A COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT IDENTIFYING SUPPORT ORGANISATIONS IN KAYAMANDI, STELLENBOSCH Else Toms Thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Stellenbosch University Supervisor: Dr. M.C. le Roux March 2015 Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za DECLARATION By submitting this thesis electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein is my own, original work, that I am the sole author thereof (save to the extent explicitly otherwise stated), that reproduction and publication thereof by Stellenbosch University will not infringe any third party rights and that I have not previously in its entirety or in part submitted it for obtaining any qualification. Date: Maart 2015 Copyright © 2015 Stellenbosch University All rights reserved ii Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za ABSTRACT This research study presents a community assessment to explore and construct an overview of the scope and nature of support organisations currently active in the marginalised community of Kayamandi, Stellenbosch. Support organisations play a pivotal role in the global attempt to eradicate poverty by assisting and empowering people to achieve sustained independence and dignified prosperity. In order for support efforts to be properly utilised, people have to be aware that these efforts exist. Residents need to know what services are available and where to find the services. In addition, support organisations providing the services need to be aware of other organisations that could complement their efforts to ensure optimal service delivery. To date, no reliable informative summary of support organisations involved in Kayamandi exists. Therefore the research objective for this study was two-fold: to ascertain which support organisations are currently available in the suburb of Kayamandi and to construct a typology of these organisations in terms of types of services rendered and recipients targeted. A combination of Bronfenbrenner‟s bioecological theory (Bronfenbrenner, 2005) and organisational theory (Jones, 2010) provided the framework within which support organisations could be qualitatively investigated, contextualised and analysed. To collect rich and relevant data, 19 semi-structured interviews were conducted with key informants representing 19 support organisations in Kayamandi. The data were analysed by means of a thematic content analysis, using the ATLAS.ti computer software package. Findings revealed various aspects regarding support organisations, the services they deliver, the recipients they serve, the staff and volunteers delivering the services, the funding support as well as the links of cooperation that exist. The themes that emerged during the interviews include insights regarding self-evaluation, sustainability, benefits, constraints, the role of religion as well as values pertaining to service. The findings provide comprehensive and valuable insights which can inform existing as well as new support organisations alike. iii Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za OPSOMMING Hierdie navorsing behels ‟n gemeenskapsassesering wat uitgevoer is om ‟n oorsig op te stel aangaande die omvang en aard van ondersteuningsorganisasies wat tans in Kayamandi, Stellenbosch werksaam is. Ondersteuningsorganisasies speel ‟n belangrike rol in die wereldwye poging om armoede uit te wis en om mense te bemagtig ten opsigte van onafhanklike en volhoubare voorspoed. Om voldoende gebruik te kan maak van ondersteuningsdienste moet mense van die dienste bewus wees. Inwoners moet weet watter dienste beskibaar is en waar om hulle te vind. Daarbenewens moet ondersteuningsorganisasies wat die dienste lewer ook bewus wees van ander organisasies wat hulle dienste kan aanvul om sodoende optimale dienslewering aan die lede van die gemeenskap te bied. Tans bestaan daar geen samevatting oor die ondersteuningsorganisasies in Kayamandi nie. Die navorsingsvraag in hierdie ondersoek was tweeledig: om vas te stel watter ondersteuningsorganisasies tans beskikbaar is in Kayamandi en om ‟n tipologie op te stel van die tipe dienste wat hulle lewer en die ontvangers van die dienste. Die navorsing is in ‟n kombinasie van die bio-ekologiese teorie van Bronfenbrenner (Bronfenbrenner, 2005) en ‟n organisasieteorie (Jones, 2010) veranker, om sodoende die organisasies in die konteks van hulle omgewing te kan ondersoek en ontleed. Altesaam 19 semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met sleutelinformante wat 19 ondersteuningsorganisasies in Kayamandi verteenwoordig het om sodoende relevante data in te samel. Die data is deur middel van ‟n tematiese inhoudsontleding ontleed met behulp van die Atlas.ti-rekenaarprogram. Die bevindinge het verskillende aspekte in verband met ondersteuningsorganisasies uitgelig, naamlik die dienste wat hulle lewer, die ontvangers van die dienste, die personeel en vrywilligers wat die dienste lewer, die befondsing en die mate van samewerking tussen organisasies. Die temas wat geïdentifiseer is sluit self-evaluasie, volhoubaarheid, die voordele en beperkinge, die rol van godsdiens sowel as die waardes wat aan dienslewering geheg word in. Die bevindinge voorsien omvattende insigte wat bestaande en nuwe ondersteuningsdienste, kan toelig. iv Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS With sincere gratitude I would like to thank all who assisted me in so many ways: Firstly, I would like to thank the Lord above for blessing me with this amazing opportunity to learn and to acquaint myself with Kayamandi and its wonderful people. Thank you to my amazing husband, Geoffrey, who always supports me with warm words of encouragement and a remarkable sense of humour. Thank you to my wonderful children, Glenn and Jessica, also for allowing me to walk beside you on campus. Thank you to Dr Marieanna le Roux, my supervisor, for guidance, patience and for the many hours of encouragement to assist me during this endeavour. Thank you to Prof. Naidoo for introducing me to Kayamandi with humility, wisdom and experience. Last but not least, I would like to thank and acknowledge the amazing and wonderful key informants whom I had the honour to engage with. Your ceaseless commitment to empower the people, your precious time, your humble passion and professional approach serving the many critical causes in Kayamandi, is awe inspiring. SERVING THE PEOPLE Go to the people Live among them Learn from them Love them Start with what they know Build on what they have But of the best leaders When their task is accomplished Their work is done The people all remark… “We have done it ourselves.” (Gordon, 1995, p. 87) v Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ii ABSTRACT iii OPSOMMING iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF FIGURES xiv ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS xv CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT 3 1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 5 1.4 DEFINITIONS AND DELINEATIONS 5 1.4.1 Community 5 1.4.2 Community assessment 5 1.4.3 Support organisation 6 1.4.4 Typology 9 1.4.5 Delineations 9 1.5 CONTEXT OF THE STUDY 9 1.5.1 Geographical context 9 1.5.2 Historical context 10 1.5.3 Kayamandi today 11 vi Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za 1.6 CHAPTER OVERVIEW 13 1.7 SUMMARY 14 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 15 2.1 INTRODUCTION 15 2.2 THEORY BASE 15 2.2.1 Bronfenbrenner‟s bioecological systems theory 16 2.2.2 Organisational and interorganisational theory 19 2.3 COMMUNITY ASSESSMENTS 21 2.3.1 Community assessments: A global perspective 22 2.3.2 Community assessments: Africa 23 2.3.3 Community assessments: South Africa 24 2.3.4 Community assessments and research: Kayamandi 26 2.4 SUPPORT ORGANISTIONS 27 2.4.1 Support organisations: A social phenomenon 28 2.4.2 Services and programmes 29 2.4.3 Management, staff and volunteers 31 2.4.4 Funding 33 2.4.5 Awareness, collaboration and networks 34 2.5 SUMMARY 36 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 37 3.1 INTRODUCTION 37 3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN 37 3.2.1 Mixed methods 37 3.2.2 Research paradigm 38 3.2.3 Research approaches 39 3.3 ETHICAL CLEARANCE and CONSENT 41 vii Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za 3.4 PARTICIPANTS and KEY INFORMANTS 42 3.4.1 Identification of support organisations 42 3.4.2 Selection of key informants 45 3.5 DATA COLLECTION 48 3.5.1 Questionnaire guide 48 3.5.2 Interviews 49 3.5.3 Observations 50 3.6 DATA ANALYSIS 51 3.6.1 Data capturing 51 3.6.2 Data analysis 52 3.7 VERIFICATION OF RESEARCH 55 3.7.1 Credibility 55 Appropriate research instruments 55 Familiarisation with culture and context 55 Triangulation of methods, informants and sites 56 Member checks 56 Reflexivity 57 3.7.2 Transferability 58 3.7.3 Dependability and confirmability 59 3.8 SUMMARY 59 CHAPTER 4: RESEARCH FINDINGS 60 4.1 INTRODUCTION 60 4.2 DESCRIPTIVE ASPECTS 60 4.2.1 Support organisations 62 History and background 62 Size 64 viii Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za Location and target 64 Legal status 64 Organisational focus 65 4.2.2 Services and programmes 65 Education 67 Health 67 Care, welfare and crises 68 Religion 68 Arts and culture 68 Sport 69 Other services 69 4.2.3 Recipients of the services 69 4.2.4 Management, staff and volunteers 72 4.2.5 Funding 74 Government grants and contracts 74 Corporate and local businesses 75 International
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