192 [LONA~~~~~E~~THI CUMBERLAND. [KELLY'S 'hart., a.nd held since 1863 by the Rev. Malise Regi- Clerk to the Magis-trates, Charles Bernard Hodgson, The nald Graham, M.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge. Court~, English street, C!l.rlisle Here is a Presbyterian chapel, erected in 1800, a United Petty Sessions are held at the Magisl:rate.s' Office, Presbyterian chapel, built in 1834, and a. Wesleyan chapel LongtGwn, first Thursday in each month at Il a.m dating from 1865. The Mechanics' Hall, erected in 1851, The following places are included in the potty sessionnl will seat 200 persons, and is used for concerts, lectures, division :-Arthuret, Bellbank, Bewcastle, Hethersgill, &e. Here is a constabulary station, with sergeant's Kirkandrews Middle, Kirkandrews Moat, Kirkandrews house a.ttached; the magist.rates hold sittings at the Nether, Kirklinton, Nicol Forest, Sca.lcby, Solpot, station once a munth. The Literary Institute and Read- Stapleton, Trough & "Westlinton ing Room, opened in 1890, has a library of 1,550 volumes, LONGTOWN Ul!'iION. llIld a good supply of newspapers, periodicals, &c. At Lineside are extensive brick and tile works fitted with Board day, at the Hallburn Workhouse, every alternat£) modern machinery, and belonging to Sir Richard Jamcs 'l'uesday at noon. Graham, bart.; Alexander Tweddle, lessee. Lady 'Vid- Th£) union comprises the parishes and townships of drington's charity of £40, arises from rent charges; £20 Athuret, Bellbank, Bewcastle, Hethersgill, Kirkandrews belongs to this parish, and £20 to the parish of Kirk- Middle, Kirkandrews Moat, Kirkandrews Nether, andrews-upon-Esk. Sir Richard James Graham, bart., Kirklinton Middle, Nichol Forest, Scaleby, Solport, D.L., J.P., of Netherby Hall, is lord of the manor, and Stapleton, Trough & Westlinton. The area of the owncr of neaI'ly all the parish. The soil is a light sandy union is 88,245 acres; rateable value in 18 93 £69,059; loam; subsoil, the same. The chief crops are all the population in 1891 was 7,18r. kinds of cereals and roots. The area of Arthuret with Clerk to the Gnardian.'1 and Assessment Committee, Longtown is 12,759 a~res of land and 197 of water; rate- Charles Bernard llodgson, The Courts, English street, able value £5,861; the population of the pari~h in r891 Carlisle was 2,439. Trea~urer, Henry ScoU, Carlisle & Cumberland Bank, Sexton, David Eell, Longtown. Limited, Cal'lisle SCOTS DIKE, un earthwork alJl}ut 4 miles in length, is:\ Relieving &, Vaccination Officers & Collectors to tlll} miles north of Longtown, on the Scottish border, and Guardians, High district, James llope, Nichol Forest, adioins the parish of Canobie. Longtown; Low district, Robert Dixon, Longtown Hopesike 'Voods are about 2 miles south of Longtown. School Inquiry Offlcers, High district, James Hope, Nichol Forest Brackenhill town~hip consists of scattered farm", :\Iedical Officers & Public Vaccinators, High district, reaching- from 2 to 6 miles east from Longtown, nearl, Frank Post:ewaite, 'Yestfteld house, Stapleton; Low the whole of which is o,Hled by Capt. William Pery district, Samuel F. l\IcLachlan M.D., C.M. Longtown Standish of Erockenhurst" Hllnts, who has a shooting Superintendent Registrar, G. Beaty, Longtown box here called Brackenhill Tower. The area is 3,898 Registrar of Births & Dea.ths &:, Marriages, High Long- acres; rateable ,alue £3,167. toOwn sub-district, James Hope, Nicol Forest; Low Lineside t{)wnship consists of Beven farms, from Longtown sub-district, Robert Dixon, Longtown I~ to 2 miles south-east from Longtown; the whole RURAL SAl'lTARY AUTllORITY. is the property of Sir R. J. Graham, bart., of Netherby Meets a.t Hallburn \Vorl,house every fourth Thursday. Hall. Th£) MCa. is 1,257 acreg; rateable value £2,242. Clerk, Charles Bernard Hodgson, The Courts, English Netherby tow~ship extends about 4 miles north- street, Carlisle north-east of Longtown, and comprise" the small hamlets Treasurer, Henry ScoU, Carlisle &:, Cumberland Bank, of HALLBURN and SL]HL~NDS. Netherby Han, the Lim. Carlisle 'Seat of Sir Richard James Graham, bart., D.P. stands :\Iedical Officer of Health, Samuel F. MacLachlan H.B., on an eminence in a beautiful and extensive park of 1,274 C.M. Longtown acres, surrounded by rich meadows, woods, and shrub- Inspectors of Kuisances, Richard Maxwell, Longt{)wn beries, and commanding an extensive prospect over B & James Hope, Nichol Forest 'flat country, finely cultivated and richly wooded, the SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE. river Esk running through the estate; the present Meetings held BS required edifice was chiefly erected by the Rev. Robert Graham. Clerk, Charles Bernard Hodgson, Glrlisle D.D., in the 18th century, and is a mansion of red Attendance Officers, High district, JaIlles Hope, Nicol brick in the Italian style. This was the site of a Roman Forest; Low district, Robert Dixon, Long-town castra exploratorum, and in levellin~ the ground The \'\rorkhonse for the Longtown nnion is about 2 before the house, a large quantity of Roman remains I miles east of the town, in the towllship of Netherby; were discovered; the house is elegantly fitted up, and it is a large, convenient building, erected in 1828 to h()ld the gardens and ple.asure-gTounds are laid out wi1h 130 inmates; Henry Davidson, master; Mrs. Maragret great taste and judgment. The library contains a choice Davidson, matron; Samuel F. McLachlan M.B., c.!>!:. collection of classical and other valuablp books. Sir medical officer; Rev. J. R. Gibson, chaplain R. J. Graham, bart., is lord of the manor, and the prin-; PUBLIC OFFICERS:- cipal landowner. The area. is 8,873 acres; rateable Assistant Overseer, Robert Dixon -value £3,348. Certifying Factory Surgeon, Samuel F. McLachla..n l'OST, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuitv &:; Insurance M.B., C.H. Office.-Goorge Dobson, sub-postmaster. (Railway Pl,ACES OF WORSHIP, WITII TIMES OF SERVICES:- Sub-Office; lett<lrs should have R.S.O Cumberland, St. Michael's Church, Rev. Malise Reginald Graha-m, added). Letters arrive at 7.0 a.m.; box closes for M.A. rector; Rev. John Robert GIbson, curate; II a.m dispat.ch at 4.45 &:, 6.15 p.m &.6 p.m. ',' . POST OFFICE, Oarwinley. J()hn Bell, tmb-pofltmaster. Umted P~esbyt~rran. ~v. John G:il~fillan, muuster. Letters by foot post from Longtown R.S.O. arrive at 9· Preflbytenan, Rev. vt m. Boe, mlIllster. a.m.; dispatched at 4.45 p.m. Long'town is the SCH?OLS:-. nearest money order office & Ridding!! Junction rail- The Arth~rct. &:, KIrkandrews-npon-Esk Umted Sc~ool way statir)ll is the nearest telegraph office Boa.rd distrrct was formed 26 Nov. 1875, and consISts . of 7 members; John Hewetson Brown. Bank Btreet, COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR LoNGTOWN PETTY SESSIONAL Carlisle, clerk to the boa-rd; Peter McDougall, at- DIVISION. tendance officer Graham Rev. Malise R.eginald H.A. Recwry, Arthuret, Lady Cynthia Graham'B, built in 1883, for the domestic LongtowI.l R.~.O. charrman training for 20 girls; avera.g-p a'tendance 18; the school Graham SIr RIchard James bart. D.L. Netherby, Long- is supported from Lady Widdrin!!ton's charity, Bnd ~WIl the girls, when fittoo. for service, are supplied with AlllSO": Robert Andrew esq. H.P., D.L. Scaleby hall, sihUltions and a good outfit; Miss Mary McDougall, Carh..'lle mistress Brown Matthew esq. Scarbank. LonlrtowlI R.S.O Board School (mixed), a.t Easton, in Brackenhill town. Ewart Dep.-Surg.-Gen. Joseph H.D. Montpelier hall, ship, built in 1872, and ~ince 1875 under the Arthuret Montpelier terrace, Brighton & Kirkandrews Unit-ed. School Board; it will hold 70 Fell Rev. James Alexander M.A. The Km·lls. Carlisle children; average attendance 35' William Hall Irwen "Major Thomas Angolo, LyT'l'ho"W. ('~ ...l;.'l" masti'r " Kirklinton Georga Graham esq. Kirklinton hall, Carlisle National (mixed), built in 1857, & enlarged in 1886, Mounsey George esq. Kingfield houRe. Long'town R.S.O for 450 children; average attendance 240; ThoIIUl..J Patrickson Hugoh esq. Kirklinton park. C~rli~lp I James Little, master Shepheard-Walwyn. Arthur Walwyn esq. Thp Hill, near Infants' School, for 130 cltildren; average attendance Carlisle 70; Miss Mary Weall. mi.,tl"""R Tflvlor Re,. Frank :loL~. Rectory, Kirkandrewll-on-Esk, Q.\URIER TO C.\RT.IRLE-.Tnhn T w ool1lEl, wt"dnesday &; L'mMiHIll TI.~.O slItnrdlly, returning same day '".
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