BEGINNER'S SERIES — 28 Catasetum and Cycnoches — Part 4 — The Hydras of Cycnoches STEPHEN R. BATCHELOR I magine a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde transformation from a lovely, graceful swan to a hideous, writhing hydra, and you have made the transition from the Eu-Cycnoches to the Heteranthae section of Cycnoches ! In plant habit, the species of the Heter- anthae section are not appreciably different from those of Eu-Cycnoches ; they flower at about the same time; but once they flower, there is no question that they are strikingly different - most of the time! The male flowers of the half-dozen or more Cycnoches species constituting the Heteranthae section are outlandish. In this regard, they rival the flowers of some Catasetum species. FIGURE 1 — Cycnoches maculatum 'Mackay', CBR/AOS (male flowers) — photo: Richard Clark The inflorescences bearing male flowers of the Heteranthae section are them- selves distinct. They are generally longer and more floriferous than the male inflo- rescences of the Eu-Cycnoches section. The inflorescence of Cycnoches maculatum pictured in FIGURE 1 is 54 cm (21 inches) long and carries 26 male flowers and 3 buds. With an inflorescence of that length, like many catasetums, this plant re- quired elevation for proper development and display of its flowers. The non-resupinate male flowers of Cycnoches maculatum illustrated, having a vertical span of 8.0 cm (3 inches) and horizontal span of4.0 cm (11/2 inches), bear perhaps the greatest resemblance of the Heteranthae species to the Eu-Cycnoches section. Their greenish sepals and petals, heavily spotted in reddish-purple, are fairly broad and only moderately reflexed. The column on these flowers appears very much like that found on the male flowers of Eu-Cycnoches . It is the lip, not so prominent here, which is so distinctive and unusual. We can suspect as much from the award description for this clone ot Cycnoches maculatum , which mentions, "... lip shading to white, fingers spotted with purple basally." FIGURE 2 — Cycnoches stenodactylon (male flowers) — photo: Greg Allikas Apparently, the "fingers" of the lip are what John Lindley had in mind when he named and described Cycnoches pentadactylon in 1843. But while five is the proper number of fingers for a hand, the lips of the Cycnoches stenodactylon flow- ers pictured in FIGURE 2 in no way resemble anything human! In the case of Cycnoches egertonianum , a species from Central America, a greater folding, curling and reflexing of the sepals and petals have made the lip more visible and dominant (FIGURE 3). With this species, the descriptions by bo- tanical authorities of the very complex lip take on more sinister connotations. Some describe the lip of Cycnoches egertonianum as "narrowly clawed" (Bechtel et al., 1981). In the 1952 revision of the genus, Cycnoches egertonianum was further di- vided into two varieties, van aureum and van dianae , based on whether the "marginal teeth" were "forked, rounded, truncate or clavate at the apex." (Alien, 1952) Van der Fiji and Dodson, however, note in their book, Orchid Flowers I Their Pollination and Evolution, that these varieties of Cycnoches egertonianum are in fact each pollinated by a separate species of bee. Because of this they conclude, "These allies of Cyc. egertonianum are unquestionably distinct species and are maintained as such by the exclusiveness of their pollinators. When carefully exam- ined distinguishing morphological characters between the kinds can be found in male flowers." (van der Fiji and Dodson, 1966, page 66) For this reason, readers will find Cycnoches aureum , Cyc. dianae and Cyc. densiflorum appearing in the literature (Gregg, 1975) as additional species of the Heteranthae section. The Royal Horticultural Society, on the other hand, considers Cvcnoches aureum as a syno- nym for Cycnoches egertonianum in its hybrid registrations (the Royal Horticul- tural Society, 1980). On this basis, the flowers pictured in FIGURE 3, labeled as Cycnoches egerto- nianum , might very well be identified as quite another species — depending on which authority is consulted! Certainly, to consider the very dissimilar flowers, and inflorescences, illustrated in FIGURES 3 and 4 as different clones of the same spe- cies does require a stretch of the imagination. Clearly, another revision of the genus is overdue (Gregg, 1983). In any event, the male flowers of Cvcnoches egertonianum 'Cabrillo' illustrated in FIGURE 4, awarded an AM/AOS, are "almost black", according to the descrip- tion for the award. The dark lip color of these flowers seems more in keeping with Below, FIGURE 3 — Cynoches egertonianum (male flowers) Photo: William H. Moore, M.D. Above, FIGURE 4 — Cycnoches egertonianum ‘Cabrillo’ AM/AOS Photo: Richard Clark their bizarre nature than the white lip color of the flowers in FIGURE 3. After all, we are talking about the "dark side" of the genus Cycnoches l Surely, the flowers il- lustrated have nothing but evil intentions. For their bee pollinator this is just the case. When a male bee of a particular species lands on the lip, attracted to its odor, he has to grapple, like Hercules, with its many projections. The weight of the insect brings it and the lip within contact of the end of the long column, which, when dis- turbed, releases the pollinarium (van der Fiji and Dodson, 1966). Unlike Hercules, the bee loses his battle with this "hydra". FIGURE 5 — Cycnoches densiflorum (male flowers, above ; hermaphroditic flowers, be- low ) The lips of the hermaphroditic flowers exhibit “knobby projections” , remnants of the “fingers” found onthelips of normal male flowers (Gregg, 1975). These hermaphroditic flowers are proba- bly not functional, either as males or females (Gregg, 1983). Photo: Katherine B. Gregg At the time Cycnoches egertonianum 'Cabrillo', AM/AOS was awarded, it carried 21 male flowers and 1 hermaphroditic flower on one inflorescence, and two female flowers on another, unfortunately not pictured. These female flowers were green, not black, and had a natural spread of 6.0 cm (2 1/2 inches), four times that of the male flowers (1.5 cm, 1/2 inch). The hermaphroditic flower had an intermediate natural spread of 2.7 cm (1 inch). The Heteranthae section of Cycnoches , like the Eu-Cycnoches section, is capable of producing male, female or hermaphroditic flowers. Unlike Eu-Cycnoches , the male flowers and female flowers of the section Heteranthae, as the statistics above indicate, differ radically from each other. In fact, the "sexual dimorphism" of these species is so extreme it is hard to believe that both types of flowers can be produced by the same plants. FIGURE 6 — Cycnoches densiflorum (male flowers , left ; female flowers, right ) Photo: Katherine B. Gregg Katharine B. Gregg, in her study, "The Effect of Light Intensity on Sex Expression in Species of Cycnoches and Catasetum (Orchidaceae)", found that the Heteran- thae species Cycnoches densijlorum produced substantial numbers of female flow- ers in bright shade as well as full sun, while Cyc. dianae and Cyc. aureum produced few or no female flowers in either full sun or partial shade. Evidently, other factors, such as plant vigor, also play a role in determining the sex of the flowers produced (Gregg, 1975). Photographs from this study, generously provided by Ms. Gregg, il- lustrate male, hermaphroditic and female flowers. These photographs reveal the amazing Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde transformation Cycnoches species of the Heteran- thae section are capable of performing — from hydras back to swans again! (FIGURES 5-7) Remarkably enough, though the male flowers of the Heteranthae section of Cycnoches look nothing like the male flowers of the Eu-Cycnoches section, the fe- male flowers of Heteranthae section are remarkably similar — to both the male and female flowers of Eu-Cynoches! Their short and thickened columns, however, give their sexual identity away (FIGURE 7). FIGURE 7 — Cycnoches stenodactylon (female flowers) Photo: Greg Allikas The fact that the male and female flowers of these species are so disparate naturally caused botanists and taxonomists a great deal of confusion, something anyone who has grown these species can fully understand. Consider the case of Cycnoches war- scewiczii 'Jan's Swan', awarded a CBM/AOS in 1975, pictured in the previous article of this series having 6 female flowers with the classic swan form. This plant was ex- hibited by the same grower some three years later and awarded an HCC/AOS with 17 male flowers on one very long inflorescence. These flowers were very heavily spotted with reddish-brown, and had sepals and petals which were considerably reflexed — not typical traits of the male flowers of Cycnoches warscewiczii . Could this plant in fact be a member of the Heteranthae section of Cycnoches ? This unpredictable, protean nature of species in the Heteranthae section of Cycnoches carries over into their hybrids. Cycnoches Pistachio Moon, an intersec- tional cross of the Heteranthae species Cyc. egertonianum and the Eu-Cycnoches species Cyc. haagii, was registered by Jones and Scully, Inc. in 1978. FIGURE 8 — Cycnoches Pistachio Moon ‘The Prophet’, HCC/AOS Cyc. (egertonium x haagii) (female flower) One clone of this hybrid, Cyc. Pistachio Moon 'The Prophet', was awarded an HCC/ AOS, bearing four flowers and one bud on one inflorescence. The illustration for this award (FIGURE 8) leaves us in suspense. The single flower pictured is clearly a female flower, as indicated by the short and thick column. This is further supported by the fact that the inflorescence carried comparatively few flowers, another femi- nine trait. But what would the male flowers of such a hybrid look like? Would they be much the same in form as the flower pictured, and the Cyc. haagii parent, or would they take on a tentacled and contorted form more in keeping with Cyc. eger- tonianum ? Intergeneric hybrids involving Cycnoches and Catasetum likewise have an element of uncertainty.
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