'Yarborougla..,.Invited - i By CARL FREUND The developments came afterltive plans callJFfor Drmocratic ~I`6'Tra *A'With 13 ; President Kennedy has invited Yarborough's supporters charged !-gressmen to fly into Dallas ~Sen . Ralph Yarborough to fly into that Gov . John Connally and con-!Love Field with President Ken- ',Dallas aboard the presidential jet ,servaave leaders were trying tolnedy and Vice-President Johnson . ~airiiner Friday, The Dallas News force the liberal senator to "take They will arrive at 11 :30 a .m . learned Tuesday. amt travel in a motorcade through ~ Rued on Kennedy ~Downtowrt Dallas, arriving at the Meanwhile, the three groups visit, Pages 4,4 , S and 6 . the nonpartisan lunch- -Trade Mart on Stemmons Free- 'toneon for the President an ,ounced!a back seat" durml, hr. K+nnedy ;wayat 12 :30P.m . ;they have invited Yarborough to l visit to Texas. Plans call for Reps. Ray Rob '. sit at the head table . I An informed source said tents_jerts, Olin Teague and Litdley (Beckworth to ride in the jet wilt; DALLAS SPEECH President and Mrs. Kennedy and ISen. Yarborough. Reps. Jack t?rnaks, Albert Thomas, Homer Thornherry, Jim U.S. Stronger, Wealthier 'Wright, Graham Purcell, John Young. George Mahon . Walter 'Rogers, Henry Gonzalez and Than Ever, Says Johnson IWright Patman were assigned to i fly LEWIS HARRIS He was addressing the conven-I Here he beat the drums for the , VicePresident Johnson's plane . 'I Vice-President Lyndon B . John-1Ion of American Bottlers of Car- .administration's proposed tax cut . In other developments : tson, in a hurried prelude to theibonated Beverages at -,,-at He asserted that the $II^000: ~ -Weather Bureau -rkers, who HaII . pr,es ;dential visit :~ ION cut would produce "a return will issue a fe dnesday .l this wmk, : hus7led through Dallas Tuesday Johnson candidly told his audi- of S30,0D0,000,000" m the economy, kept a close watch on fronts ence "that I am here to give you' with a gloving tribute to Presi- a increasing production and jobs . which could produce rain here' ;dent administration. report from the horse's mouth" Kennedy's on the three years under Presi-I President Kennedy decided tolFriday . I Despite would-be detractors -dent Ken dy. operate, and will continue to oper-I -Planner, - the luncheon whoi people, hail-.ache about - ate, from "a position of strength" nervthis America then, rating that "I would like ;agreed tentatin, . ha- President and ~ - 'to feel I have had some si- in his dealings with Russia, John-~ " ' -`.trtim i - 'stager and w-eakh :erl son emphasized . 'Kennedy would ma,,e tae not, bility here :' Johnson ticked off peach :3o e~ before,-- Jonrusan de' these points- "If the Soviet Union wants our' - Their P tans call for Enk surd chairman of Texas -Thos have been "far-result- Cooperation, she can earn it. If',J°nsson, board p ing gains in defense fonee," with she wants our hostility, she caniInstruments, to introduce the (more realized from each dollar Pro'oke it,, 'President and other guests. Thespent . This includes a 45 per cent ; proof that this approach isl A security car will lead the mo- working, he added, "can be found'.torcade which will travel on Mock-' Johnson chats with Sanders, in the fact that the Russiansjingbird Lane, Lemmon Avenue, ; See. 4, Page l . tucked their tails between their, Turtle Creek Boulevard, Cedar :, !legs, gathered up their m iss il e, !Springs . Harwood, ti - .r, and increase in combat-reedy divi-I and went home from Cuba." Stemmons Freeivav . sions, doubied nuclear capability Kennedy and and a 600 per cent jump in coun- Communism has not crossed;' President and ter-insurgent any of the lines drawn against it Go,. Connally will ride in the sec- strength. end car. T. _ _ _ since the Kennedy administration took over, Johnson asserted . :` Secret Service agents will ride sonal income is up 10 per cent, ; i~n the next,car and the fourth will compared to only a 7 per cent And be rapped again those of gloom and doom "!carry Vice-President and Mrs . increase in living costs ; factory!"ProPhets youlJohnson and Mrs . Connally . workers are averaging a 40-hour-'and those who "would have ., plus week, highest of any peace-think we have nothing but the', Guests at the "inxitation only' time economy; 70,000,000 people 'ugly American' image abroad ." luncheon will dine on steak . A are working, 2,SW,000 more than) Johnson said he had visited 40jdispensation has been granted' three years ago. countries as vice-president, "andlPresident Kennedy and other, I have never shaken an unfriend-ICatholics to allow them to eat -Businessmen "have not been . hurt" in the process . CCorporationt, the 1Y hand . We are the most beloved, mcat profits are up 30 per cent, na- nation in all the world ." The head table will include : Kennedy, Vice-President 4otd gross product up 20 Per The vice-president told the hot-[( President ; , nt. 'tlers that as businessmen ; Demo-I'Johnson, Gov . Connally, Yar ., , Mayor Earls Cabeil, Johnson told the story of the crat of Republican, you "should Iborough . Dawson Sterling and Dr 1-loyd jhillbilly who said about he holes participate in your government +A, 1'he f You Americans first . Vote~iHerkncr and Dal-, in his roof, "when the sun shines, are Ilas Citizens Cuuucu . Dallas As, isemblythey don't leak ; when it rains, I your convictions." and Science Research can't get on the roof to fix them ." Johnson, who fw ii ba with P?esi-'Center ere sponsoringg the There site "some holes" in the ' _ _nedY ort his-. .rDallas.._-visi(I.lltin,hcon . ;picture of prospc vice- : . f' m from Austin atf, - <dar.-- ---- -- ,'; president said Foremost a the 10 39- a .m. and departed at . 1400,W0 unemployed . , I12 30 p.m. b/L!N it-za-63 I-I COMMISSION EXHIBIT No. 1364.
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