SPORTS IN THE NEWS Eagles keep K e y p o r t , A N o r t h c r o w n SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, HOLMDEL, KEYPORT, MATAWAN AND MIDDLETOWN Page 36 OCTOBER 23, 1996 40 CENTS VOLUME 26, NUMBER 42 A T& T could leave i f p l a n is rejected sion out of Monmouth County, he added. Third Planning Board If the proposal is rejected, AT&T would hearing on Laurel Ave. also vacate the existing 836,000-square-foot building it currently occupies on Laurel expansion Nov. 14 Avenue. “We would no longer have a need BY CINDY HERRSCHAFT (to be there),” Monahan said. “That would be a major impact on Staff Writer Monmouth County,” Mary Jane Wiley, Monmouth County’s assistant director of I f the Middletown Planning Board does economic development, said. “AT&T is one not approve a proposal to triple the size of our largest employers.” of AT&T’s Laurel Avenue offices, the “It’s a major concern that we should be communications giant will leave Monmouth aware of since (this plan) is not set in stone,” County. Middletown Mayor Raymond O’Grady said. Even though Middletown is the preferred “I think AT&T is looking for some kind of site to house its entire research and develop­ Jacob Layrer Jr., the only Keyport firefighter to die in the line of duty, after try­ signal about what we want.” ing to rescue his family on Nov. 29,1889, was remembered at a memorial ser­ ment division under one roof, there are other While time is of the essence, AT&T exec­ vice Sunday at Green Grove Cemetery, Keyport. (Photo by Jackie Pollack) options AT&T would have to consider, utives do recognize there are many issues AT&T spokesman Brian C. Monahan said that need to be addressed regarding the facili­ Thursday. ty that would ultimately cover 2.5 million The board held its second hearing on the square feet and house 9,000 employees. Plum Lane preferred proposed expansion Oct. 16. “We are not trying to short-circuit the sys­ Another meeting to discuss the ap­ tem,” Monahan said. “We hope to be resi­ plication has been scheduled for Nov. 14. dents for many decades to come, and we AT&T has to physically move all don’t want any ill feelings lingering.” site fo r fire statio n employees out of its facilities now owned by However, “if a decision could be reached Lucent Technologies in 1998. Lucent is one through due process sooner than later, we _______ BY LAUREN JAEGER_______ Route 35 to reach northern traffic. Also, the of three new companies formed by the recent would appreciate it.” site is larger, so it could house a bigger breakup of AT&T. Board Chairwoman Judith Stanley has Staff Writer building and meet guidelines. “We are very concerned about having a urged her fellow board members to be careful A t the request of residents, the Committee members said they were sur­ place to move our employees without chaos,” and thorough in their review of one of the Holmdel Township Committee will prised to learn, particularly from Plum Lane Monahan said. biggest developments in municipal history. residents, that they want such a complex Their second choice right now is a site that reconsider the location of a new fire Continued on page 22 and first aid station in the northern part of bordering their properties. would take the research and development divi­ the township. The township has set aside $700,000 Plans to build a new station on the west for the project from a $5 million settlement side of Centerville Road, as recommended received four years ago from Prudential. in the township master plan, have been In response to residents’ concerns, Mayor under way for more than three years; how­ Robert Giannone called for the formation of ever, residents packed a six-member ad- the Oct. 16 Township hoc committee to Committee meeting conduct an indepen­ to protest the dent feasibility Centerville Road site. study of the two Instead, they sites, plus any other urged the committee potential locations. to build the fire-first The committee will aid station on a two- include fire and first acre township-owned aid personnel and lot on Plum Lane. township profes­ Recently, a devel­ sionals. oper, SGS Com­ Giannone wants munities, Manalapan, the study completed offered the township in 90 days or by a one-acre lot on Centerville Road across January. “Time is of the essence,” he said, from the rear entrance of the Route 35 adding that the township will go ahead with Revlon building, in conjunction with a pro­ the most feasible plan. posed housing project which has recently “If Centerville turns out to be the site, come before the Planning Board. Centerville will be the site,” he said. “It won’t be as simple as everyone thinks. It Twins and triplets enjoy the Mid-Jersey Mothers of Multiples’ annual Halloween At last week’s meeting, residents said the party held Sunday at the Holmdel Fire House. Plum Lane site would be superior because doesn’t work that way.” (Photo by Don Wagner) emergency vehicles would not have to cross Continued on page 40 2 INDEPENDENT, OCTOBER 23, 1996 OVER 20 Varieties of DECORATIVE STONE. GREAT FOR LANDSCAPING 100 styles of PATIO BLOCKS to choose from 15 Varieties of M ULCHES Available SOME ITEMS AVAILABLE for BULK PURCHASE J Our Famous PRICED TO MOVE Large Selection Sale CEMENT STATUARY 1 Gal. Cont. THOUSANDS OF PIECES TO CHOOSE FROM EVERGREENS -NEW PIECES ADDED WEEKLY Loads of Hardy Field titcCudituf yuttifcvui & *)tex Choose from. ©anefrt Pots, Sirds, Fowtata. Kautei, Seer. Grown JUMBO MUWIS & Forest Animals, Pond Pieces, Gnomes, Oriental, 1 i n r a t l O R hing Boys Classical Statuary Jockeys \ W FLOWERING KALE in Lions, Cartoi if-itersafldmere Beautiful Color c .k t n , Weeping Japanese * Y o u r LACE LEAF MAPLE * ^ 0 4 Q Q A 3 'T 0 4 ' P f r 1Qqas - ALL PERENNIALS V i P R I C E HALLOWEEN STORE & HAUNTED P L A N T N O W CASTLES ARE OPEN 2 5 % O F F Sicken & S etter We Dare lo Be Different! If it shakes, rattles or glows JUST ARRIVED! Lowest Price we have It! We’re a great place to make yoor Halloween Ideas spooktacular...so come take a walk SPRING Marked on all i on the wild side and make this a Halloween to Howl about! FLOWERING BULBS Bagged & Boxed ‘ TULIPS* HYACINTHS* DAFFODILS G R A S S S E E D ‘except Scotts grass seed m n j OUR ANIMATED and more cPO® sponsored in part ■I HAUNTED " G r e a t FERTILIZER Buys DECORATIVE • by BROCK Farms CASTLES! scons LAWN PRO f SUNDAY, OCT 27th at 4PM GLORION C L A Y P O T S We've searched every FALL • Giant Parade • Bands • Floats FALL % Crypt and Cranny from j§ FERTILIZER 15,000 Sq. Ft. • Window Painting Contest SAVE 2 5 %* • Costume Contest here to Transylvanny! §f 9 9 FERTILIZER ‘Excludes Standard Clay ea. or • Scarecrow Contest .Werewolves. Goblins. Witches & 7 Ghouls. Spiders & Vampires Jfft 3 .or 1 9 " [ COSTUME CONTEST REGISTRATION^ Bring Your 1 6 " ALL PLASTIC Sunday, Oct. 27th Camera- waiting for you. Each location J S y "p a1 1 Seeding T w in lig h t DURACO 3 PM - 3:45 PM We have Gre. has its own Unique Espoma PRO WINTER BAPTIST CHURCH Spooktacular HOLLYTONE S c c fre n , POTS ^Corner of Manalapan Avenue & Broad Street S a le & U c e f r o 2 5 - O F F ✓ Make-Up M ✓ Great Gift Ideas CLASS TRIPS 1 1 " Both Locations 50 LB. BAG 1 4 " WATER GARDEN ✓ Custom Arrangements Call 462-0900 or 462-2700 Reg. 14.99 15,000 SQ. FT. Visit Brocks... All BECKETT & Wreaths Where you’ll find Our Complete PRODUCTS ^ 2 WATER GARDEN Supplies and Accessories Center 25%OFF HFOR THE BEST LAWN IN TOWN* Sale Prices ALL PRE-FORMED JONATHAN GREEN A Q U A T I C WINTER P O N D S P L A N T S All WARDLEY FALL MAGIC EA% OFF CA% OFF FISH FOODS SURVIVAL GRASS SEED 7*ucc w W J8*. Z W 3 lbs. Reg. 9 .9 9 ........8 s® S o le PREPARE for WINTER 7 lbs. Reg. 2 2 .9 9 ...... 1 9 " 50% OFF 15,000 We Stock Floating Pond Heaters V sq. ft. *19" 25 lbs. Reg. 7 4 .9 9 .....59s®. & Pond N ets for Fall Covering Reg. Price BROCK’S PRICE POLICY We Guarantee we will not to be undersold. Brock will match any Current- DQU-S Newspaper advertised price on brand name items. Simply present the AD to the cashier prior to purchase. Items must be of GARDEN WORLD equal size and quality. ROUTE 9 N, FREEHOLD ROUTE 34 N, COLTS NECK © 4 6 2 -0 9 0 0 Not respcresponsible for typographical errors. We reserve the 4 6 2 -2 7 0 0 right to limit quantities. Sale prices effective thru 10/29/96 INDEPENDENT, OCTOBER 23, 1996 3 THIS ISSUE: B u s i n g c o n f a b p l a n n e d Com m ittee seeks funds for Banfield property, Leonardo beach area BY CINDY HERRSCHAFT Staff Writer MIDDLETOWN — Members of the Township Committee will meet with the Board of Education to discuss bringing hazardous busing back to the school dis­ trict.
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