STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Section ''C'' Eye Ear Nasal Dermal Oral Tonsil Tracheal Laryngeal Esophageal Stomach Intestinal Gall Bladder ST ANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS C-10 C-30 C-40 - 3 Condensing Lenses, Illuminators, Ophthalmoscopes and Retinoscopes ·c- .­ <...onden ing Len~. 2 inches. hard rubber rim, 13 dtoptar. ·c­ ond n mg Len . double. 1:3 and dioptar. ·c- 1 ond n 'ng Len • \\ith metal rim and handle. ·c­ Dr . Berger's upc ''ith met I hea band. ·c- 9 Dr. Bez:ger's upe with \\ebbiog head band. C-10 Ocular Transilluminator. E .S.I.Co. ·c-11 Ophthalmoscope. Loring's, 1 len . "C-12 Oph halmoscope, loring's, lectrical, with mtrror, in ca . •c-13 Ophthalmoscope, Morton 's, lectrical. with mtrror. on battery hand! . · C- 14 Retinoscope ?o.lirror. r lain or conca c. 11 mch . regtlar hand! . ·c-1s Retinoscope Mtrror, r lain or conca e, 1Y2 inchc , folding handle ·c-1 R tino ope firror, Thor ington's, % inch. •C- 17 Retino · ope ftrror, T h or ington's, % inch, with folding cover ·c-1 Retinoscope, lectrical, on battery handle, in case. •C-19 Retinoscope and Ophthalmoscope, electrical, on battery handle, in case. ·c-20 Ashe tos Chimney, with iris dtaphragm. Eyelid Retractors C-30 Desrna rre's, 4 izes. ·c-a­ Fish er 's, lid hook, double. latest model. C-3 Fi h er 's, fen trated. flexibl for shaping. C-37 Fisher 's, solid, fl xiblc for haping. C- Fish er 's, for lov r ltd. C 0 Ziegler's, one size. P A CE 170 STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS ( ,)() . (,( ' (j ') i .) C- C-115 5 - .) Eye Specula C- 5 Beard's, olid blad • non-m. gn ti . Brand s, with wive! blade . Critchet's. Fox's, wtth p n or I s d bla "· Graefe's, plain. Major Smith's, nickel-plat~d r ~o l d-plated . Monosrnith's, non-magn tiC. Murdoch's, teel. oyes', improved, with ew. Pann's. Plain.,. ire. Weber's, for either eye. Weeks'. Ziegler's, late t pattern. Lachrymal Sac Retractors and Tendon Tuckers ~ 13 Mueller's Lachrymal c Retractor. -13. Clark-Bruns Tendon Tuck r. -140 Todd's Tendon Tucker. Lid Plates and Strabismometer Jaeger's Lid Plate. ~ard rubb r. Jaeger' Lid Plat . 1 ory. Lawrence s trabi mom t r. C-HO p 1-: 1 7 1 STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Eye Instruments Box for lloldin Eye I n ·trumcnt ' r -225 C- 220 C-21- C-2 0 - -75 • C- 230 '-1 C-2 0 C-160 I C- 370 C-320 C- 37.3 C-110 C-41.5 PAC 172 STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS - 150 ..) -355 C-310 Eye Instruments Canalicula Knives Iris Knives Adams'. Agnew's. Bowman's, he rp. oubl - dg d. Graefe's. Bowman's, pr b 1 >int. Hayes'. Noyes'. Sichel's. Noyes' -Stilling's. ~ · in I - <.1 r with l 1. Schmid t -Rimpler' s . Thomas'. Lid Knives Weber's, str i ht. -3~ Beard's. Weber's, trai h · n li h pa l rn. Weber's, h If urv d. Scalpel Weber's, full urv I. - 3,...,., lli d, <) i.l . Cataract Knives -3 ' nt r point, : t/. • Beer's, izc . Scarifiers Deutschmann's. * -3 Desmarre's. Graefe's, deli at . * -3. Graefe's. Graefe's, m 11. Graefe's, m dium. Scleratomes Graefe's, lar . * DeWecker's. Green's, for In li n ti n. * -4 Galezowski' s. Jackson's. Knapp's. Secondary Knives Monoyer's. Blake's, lr i hL Schweigger's. oncav d on · d d Keratomes Galezowski 's. Jaeger's, trai h iz s. traight d e. Jaeger's, an ul r, tz Cataract Needle Landolt's, ur e l. Lichtenberg's, an ul r, pr b . ur tr ight. Cystotomes Walton's, r Beard's. Iris Needle Graefe's. Graefe's, ri ht. Beer's, trai ht. Graefe's, 1 ft. Bowman's, wi h t Knapp's. Knapp's I nif r dl . Knapp's I nife • dl , wi h o . Wilder's. Zirn's. Enucleation Knives Paracentesis Needles Monosmith's. -47 Desmarre's, traight. Excentration Knives * -47- lain. - 2 Beard's, knif p ul . Suture Needles Iridectomy Knives Delaroza's. Himley's. Agnew's. Prince's. Critchet's. P E 1- STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Eye Instruments q C-640 C-650 C-675 C-501 C-505 C- 565 C- 570 C-605 C-610 5 C- 690 C- 5 0 C-700 - 20 C-580 C-550 C-590 C-600 C-535 C-540 C-595 I J l C-697 C-695 C-652 C-654 C-245 C-623 PA CE 174 STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS -715 • C-720 C-730 Eye Instruments Tattooing Needles Hooks orely i , Fox's doubl . Agnew's. y otome, Fox's, ouble. Baeder's. ixation 1 Guthrie's. Baeder's, ' it h a ula . Foreign od Graefe's. DeWecker's, wit h 1 Iri 1 an ular. Gouges Iri , Tyrell's, blunt. Iri , Tyrell's, sharp. Kuhnt's. n 1 Graefe's r trac or. Todd's, tria ngular point . Li Retra tor Smith-Green's. Walton's. Pre ur 1 Smith- Green's. Probes Pt r ium Prince's. tr bi mu , Graefe's, 3 JZ • DeV./ecker's. * '- 2 trabi mu harp. Scoops T ndon 1 Stevens'. Arlt's, f n trat d. Traction, Stevens'. Bunge's, x ntration. Spatulas Critchett's, rr t d. lexibl 1 ilYer. Daviel's. Fie 'i 1 sh 11. Graefe's, hard ru r. Fox's, or ly i , double. Graefe's, h ll. Davie!' s, ilv r. Knapp's, il er. Green's, with pres ure pro Lewis', f n tral d. Smith- Green s, ou 1 • Prince's, f n t rated atara t Spuds r t ra tor. Dix's. Schmidt- Rim pler' s. Wheeler's, * - dl h 11 l n ur ed. Illuminat d Waldau's, il er. E.S.I.Co. Well's, n u 1 ation . Wilder's, f n trated. -715 Curettes - 720 Daviel's, h lazion. Dix's pud 2." Hebra's, h 1 zion. * - Meyerhoeffer's, halaz1on . - 7 Skeel's, hal zion. W h eeler's, orn l. I . 1. 1 7 - STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS C-750 C-760 Eye Forceps Advancement -7 Fisher's. _,... ) Prince' . * -7; ,- Hotz's, lid catch. - 7 >{' Ree Capsular Fisher's. Knapp's, im pro\ d att rn. Foerster's. * Mathieu's, f r u in In- dian op rati n. - 0 Francis', 4 an te th. * Schweigger' s. -7 :) Fuch's, \ i nna patt rn. Smith's. -7 Knapp's, ori in I patt rn. Terson's. C-765 PA .€ 176 STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS (- 30 Eye Forceps Chalazion Ayer's. Francis' . Hunt's. Lambert's. Spencer's, lid at h. Starkey's. Wilder's, lamp. Entropium ro ar. * Denis'. Desmarre's. Desmarre's, lid at h. * Knapp's, ri ht an Noyes', ri ht and l ft. Prout's, r r ibl , for ri ht or 1 ft. Snellen's, ri ht and 1 ft. Wilder's. Ziegler's. Enucleation * Blitz's. * \'ul. llum, . tr. i h . Lid P . E 177 STAND A RD S U RGIC AL IN S T RUMENTS C.-945 C-955 C-970 C- 965 C-9 0 C-990 C-1055 C-1035 Eye Forceps Cilia C-94 Douglass'. *C-950 Fine, broad point . -955 Fine, narrow point . *C- 9 0 Henry's. -9 Piffard's. C-970 Ziegler's. Dressing traight, rrated points. Curved, rrat d p int Full cur d, errat d point . on-magnetic, for u e with e magnet. Fixation *C-1000 Barr's. *C-1005 Dudley's. *C-1010 Ewing's. C-101 Gifford's. C-10 ~ 0 Graefe's. *C-1025 Greene's, for Indian op ration, 1 a nd 2 teeth 2 and 3 teeth. *C-1027 F ox's. -1030 Harmon's, 3 inch s Ion C-1035 Noyes', curved, pring c tch. -1 0 Plain, traight. * -1045 Plain, curved. * -1050 Schweigger's. -1055 Stevens'. C- 1040 C-1020 C-1030 P AC E 17 STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS = =E -== -= ( - 10 - -11:3.) -110.) -1115 C-1095 Eye Forceps Iris th • -10 ,) Graefe's, angular. C-1060 traight, fin . mou to traight. ,. ry point . ' - 10 Graef 's, tooth d Jicat , 2~ 2 inche . C-106.> Cur d. fin , mou UrY d, ,. ry point . C-1 9.3 Gra fe s, delicat . 2 ..! in he ·c-Io-o Full urvcd. fin . mou l p:lt- ints. • -1100 Liebrich's improv tooth t rn. • -1 75 ollin s, curv d . • -10 Fisher's. Strabismus Landolt traight. •C-1120 e- n os . - 112- 1 • on-ma~netic . ti u for - 11 10 ur d. u '"ith cy m gn t. • - 11 15 Full curv d . Suture • -1130 Mule's. Tendon • -1140 St vens' , traight. -1135 Stevens', ur Trachoma -ll 0 Kn pp s, impro t- - 1143 t rn. - }1(),) oyes , upper r I w r • - 1150 - 11 Prine ' . - 11 75 Rust's, angul r. - 1155 original pat- - l lli­ C- 1170 PAGE 1 7 STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Eye c1 or · C-1200 -1-7 C-1251 C-1280 PAGE 1 0 STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS 0 - 1 - 1305 ( - 1: l C-1315 C-1320 C-132.3 Eye Instruments-Eye Scissors Enucleation Strabi mus tr ight, hcaYy harp. 1. ur , blun , h a y. -- traight, h a' •, blunt. urved, blunt, extr hca y. * -1201 trai ht, Bowman's "' pro * - 120 Fox, curv d, heavy. point . ur ed, heavy, harp. urv d, heavy blunt. Iris .-, un· d, Bowman' pr l -1210 traigh , r gular, harp.
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