LOWER WITHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA PARISH COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MONDAY 29TH JULY, 2019 TIME: 7:30p.m. VENUE: LOWER WITHINGTON PARISH HALL To Members of Lower Withington Parish Council, You are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting, as shown above, to consider and determine the following business: 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - 2. CODE OF CONDUCT - i) To receive Register of Interests forms from Members. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - i) To receive Declarations of Interest in any items on the agenda. 4. MINUTES - i) To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 26th June, 2019 as a correct record and authorise signing by the Chairman. 5. PUBLIC FORUM FOR QUESTIONS - 6. REPORTS FROM EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS - i) Gawsworth & Chelford Wards Policing Team - Report on matters of interest / concern within the Parish. ii) Cheshire East Ward Member Cllr. L. Smetham - Report on items of interest to the Parish Council. 7. FINANCE - i) To receive and consider the Financial Statement 2019/20 as at 29th July, 2019. (Appendix A) ii) To authorise the following payments - a) Cheque No. 000437 E. M. Maddock £202.25 Salary - July, 2019. b) Cheque No. 000438 H.M. Revenue & Customs £50.60 Employee Income Tax. c) Cheque No. 000439 Peak Acoustics Ltd. £720.00 Noise Monitoring - July 2019. iii) To note the following receipts since the last meeting - a) NatWest Bank plc. - Business Reserve Account £0.60 Gross interest - April, 2019. b) NatWest Bank plc. - Business Reserve Account £1.11 Gross interest - May, 2019. c) NatWest Bank plc. - Business Reserve Account £2.37 Gross interest - June, 2019. d) H.M. Revenue & Customs £39.59 VAT Reclaim 2018/19. 8. CORRESPONDENCE - i) To consider the specific correspondence received by the Parish Council since the date of the last ordinary meeting and to determine such action as Members consider appropriate thereto: a) Cheshire East Council - Notice of Confirmed Order Public Footpath No.12 in the Parish of Lower Withington. ii) To note other correspondence received since the date of the last ordinary meeting. (Appendix B) 9. PLANNING & LICENSING - i) To receive the latest planning schedule and discuss new applications. (Appendix C) ii) Cheshire East Council Site Allocations & Development Policies Document Consultation. (Dates to be confirmed) iii) Bluedot Festival 2019 - a) To receive a report from a site visit ahead of the 2019 Bluedot Festival. b) To receive and consider feedback from residents. c) To receive information relating to noise monitoring. d) To consider a suggestion to propose a liaison group with relevant bodies to facilitate regular communication with Bluedot Festival organisers. 10. COMMUNITY - i) The Black Swan, Trap Street - To receive any updates available. E.M.M. - 23/07/19 1 of 8 LOWER WITHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA ii) Jodrell Bank Observatory - World Heritage Site Nomination - a) To note that Jodrell Bank Observatory has been designated as a World Heritage Site. b) To receive any updates from the World Heritage Site Steering Group. iii) Post Office - To receive information relating to provision of local Post Office service. 11. ASSETS - i) Parish Council Notice Board - To receive estimates for the new notice board for installation at Lower Withington Parish Hall. ii) Christmas Tree Provision - To receive an update on progress to secure an electricity supply for the proposed Christmas Tree display. 12. DICKLOW COB VILLAGE GREEN - i) Access pathway project - To receive an update on progress. ii) Drainage - To receive an update relating to the removal of the willow tree. iii) Proposed Play Facility - To receive information from Cheshire East Council relating to the proposed play facility. iv) Proposal Football Goal Post Replacement - To receive estimates for replacement football goal posts. 13. HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE & ENHANCEMENTS - i) Highway Defects - To receive the latest highway defect schedule and note any recent defects requiring attention. (Appendix D) ii) Highway Incidents within Parish - To receive the latest highway incident log and note any recent incidents. (Appendix E) iii) Illuminated Chevrons - To receive an update relating to the proposal for illuminated chevrons on Holmes Chapel Road at the junction with Bomish Lane. iv) Catchpenny Lane - Review of junction with Holmes Chapel Road. 14. CO-OPTION OF PARISH COUNCILLOR - i) To consider the co-option of a Councillor to fill the vacancy on the Parish Council following the election. 15. MATTERS FOR INCLUSION ON NEXT/FUTURE MEETING AGENDA - i) Salters Lane - Speed Review. 16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Monday 30th September, 2019 at 7:30p.m. at Lower Withington Parish Hall. To consider passing a resolution under Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (Section 100(a) of the Local Government Act 1972) to exclude the public and press from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information. 17. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION INCLUDING THOSE TRANSFERRED FROM ABOVE ITEMS - (as required) Dr. E. M. Maddock PSLCC, Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer. Dated 23rd July, 2019 E.M.M. - 23/07/19 2 of 8 LOWER WITHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA APPENDIX A Financial Statement - 2019/20 as at 29th July 2019 Actual 2019/20 Actual to Agenda Budget 2018/19 Details Budget Jun. 19 Jul. 19 Balance £. £. £. £. £. Receipts 10,600.00 Precept 10,750.00 5,375.00 5,375.00 0.00 Balances 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.23 Investment Interest 0.00 0.00 4.08 0.00 0.00 Sale of Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grants, Donations & Refunds 9,000.00 0.00 9,000.00 166.29 V.A.T. Refund 0.00 39.59 135.00 10,770.52 Total Receipts 19,750.00 5,375.00 43.67 14,510.00 Payments 2,931.50 Salary (Clerk) 3,180.00 758.55 252.85 2,168.60 0.00 National Insurance (Employer) 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 Allowances (Clerk) 225.00 0.00 225.00 0.00 Chairman/Member Allowances 0.00 0.00 0.00 98.78 Administration 240.00 0.00 240.00 0.00 Audit Fees (internal & external) 100.00 0.00 100.00 296.94 Insurance 380.00 296.94 83.06 77.97 Donations - Sect. 137 500.00 45.00 455.00 60.00 Website 105.00 5.00 100.00 222.40 Subscriptions/Affiliation Fees 285.00 185.60 99.40 180.00 Room Hire 260.00 0.00 260.00 0.00 Training 175.00 0.00 175.00 0.00 Professional Services 750.00 70.00 600.00 80.00 154.28 Assets - Purchase 800.00 0.00 800.00 0.00 Assets - Maintenance 750.00 0.00 750.00 0.00 Village Green Pathway Project 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 Neighbourhood Plan 9,500.00 0.00 9,500.00 0.00 Contingency 500.00 0.00 500.00 39.59 V.A.T. 15.00 120.00 4,261.46 Total Payments 19,750.00 1,376.09 972.85 17,536.06 Cash/Bank Reconciliation 01/04/19 24/06/19 29/07/19 31/03/20 Balance B/Fwd. 15,663.01 15,663.01 19,661.92 18,732.74 Add Total Receipts 0.00 5,375.00 43.67 14,510.00 Less Total Payments 0.00 -1,376.09 -972.85 -17,536.06 Balance C/Fwd. 15,663.01 19,661.92 18,732.74 15,706.68 Cumulative Balances Balance Balance Balance Balance 01/04/19 24/06/19 29/07/19 31/03/20 General Funds 12,545.01 16,543.92 15,614.74 12,588.68 Earmarked Reserves 3,118.00 3,118.00 3,118.00 3,118.00 15,663.01 19,661.92 18,732.74 15,706.68 E.M.M. - 23/07/19 3 of 8 LOWER WITHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA CASH/BANK RECONCILIATION AS AT - 29 th July, 2019 CASH Balance Brought Forward 01/04/19 Current Account 12,244.27 Business Reserve Account 3,418.74 Plus Receipts 5,418.67 21,081.68 Less Payments 2,348.94 Balance Carried Forward 29/07/19 18,732.74 BANK (Natwest) Business Reserve Account - 15,422.82 05/07/19 Add income/transfer received since above Statement 0.00 0.00 Less unpresented cheques 0.00 15,422.82 29/07/19 Current Account - 4,619.62 05/07/19 Add income received since above Statement 0.00 0.00 Less unpresented cheques/ Transfer Approved -336.85 For approval -972.85 -1,309.70 3,309.92 29/07/19 Total Bank Balances 29/07/19 18,732.74 E.M.M. - 23/07/19 4 of 8 LOWER WITHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA APPENDIX B CORRESPONDENCE Cheshire Association of Local Councils (ChALC) • ChALC Weekly Bulletin - 20, 27 June 2019; 4, 11, 18 July 2019. • Introduction to Local Councils - 04/07/19. • Information Commissioner developing further resources for local councils. • Cheshire and Warrington LEP: Local Industrial Strategy Discussion Session - 08/07/19. • Cheshire East Code of Conduct Training - 31/07/19. • Introduction to Local Councils - possible additional date September/October 2019. Cheshire East Council • Cheshire Police are encouraging shoppers to be vigilant. • Connected Communities Newsletter. • Emotionally Healthy Child/Young Person (EHCYP) Events. • Church Minshull Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Consultation - 12/07/19 - 23/08/19. • Christmas Events 2019 Callout for Ultimate Guide magazine. • Local Information Bulletin Congleton & Holmes Chapel Area. Cheshire East Council - Temporary Road Closures / Restrictions - • Westminster Road, Macclesfield from junction with Abbey Road to junction with Westbrook Drive - 22/07/19 - 25/08/19. • Chestergate, Macclesfield (from the junction with Churchill Way to the junction with Mill Street); Market Place (from the junction with Unicorn Gateway to the junction with Chestergate); Mill Street, Macclesfield (from the junction with Chestergate to the junction with Queen Victoria Street) - 24/10/19.
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