Devoted to the Interests A C L E A N f e a r l e s s Belmar and Wall Township FAMILY WEEKLY (INCORPORATED W ITH WHICH 19 THE COAST ECHO) VOL. XXII, No. 22 BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1913 . THREE CENTS WALTER VOORHEES HAS HOME NEWS CLAIM SCHOOL EXHIBIT Devereux Resigns as Republican Party NARROWJESCAPE BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST BEST EVERSHOWN Secretary of State Getting Together ^pHE saying, “Money’s tight” W. A. Harper of Newark is at his .cottage for tho season. Democratic Committee WASHINGTON, May 29.—The first Train Wrecks His Bus as He is misleading. Money E. Wagner, who has been spending Visitors Enjoy Entertainment “get together” assembly of the Re­ the winter in Madera, Cal., has re­ publican party since the Democratic has nothing to do with it. It William K. Devereux, who was a Attempts to Cross Rail­ turned to Belmar for the season. Held at Belmar School landslide last November convened last candidate for tho postmastersliip at T. J. Murphy and daughters Mary Saturday when the executive com-* is the people who have it. Asbury Park but who failed to land road at 10tli Avenue. and Patricia are spending the week Yesterday. mittec of the Republican national com­ the place, lias forwarded his resigna­ — Ho me Ip visiting Boston, northern New York mittee met at the New Willard to tion as secretary of the Democratic State, Niagara Falls and in Canada. l’lic Public School exhibit was held in diagnose and prescribe a cure for the In an attempt to cross the Tenth Avenue state committee to Edward E. Gross­ They will return sometime next week. the local school yesterday afternoon. Tl e party's ailment. Members of the com­ crossing this morning one of the large cup, chairman of that body. J. P. Emmons and family aro at work of the several grades was artistically mittee tackled the question of read­ yellow sight seeing cars of the Voorhees The nonT jation of Harrison C. Hur­ their cottage on Tenth avenue. displayed on the walls and on the black­ justing the basis of representation in. line was struck by the north bound Central ley, Mr. Devereux’s rival, for the As­ Mrs. S. St. John McCutcheon is at boards. The manual training work was national conventions as gingerly as train due here at (i:4(i. Fortunately there bury Park place, was sent to the sen­ her cottage for the summer. of especial interest and showed great ad­ tho they believed the fate of the party were no passengers in the car. Walter ate Thursday afternoon by President M. W. Sanford of New York has vancement in this department over last for all time hinged on that issue. Voorhees the driver escaped any serious Wilson. Mr. Hurley was recommend­ JUSTICE VOORHEES opened his cottage on Tenth avenue year’s exhibit. Ail conceded this to be the perma­ injuries, but the car was wrecked* ed for the office by Representative FIELDER TO PROBE and A street. At 1 :30 o’clock the Memorial Day en­ nent question facing the party. This accident should be a warning to tertainment was held. The Assembly Thomas J. Scully, and also has the all chauffeurs to take warning and heed ORDERS SUMMARY E. B. Ilapwood and family of New The meeting was called to order hy room was filled with visitors. All ex­ support of United States Senator Wil­ notices, and cut down speed on crossing York, arrived this week to spend the National Chairman Charles E. Hilles. pressed themselves as much pleased with liam Hughes. railroad tracks. ITALIAN PLAINT summer. INVESTIGATION the excellent character of the work. Mr. Devereux said today that his The blame for this mornings accident C. H. Brown and family are at the resignation had been sent to Chair­ VanMiddlesworth cottage for tho sum­ The following is the Memorial Day AUTO STIKES MAN; SPEEDS DN has not been placed. man Grosscup but he had nothing Perplexing Problem on Road mer. program which was rendered: more to say at this time. One of his William Lauranson, of this place, Real Estate Ad. Classed Thera William H. Hurley has just pur­ Song-Flag of the Free School close friends quoted him as saying, to Solution chased a 30 li. p. Maxwell roadster Opening Address Agnes Tuzenew was struck by an automobile on the Sea Girt National Guard however, that he had resigned because River road, Saturday evening. The SPRING LAKE, May 29.— Supreme With Negroes. automobile. Song-Dutch Lullaby 2nd grade pupils he was “tired of being the Democratic auto sped on without stopping. Lau­ Court Justice Willard P. Voorhees, sit­ The Belmar High school alumni Recitation-The Heavenly Camp Ground Morgan VanNote. lobbygow.” ranson was found several minutes af­ ting in New Brunswick Saturday or­ benefit will ho given at Iona Park Orders Issued Mr. Devereux has been secretary of dered a summary investigation into theatre tonight. Recitation-A Spring Song, Dorothy ter by Leon Harris and Harry Cooper, NO SUCH SALE IN NEWARK Haberstick the state committee for 15 years or two Neptune High school students who Orders for the summer camps of the financial affairs of the boro of The Sea Shell moving picture the­ more. When Elvin W. Crane of New­ were on their way home. They noti­ instruction for the National Guard Spring Lake, according to a message atre in Eighth avenue opened for the Recitation-Memorial Day Emily Pyott Song Hurrah for the Flag, 3rd and 4th ark was the Democratic candidate for fied Police Chief McCormick of the have been issued by Colonel Harry P. received here from Charles Hobart, Further Investigation Showed There summer last Thursday evening. grade pupils. governor in 1898, against Foster M. boro and ho had the man taken to the Moorhead, chief of the division staff. attorney for the appellants. Justice Had Been One In Union County. W. J. Winterfeld of New Yprk is at Recitation Our standing Army, George Voorhees of Elizabeth, Mr. Devereux Ann May hospital at Spring Lake. At They are the working orders of the Voorhees appointed Herbert W. Hill, Governor Will Take Matter Up There. his hotel Colorado preparing it for Kleinkauf. was in charge of the publicity work the hospital it was said that Lauran­ state militia from now on to the end an expert accountant of New York Don’t Want to Create Racial Feeling, summer. of the Democratic campaign, and he son suffered from a contusion of the of the camp and are in brief as fol­ city, and Sherman Dennis, assistant Samuel Haberstick, Sr., who last Recitation-An Amirican Soldier, Ed­ ward Quicker. has been at the head of the same de­ hip. He was discharged from the in­ lows: manager of the Monterey hotel, As­ Trenton, N. J., May 36.—Governor fall suffered a- paralytic stroke, is partment in every campaign since. stitution on Monday. Infantry and field hospital go to bury Park, and formerly the New Fielder received a telegram from John getting along very nicely and is now Song-Tenting Tonight, School. Sea Girt; First infantry and field Jersey state hoard of education ac­ B. Moore, counsel for I be department able to take short walks with the aid Ricitation-Only a Soldier, Catherine Conover. hospital, July 12 to 19; Fifth infantry, countant, to make the investigation of state at Washington, notifying him of a cane. July 19 to 26; Fourth infantry, July and report to him by July 1. The in­ that tlie Italian embassy bad called the It is expected that Belmar will have Recitation-A May Snowstorm, Essie Farmhand Still Missing attention of the department of state to Saltzman. GIBSON IS SAVED 26 to Aug. 2; Second infantry, Aug. vestigation will take in all boro trans­ an elaborate Fourth of July celebra­ 2 to 9; Third infantry, Aug. 9 to 16. actions from 1906 to 1912 inclusive, the advertisement of an auction sale of tion this year. Dialogue-Nature’s Offering, Margaret Nothing has been learned of the real estate and building lots at Newark Field artillery goes to army man­ including the issues and expenditures The old Belmar club building at Williams, Miriam Gasn. whereabouts of John Cloud, the 22- in which it was stated that no sales euvers near Tobyhanna, Pa.; Battery Twelfth and Ocean avenues is for Recitation-A Spring Walk, Virginia BY SINGLE JUROR of bonds for the erection of the bath­ year-old farmhand, who disappeared a would be made to negroes or Italians Bearmore. A, June 21 to 30; Battery B (Camden), ing pavilions, which cost $56,000, and The state department requested the sale. month ago from the J. V. Martin farm Male Quartet-The Frog, JAlbert Isola, Aug. 1 to 10. the new water works, for which the governor to take tlie matter up with Elmer Hughes of Glendola, was ar­ at Glendola. Cloud left the farm to Practice marches are ordered as boro *was bonded $70,000. tlie Newark authorities to leant if rested on South Main street, Asbury Harold Bennett, Geo. Hart, C. Vola. Vote Said to Be II to I For go to Asbury Park. He intended to follows: First and Second Troop cav­ The order for the investigation is something could not he done to avoid Park, by Constable C. Wesliy Grover Recitation-Come Forth. Marion Robin­ buy a suit of clothes, he said, and was son. alry, June 15 to 21; Signal corps, the result of an application made the creation of ill feeling. and charged with drunkeness, was dressed in a suit of overalls, when he June 14 to 24.
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