Innovationcomes in manyshapes comrnueto be themarket leader with andsues From th eancient pyramids groundbreaking policy features that to theSL Louis Arch to your newest includecoverage for des1gn/1Jo1td and \llao, 0 Scfi1nnerer pro1eci.innovation 1sone o f thekeys constructionmanagement services . 8. Com pony. Inc. to successfuldesign • When optronalincident reporting and C'NA CNA/Schinnererdesigns your professional COMMITMENTPLUS ouruniversal liabilityinsurance program . we pul profitsharing plan . • Tolearn more v,111 0 S, n,nn11t1& Ccml!)nr inc t, o II SC JU n C ,_ e Chen Cnn, mnovatronmto practice Our NE Practrce aboutthe Alf. PracticeProgram which /J!J20615lOlZ l'fl:.'lt! (Jl)IJ/161 951)() FJ• (JOl/951 5'44 Cc,nutPI o Programhelps you meet the changing hasearned lhe commendal1onof the c, CommMIJ/CJsu.1,1 , Com/lJ, o t pl tht CNA truu1Jntt CcmnJmts needsof yourhrm today. and the AIAand NSP[JPEPP. call or haveyour CIiio PA1,!Ch1c.i~o IL 606" CN~ s I r,g Jllfta s,1, Ct m.ir. ol Int Cl/~ F,111 YI COl/lOfll. lh S 1/f, IJJI challengesyou 'll facethroughour the independentagent or brokercontact mt r s notI to rmr O , I/ft PO , CJnn •o.i llf rn, ,au,1uucr, pt,onnr s,r 1990s Andalter a lmost40 years. we Schlnnereral (30 1) 961-9800 ,i t'tJ 11,msto J,r,~ns;j)i d , , ;Jus,on.s Circle 233 on the read er inquiry card FEATU R ES DEPARTMENTS Rainb ow Row and Op era tion Churc h Sn·eet, Ga lvesto n 4-2 Edito r's not.e 7 Gal vesto n Hi sto rica l Fo undati on and David L. vV~it son, Archit ect Letters 11 Wind so r Hotel , Abilene 46 Goo d, Fulto n & Ftirrell Archiccc ts, In c., Dalla s News 14 His tory of El Paso H ousing Fabric, E l Paso 50 Laws, Regs & 24 E d Solt ero , Kent Keirsey, :ind C:irr-Razloznik Arch itects, El P:1s0 Red Tape The Meadows, Austin 52 TASpecifier 26 Kipp , Flor es & Fo llmer, Austin Survey 62 Texas Capitol Restoration , Austin 54 Ford , Po well & Carso n, ln c., Sa n Am onio Profile 68 TexasA rchitect 9/10 1995 5 ,i O .K., we admit it . We know , and we kn ow yo u know, no r cven a bri ck ho use is goi ng to sta nd up to 200 mile an hour winds. li We ju!>t wanted to make the point that ma so nr y com,tructi o n offers outstanding sturdinc s!>and durability along with its o ther nccllcn t attri butc s. Like warm .rnd wekom - i n g goo<l looks. Like natural insu l:icing advantages. Like de sign t.kxibiliry :ind versa tility. l~ So whether yo ur gn :arcst co ncern is o ut sta nding beauty or still stan ding durability, make it masonr y. And make it ever ­ lasting ly beautiful. ,~ For :ill the facts abou t creatin g with masonr y, call or write. g __ Masonry lnslitute of Texas P. 0. Bm. 34'583 I lous1011. Tc,.a~ 77234 (713) 94 1-5668 Circle l on the reader inquiry card TEXASARCHITECT ED I TOR 'S NOTE Sept/Oct1995 Volume45, Number5 Tr.msArtbitm (ISSN: 00 40- 4 179) rs Jlnl,lishetl ,even time.• Jlcr yc:ir {bimonthl y nnd in April) hy rhc Texas Societ)'Of .\rchitccl s. 114 \Vest Sc.,enth , Suite 1400, Austin , "li:.,rn, j!l70 1. TSA is the 11ffici:1IT e.scnsst ate Garden orgonizutiun uf the Amcrk"1n ln,, lrutc of Architecb Revisiting City (Davi,I Lancaster, Executive Vice Prcsi,lcnt) . Corr· right 1995 h) the Tc~u, Society of Architects. NEw FAM r r.r r:;s I N T H E 1940s AND 1950s went wh ere their parent s cou ld never Vincent P. I iouscr, AIA Edrtor have gone: to the suburbs and into debt. T he visions o f Ebe neze r Howard, Susan \ Villiam.son S•niorEdita, Stei n and Wright , and others who shaped and extended th e concept of the ~lurk Forsyth ProductlonEdi tor Garden City could never have been realized at such a wide sca le wit hout the § § Murk Denton AssocliltoPublishor continuous Aow of government-backed mortgag es. Without Fannie Mae and C.:arolrn linker '"' ""'"""!" AdvertisingReprosenlativ• Fr eddie Mac, ther e wou ld be no grand boulevards, no two-car garages. Central C:1nnnVcrmcn CirculationManage r to the notio n of long-term lencling is a se nse o f optimism and expectation, J oel \Varrcn Barna Communication\Director which is much more than the swn of what loan underwrit ers can quaJ1tify. It is TSAPublications Committee this und erlying sense o f expectation and hope that is form giving, and that C. Murk Seiley, AIA. Dalla, (chuirmun); Dennis \\/. shaped the origi nal affordable housing. C lnytu n, ALA, Lubh ncl.; Lawren ce 11. Connolly, \ IA, i\lidl.111d;Juli11s G rilJou, ,\IA . Co llege Srntinn; The designs presenced in this issue suggest a broad rang e of responses to th e ,\fork Guntle rsnn, AIA. F'urt Wur 1h; .\lurtin J. challenge of pro viding affordable housing today. In E l Paso , simple apartment 11:irrn, , ALA, Lubbo ck; Doug la, Koe hn e, AL\, l. ,1ngvicw ; Sh:1fik l. Rifaat , AIA, I loustun; Ed Oats continue co se rve their mod est residents. On a recent visit , architect Ed Soltcm, AIJ\, El Paso; Dennis \,\~ S111w.AIA. Dall:1s; So lter o and I, walking away from th e main commercia l district, found that Dnn \-\~i:nclsky, AIA, Son Anrnnio; Bill T . Wilson II, AlA. Cnrpus C hriSti downt own El Paso becomes a city of villages, with corner bakerie s, yard-sized market s, and gardens. ContributingEditor s UPCOMINGISSUES IJuvid Di llon , D11lbs; Step hen F'o~. l luu ston : Th e Wind so r Hotel in Abi lene, rehabilitat ed for Nc<tur lnfanzon, AL\ , D allas; Lila Knight, Ausrin: sen iors by Good , Fu lton & Farr ell Architects, typi­ U,irlntr:oK ocrl, lc, Fort \ VCJrth; Gcrnltl lv\oorhcutl , Wei nvites ubmissions to Ft\ lA, I luuston ; Willi s Winl<-'rs, Ali\, Dull:ts; fies the long incubation period and persistence re­ " '" 'id \Vuo,kuc k, FAJA, RIU,\. Co lkgc Srn1ic,n quired for publ ic-private joint ventu res . Years of Texas Architectfor our upcoming issues. Scheduled TSAOfficers support from local citizens and business and preser­ 1:,mmy Cowan , ALA. Austin, Prcsitlcnt; Rancly vation groups, along with leadership on the part of issue themes include ( ;idcon, i\ lA, Fort \Vorel,, President-Elect; J un l'i 11nrnn 131:ockmnn, ,\IA , D11llr1s, Vice Prc.sidcnt; city staff, assured its survi val unti l the right devel­ l)o nn:r Corter, AJA, Ausrin, Vice Prcsi,lcnt; F'rnnk oper co uld be found. In Austin, Kipp, Fl ores & Jan/feb' 96 (deadline 15Oct ) l>uuglrts, FAJA. I loust011. Vice i>rcsic.lcnc;G, 1briel #Office/IndustrialBuildin gs" l)urnntl-l lullrs, AIJ\. Snn Anwmo, \ r.cc President; Fo llmer has add ed its expertise co the deve loper's R. N ,.,leu Willis, AIJ\, IJouStnn, "Jrc:osurer; Brice initi .ative in t he greening of affordable new housing IJ.l\'i,. AIA, Longview, Secretary; Da,•ic.lL unt':l.stcr, MM//lfK'96 ( deadline 15 Dec) ,\11,rin, E~ccurivc Vi ce President at The Meadows subdiv ision. Th e Galv est on Hi s­ torical Foundation continues its effort to promote •NewH ousesan d Downtown TSABoard of Directors byChapter Housing" J ,11111!'11 . \ \/heeler, f ,\L\ , Abilene Chnptcr. Gregg Bli,;_~, hom e owner ship begu n with the rehabilitation of \11\. ,\111nrillu Chuprcr.John Nyfckr, ,\IA, Austin Chnp- Rainb ow Row. 1<·r,( :hnrles Gmham, ,\IA. Brows 01ap 1cr;JCl'T)Kr.m1cr. If you can help witha ny of Al,\, Corpus Christi Chnptcr; RonnId Show,, \It\, l) t11- The th reads common to all of the se affordable­ lu, C:hnprcr; l.c, mord Nordell, AJA, El P,,..-,C': hnprcr; hou sing pr ojects includ e the recog niti on of oppor­ these topics, please callus a t ,\ulJrcy I lallum. AIA. Fort \Vorth Chapter; Nut:il)'c 512/478-7386 or fax at 5121 A1111cl.AlA. Houston Chapter: Rolando G 1rcin, AJA. tunity , a creative ow ner team, and th e expectati on I JOwcrRiu Grnnuc Valley Clrnptcr; .\1ichncl E..,\tch cson. o f bett er things to come. In each of th ese proje cts 478-0528. \J .\ . l.ul,l,ock Chnpu,r; Dwnc c\k·ycrs, Ali\, Nurthc.i,t h•, .ts Chn11tcr; G rc:gui, M. Onvis, t\l.J\, Son Antonio as well, puh lic financial participation plays an im- ( hu111cr: Duhn LaUichc. ,\I,\, Sut11hc:tstTc.1:n, Ch:1p· porta n t role. From Low-Inco me and H istor ic 'TI1xCreclits, to HUD Section 1,·r: ,\1id,ucl Mnm ,AL-\, \ \~,m Chapter; D:ivid \ \'ayl.mtl, i\l \, \\'c, t ·1c~:1>C: hnptcr. Dick I liggins, AlA. \·\fichim 108 loans and pilot utility programs , the public sector is, by necessity , beco m­ l·,111, Urnplcr; Jim C l)ocl,c, F'AIA.Amnri lln, and Ronnhl ing as creative as privat e lend ers in responding to perceived opportunities. Like 'iln,si,">,F'A IA, D.iillls, AIA Din.,ac,r.,;Lee R oy I bhnfcld, h \l ,\, 1:ort \ Vorth,TAF C:haim1nn; Mnrtin Han11S,AJA. privat e lenders , economic and community development staff are conti nually I rrlthnck, Ec.luc1nor Mc111locr;:ind Lewi, IV.-ighr,Aus· reexaruining the app ropriate ness and level of their invo lvement and risk in de­ 1111, l'uhllc c\Jcmbcr velopment.
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