2438 Nov. 22 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 political, economic, and military integration nificently both the national anthems of Bul- into the West and to support the Stability garia and the United States. Pact and the economic and political revital- I am very proud to be the first American ization of all of southeastern Europe. President to visit BulgariaÐa free Bulgaria. I would like to make one other point, I am proud to stand in this place where which is that I am especially grateful for Bul- voices were silenced for too long. Here are garia's policy and history of tolerance and co- these tens of thousands of people, exercising operation among different groups of people your freedom with dignity and pride. within this country. If that had been the pol- We are here tonight because of what you icy of Serbia in these last 10 years, we would did 10 years ago this month, when change be living in a very different and better time. swept through Nevsky Square. Students, Thank you very much. Thank you. never before allowed to express their opin- Q. [Inaudible] ions, demanded free elections now. Writers, President Clinton. No, that did not come imprisoned just a few weeks before, led up. But we talked generally about the impor- chants of demokratsiya. Grandparents, never tance of doing things that would be economi- allowed to worship with their children, said cally beneficial to Bulgaria. I would remind prayers in public, in the shadow of this great you, my Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Daley, cathedral. What a wonderful moment that was here just a few weeks ago for an eco- was. What a wonderful thing it said to the nomic conference. And we are moving ahead rest of the world about the heart of Bulgaria. with a whole set of plans, which I hope will Even before 1989, communist rulers tried be highly beneficial to Bulgaria economically. to keep you down with violence, but you But we did not discuss the specific question struggled peacefully. They fed you lies, yet you asked. you sought the truth. They tried to smother Thank you. your spirit, yet you were able to come to- gether here and demand to be citizens, with NOTE: The exchange began at 12:50 p.m. at the rights and responsibilities of your own. Council of Ministers Building. A tape was not When the cold war ended, it took much available for verification of the content of this ex- change. longer for the ground here to thaw. You en- dured one false spring after another. Now that democracy is beginning to truly take Remarks to the People of Bulgaria root, some here must feel left behind, while in Sofia others race ahead. I ask you to remember November 22, 1999 what you left behind: a police state, with no room for disappointment, because there was Dober den. no hope for improvement; when nobody felt President Stoyanov, Prime Minister left behind because no one was allowed to Kostov, Mayor Sofianski, the people of Bul- get ahead; when there were no dreams and garia, I thank you for this wonderful, wonder- some Bulgarians were even robbed of their ful welcome. I also want to thank this young very identities, forced to change their names. student, who must have been so nervous, The struggle for your constitutional democ- Boryana Savova. If she is a representative of racy was waged not for paradise but for possi- the young people of Bulgaria, your future is bility, not for a perfect world but for the in very good hands. chance to build a better world. I am honored tonight to be here with my In my own country, we have struggled now daughter, three Members of the United for more than 200 years to build what our States Congress, and a distinguished group Founders called ``a more perfect Union,'' of Americans. We thank you for this wel- never completely perfect but always advanc- come. We thank all the musicians who per- ing the cause of freedom and responsibility, formed, all the people who worked so hard of individual opportunity and a stronger na- to put this wonderful crowd together. tional community. In those 223 years, we And I would like to say a special word of have had to overcome slavery and civil war, thanks to the young woman who sang so mag- depressions and World Wars, discrimination Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 / Nov. 22 2439 against women and ethnic and religious mi- You have preserved a multiethnic society. As norities. We have overcome these things President Stoyanov has said, you chose to through the free choices of free people. I stand with and for civilization 2 years ago. came here to say to you, the people of Bul- But you also made that choice 50 years ago garia, that through freedom you, too, shall when you helped Bulgaria's Jewish commu- overcome, and you will not have to wait 200 nity to survive World War II and the Holo- years to do it. caust. On behalf of American Jews and Jew- In just the last 10 years, from Poland to ish people everywhere, I thank you for that. Hungary to the Baltics, those who have cho- All of you know the famous line from the sen open societies and open markets started monk Paissii Hilendarski: ``You, Bulgarians, out with sacrifice but ended up with success. do not hesitate to be proud.'' When you The only difference between them and Bul- saved Bulgaria's Jews, it was one of the garia is that they had a head start. Now you, proudest moments in your history. And to- too, are on your way. night, as you stand for freedom, it is one of Today America and Bulgaria have reached the proudest moments in your history. agreements that will encourage more Amer- But now we have work to do. We must ican companies to do business here, to create help all of southeastern Europe choose free- jobs for both our countries. We are taking dom and tolerance and community. We must steps to help you crack down on corruption give all the people in this region a unifying once and for all. And let me say to people magnet that is stronger than the pull of old in the United States, Europe, and all over hatreds that has threatened to tear them the world who will see this tonight on tele- apart over and over again. Your neighbor Ser- vision: This is a wonderful country. Come bia should be part of that bright and different here and help Bulgaria help build the future. future. And let me add this: The cold war was I am told that during the recent war you fought and won by free people who did not could actually hear some of the bombs falling accept that there could be two Europes in in Serbia from this square. Tonight I hope the 20th century. Now we must notÐwe will the people of Serbia can hear our voices not accept that there could be two Europes, when we say, ``If you choose as Bulgaria has separate and unequal, in the 21st century. chosen, you will regain the rightful place in If you stay the course, Bulgaria will be a place Europe Mr. Milosevic has stolen from you, where young people can make their dreams and America will support you, too.'' come true, and Americans and Bulgarians to- Already, we are aiding the forces of de- gether will help to build a Europe that is mocracy in Serbia. And for all the people of undivided, democratic, and at peace for the this region, we strongly support the Stability first time in all human history. Pact for southeast Europe. We encourage the When that vision of the future was threat- expansion of the European Union to this re- ened by President Milosevic's brutal cam- gion. And we must and will keep NATO's paign in Kosovo, you stood with NATO. I door open to those democratic nations here know it was very hard for you to do. But who are able to meet their obligations. I ask you to think about what would have During the conflict in Kosovo, we learned happened if we had not stood up. This entire something very important about Bulgaria and region would have been overwhelmed by ref- its democratic neighbors: Because you know ugees. And a message would have been sent how it feels to be insecure, you know what to the rest of the world: Stay away from it means to sacrifice for common security; southeastern Europe, for here dictators still because you know how it feels to lose your hold power by exploiting human differences freedom, you know what it takes to defend and destroying human lives. I thank you for freedom. And so, even though you paid a standing your ground with us against that evil great price and you are not yet in the heart and sending a very different message to the of Europe, you have Europe and its values rest of the world. in your heart. And I also want to thank you for setting Earlier today, I had the opportunity to a very different example here in Bulgaria. meet some of Borana's classmates at the 2440 Nov. 22 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 American University in Bulgaria. They were resent all regions of the country; public and from Bulgaria and from other countries private schools; rural, urban, and suburban throughout this region. And they were pro- districts; and every grade from kindergarten foundly impressive to me in their intel- through high school.
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