BISHOP'S CASTLE, ~c. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND James Thomas, Church st SADDLERS. CLERGY. Norton Johu, Church st Norton Robert, Church st Alban Rev. rrhoma&,Lydbury North COOPERS. Norton Samuel, Church st Ambler Rev. Richard,Chur~h Stoke Grafton Samuel, Church st STONE MASONS. Bright l\1rs. -, Totterton Vickers John, Church st Bri~ht Joseph, Welch st Bright John, esq. 'I'otterton Watters John, Chnrch st Lockley Francis, Welch st Brown John, esq. Lydbury North DRUGGISTS. Nicholas John, Church st Drew t~._l\'Iisses, , Welch st G.riffiths Edward, 1.\'larket cross Nicholas Richard, Church st Durant Rev. Francis 0. Cottage Kitchen James, Church st . Sayee John, Market cross Frowd Rev. lsaac, Vicarage GROCERS & DEALERS IN STRAW BAT MAKBBS, GriffithesRtchd.esq.near the Church SUNDRIES. James Mal'y, Church st Griffithes "fhomas Jones, esq. near Bailey Richard, Church st the Church Bebb Ev(\n, Market cross · Sayee Elizabeth, Market cross Griffiths 1\'Jrs. Ann, Castle square Bright Samuel, Market place SURGEO!JS. Jones 'fhomas, esq. Broadway Johnston John, Welch st Butler Alexander, Chur~h st Lewis Rev. John Daniel, Hall Morgan Mary, Ch~trch s$ · Ev~ns Robert, Market cross l\1oor Robert, esq. Linley hall Norton Francis, Market st Lloyd Ri~hard Jo~n, Church st l\'lon·is PhHip, esq. Hurst Norton Robert, Church st TAILORS. Oakeley William, esq. Oakeley Pugh Waiter, Church st Home Sam~el, Casiie green Owen Rev. Richard, Llanner Rhodes Charles, .1\tlarket Cl'OSS Home Samuel, Welch st Powis th~ Hon. the Earl of,;Walcott INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Home Thomas, Ohtirch st Rogers Rev. John, Home Black Lion, Samuel Home, Welchst James John, Church st Sayee John, esq. Church st Boar's Head,Chs. Norton,C_hurchst Palmer William, Back lane Thomas John, esq. Crifton Bull, John Beddoes, Market cross ·Sayee William, Church st · 'foldervey Mrs. -, School house Castle Inn ( & posting) Thomas TALLOW CHANDLERS. rrurner Rev. Francis Edward,Moor Playfair, Castle square . [st Bebh .Evan, 1\larket cross Wellings ~Ir. "fhomas,Market cross Crown & Star, Mary Bright, Church Gough 1'homas, Market cross Wollaston John, esq. Ivy house Harp, Richard Holl, Church st WATCH & CLOCK. MAKERS. ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS.. Plough, John Davies, Mat·ket cross Edwards Williain,' Church st Bowen John, Welch st Red Lion, M&ry H.ome, Church st l\1atthews John, Market cross FREE ScHooL, Castle green-Chas. Six Bells, Wm. Farmer, Church st Rhodes, master "fhree "funs,Richard Beddoes,Mar~ WHEELWRIGHTS. Griffiths Sarah, Market cross ket cross [Market cross Blrd Samllel, Back lane. · ATTORNEYS. White Horse,· Richard·. Beddoes, Marston 'fhomas, Church st Griffiths John, Welch st IRONMONGERS. Pngh John, Church st Joncs George, Church st Jones George, Church st Miscellaneous. _ AUCTIONEERS,. NortoQ Robert, Church st Beddoes John, tanner, Chorcb 't - Downes John, Cold batch Powell James, Church st · Davies Thomas, hair dresser, Market pi Griffiths Edward, Market cross ~OINERS & CA1lPEMTBBS. Downes Richd. retailer of beer, Back lane R· FLOUR DEALERS. Bright John, Clunn 1_·oad Gongh J obn, retailer of beer,. Church at BAKERs gr, . Green Charles, skinner, ChurClf st Gough ~1 ary, Church st · Mars ton William, Church St Griffitb's .Edward, bookseller and printer, Nicholas Richard, Church st Norton Cba.rles, Church st Market cross .· [street Phi()pS David, Bull lane· Pugh F!·anc1s, Hors~ market M;edlicott Thomas, rhair maker, Chu~~~ Richards John, Church st Pugb Rtchard, Castle green Min ton Ch~les, retai!erofbeer,C~burch et ~icholas Edwatd, glover, Cho'rch st BLACKSMITHS. MALT~TEBSa Payne James, turner, Church st . Bird John, Pound lane , Bebb Evan, 1\larket _cross R!cbards Sml.reta~Ierofbeer,Castlegreen Partridge John, Back lane Bed does John, Marke~ st VICkarsJohn, retat!er of beer, Church st . Price John, the Field Beddoes J«?hn, Church st · Wilson John, currter, Chur~h at Robinson William Pound Jane Beddoes Rtchard, Mar~et place COACJHBS• . BOOT & saoi:: MAKERS. Hal'ris John, Church st · Call at the CASTLE INN, during tAe- Hoine John, Church Holl Richard, Church st Summer mortths. ·· · Home William, Castle green Norton Chal'les, Church st To .ABERYSTWITH, the Dart (f!om James Thomas, Church st Norton John, Church st K1dderm10ster)every Monday& Fr1dary Minton Andrew, Church st MILLERS. morning at eleven; goestbrough:Mont- . t' J h H k t Maddox Isaac Snead gomE>ry, Newtown and Llanidloes•. M In on o n, orse mar e · ' To KIDDERMINSTER, the Dart(fro~ Sayee John, Church st "l'homas Henry, Lydham Aberystwith) every Monday and Friday Sayee William, Church st MILLINERS & DRESS MAKBS. afternoon at balf-past2; thro' Ludlow. Thomas Francis, Welch st Davies Harriet, Church st · VANS; rl,omlius John, Market place Green Mary Ann, Church St FOR PASSENGERS AND GOODS. BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE Griffiths M:ary, l\1arket ct·oss To LUDLO"V, Edw.ard Bratfley, from WORKERS. Nol'ton Priscilla. Church st his house, every Monday morning~ · Marston Thomas, Church st Starr Elizabeth, Market p1ace To SHREWSBURY, John Nightingale, Pogh Richard, Church st PAINTERSJ PLUMBERS, AND every Monday & Thursday morning- BUTCHER-S, GLA~IERS. · John Davies, every Frid'ay afternoon-- Bright Jer~~iah, Market cross Bowe.n Thomas, Market pla~e and <?barles Morris, every We~esJiay DoWI).es Wtlbam, Market cross -Jenk1ns George, We_lch st mornmg; Jlll from their own houses. To WELCH:J?OOL, .Edward B~adley, Home John, Market place Norton William, Church st from his bo~se,every Wednesday. · . I BRIDGNORTH, WITH THE VILLAGE OF QUA'TFORD AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. B RIDGNORTH is a market town, and an ancient Town. rrhis place, according to ·some antboritie&, prescripti\'e borough, having separate jurisdiction, Io- was anciently called Brugia, Brug, and (including cal}y in the hundred of Stoddesdon; 138 miles N. w. Little Brug,) Bruges, deriving its name from a bridge from L_ondon, 20 s. E. fl'om Shrewsbury, 13 N. N. E. over the river Severn, built by the Saxons, wbicb, from K1dderminster, the like distances. w. frorn Wol- after many sanguinary conflicts with the Danes, they verbampton, ~pd 27 w. b N. from Birmingham; most finally destroyed, to prevent the ~utut·e incursiO!JS of wh1cb d1v1des Jt Into two parts, called the Upper and about a mile and a ha f to the north ot the former, 1t Lowe.~ ~rowu. rrhe Upper "fown is built on the obtained the appellation of Brug North, whence its summ1t ~nd steep declivities of a rock, rising abrup'tly present name is deduced. lVlr. Smalman's opinion to the height of on~ hundred and eighty feet from the respecting the derivation of the name, ' Bl"idgnorth;' '!es~ern bai?-k of the river, and presents an appearance is somewhat opposed to this st --·ent ; we therefore sing~larly picturesque. Over the river is a har1dbome refer the reader to that geu au 's History of Quat- stone bt·idge of six arches, leading into the Lower fm·d, as well mel'itit)8 the ention of the etymologist. 44 .. ~a .
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