Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine Physics Faculty Research & Creative Works Physics 01 Jul 2007 Bremsstrahlung in α decay reexamined H. Boie Heiko Scheit Ulrich D. Jentschura Missouri University of Science and Technology, [email protected] F. Kock et. al. For a complete list of authors, see https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/phys_facwork/838 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/phys_facwork Part of the Physics Commons Recommended Citation H. Boie et al., "Bremsstrahlung in α decay reexamined," Physical Review Letters, vol. 99, no. 2, pp. 022505-1-022505-4, American Physical Society (APS), Jul 2007. The definitive version is available at https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.022505 This Article - Journal is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Physics Faculty Research & Creative Works by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending PRL 99, 022505 (2007) 13 JULY 2007 Bremsstrahlung in Decay Reexamined H. Boie,1 H. Scheit,1 U. D. Jentschura,1 F. Ko¨ck,1 M. Lauer,1 A. I. Milstein,2 I. S. Terekhov,2 and D. Schwalm1,* 1Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany 2Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia (Received 29 March 2007; published 13 July 2007) A high-statistics measurement of bremsstrahlung emitted in the decay of 210Po has been performed, which allows us to follow the photon spectra up to energies of 500 keV. The measured differential emission probability is in good agreement with our theoretical results obtained within the quasiclassical approximation as well as with the exact quantum mechanical calculation. It is shown that, due to the small effective electric dipole charge of the radiating system, a significant interference between the electric dipole and quadrupole contributions occurs, which is altering substantially the angular correlation between the particle and the emitted photon. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.022505 PACS numbers: 23.60.+e, 27.80.+w, 41.60.ÿm The decay of an atomic nucleus is the archetypal between the electric dipole and quadrupole amplitudes, quantum mechanical process, and so is the bremsstrahlung which we derived within the framework of a refined qua- accompanied decay. It is therefore somewhat surprising siclassical approximation [11], we find good agreement of that only ten years ago the first fully quantum mechanical our measured emission probabilities with those calcu- calculation of the latter process was performed, using first- lated in our quasiclassical approach as well as with the order perturbation theory and the dipole approximation for quantum mechanical prediction of Ref. [1]. the photon field [1]. On the other hand, it is known that the The main experimental challenge is the very low emis- decay of a heavy nucleus and the radiation that accom- sion rate for bremsstrahlung photons. Even with a rather panies this decay can be treated in the quasiclassical ap- strong source of 105 decays=s the emission rate is only proximation as well; the applicability of this approxi- of the order of one per day in the 300–400 keV energy mation being provided by the large value of the Sommer- range; i.e., in only one out of 1010 decays a photon with feld parameter [2,3], which amounts to, e.g., 22 for an energy within that range will be emitted. Only by the decay of 210Po. In all theoretical approaches the measuring the particles in coincidence with the brems- matrix element of bremsstrahlung incorporates contribu- strahlung photons and by identifying the bremsstrahlung tions of the classically allowed and classically forbidden photons by requiring energy balance between the energy (tunneling) region. The relative contribution of the tunnel- and the photon one can therefore hope to sufficiently ing region is not small in general and can be interpreted as suppress randoms due to the copious room background. bremsstrahlung at tunneling. However, such an interpreta- After a careful evaluation of possible emitters, 210Po, tion can only have a restricted meaning as the wavelength already used in the work of Ref. [9], was felt to be the most of the photon is much larger than the width of the tunneling promising choice for such a measurement. It decays with a region and even larger than the main classical acceleration half-life of t1=2 138 days mainly to the ground state of 206 region; it is therefore not possible to identify experimen- the stable daughter nuclide Pb (Q 5:407 MeV), with tally the region where the photon was emitted. Never- only a small fraction of 1:22 410ÿ5 proceeding theless, the issue of tunneling during the emission process through the first exited J 2 state at an excitation was widely discussed [1–7]. The authors used different energy of 803 keV [12]. While no other rays are emitted theoretical approaches leading to partly conflicting con- by the source, the weak 803 keV branch constitutes a clusions as to the contribution of the tunneling process to convenient calibration point for the overall detection effi- the bremsstrahlung, but—more seriously—also with re- ciency reached in the experiment. gard to the energy dependent emission probabilities. The experimental setup used in the present work is While the theoretical interest in the bremsstrahlung shown in Fig. 1.Two210Po sources are placed at the accompanied decay was stirred up by an experiment bottom of a common vacuum chamber and are viewed by published in 1994 [8], this and later experimental attempts two segmented silicon detectors, each placed about 30 mm [9,10] to observe these rare decays produced conflicting above the source to measure the energy of the particles. results and did not reach the sensitivity to allow for a Directly below the center of the vacuum chamber an serious test of the various theoretical predictions concern- efficient high-purity germanium triple cluster detector of ing the emission probabilities for energies above E the MINIBALL design [13] was placed to record the emitted 200 keV. In this Letter we report on the first high-statistics bremsstrahlung photons. measurement of bremsstrahlung in the decay of 210Po, The source material was evenly spread on two 0.2 mm where we have been able to observe the photon spectra up thick circular Ni foils with a diameter of 16 mm, which to E 500 keV. Taking into account the interference were mounted on aluminum disks of 0.5 mm thickness 0031-9007=07=99(2)=022505(4) 022505-1 © 2007 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending PRL 99, 022505 (2007) 13 JULY 2007 Aluminum Silicon strip In view of the dispersed source and the close source- vacuum chamber detectors detector geometry, detailed simulations of the experimen- tal setup were performed to determine the response func- 210 copper plate Po sources tion of the cluster detector as well as the detection effi- o cooled to -20 C ciency of the setup as a function of E and of the angle # between the direction of the particle and the bremsstrah- steel lamellae Germanium cluster lung quanta [14]. The simulated absolute full-energy detector peak efficiencies were compared to measurements per- formed with radioactive sources and to the result deduced 210 5 cm from the 803 keV branch of the Po decay; their accu- racies were found to be better than 4% for energies above 200 keV but to deteriorate slightly up to 9% at 100 keV. FIG. 1 (color online). Cross section of the experimental setup. The absolute full-energy peak efficiency at 803 keV was determined to be 8.09(26)% for isotropic emission. each. By distributing the source material the energy loss In order to reach the necessary sensitivity the experiment in the material was minimized; moreover, sputtering of had to be kept in a stable running condition for many source material due to the recoil of a nearby decay months. The analyzed data actually correspond to was avoided. The areal uniformity of the activity 270 days of data taking with a total of 4:3 1011 5 (10 decays=s per source) within the active area of the particles being recorded. At the same time about 6 109 source was tested by autoradiography; no intensity varia- rays have been detected out of which, e.g., only about tions could be discerned. 150 are expected to be due to bremsstrahlung events in the 2 The particles were detected by two 5 5cm silicon energy region above 300 keV. detectors, which were electrically segmented into 16 strips The - coincidence matrix displaying the measured each. The particles were incident on the unsegmented particle energy versus the -ray energy is shown in Fig. 2. side of the detector in order to avoid events with incom- The upper horizontal band corresponds to particles, plete charge collection occurring in the interstrip region. 0 which were detected with their full energy of E Both detectors were mounted on a copper plate cooled to 5304 keV in random coincidence with a background pho- ÿ20 C to improve the energy resolution and to reduce ton. The lower horizontal band terminating at 803 keV damage of the Si detectors due to the implanted particles -ray energy is caused by the response of the Ge detector 10 2 (about 10 =cm at the end of experiment). The energy to the 803 keV rays, emitted in coincidence with resolution was on the order of 30–35 keV (FWHM) and particles of 4517 keV leading to the first excited state of deteriorated only for a few strips up to 45 keVat the end of 206Pb.
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