Case: 1:10-cv-08103 Document #: 208-32 Filed: 08/14/12 Page 1 of 244 PageID #:4367 Exhibit 15 Case: 1:10-cv-08103 Document #: 208-32 Filed: 08/14/12 Page 2 of 244 PageID #:4368 INTERNATIONAL Games Workshop Ltd. v. Chapterhouse Studios LLC & Drs Deposition of Andrew Jones April 3, 2012 opus 2 International - Official Court Reporters Phone: +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.opus2international.com ORIGINAL Case: 1:10-cv-08103 Document #: 208-32 Filed: 08/14/12 Page 3 of 244 PageID #:4369 April 3, 2012 Games Workshop Ltd. v. Chapterhouse Studios LLC & OrsDeposition of Andrew Jones 1 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION GAMES WORKSHOP LIMITED, Plaintiff, Civil Action No. 1:10-cv-8103 v. CHAPTERHOUSE STUDIOS LLC and JON PAULSON d/b/a PAULSON GAMES Defendants. Tuesday, 3 April, 2012 11:15 am Videotaped Deposition of ANDREW JONES, taken at the offices of Eversheds, 1 Royal Standard Place, Nottingham, UK, before Ailsa Williams, Accredited Court Reporter Opus 2 International [email protected] Official Court Reporters +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Case: 1:10-cv-08103 Document #: 208-32 Filed: 08/14/12 Page 4 of 244 PageID #:4370 April 3, 2012 Games Workshop Ltd. v. Chapterhouse Studios LLC & OrsDeposition of Andrew Jones 2 1 2 A P PEA RAN C E S: 3 Attorneys for Plaintiff: 4 FOLEY & LARDENER LLP 5 90 Park Avenue 6 New York, NY 10016-1314 7 BY: JONATHAN E. MOSKIN 8 (212) 682-7474 9 [email protected] 10 11 Attorneys for Defendants: 12 WINSTON & STRAWN LLP 13 101 California Street 14 San Francisco CA 94111-5894 15 BY: K. JOON OH 16 (415) 591-1564 17 [email protected]. 18 Also Present: 19 GILLIAN STEVENSON: (Games Workshop) 20 COURT REPORTER: 21 AILSA WILLIAMS 22 VIDEOGRAPHER: LINDA FLEET 23 24 25 Opus 2 International [email protected] Official Court Reporters +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Case: 1:10-cv-08103 Document #: 208-32 Filed: 08/14/12 Page 5 of 244 PageID #:4371 April 3, 2012 Games Workshop Ltd. v. Chapterhouse Studios LLC & OrsDeposition of Andrew Jones 3 1 ANDREW JONES 2 Previously marked exhibits referred to: 3 38, 39, 66, 95 4 INDEX OF EXHIBITS 5 Exhibit 114 Interrogatories .... , ............... , 13 6 7 Exhibit 115 Battlefleet Gothic: ., ............... , 32 8 Adeptus Mechanicus Battleship 9 Exhibit 116 Alpha Legion Shoulder Pads ........ , 36 10 11 Exhibit 117 Alpha Legion Land Raider Doors ......... 37 12 13 Exhibit 118 Alpha Legion Land Raider Doors and ..... , 39 r 14 Chaos Space Marines 15 Exhibit 119 Blood Ravens Transfer Sheet ........... , 45 16 17 Exhibit 120 Blood Ravens Transfer Sheet ........... , 45 18 19 Exhibit 121 GW0005178-79 ....... , .............. , 49 20 21 Exhibit 122 GW0004839, GW0005258, GW0005248, GW0004829 53 22 23 Exhibit 123 Space Marine Devastator Squad ......... , 57 24 25 Exhibit 124 Wargear Weapons ..... , .............. , 68 Opus 2 International [email protected] Official Court Reporters +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Case: 1:10-cv-08103 Document #: 208-32 Filed: 08/14/12 Page 6 of 244 PageID #:4372 April 3, 2012 Games Workshop Ltd. v. Chapterhouse Studios LLC & OrsDeposition of Andrew Jones 4 2 Exhibit 125 Tau Transfer Sheet .................. 133 3 4 Exhibit 126 Forge World MK V Heresy Armour ......... 137 5 6 Exhibit 127 Warhammer 40,000 Eldar Jet Bike ......... 143 7 8 Exhibit 128 Space Marine Chaplain with Jump Pack ..... 147 9 10 Exhibit 129 Space Marine Jump Packs ............... 148 11 12 Exhibit 130 Games Workshop Warning and ............ 150 13 Terminator Lightning Claws 14 Exhibit 131 Space Marine Veteran with Lightning Claws .151 15 16 Exhibit 132 Forge World MK II Crusade Armour ........ 152 17 18 Exhibit 133 Space Marine Predator ................ 155 19 20 Exhibit 134 Space Marine Rhino .................. 158 21 22 Exhibit 135 Forge World - Black Templars ........... 161 23 Terminator Storm Shields 24 Exhibit 136 "Soul Drinkers Omnibus" ............... 162 25 Opus 2 International [email protected] Official Court Reporters +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Case: 1:10-cv-08103 Document #: 208-32 Filed: 08/14/12 Page 7 of 244 PageID #:4373 April 3, 2012 Games Workshop Ltd. v. Chapterhouse Studios LLC & OrsDeposition of Andrew Jones 5 Exhibit 137 Codex: Black Temp1ars ................ 168 2 3 Exhibit 138 Black Templars Sword Brethren Squad ...... 169 4 5 Exhibit 139 Blood Angels Battleforce .............. 171 6 7 Exhibit 140 USPTO Registration No. 3,751,267 ........ 180 8 9 Exhibit 141 USPTO Registration No.3, 768, 909 ........ 182 10 11 Exhibit 142 Trademark/Service Mark Statement of Use ... 183 12 13 Exhibit 143 Financial Data GW0002576-88 ............ 193 14 15 Exhibit 144 GW Design Studio Organization Chart ...... 219 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Opus 2 International [email protected] Official Court Reporters +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Case: 1:10-cv-08103 Document #: 208-32 Filed: 08/14/12 Page 8 of 244 PageID #:4374 April 3, 2012 Games Workshop Ltd. v. Chapterhouse Studios LLC & OrsDeposition of Andrew Jones 6 1 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Here begins videotape number 1 in 2 the deposition of Andrew Jones, in the matter of Games 3 Workshop Limited versus Chapterhouse Studios LLC et al 4 in the United States District Court for the Northern 5 District of Illinois, Eastern Division, case number 6 1l0-cv-8103. 7 Today's date is April 3, 2012 and the time 8 on the video monitor is 11:16. The video operator 9 today is Linda Fleet, representing Opus 2 10 International, and this deposition is taking place at 11 Eversheds, 1 Royal Standard Place, Nottingham NG1 6FZ. 12 Counsel, please voice identify yourselves 13 and state whom you represent. 14 MR. OH: Joon Oh of Winston Strawn LLP, representing 15 Chapterhouse Studios LLC. 16 MR. MOSKIN: Jonathan Moskin of Foley & Lardner, 17 representing the plaintiff, Games Workshop. 18 MS STEVENSON: Gill Stevenson, in-house counsel, Games 19 Workshop. 20 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: The court reporter today is Ailsa 21 Williams, representing Opus 2. Could the courter 22 please swear in the witness. 23 ANDREW JONES 24 Having been duly sworn, 25 Testified as follows: Opus 2 International [email protected] Official Court Reporters +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Case: 1:10-cv-08103 Document #: 208-32 Filed: 08/14/12 Page 9 of 244 PageID #:4375 April 3/ 2012 Games Workshop Ltd. v. Chapterhouse Studios LLC & OrsDeposition of Andrew Jones 7 DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. OH: 2 MR. OH: For the record, parties have agreed this 3 deposition will be conducted under the Federal Rules 4 of Civil Procedure. 5 Could you please state and spell your full 6 name for the record. 7 A Yes. Andrew, A-N-D-R-E-W, Meredith, 8 M-E-R-E-D-I-T-H, Jones, J-O-N-E-S. 9 Q Could you please state your home 10 address? 11 A 126 Main Street, Calverton, Nottingham 12 NG1 46FB, UK. 13 Q Could you please identify your present 14 employer? 15 A Games Workshop. 16 Q What is your current position? 17 A Head of Legal, Licensing and Strategic 18 Projects. 19 Q Where is Games Workshop located? 20 A The headquarters is here in Nottingham. 21 We have locations around the world. 22 Q Where do you work? 23 A Principally, here in Nottingham. 24 Q For the record, there are various Games 25 Workshop entities. Is there a specific entity you are Opus 2 International [email protected] Official Court Reporters +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Case: 1:10-cv-08103 Document #: 208-32 Filed: 08/14/12 Page 10 of 244 PageID #:4376 April 3, 2012 Games Workshop Ltd. v. Chapterhouse Studios LLC & OrsDeposition of Andrew Jones 8 employed by? 2 A At Games Workshop we always -- you just 3 kind of think of yourself as working for Games 4 Workshop. My specific entity that I work for is Games 5 Workshop Limited. 6 Q Have you been deposed before? 7 A Have I been deposed before? No, I have 8 not. 9 Q Have you testified at trial before? 10 A Yes, I have. 11 Q Can you state the names of the case 12 where you testified? 13 A I was a witness. I can't remember the 14 names. I was a witness at a case of, what do you call 15 it, I witnessed a violent incident and came forward to 16 testify. 17 Q Any other testimony in a trial? 18 A No. Actually, I went to observe a case 19 where we were suing a company who had made computer 20 games based on our IP. That was down at the Supreme 21 Court in London, but I was not a witness, I did not 22 get to say or do anything. 23 Q Move to strike as non-responsive, 24 everything before "I was not a witness." Do you 25 understand you are testifying under oath today? Opus 2 International [email protected] Official Court Reporters +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Case: 1:10-cv-08103 Document #: 208-32 Filed: 08/14/12 Page 11 of 244 PageID #:4377 April 3, 2012 Games Workshop Ltd. v. Chapterhouse studios LLC & OrsDeposition of Andrew Jones 9 A Yes. 2 Q And that testifying here is the same as 3 if you were testifying under oath in a courtroom 4 before a judge and a jury? 5 A Yes. 6 Q Because the court reporter must take 7 down everything that you and I say, please answer each 8 question audibly, for example with a "yes" or "no", 9 instead of shaking or nodding your head or saying "uh 10 huh" or "nah".
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