Bibliography Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine Issues 1.1 (October 2008)–11.1 (April 2018) (does not include Reviews in Flash for 11.1). Flashes in Flash Agar, Haleh, ‘Fish Bone’, 10.1 (Apr. 2017), 56. Ahmed, Sahana, ‘We Are Leaving Bombay’, 9.2 (Oct. 2016), 21–22. Aho, Layton, ‘Rallentando’, 9.2 (Oct. 2016), 3–4. Aidoo, Ama Ata, ‘Recipe for a Stone Meal’, 1.1 (Oct. 2008), 3–4. Akinwale, Akinwumi, ‘Errata to My Life’, 1.1 (Oct. 2008), 41–2. Alkhamissi, Khaled, ‘Twenty-Seven’, 6.1 (Apr. 2013), 88–9. [Flash Reviews] Allen, Becca, ‘Noirgaritaville’, 11.1 (Apr. 2018), Allen, Roberta, ‘Ego Shrinker’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 35. Alnajjar, Wiam, ‘Her Romatic Hero’, 11.1 (Apr. 2018), Alsop, Derek, ‘Men Only’, 7.2 (Oct. 2014), 28–9. ‘Retsina; Scotch’, 3.1 (Apr. 2010), 47. Althouse, Jeanne, ‘Cool Shirt’, 4.2 (Oct. 2011), 37. Anand, Pria, ‘Rooftops’, 6.1 (Apr. 2013), 33–4. Angelella, J. R., ‘Do These Horses Bite?’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 44. 1 Antić, Ivan, ‘A Number of Little Arrows’, 3.2 (Oct. 2010), 25. Armand, Louis, ‘The Chess Players’, 2.2 (Oct. 2009), 52–3. Arnold, Sandra, ‘Stoicism’, 10.1 (Apr. 2017), 5–6. Asibon, Aba Amissah, ‘Preferred Dance’, 5.2 (Oct. 2012), 15. Atwood, Margaret, ‘Fainting’, 3.2 (Oct. 2010), 73–4. [Flash Presents] ‘Strawberries’, 3.2 (Oct. 2010), 75. [Flash Presents] Badalov, Anar, ‘Bunny and Trane’, 3.2 (Oct. 2010), 46. ‘The Line on the Reel’, 3.2 (Oct. 2010), 47–8. Bainbridge, Beryl, ‘Honey Trap’, 1.1 (Oct. 2008), 1–2. Baker, Neil, ‘West of Aran’, 4.2 (Oct. 2011), 51. Ballerini, Julia, ‘Departures’, 8.1 (Apr. 2015), 49. Balogun, Akeem, ‘Bounce’, 5.1 (Apr. 2012), 35. Barley, Katherine, ‘The Corner of Broadway and Linden’, 2.2 (Oct. 2009), 28–9. Baron, Thomas C, ‘After the End’, 10.1 (Apr. 2017), 14–15. Barwise, Claire, ‘Second Honeymoon’, 3.1 (Apr. 2010), 42. Baudry, Tobias, ‘The Park’, 7.1 (Apr. 2014), 42. Beard, Alan, ‘I Liked Her’, 4.1 (Apr. 2011), 4. Beckett, Samuel, ‘The Cliff’, 7.1 (Apr. 2014), 79. [Flash Essay] 2 Beckman, Paul, ‘Choices’, 9.2 (Oct. 2016), 35. ‘Finding Grandma Pearl’s Diary’, 9.2 (Oct. 2016), 36. Bell, Denis, ‘Paris, 1965’, 6.2 (Oct. 2013), 65. Bell, Lauren, ‘Collecting Marbles’, 7.2 (Oct. 2014), 57–8. Bengree, Jan, ‘Remembering Margot’, 1.1 (Oct. 2008), 57–8. ‘The Daughter’s Return’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 47–8. ‘What If?’, 1.1 (Oct. 2008), 55–6. Beretta, Joey, ‘End of the Road’, 10.1 (Apr. 2017), 13. Bergstrom, Stephen, ‘Letter to Vincent’, 10.2 (Oct. 2017), 18–19. Berkson, Brooke, ‘Sandwiches’, 7.2 (Oct. 2014), 64–5. Besley, Laura, ‘Doppelgänger’, 10.1 (Apr. 2017), 34. ‘The Monthly Checker’, 10.1 (Apr. 2017), 35. Bhattacharya, Susmita, ‘Steady On’, 6.2 (Oct. 2013), 32. Biswas, R. K., ‘Children at Play’, 7.2 (Oct. 2014), 61–2. Biswas, Rumjhum [R. K.], ‘The Calling Card’, 5.1 (Apr. 2012), 40–1. Blackwell, Elise, ‘Warehouse’, 5.2 (Oct. 2012), 20. Blaney, Paul, ‘Beaky’, 5.2 (Oct. 2012), 49. ‘Family’, 4.1 (Apr. 2011), 50. ‘Not Nothing’, 5.1 (Apr. 2012), 32–3. Blome, William, C., ‘Buying Powder’, 7.1 (Apr. 2014), 54. ‘Grandmother’, 7.1 (Apr. 2014), 55. Boehmer, Elleke, ‘It’s Okay’, 1.1 (Oct. 2008), 7–8. 3 Bogenschneider, J. L., ‘Strangers’, 8.2 (Oct. 2015), 54. ‘The Longest Path, The Shortest Blade’, 6.2 (Oct. 2013), 37–8. ‘Tom Castro, By Any Other Name’, 8.2 (Oct. 2015), 55. ‘What Summer Sun Can Be Carried Out’, 6.2 (Oct. 2013), 39–40. Bolland, Craig, ‘Gold’, 8.2 (Oct. 2015), 60–61. Bone, Matt, ‘The Augur’, 4.2 (Oct. 2011), 48–9. Booth, Die, ‘I Always look at Other Men’, 2.2 (Oct. 2009), 59. ‘Mommet’, 1.1 (Oct. 2008), 47. ‘Not Today’, 4.1 (Apr. 2011), 49. ‘Surgery’, 2.2 (Oct. 2009), 60. Borgersen, S.B., ‘Tuesdays’, 11.1 (Apr. 2018), Bosley, John, ‘I Like Everything in Moderation’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 62. Bourn, Stewart, ‘Lotto’, 3.1 (Apr. 2010), 67–8. Bower, Annette M., ‘Auditions’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 34. ‘Wonder’, 3.1 (Apr. 2010), 57–8. Bradley, J., ‘Home Decorating’, 9.2 (Oct. 2016), 2. Brägg, Emil, ‘The Ovation’, 11.1 (Apr. 2018), Brasca, Raúl, ‘Felines’, 4.2 (Oct. 2011), 11. ‘Last Choice’, 4.2 (Oct. 2011), 10. ‘Musical Revelation’, 4.2 (Oct. 2011), 9. ‘Polymorphism’, 4.2 (Oct. 2011), 8. Brazeau, Robert, ‘Fragile’, 3.1 (Apr. 2010), 30. ‘Overhead’, 3.1 (Apr. 2010), 32. ‘Sonya’, 3.1 (Apr. 2010), 31. Brazill, William J., ‘Art Alone Endures’, 4.2 (Oct. 2011), 85. [Flash Reviews] 4 Bridges, Matt, ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Slightly Older Man’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 13. Brooks, Philip, ‘Crime Scenes’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 6. Brown, Andrew James, ‘The Photograph, 1914’, 1.1 (Oct. 2008), 63. Brown, Randall, ‘Like So Many Things in That Childhood’, 4.1 (Apr. 2011), 1. Bruton, Douglas, ‘When Tania Sings’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 21. Buckingham-Gray, Michael, ‘And Brings Up Loose Dirt’, 7.1 (Apr. 2014), 20. ‘Disappearing Act’, 9.2 (Apr. 2016), 1. ‘Outback’, 11.1 (Apr. 2018), ‘She Stood’, 8.2 (Oct. 2015), 1. Budman, Mark, ‘American Dreamer’, 9.1 (Apr. 2016), 3. ‘Diptych’, 2.2 (Oct. 2009), 10. ‘Phantom of the Office’, 9.1 (Apr. 2016), 4–5. Burd, Jeff, ‘Zadie’, 8.1 (Apr. 2015), 54–5. Burke, Richard, ‘The Mermaid Tank’, 5.1 (Apr. 2012), 21. Butler, Robert Olen, ‘Earl Daggett’, 4.2 (Oct. 2011), 61. [Flash Presents] ‘Maisie Hobbs’, 4.2 (Oct. 2011), 62. [Flash presents] Calabreze, Chuck, ‘Best American Poetry, Donald Trump, Guest Editor’, 9.1 (Apr. 2016), 1–2. Campbell, Jake, ‘Mykingdomforakiss’, 3.2 (Oct. 2010), 56–7. Campbell, Jen, ‘In the Tree’, 3.1 (Apr. 2010), 48. ‘Jawbreakers’, 5.2 (Oct. 2012), 92. [Flash Reviews] Capossere, Bill, ‘A Hard Rain’, 5.1 (Apr. 2012), 26. Cardew, Jonathan, ‘Aprés-Ski’, 8.1 (Apr. 2015), 45. 5 ‘Chewing On It’, 9.1 (Apr. 2016), 19–20. ‘Child’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 60–1. ‘Le Camping’, 10.2 (Oct. 2017), 12–13. ‘Origami Gorilla’, 9.1 (Apr. 2016), 17–18. ‘The Requiyaments’, 4.1 (Apr. 2011), 30. ‘The Writing Man’, 4.1 (Apr. 2011), 31–2. Cargin, E., ‘Out of Water’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 55. Carr, Joe, ‘Alma Mater’, 1.1 (Oct. 2008), 73–4. Carter, Dom, ‘Every Night I Dream of Another Recession’, 5.1 (Apr. 2012), 39. ‘Feel-Bad Factor’, 5.2 (Oct. 2012), 26. ‘Industry Knowledge’, 7.1 (Apr. 2014), 40. Casey, Michael, ‘wasteland’, 8.2 (Oct. 2015), 6. Cattaneo, Jac, ‘The Rain That Falls’, 3.1 (Apr. 2010), 52–3. Chan, Sunny, ‘Proletariat Chariot’, 3.2 (Oct. 2010), 42–3. ‘Route 99 Diner’, 3.2 (Oct. 2010), 41. Cherches, Peter, ‘Check-Out Time’, 6.1 (Apr. 2013), 43. ‘Hard-Boiled’, 6.1 (Apr. 2013), 44. ‘Italian Dinner’, 9.1 (Apr. 2016), 10. ‘The Return of Amelia Earheart’, 6.1 (Apr. 2013), 42. ‘[Untitled]’, 6.2 (Oct. 2013), 94. [Flash Reviews] Chieppa, Anna, ‘This Body’, 5.1 (Apr. 2012), 19–20. Choi, Seeun, ‘Unborn’, 7.1 (Apr. 2014), 1–2. Chonchúir, Nuala Ní, ‘Naranjito’s Daughter’, 6.2 (Oct. 2013), 1–2. Chopin, Kate, ‘A Harbinger’, 7.1 (Apr. 2014), 67– 8. [Flash Presents] ‘A Very Fine Fiddle’, 8.1 (Apr. 2015), 79–80. [Flash Essay] ‘Doctor Chevalier’s Lie’, 7.1 (Apr. 2014), 69–70. [Flash Presents] ‘Old Aunt Peggy’, 7.1 (Apr. 2014), 71–2. [Flash Presents] ‘Ripe Figs’, 7.1 (Apr. 2014), 73–4. [Flash Presents] 6 Cicirelli, Stephen, ‘Hegelianism’, 10.1 (Apr. 2017), 4. Citron, Lana, ‘Happily Ever After’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 63. Conley, Michael D., ‘The Gowlden Wule’, 2.2 (Oct. 2009), 32. Conlon, Sarah-Clare, ‘Everyone Has a Favourite Spot’, 5.2 (Oct. 2012), 51. Connair, Ryan, ‘Attention to Detail’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 53. Connelly, Daniel Roy, ‘Otowongu’, 10.2 (Oct. 2017), 49–50. Conti, Christopher, ‘The Novel Inside’, 3.2 (Oct. 2010), 68. ‘Uxorious’, 3.1 (Apr. 2010), 61–2. Conway, Trevor, ‘Fasciola Hepatica’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 3–4. Cooke, Justin, ‘The Dog’, 4.2 (Oct. 2011), 12. Cooper, Louise, ‘All the Fun of the Fear’, 6.1 (Apr. 2013), 72–3. [Flash Presents] ‘Monsters’, 6.1 (Apr. 2013), 70–1. [Flash Presents] Copeland, Lydia, ‘Honey’, 3.1 (Apr. 2010), 55–6. Corin, Lucy, ‘Half’, 7.2 (Oct. 2014), 106–7. [Flash Reviews] Cormier, Neil, ‘Sunny-Side Up’, 7.2 (Oct. 2014), 47–8. Cornish, Anthony, ‘Brother-Monster 1645’, 2.1 (Apr. 2009), 1–2. ‘The House’, 1.1 (Oct. 2008), 29–30. Corrigan, Caitlin, ‘The Red Wife’, 7.2 (Oct. 2014), 35–6. Corrigan, Mickey J., ‘Performance Art’, 7.2 (Oct. 2014), 51–2. Coupland, Krishan, 7 ‘Special’, 3.2 (Oct. 2010), 36–7. Cowan, Billy, ‘Enduring Love’, 9.2 (Oct. 2016), 37. ‘Skydive’, 9.2 (Oct. 2016), 38. ‘The Troubles’, 9.2 (Oct. 2016), 39–40. Cox, Garry, ‘Incident Report’, 2.2 (Oct. 2009), 37. Coxon, Dan, ‘Abe Against the Machine’, 8.1 (Apr. 2015), 31–2. Coyle, Leila, ‘Ursula’s Roses’, 1.1 (Oct. 2008), 66–7. Coyne, Celia, ‘Never Underestimate a Balding Man’, 8.2 (Oct. 2015), 62. ‘So Many Heartbeats’, 10.1 (Apr. 2017), 58–9. Craig, Chauna, ‘Larkspur’, 2.2 (Oct. 2009), 47–8. ‘To Catch a Cutthroat’, 2.2 (Oct. 2009), 45–6. Cramer, Lori, ‘True Love’, 10.2 (Oct. 2017), 63–4. Crim, Torrey, ‘The Strange Lament’, 7.2 (Oct. 2014), 71. Crimmins, Mark, ‘First and Adams’, 10.1 (Apr. 2017), 18–19. ‘The Postcard’, 8.2 (Oct.
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