March 2006 751 AERO MECHANIC Page VOL. 60 NO. 2 MARCH 2006 Recall Bypass Results in $$$ Three members in the 205 job family recall rights, but their saw first hand the benefit of Union mem- seniority still has bership, as they received checks for thou- them waiting for re- sands of dollars to correct a contract call action. violation. The situation began after The situation Boeing combined several jobs last sum- arose when Boeing mer. Per Letter of Understanding #6, any combined the 205 - members currently surplussed from jobs Interiors Fabricator that are subsequently combined, should and Assembler job automatically gain rights to the new job, family with the 799 including rights to any lower graded jobs Vinyl Laminate Fab- in the new job family. ricator jobs and the Thanks to the Union action, 751-mem- 380 Assembler Inte- ber James Scott received a check for rior Assemblies jobs. Bruce Brown and Jeff Thomas (3rd and 4th from left) each collected over $6,600 after they were over $10,000 – to compensate him for Any members who bypassed for recall following a job combination. Union Stewards Sandy Torfin (left) and Randy the time he should have been on the were surplussed Haviland (right), along with Business Rep Jackie Boschok (2nd from left) helped secure the settlement. payroll after he was bypassed on the from the 799 and 380 recall list. In addition, members Jeff jobs should have automatically received tending those rights to every member. Grade 3 job and should have already Thomas and Bruce Brown each collected rights to the 20503 job. However, after James Scott contacted Union Busi- been recalled. She investigated the mat- over $6,600 after they had also been the combination was implemented, ness Rep Jackie Boschok when he real- ter, checked his seniority date against the bypassed. Six other members regained Boeing Workforce somehow missed ex- ized he should have had rights to the Continued on page 2 Diligence Brings Member ERT Success Recall Rights ember Toshiko Kelly is evidence of the success our members can Extended M achieve in the Employee Requested Transfer (ERT) system. On February 24, Toshiko began a new job as a Grade 5 Milled Skin Sanding 751 member Pete Arends has regu- Machine Operator after she transferred from her current factory service larly checked the Category A list since attendant Grade A job. This jump of five labor grades can be directly his layoff in 1999. This past December, attributed to her hard work and determination. he visited the hall – checking the list for Toshiko recognized years ago the advantages of using the Education what he thought would be his final time, Assistance Program through IAM/Boeing Quality Through Training as his recall rights were posed to expire Program (QTTP). She is a strong advocate for Joint Programs and on January 5, 2006. regularly encourages others to utilize its services. Thanks to skillful negotiation from Toshiko has a wonderful philosophy on life and strives for continual the Workforce Subcommittee, approxi- learning. Even though she just got a five labor grade increase, she mately 500 members had their recall continues to take classes. Currently, she is signed up for a Web Design rights extended by one additional year. class through Highline Community College. In addition, she just regis- Getting the new contract language to tered for a Saturday Boeing class on blueprint reading – a class she apply to members who were already completed years ago, but felt she needed a refresher in. Her motto is there surplussed is unprecedented. Histori- is always more to learn. cally, any improvements in Category A recall rights simply applied to those In the mid-1990’s Toshiko worked in the blanket shop, which was Using the ERT process, Toshiko Kelly (seated) Continued on page 3 obtained a five labor grade upgrade. members who were surplussed during that contract and in the future. In previ- ous contracts, those already surplussed Revisions Open Up Team Leader Application Process or laid-off were limited to the Category A rights outlined in the contract at the Part of the new contract last fall in- lection process to address concerns Union committee announced they had agreed time of their surplus. cluded revisions to the team leader se- members had identified and establish a upon changes and team leader applica- In negotiations last fall, the Workforce fair system to be applied tions were again being accepted. Until Subcommittee secured two years of ad- consistently throughout the the details were finalized, no new team Continued on page 3 Company. Immediately af- leaders could be appointed. Melissa ter ratification of the con- The revisions included a more struc- Honeywell tract on September 29, the tured selection process that will include gained an Union and Company ap- seniority as part of the criteria. Under the additional pointed a subcommittee, previous contract, the team leader selec- year of which included the IAM/ tion process and criteria were not clearly recall rights Boeing Joint Programs, to defined nor was it applied consistently to the determine these changes from shop to shop. This caused a lot of 61403 job, and deliver any necessary heartburn and frustration for our mem- which may Tom Sweeney (center) is team leader in the model training. bers, which made the program less effec- get her recalled shop and helped with the new training video. On January 26, the sub- Continued on page 5 quicker. Engine Compassionate BR Bradley Inside Index Education Crew Ron Bradley joins the Union staff as a Business President's Message ......2 Member gains skills to Crane crew steps up to Rep working in the Political Action ............... 3 open engine shop help injured co-worker Everett Union Hall Joint Programs ............... 6 thanks to QTTP Retirement...................... 9 712 12 Want Ads ........................10 Page 2 751 AERO MECHANIC March 2006 REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT Continued Recalls Create Opportunities for Members by Mark Blondin, for their special efforts. Their Stewards will be distributing them to bill was a casualty – even though a ma- District President diligence paid off for these members. In addition, the Union will jority of the House members were sup- members. also be distributing a follow-up survey porting the bill, it was not brought to the Boeing continues to re- The continued recalls also to get your input on the negotiation pro- floor for a vote before the cutoff dead- call members each week. mean members currently on cess last year, as well as the strike. Take line. While formal negotiations the payroll will have an op- the time to fill out the survey and give The Unemployment Insurance (UI) ended with the ratification portunity to move to differ- your thoughts on the additional sheet Reform Bill passed the Senate and is of the contract, our ent jobs in the Company. As that will be provided. Feedback from the being considered in the House. This Workforce Subcommittee Boeing depletes the recall members is the best way we can improve would make permanent the use of two- continued working and was list, they will look to mem- our service and do a better job in the next quarter averaging in the calculation of able to negotiate a side letter that will bers who have ERT’s filed to fill the round of bargaining. UI benefits. give about 500 members an additional positions before hiring off the streets. In February, we welcomed Ron Bra- Special thanks to the staff, reps and year of Category A rights. The addi- The Union has gotten lots of questions dley on staff as a new Business Rep in members who have stepped forward and tional year is retroactive for members on the ERT process. Members looking to Everett. He brings over 27 years of Union volunteered to lobby in Olympia. They who were surplussed from 9/2/99 through file an ERT should make an appointment experience with him and fills the open- have ensured the Machinists Union pres- 9/10/01. It is unprecedented to gain addi- to meet with a QTTP Advisor to begin ing created when Susan Palmer became ence is known and heard during this tional rights for members who have al- the process (see ERT process chart on Secretary-Treasurer. He looks forward short legislative session. ready been surplussed. In previous con- page 6). Our members currently on the to meeting the Stewards and members in A special thanks also to the Union tracts, any changes to Category A rights payroll still have the easiest path to a new his assigned area. Stewards who spend every day enforc- only applied to members surplussed un- job through the ERT (Category C) sys- In Olympia, the short legislative ses- ing the contract to ensure our members’ der that contract. Thanks to Workforce tem. sion (scheduled to end March 9) saw rights are protected. Subcommittee members Roy Moore, The new contract books have been many bills die before coming to a vote. Zack Zaratkiewicz and Ernie McCarthy printed and are at the Union halls. Union Unfortunately, the Fair Share Health Care District Lodge 751, International Assn. of Machinists and Members Compensated for Category A Bypass Aerospace Workers Continued from page 1 Union Mark Blondin Steward Mike President, Directing Cummins (l) Business Representative recall list and realized the Company had and Business not properly implemented LOU #6. Af- Rep Jackie Gloria Millsaps ter verifying he was not recalled in the Boschok (r) Vice President proper order, she contacted Workforce worked to get to get a remedy. Workforce acknowl- member Susan A. Palmer edged the mistake and launched a com- James Scott Secretary-Treasurer plete audit to ensure the proper proce- over $10,000 dure was followed for all employees.
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