iOw*--^;^^^^ TKADEMAHKED BY THE SPOBTINO LIPE PTTB. CO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTBB VOLUME 27, NO.'4. PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 18, 1898. J PRICE, FIVE CENTS. KNOCK THEM ALL DOWN YOU GET A PENNANT! . WASH. BALT. i-j-r" ' "I 1 ' »-WW'" " ^V—ifa^gii"' ' T'«-jj. JiiV ""[^• t_] [PHiLM. N.Y. BOST. BROOKTCI "Now Then, Boys, Don't Let Baltimore Knock Them All Down Again 55 o SPORTING "LIFE. April and the best for me. Soilings wanted mo and of curves which he has well in hand, with plenty left a ticket so I could follow him in case 1 of speed to back thorn. could not conic to tonns with Mobile. It took 0«llalian is the quickest man who we ever Manager Oushmau and myself a whole day to saw in the box, and will win us many a gatnw agree. I dirt not fall a cent and he came to this year. He watches bases better than any my terms. I will get $£5 more per month than mau in the South and catches many a man nap- I would hsvo gotten from Detroit, and will ] ping after he has what he thinks a sinecure oa THE READfflG DEFECTION §UITE captain the team, for which 1 will receive 5100 IS SHAMORIN'S INVASION BY THE I flrst- base. ' . extra." Cross and Walker arc our new pitchers and Fisher gets a five mouths' contract and is not they both show .up in splendid style. Both are MADE GOOD, to he resen'ed for 185)7 Cor lisas than he re­ STATE LEAGUE. in good trim i^ud ready to go right Into a game* ceives this season. He got a finger knocked out with but verv little preliminary practice. Walk­ of joint nt Louisville and has not been able er is -tt dead ringer for Pat Tebeuu, and. at. a '.o play sluce. In his letter Fisher say* Corcorati distance would be taken tor the great captain Tiie Transfer ol Million's Team to ig playing a great game for Detroit, and Hub The1 Detection ol That Club Makes a uny time. He is a great ball player and, in Knoll is fielding "out of sight," but has not fact, any of our four pitchers can be safely util­ found hla batting eye as yet. ized In right field and do good work. StaoWn Sanctioned by the League Henry Schuiidt. Hie young Nashville, pitcher, Vacancy Hard to Fill at This Time Jocko Fields is our main catcher, and will dr> has been "loaned" by Detroit to Mobile. most of the backstop work for us this year. Jocko is one of the best in the land and is a heavy —-The Financial Situation &lso —A Meeting'to-Settle the Fate hitter. We may sign Russell, of Montgomery, as THE ATLANTIC'S SCHEDULE. change catcher'. Mr. Kditor, 1 rise on a POINT OF INFOSIMATIOX. Quite Satisfactory. A New One Drawn up Owing to the ol the League Likely, Will somebody be kind enough to inform me why- Transfer of the Jersey City Team. it is that I>?w Whistler, the hard-hitting first Easton, April 15.—The Pennsylvania baseman of the Mobile Club, is still playjng on The Atlantic Association has adopted a Bellefonte. Pa., April 15.—The news, of the initial bag for Starlings' D-troit team 06 th« Stat6 Base Ball League held a meeting now playing schedule, owing to the trans­ the withdrawal of the Shamokiu Club Western'.' That's a very simple question, n ill here yesterday afternoon. Expected trouble fer of the Jersey City team to this city, from the 'Central Fenr.sylviinia League, and somebody please-'answer it'; .If 1 ,aiBj not ,very •was avoided and never did a league/ ad­ and several unnecessarily long jumps con­ the resignation of A. ,D. Miller ;i,s its. pros-' much 'mistaken l>wv V\"iis'.K?r was awarded to journ after its business was concluded in tained in the first one drawn up. The ide-nt, was received here with regret, Us the Mobile CU>b by the liig'm'st authority on base better spirits or the members in better uewly arranged dates are as follows: imiuy of the base ball enthusiasts of lie.lle- bill) iu the I'u:'ell state. President N. E. Young, feelings toward each other. The meeting t'oute had hopes of securing a franchise of the National Lt-agvie. \v-as called to discuss the Reading-Sha- Metropolitan at home—With Newark. April in the League for :i team located here. The Mobile Club made a formal protest to .ths mokin matter and to act on the guarantee 24. 29, :10, May oO (A. M.), June 3. 22, '.M, July 4 (A. M.), 16, 17. 18. Sept. 7 U. M.)v The withdrawal, though it will' hot affect proper officials in ixwer, remonstrating against fund, . with Paterson. May 18, 19. 21. 22. .23-, .Tune the going into the league of Bellefome, the action of the' Detroit Club in playing Whist-' The rules provide that each club shah 15. 16. 17. 25, 26. 27, Sept. S: with Hart­ will lessen the circuit by at least two lor on their team, claiming priority of ownership have by to-day $500 deposited in a ford, May 7, 8, 9. 11, 12, 13, June 4. 5, G, July clubs, aud thus diminish the interest that by all the laws of right .and reason, and inci­ local bank in the name of the club. A cer­ 20 21 22. Aug. 3. 4, 5; with New Haven. would have otherwise attached to the dentally of the National Agreement. Finally, it tified check is to be sent to the president was officially announced that President Young May 4, 5. G. July 6, 7. S. 13. 14, 15. KO, 31 season's contest**. lisid formally and officially awarded this player of the league, who receipts for it and | Aug. 1: with Wilruington. May 1, 2. June 18, BEfLLBFONTE'S POSITION1. to'the Mobile Club, which action was hailed with holds it pending the life of the league. 19. 20. July 2, 10, 11. 27. 28. 29, Aug. 10, 12. It is not now known whether Bellefonte delight by nil the Southern lovers of base bnll If the club plays as long as the league Newarks at home—With Metropolitans. April will for a certainty take the Shamokin and justice, who were in doubts as to their right exists, its money will be returned. 23 25 26 May 10. 30 (P. M.), Juue 14. July 4 franchise or not. The distance of the ath­ to be considered as part and parcel of the base MILLIGAN'S MOVE. (P. M.), 12, Aug. 9, 22, Sept. 6, 7 (P. M.); ball world. I have yet to see it officially an­ President Hougn. of Philadelphia, pre­ with Paterson, May 4, 5. G, 28, 29. June 19, 20. letic grounds from the town, about four Aug 6 8 26, 29. Sept. 5; with Hartford, May miles or more, limits the attendance at nounced that Lew Whistler has joined the Mo­ sided. All the clubs were represented by the majority of frames, so that the town bile team; in fact, all reports indicate that ho their managers or president, except York, I, 2. 3, 2-1, 28. 27, June 21. July 11, 10, Aug. 1, is still playing his usually fast game as a mem­ which sent a prosy to Manager Ramsey. 2 H0 - with New Haven, June 4, 6. 1. July-5, has hardly supported a good team in the ber of Stalllues' Detroit team. Now. why in of Eastern. When the-question of keeping 21. 22. Aug. 16. Sept. 1, 2, 3. 12, 13: with past, and Bellefonte lovers of the sport the name of all that's reasonable is this so'.' Is Wilmlngton. May 14, 10, 17. 31. June 10, 17, would not put their money into a club, Stallings at his old tricks again? Can he work a club at Reading came up, John Milli- 28. 30. July 1, 20, Aug. 21. 23. unless it brought ^with it a fair show of gan asked to be permitted to play at Sha- Patersons at home—With Newark, May 7, 8. them to the same advantage in his present com- mokiii the games scheduled at Reading. winning at least honor in the finish. panv as he did when a member of the Southern 9. June 11. 12. 13. July 13. 14, 15, Aug. 3. 4, 5; CANDIDATEvS FOR PLACE. Association?' I don't think lie can. Then why is He reviewed the efforts made to enlist suf- with Metropolitan, May 17, 31, June 25, 28. it that after a man is formally awarded to a. ticieut support in Reading and said it July 26, Aug. 17. 18. 19. 20, 23. Sept. 9, 10; Ilenovo has also been solicited to take was clear that that, city did not want the vacancy, but thus far has not respond­ club he still continues in service with thr> club with Hartford. May 10, June 1, 2, 3. 7, 9, 10, ed. Mahauoy City and Suiibury have both which has lost all claim to him by all the laws a State League club. He was replied to July 5. 1C. 17, 18. Sept. 13; with New Haven, of base ball and good common sense'.' by Mr. Council, of the Pottsville Club, April 30, May 2, 3. 24, 26. 27. June 21. 23. July applied for adminsiou. The latter has gone LINK HITS.
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