Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 8-1-1987 Herald of Holiness Volume 76 Number 15 (1987) W. E. McCumber (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation McCumber, W. E. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 76 Number 15 (1987)" (1987). Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today. 165. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/165 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. L til THE OFBLANK PRAYER CHECK by General Superintendent Eugene L. Stowe uring this quadrennium the Church of the Naza- tions over my signature.” Anyone who has a bank ac­ rene is paying particular attention to the prayer count grasps the meaning of this verse immediately. Dof our Lord recorded in the 17th chapter of John’s Gos­“Over my signature” can mean only one thing— prayer is pel. We are remembering that in verse 17 Jesus peti­ a check made out to my account and signed by the tions His Father to “Sanctify them [His disciples].” He Master. The amount is left blank. I can fill it in for any­ goes on to pray that perfect unity may prevail in the thing that I need, and the Father will “supply all [my] body of believers, which will be brought about by His need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” indwelling presence in them. All this so “that the world (Philippians 4:19). That’s God’s Word! His resources are may know” that God the loving Father has sent His Son inexhaustible. My prayer possibilities are limitless. to save the world (John 17:23). But the signature on this blank check provides protec­ This great prayer chapter is preceded by specific in­ tion against my abusing this privilege. As a parent I can structions and promises about prayer. Jesus predicts understand this. My child has needed to make a pur­ that very soon He will be going to be with His Father. His chase. He hasn’t known the exact price. I have signed a atoning death will provide direct access for His disciples blank check. It would be possible for him to fill in an to their Father in heaven. if you shall ask the Father amount that would far exceed this need. All of the re­ for anything, He will give it to you in My name" (John sources in my account are at his disposal. What is the 16:23, NASB). safeguard? The signature. I am his father. I trust him. He What an extravagant assurance! “Ask ... for any­ loves me and would not do anything to violate that trust. thing, [and] He will give it to you.” But this giving is “in As God’s child I will ask for only those things that will My [Jesus’] name.” What does this mean? The King honor the name that appears on the signature line of the James Version puts it this way: “Whatsoever he shall prayer check. I will always be guided by the example of ask the Father in my name, he will give it you” (italics His Gethsemane prayer: “.. not my will, but yours be mine). We must always approach the Father in the name done” (Luke 22:42, NIV). and merits of His Son, our Savior. Dear friend, the priceless potential of the blank check Christ goes on to underscore and clarify this prayer of prayer is yours today, for “all things belong to you, promise in verse 26. The Living Bible paraphrases it in and you belong to Christ; and Christ belongs to God” (1 these easy-to-understand words: .. present your peti­ Corinthians 3:22-23, NASB). □ ON SLANDER AND SACRILEGE by ARTHUR TOWNSEND story was often told that Napoleon, while re­ report; ,.. if there be any virtue, and if there be any viewing his troops, came up to a veteran in the praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8). ranks.A Some Christians today think nothing of committing The old warrior was dressed in full uniform and on sacrilege. The most precious covering in all heaven and his tunic was displayed the coveted Legion of Honor. earth is the blood of God’s Lamb, the Lord Jesus “Where did you lose your arm?” Napoleon said. Christ. Yet Christians will go beneath the blood of “At Austerlitz, sire,” came the soldier’s brisk reply. Jesus and dig up the sins o f other Christians that God “And for that you received the Legion of Honor?” has forgiven and forgotten. They will hash and rehash “Yes, sire. It was a small token to pay for the deco­ these sins over and over again. ration.” To go beneath the blood of Christ is the worst form “You must be the kind of man,” Napoleon replied, of sacrilege that one can commit. It is actually going “who regrets he did not lose both arms for his coun­ against the Word of God, the blood of the Lamb, the try?” witness of the Spirit, and the will of the Father! Permit What then would have been my reward?” asked the . me to illustrate: one-armed soldier. I was seated when a very gracious lady came up to “I would have awarded you a double Legion of me to shake hands. It is hard for me to shake hands Honor,” said Napoleon. And with that the proud old with a woman when I am sitting down, so I stood. A warrior immediately drew his sword and cut off his person afterward said, “If you knew what that woman other arm. once was, you would not stand to your feet out of re­ This story was circulated for some tim e and believed spect. She is a former prostitute.” without question until one bright person asked, But the truth is, I would have all the more readily “How?” It is utterly impossible for a man with a stub stood to my feet. T h e precious blood o f Jesus means so for an arm to draw his sword and cut off his other arm. much to me that, under the blood-covering, that It can’t be done. Paul M. Schrock woman was as pure in the These days, when inno­ sight of God as any virgin cent people are being ver­ who ever lived! bally condemned and the How people can so guilty excused, the church readily commit such sacri­ needs to take a close look lege, by exposing the sins at the subject o f false re­ of the past of others by go­ ports. I f people readily ac­ ing beneath the blood- cepted the story of the one- covering, I do not know. arm soldier of Napoleon’s Perhaps some of it is done day, how much more will in ignorance, for very few the unsanctified heart be­ sermons are preached on lieve falsehoods and lies? sacrilege. Any person who seeks to do Shun gossip and slander God’s will and work will as you would shun a skunk come under fire. when his tail is up and Paul, the apostle, re­ quivering. Don’t ever com­ ferred to “old wives’ fables” mit sacrilege by going be­ (1 Tim oth y 4:7). H e must neath the blood o f Jesus to have had a problem expose the sins of others there — long before the that are past and forgiven. time of Napoleon. So he T hen you w ill certainly be­ wrote: . whatsoever gin to grow more fully in things are true . .. what­ the grace and knowledge of soever things are of good the Lord Jesus Christ. You will be cultivating your ARTHUR TOWNSEND is a soul in good soil — the free-lance writer from Wain- Word of God! □ wright, Alberta, Canada. AUGUST 1, 1987 HERALD Bible Quotations in this issue: ^HOLINESS Unidentified quotations are from the KJV Quotations from the following translations are used W . E. M cCUMBER, Editor in Chief by permission IVAN A. BEALS, Office Editor (NASB) From the New American Standard Bible. © The Lockman Foundation, 1960. 1962, 1963. MABEL ADAMSON, Editorial Assistant 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973. 1975. 1977 (NIV) From The Holy Bible. New International Version, copyright © 1973, 1978. 1984 by the rnnm hiifinn I EUGENE L. STOWE • CHARLES H. STRICKLAND International Bible Society contriDuting W|LUAM M GREATHOUSE • JERALD D. JOHNSON (TLB) From The Living Bible. © 1971 by Tyndale House Publishers. Wheaton, III tailors. | JQHN A KN|GHT . RAYMOND W. HURN General Superintendents, Church of the Nazarene HERALD OF HOLINESS (USPS 241-440) is published semimonthly by NAZARENE PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2923 TROOST AVE., KANSAS CITY, MO 64109. Editorial offices at 6401 The Paseo, Cover Photo: by William P Sterne, Jr. Kansas City. MO 64131. Address all correspondence concerning subscriptions to Nazarene Publishing House, P.O. Box 419527, Kansas City, MO 64141. Copyright 1987 by Nazarene Pub­ I.D.— Mount Rainier. Wash. lishing House POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to Herald of Holiness, P.O. Box 419527, Kansas City, MO 64141 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $6 50 per year. Second-class postage Volume 76, Number 15 August 1, 1987 Whole Number 3475 paid in Kansas City, Mo. Litho in U.S.A.
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