2914 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 7, 1880. a district chapelry should be assigned to the said J dington Railway Station) to the point where the churcurch of Saint Peter and Saint Paul situate at | same line of railway first crosses th'e boundary • Upper Teddington aforesaid. dividing the said, parish of Teddington from the " Now therefore with the consent of the Bight district parish of Hampton Wick aforesaid!" Honourable and Right Reverend John Bishop of the said diocese of London (testified by his having And whereas the said representation has been, signed and sealed- this representation) we the said approved by Her Majesty in Council: -now, there- Ecclesiastical Commissioners humbly represent fore,'Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her that it would in our opinion be expedient that all said Council, is.pleased hereby to ratify the said- that part of the said parish of Teddington which representation, and to order and direct.that the is described in the schedule hereunder written, all same and every part thereof shall be effectual in which part together w.itli the boundaries thereof law immediately from and sifter the lime when is delineated and set forth on the map or plan this Order shall have been duly published in the .hereunto annexed should be assigned as a district London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts ; and chapelry to the said church of Saint Peter and Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, is Saint Paul situate at Upper Teddington as afore- pleased hereby to direct that'this Order be"forth- said and that the same should be named 'The witli registered by the Registrar of the said diocese District Chapelry of Saint Peter and Saint Paul of London. • • C. L. Peel. Upper Tedding: on. " And with the like consent of the said John T the Court at Windsor, the 28th day of Bishop of the said diocese of London (testified as April, 1880. aforesaid) we the said Ecclesiatical Commissioners A further represent that it appears to us to be PRESENT, expedient that banns of matrimony should be pub* The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. lished and that marriages baptisms churchings HEREAS by an Act passed in the Session and burials should be solemnized or performed at W of Parliament held in the eighteenth and the said church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul nineteenth years of Her Majesty's reign, intituled situate at Upper Teddington as aforesaid and that " An Act further to amend the laws concerning the fees to be received in respect of the publication " the burial of the dead in England," it is, amongst of such banns and of the solemnization or per- other things, enacted that it shall be lawful for formance of the said offices should be pai.d and Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her belong to the minister of the same church for the Privy Council, from time to time, to postpone the time being: Provided always that so long as the time appointed by any Order in Council for the Reverend Robert Digby Ram the present vicar or discontinuance of burials, or otherwise to vary incumbent of the vicarage of the said parish of any Order in Council made under any of the Acts Teddington shall continue to be such vicar or recited iu the said Act, or under the said Act incumbent all the fees which may be received in (whether the time thereby appointed for the dis- respect of the performance of the offices aforesaid continuance of burials thereunder, or other opera- at the. said church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul tion of such Order, shall or shall not have arrived), shall be paid over by the minister thereof to the as to Her Majesty, with such advice as aforesaid, said Robert Digby Ram and provided also that may seem fit: nothing herein contained shall be construed as And whereas Orders in Council have been expressing any intention on the part of us the made directing the discontinuance of burials in said Commissioners to concur in or approve the the churchyard hereinafter mentioned from the taking of any fee for the performance of the said time specified in such Orders ; and whereas it office of baptism or for the registration thereof. seems fit to Her Majesty, by and with the advice " We therefore humbly pray, that your Majesty of Her Privy Council, that the time for discon- will be graciously pleased 1o take the premises tinuing burials in the said churchyard be further into your Royal consideration and to make such postponed: Order with respect thereto as to your Majesty in Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the your Royal wisdom shall seem meet. advice aforesaid, is pleased to order, and it is " The SCHEDULE to which the foregoing hereby ordered, that the time for the discon- Representation has reference. tinuance of burials in such churchyard be post- poned as follows ; viz.:— " The District Chapelry of Saint .Peter and In the churchyard of All Saints, . Hindley, Saint Paul Upper Teddington being :— Wigan, to the thirtieth of June, one thousand " All that part of the parish of Teddington in the eight hundred and eighty. C..L. Peel. county of Middlesex and in the diocese of London which is bounded on the south and on the south- west by the district parish of Hampton Wick by the parish of Hampton and by the district chapelry Foreign Office, May 6, 1880. of Saint James Hampton Hill all in the county . THE following Notice to State Creditors has and diocese aforesaid on the north-west by 'the been received by Her Majesty's Agent and parish of Hanworth in the said county and diocese Consul-General in Egypt, from Sir. Charles on the north by the new parish of the Holy Trinity Rivers Wilson, President of the Commission of Twickenham in the same county and diocese Liquidation :— and on the remaining side that is to say on the north-east by an imaginary line commencing upon COMMISSION DE LIQUIDATION. the boundary which divides the said new parish of Avis aux Crea-'ders du Gouvernement Egyptien the Holy Trinity Twickenham from the parish of tt des Dalras Sanieh et Khassa. Teddington aforesaid at a point in the middle of LA Commission de Liquidation institute par the Kingston Line of the London and South le Decrct'Khedivial du 31 Mars, 1880, devant, Western Railway a little to the west of Waldon aux termes de ce Decret, entendre les observations Villa and extending thence south-eastward along des parties interessees, recevra jusqu'au 20 Mai the middle of the said line of railway for a distance inclusivemeut, les communications que les crean- of one mile and twenty-two and a half chains or ciers du Gouvernement Egyptien et des Dairas thereabouts (thereby passing through the Ted- Sanieh et Khassa voudront bien lui adresser..
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