., 1961-63, gen. mgr. devel. dept. 1963-64; dir. tech., 1964-66, pres. electronics div., 1966-68; pres. Bell & Howell Co., Chgo., 1968-69; pres., dir. Cabot Corp., Boston, 1969 -; trustee Mitre Corp., Boston, 1966-; chmn., 1972-; dir. 1st Nat. Bank, Boston. Sec. gen. adv. com. AEC, 1959-63; mem. Nat. Sci. Bd., 1969-; sci. sec., editor-in-chief proc., also asst. U~ S. mem. 7 nation adv. com., 1st Internat. Conf. Peaceful Uses Atomic Fnergy, 1955, coordinator u.s. fusion research exhibit, 2d Conf., 1958; chmn. invention and innovation panel u.s. Dept. Commerce, 1965-67. Mem. Oak Ridge Bd. Edn., 1957-61; pres. Byram Hills Central Sch. Dist., 1966-68. Trustee Carnegie Inst. Tech., 1962-. Named one of Ten Outstanding Young Hen, u.s. Jr. C. of c., 1955; recipient Alumni Merit award Carnegie Inst. Tech., 1957. Fellow Am. Phys. Soc., Am. Nuclear Soc. (dir.); mem. N.Y. Acad. Sci., Sci. Research Soc. Am., Sigma Si, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Hu Epsilon. Gen. editor Internat. Nonograph Series on Nuclear Energy, 1955- 60; editor Progress Series in Nuclear Energy, 1955-60; editor Jour. Nuclear Energy, 1955-60. Office: 125 High St. Boston !1A 02110. - 2 - 2. Donald Clemens Burnham Nr. Burnham will be retiring this winter from his position as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Westinghouse Corporation. Under a retire­ ment policy established by him he will leave the firm at age 60. A high level economic policy position wo~ld seem highly appropriate for Mr. Burnham. Burnham, Donald Clemens, mfg. co. exec.; b. Athol, Hass., Jan. 28, 1915; s. Charles Richardson and Freda (Clemens) B.; B.S. in Mech. Engring., Purdue U., 1936, D. Engring. (han.), 1959; D. Eng., Ind. Inst. Tech., 1952, 1963, Drexel Inst. Tech., 1964, Poly. Inst. of Bklyn., 1967; m. Virginia Gobble, May 29, 1937; children -- David Charles, Joan (Mrs. Fred Koloc), John Carl, William Lawrence, Mary Barbara {Mrs. F. David Throop). With Gen. Motors Corp., 1936-54, asst. chief engr. Oldsmobi div., 1953-54; with Westinghouse Electric Corp., 1954-, group v.p., 1962-63, pres., chief exec. officer, 1963-68, chmn., chief exec. officer, 1969-, also dir.; dir. Mellon Bank, N.A., Mellon Nat. Corp.; mem. internat. adv. com. Chase l-1anhattan Bank N.Y. Mem. The Bus. Council; chmn. Nat. Counc for U.S.­ China Trade; mem. exec. com. Allegheny Conf. on Comrnunity Devel. Life trustee Carnegie-Mellon U.; trustee Council of Americas, Carnegie Inst.; bd. dirs. Am. Wind Symphony Orch., Pitts. Urban Transit Council, Pitts. Theel. Sem.; mem. council Rockefeller U. Served to maj. AUS, ~Jorld War II;. Recipient Outstanding Achievement in Mgmt. award Am. Inst. Indsl. Engrs., 1964. Mem. Am. Soc. M.E. {Richards Meml. av1ard 1958}, Soc. Automotive Engrs. I.E.E.E., Nat. Acad. Engring., Am. Mgmt. Assn., Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma, Alpha Pi Mu. Clubs: Duquesne, Chartiers Country (Pitts.}; Sky (N.Y.C.); Rolling Rock (Ligonier, Pa.); Laurel Valley Golf {Latrobe, Pa.). Home: 615 Osage Rd. Pittsburgh, Pa 15243. Office: Westinghouse Bldg. Gateway Center, Pittsburg, Pa. 15222. - 3 - 3. Edward Hirsch Levi Mr. Levi is a lawyer currently serving as President of the University of Chicago. I would recommend him for a high level management or legal position. Levi, Edward Hirsch, univ. pres., la\.vyer; b. Chgo., June 26, 1911; s. Gerson B. and sa B. (Hirsch) L; Ph.B., U. Chgo., 1932, J.D., 1935; J.S.D., Yale (Sterling fellmv 1935- 36), 1938; LL.D., U. Mich., 1959, U. Cal. at Santa Cruz, Jewish Theol. Sem. Am., U. Ia., Brandeis u., Lake Forest Coll., U. Rochester, U. Toronto, Yale; L.H.D., Hebre\.v Union Coll., DePaul U., Loyola U.; m. Kate Sulzberger, June 4, 1946; children-­ John, David, Michael, Asst. prof. U. Chgo. Law Sch., 1936- 40, prof. law, 1945-, dean, 1950-62, provost, univ., 1962-68, univ. pres., 1968-; Thomas Guest prof. U. Colo., summer 1960; spl. asst. to atty. gen. U.S., Washington, 1940-45; 1st asst. War Div. Dept. Justice, 1943, 1st asst. Antitrust Div., 1944- 45; chmn. interdeptl. com. on monopolies and cartels, 1944; counsel Fedn. Atomic Scientists \.vith respect to Atomic. Energy Act, 1946; counsel subcom. on monopoly power Judiciary Com., 8lst Congress, 1950. Mem. research adv. bd. Com. Econ. Devel., 1951-54; bd. Social Sci. Research Council, 1959-62, Council Legal Edn. and Profl. Responsibility; mem. Citizens Commn. Grad. Med. Edn., 1963-66, Commn. Founds. and Pvt. Philanthropy, 1969-70, Pres. Task Force Priorities in Higher Edn., 1969-70, Sloan Commn. Cable Communications, 1970, Nat. Commn. Productivity, 1970-. Trustee U. Chgo., Internat. Legal Center, Woodrow Wilson Nat.
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