' f . 7 . 7 4 th yevear. No. 354 Twin F alls,I, Id a h o TlThursday,^Decenmber20,1979 — GhurchrM ceiiylarersplit- ' Raleigh Curtis; rigr h t, o f A & B B e a n &— • G ra in In c . o f Burley ui tells gaiheriffs^iviiVe-- the D epartm ent'it o f A g ric u ltu re e n o u g h - Cfej raid m o n e y t o d o thlejob.’ e Below, Dcp. At- to rn e y G e n e r a lI JamJ es Glarborg, urges cheaITS Seenate r tttPHTTffSgS t 6 C 6 b » .------- (SiteLosAngelesT«Times banknjptcytcy. .......... WASHINGTON - Afterler surmount- After settlingi the worker- ---- Iflg-r^ppg^^ fll)hnctgr—Uireats,—the— cootribuHoiLion controversyr-tho'-Senate-t o - - - Senate -voted - Wednesdayday—night—to—declstvelvi y rc lc c te d a move to p ro v id e piitnrlde^Ta-'bUirdri'Hn^'fe-fedeniM oan-- $500—mllHllHon—In—stopgap—aid —to*to ------ ^ f c z i z z g u a m ite e s to sav e th e Chr;Hirysler Corp«— Chrysler. _ froni banlmipliy.' _ By . a votev< of M-33,, the S e n a te _ ■■ G iih'axbig 11 hours dfif 'cdebate, the defeated ahai amendment thnt wouldid r ~ i i f • “ “ SeMleWrov%»nft<rdidT>afT>arby^TW fe~7iav6“pH)Ti<fVRr<»7«lerargiiflMttrees-or- — nyff ■ — of*SS-to-44r-Seir-Fran)r<trChurchrD -— loansTipto'to-J50(rmtllIofrmit11thetotal- al-------- Id a ho, v ^ e d fo t th e bill,.11, ^lie-.Sen. billion)n asslstance<program could[d ■ a g ain st It. ___ had to be repre aid by next May 31. ' TfiFbill~now goes to aSSehate^H-ouser^'Senatirbx ct -backerrof the-Chrysler^bill—,,— confennce' committee toe aadjust rela- had carlleHer won adoption of an Uvely minor dlffei^cess 1between it amendmenie n t by o vote of 51-43 th aIt t ' and companion legislationIon p assed by would h oId ld w ' age concessions by union - ■ 4 h e House Tu esd ay n l ^ tt. w o rk ers to «400 million and by non- J u s t be fo re th e SenateI vovote, Majori- unlonempkployees to SlOO million, „ty_Leadet.Robertj;. Byrd,i-rd. D-W-Va.. B u t. facineed. .with_thccats_of,..a said hew as confident thatfaat both houses flliibusterbr by foos of the bill, C h ry ^ e r g p ; ; - ____ o /to n g r e s s w ouia conipIeC)lete actlon on oocK crs agjg irccd 16 li tJltlt the Chryaler,lc£lalatlQn.by■hy T hurw lny incroBSfHii t,th e wage. cnntrJhutions of I g . ^ r " night; Congress Is'strlvlng'n g to -ad jo u m — bblh'th'ff'uiililiiRih and~non-union w o rk e rs, ftM* the holidays by this weelweekend. ' ‘I’m - notat saying I’m p lca^ with ■■ The way for Senate possassage of the the formulaJlatlon but It was the b e st w^ e B e r n 1 m e n bill was clea:^ earlier.i:r.i'n the day could get,’:t,” said Sen. Donald W. aft» senators rcsolved'a'ra'm ajor con-— Rlegle jr.,I.,D-Mich.ra leadlngsponsor fllc t ov e r how m uch Chrysliysler workers of the Chrys7S lerbill. should co n trib u te to th e baUjaUout. With Comongress striving to adjourn: rap di e l a y . By a v ote-of 69-28, th e SeiSenate voted by tills weweekend for the hollday&i to require.- Ch'rysier’ss unionized-..Rlegle-saidaid a-fUlbuster could hove workers to forgo $525 mllllo:llion in wages meant no,), billb would l;>c passed until and benefits they would havHave received Ja n u a ry , andar Chrysler safd unless Itf i n c l ow i n g over the next three years. quickly It will go bankrupt, >. g e te h elp qu: ________ - - - - r j (Toold h a v p to Au u uurgndiuon-of $i.s pnnon- in— ------------ -glTOup $150*m^H^^ver*^'er the same federal looloon guarantees, Chrysler p ^ o d . ____ ... - ........•-..........EhareholdCTi ^ , books and others ^vlth ar wafei• h o u s ^ --------Slmllarteglslatlon-pnss<assed-by-thc—stake-in-^t■^the corporation's. futureD ' H ouse T u e sd a y night wou2<Mild limit the would be r< required under the Senatee _ By BONNIEIE BAIRD JONES_________ ---------- union workers’ sacrificeIce to $400 bill to lo an n tt h e company $1,43 billion.I- ' T l m9-News ^ l writer — million; 'B oth - tho - House,S'and-Senate-'These-ioans a m s would not have fed ero l-1- TWIN FALLS —Magic M, Valley beori Industryry __bQls.would.provide the.sanm m e a m punt__guarantceai-231, of repayments The re­^ representatives agree»edAVedncsday to work withth — 1 : : : . $1.5 billion In loan guaranteinteestokeep malning fundsfu In the $3.0 billion’ the Governor's Comi[nmlltec on Agriculture (o __. th e nBttM!a-No.-3-autonmk<i wawnousGTregarailonsTh'at'^'■I largest co^ratlon fromm igoing into -w;j.^%vpgcse^ndj^e^ts. ____ may prevent anotheiier Bcans^lnc. problem in ____________ ■ Idaho......... ........ Bean grow ers whos<» e beans are lied up in (he iiow defunct B eans Inc.In legal proceedings were Ex-G IAk b>ribes l also told that a fullllll Inventory a t th e Filer ............. warehouse*, should :begln:b the first week In .............. January. nhh'iit lifi'.Jntercsted-bcaiL. growers, warehouse operatoreoi and brokehi anditi r ' ^— ---------------------------- N ew s Sexvicesei Ixswlsordertered them scaled, legislators and Depatartm ent of A grlculn-re of-if- problems one year"bu"but returned for a .‘^ecnud. w ill b e his responsfbilllyIlly ilu d eterm ine how m any —*W5\SHINGTON — A fomrmer u Central Ucchty hadha previously filed form al[ ficlals w as held In thele Collcge of SouUicr. idaho10 . third or even fourth seaseason, hesald. b ean s a re In the planl,nl, Lbased on th e Inventory, Intelligence Agency officercer who was complaintss inside 'the CIA alleging; , Shield's Building. James Glarborg.. deputyd attorney funerali and to take posses.sionon oof, process and market statio n ed in South K orea ha:has charged thot agencycy officials In Korea fro mI Delegates were toldId the IhVenlory will be thele assigned to the Depi)epartmcnl of Agrk-uliure. Uic t>eans. - in coiM documents thatt the-agency-Ui 1969-to Jun'une 1973' m anipulated In- first step tow ard a fin.Inal si^em cnl for growersrs urged all grow ers whovho havo not yet donu so lo> John Brooks, statelie representative from — int5»yaeiUy.- -conc^ed--fI—from—the— telllgence-;:-j—r^pocts -for -political—l_ . _wiifliiavestored.beanan3-wlth.Bcans Inc. over thele ___ ta k e . Ih elr case lo disdistrict court. He.suld Mi<-“ Gooding, said growersrs IIn his area resent the Ju s tic e D q w rtm e n t its kno'tnowledge of purposes, to support "predeterminedI past several years witk'lthoul-'^tinB payment for)r judge will be the finallal authorityi In deciding nnd au thority being passeddon on to a receiver. South Reman efforts to brlbribe mem- foreign [Wlicollcy objectives" of Presl- thetwansor iKlng ablele to claim them, supervising the settlemement. "T hey have told m e‘ IheyIhe still w ant the right lo bersofCoagress. .dent Rlchaih ard M. Nixon and h is} Grow<y^ w ere critictical of-tho Idaho Depart-t- Bringing growers up to date on procwlurus in take pos.session of theirelr cown beans and market The agency succeededi inli gaining adviser. Hen[enryj\. Kissinger, ment of Agriculture foro r hot acting sooner tq.close■c the case, GlarborgB saidi an inventory wa.s th em on their own lerms."ns." B rooks stated, the guwtresrion of ccrtali down the Beans Inc.:. warehouse' at Filer afterT ___ M heduled for this wceli■eek, but altliougli owners of Glart>org suggested the Gooding a re a growers s m e m ^ i s su p m ju e d to the '---------tliuy lupoituii bubjw tt!:tw]-.IrregularltiKs. OiT;in ;n>- flcdrthcytatlrthtrrappem;^^_ '_m id oiiitti':} WHO \vniii 10odo.uii:Ji;ni>.uidpetiiioti'!.in do. -------------- Itten. statements filed with said they h av e suspe<m t^ 'fo r some time thatU "We could not go aheadah legally at thal Ilnie D istrict Court for the oppojpportunily. tlwfiiirznv agent, C. Philip L His lawyers, Thomas F. robocse^to a request from their beans d issap p eararea from the warehousellnn without a representativitlve of the firm, but we plan “I am not saying thisills will be possible,, even ;ol Z. Rosen, sald-Wedncs- ,aad, tber ?U^Ij»'Departmam S.t“ 5udLc Filer nnd arc not aciccounted for in companyy tO' se t an o th er Inventontory date, riglil after llie th en , but this is Uie onlyonl way to obtain th.it O ita r R :- L e w is of th e U.S hey Intend to challenge the holidays,, and If n fterer proper notlficatioij they . c o n tro l," headvlscd; . der Issued by Lewis, . Court in Alexandria, Va.,/a., ordered •Department of Agrlirlcuiture spokesman Jerryy ag ain fail to have a n1 officialol represenlallvc, wc State Representative.vc. l-awrence Knigj’o of ; LSechty’s sta te m e n ts to be kept CIA officiiiclals say that the sealed Williams told growersrs they must take some ofif will pro ceed wllh theI ImInventory." he said. Filer told the Departmeninent of Agriculture repre- i .
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