REPORTS & STATISTICS COLOSSIANS 1:1523 2019 MISSOURI BAPTIST CONVENTION ANNUAL MEETING 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT of the MISSOURI BAPTIST CONVENTION 185th ANNUAL MEETING Branson Convention Center October 28-29, 2019 v E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R Dr. John L. Yeats O F F I C E R S Jeremy Muniz, President Jon Nelson, First Vice President Jeff Anderson, Second Vice President Chad Hodges, Recording Secretary A S S I S TA N T T O T H E R E C O R D I N G S E C R E TA RY Carla Stegeman For more information, contact: Missouri Baptist Convention, 400 E High St, Jefferson City, Missouri 65101‑3215 Phone: 573‑636‑0400 Toll‑free: 800‑736‑6227 FAX: 573‑659‑7436 Copyright © 2020 Missouri Baptist Convention. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher. The Annual is not available for use in developing mailing lists. A PDF file of the Annual is available for free download at: mobaptist.org/executive‑office/annual‑reports‑statistics 3 4 Table of Contents Section I Records of the Annual Meeting Proceedings Provisional Program Recommendations Resolutions Section II Audits Executive Board of the Missouri Baptist Convention Hannibal-LaGrange University Missouri Baptist Children’s Home Missouri Baptist Foundation Southwest Baptist University Section III Historical Information The Record (ACP Summaries) Missouri Baptist Associations and Regions (map) Resident Membership by Region and Association Statistics: Regions and Churches Summary of Statistics Record of Annual Meetings Section IV Denominational Directories Executive Board Officers and Members Boards of Benevolent Institutions Boards of Educational Institutions Boards of Agencies and Commissions 5 6 Section I Records of the Annual Meeting Proceedings Provisional Program Recommendations Resolutions The Proceedings and Provisional Program are printed as required by the Constitution of the Missouri Baptist Convention, Article VI — Annual Meeting, #5. 7 8 PROCEEDINGS 185th Annual Session Missouri Baptist Convention 8. President Muniz announced that the program Branson Convention Center would operate on continuity of agenda. Time slots may be different if the program runs ahead or behind. Branson, Missouri 9. President Muniz announced the 2019 Tellers October 28-29, 2019 Committee: Chairman‑Doug Irvin, FBC, Mt. Vernon; Theme: “Christ Is All” Peggy Anderson, Union Ridge, Clever; Dave Bailey, FBC, West Plains; Mike Beasley, Turney Baptist, Turney; Don Boyer, FBC, Chillicothe; Angela Brattin, Monday Afternoon, October 28, 2019 Solid Rock, Exeter; Joe Brattin, Solid Rock, Exeter; Kay 1. The 185th annual session of the Missouri Baptist Clemons, Country Meadows, Independence; Leighton Convention met at Branson Convention Center, Clemons, Country Meadows, Independence; Carol Branson, Missouri, October 28‑29, 2019. Ethington, Oakwood, Kansas City; Bryan Harvey, 2. President Jeremy Muniz, pastor, Ridgecrest FBC, Branson; Patti Irvin, FBC, Mt. Vernon; Pearline Baptist Church, Springfield, called the session to order Moore, Glenstone, Springfield; Dale Ohmes, New at 3:35 p.m. Monday, October 28, 2019, following Salem, Winfield; Diane Ohmes, New Salem, Winfield; pre‑session music by the Ridgecrest Baptist Church Ronald Sherrill, FBC, Hollister. Worship Team. 10. Tony Phillips, chairman, MBC Credentials 3. President Muniz announced that the Bulletin/ Committee, presented a motion to accept new MBC Book of Reports received by messengers when they churches. Motion carried without opposition. (See registered contained program and other information 2019 Book of Reports and Tuesday Morning Business for all three days and that Daily Business Updates Update) would be published and available at the information 11. President Muniz announced that time had and registration desks on Tuesday morning and come for the introduction of miscellaneous business. Tuesday afternoon. Messengers desiring to make motions were asked to 4. Recording Secretary Chad Hodges, reported go to a microphone on the floor and give name, name that as of 3:20 p.m. 1,063 messengers and 227 visitors of church from which he/she was a messenger and had registered for a total of 1,290, representing 450 give the sense of the motion without explanation. churches. He moved that those qualified duly elected Motions were to have a second and were to be printed messengers who have already registered and others in the Tuesday Afternoon Daily Business Update. All who will register during the Convention compose the motions are automatically referred to the Committee 185th Missouri Baptist Convention. A voice vote was on Order of Business. taken. The motion carried. 12. Daniel Carr, messenger, Canaan Baptist, St. 5. President Muniz announced that he had Louis, made the following motion: I move that the appointed Judge Duane Benton, US Court of Appeals, Executive Board of the Missouri Baptist Convention Eighth Circuit, Kansas City, attorney Robert Ingold create a task force with the purpose of developing of Springfield, and D. August Boto, retired vice a plan to be implemented by the Missouri Baptist president and general counsel to SBC Executive Convention toward racial reconciliation and greater Committee to serve as parliamentarians. diversity in leadership by examining the MBC’s 6. John Vernon, chairman of the Committee on history as it relates to racial issues, creating avenues Order of Business, moved that the amount of time any for education and greater understanding of this speaker may use to speak on any question coming issue for churches, and developing a plan for greater before the Convention be limited to two minutes and inclusion and diversity in the leadership of the that the total amount of time to debate each motion be Convention, especially on the Executive Board and limited to ten minutes without approval of the body, the boards of our entities. The motion received a and that the time for nominating speeches be limited second. to three minutes. A vote was taken by raised ballots. 13. Scott Gordon, messenger, Claycomo Baptist, The motion carried without opposition. Kansas City, made the following motion: I move 7. John Vernon called attention to the provisional the messengers of the Missouri Baptist Convention, program printed in the Book of Reports and moved gathered for our Annual Meeting in Branson, October its adoption. A vote was taken by raised ballots. The 28‑29, 2019, request our president and executive board motion carried. (See pages 13‑15) to publicly take intentional steps to encourage our 9 churches (1) to address the issue of sexual abuse, (2) to 30. Dr. John Yeats presented a framed resolution to utilize the training and conference materials on sexual Randy Comer, chairman of the ARG, commemorating abuse provided by the Ethics and Religious Liberty the completion of the assignment of the Agency Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, and Restoration Group. (3) to accept the Caring Well Challenge set forth by 31. Dr. Yeats recognized past MBC presidents. the SBC Sexual Abuse Advisory Group. The motion 32. New pastors to Missouri were recognized. Past received a second. presidents prayed with the new Missouri pastors. 14. Bonnie Carter, director of Missouri WMU, 33. Dr. Yeats and the MBC Catalysts, Rob Phillips, and Mary Ann Randall, Missouri WMU president, Rick Hedger, Brad Bennett, Gene Austin, and Jim brought a video and report from Missouri WMU. Misloski talked about each area of work. 15. A video on importance of the Cooperative 34. Dr. Yeats spoke with each entity president Program, feathering Stephanie Wood, former MK, about the work of their entity: Anthony Allen, Keith was shown. Ross, Eric Ross, Russell Martin, Steven Jones, and 16. Rick Hedger introduced church planters. Neil Franks. Don Hinkle presented the Christian Life Asked for prayer for church planter spouses. Commission Distinguished Service Award to Russell 17. Rick Hedger introduced special speaker, Martin. Johnny Hunt, senior vice president of evangelism and 35. Dr. Yeats brought the message of the Executive leadership at the North American Mission Board. Director. 18. Following the message from Johnny Hunt, 36. President Jeremy Muniz announced that there Second Vice President Jeff Anderson, brought the is a special time of prayer at 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday benediction. morning. 19. The Convention recessed until 6:30 p.m., 37. After the benediction by President Muniz, the Monday evening. Convention recessed until Tuesday morning, October 29, 2019. Monday Evening, October 28, 2019 20. Pre‑session music was provided by the Tuesday Morning, October 29, 2019 Ridgecrest Baptist Church Worship Team. 38. A special prayer emphasis was held at 7:45 a.m. 21. President Jeremy Muniz called the session to and lead by Second Vice President Jeff Anderson. order at 6:30 p.m. 39. First Vice President Jon Nelson lead in a 22. Chris Williams, pastor, Fellowship at memorial service in remembrance of those ministers Greenwood, brought the invocation. who had been called home during the past year. (See 23. Recording Secretary Chad Hodges reported 2019 Book of Reports) that as of 6:00 p.m. there were 1,234 messengers and 40. Dr. Anthony Allen, president, Hannibal‑ 252 visitors registered for a total of 1,486, representing LaGrange University, Hannibal, gave the University 490 churches. report and had a video presentation. 24. President Muniz announced that the last 41. Dr. Eric Turner, president, Southwest Baptist time had come for the introduction of miscellaneous University, Bolivar, gave the University report. Three business. questions were asked by messengers. 25. A motion was made by Brad Haines, 42. Dr. Keith Ross, president, Missouri Baptist messenger, Southview Baptist, Raytown: I make University, St.Louis, gave the University report. a motion that Resolution No. 9 as adopted by the 43. Ryan Kunce, pastor, First Baptist, Bethany, and Southern Baptist Convention held in Birmingham chairman of the Nominating Committee, brought the on June 12, 2019, be rejected and disavowed by report of the Nominating Committee.
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